11 research outputs found

    Overview of the interactive task in BioCreative V

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    Fully automated text mining (TM) systems promote efficient literature searching, retrieval, and review but are not sufficient to produce ready-to-consume curated documents. These systems are not meant to replace biocurators, but instead to assist them in one or more literature curation steps. To do so, the user interface is an important aspect that needs to be considered for tool adoption. The BioCreative Interactive task (IAT) is a track designed for exploring user-system interactions, promoting development of useful TM tools, and providing a communication channel between the biocuration and the TM communities. In BioCreative V, the IAT track followed a format similar to previous interactive tracks, where the utility and usability of TM tools, as well as the generation of use cases, have been the focal points. The proposed curation tasks are user-centric and formally evaluated by biocurators. In BioCreative V IAT, seven TM systems and 43 biocurators participated. Two levels of user participation were offered to broaden curator involvement and obtain more feedback on usability aspects. The full level participation involved training on the system, curation of a set of documents with and without TM assistance, tracking of time-on-task, and completion of a user survey. The partial level participation was designed to focus on usability aspects of the interface and not the performance per se. In this case, biocurators navigated the system by performing pre-designed tasks and then were asked whether they were able to achieve the task and the level of difficulty in completing the task. In this manuscript, we describe the development of the interactive task, from planning to execution and discuss major findings for the systems tested

    Transforming growth factor beta 1 induces methylation changes in lung fibroblasts.

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    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is a complex disease of unknown etiology. Environmental factors can affect disease susceptibility via epigenetic effects. Few studies explore global DNA methylation in lung fibroblasts, but none have focused on transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF-β1) as a potential modifier of the DNA methylome. Here we analyzed changes in methylation and gene transcription in normal and IPF fibroblasts following TGF-β1 treatment. We analyzed the effects of TGF-β1 on primary fibroblasts derived from normal or IPF lungs treated for 24 hours and 5 days using the Illumina 450k Human Methylation array and the Prime View Human Gene Expression Array. TGF-β1 induced an increased number of gene expression changes after short term treatment in normal fibroblasts, whereas greater methylation changes were observed following long term stimulation mainly in IPF fibroblasts. DNA methyltransferase 3 alpha (DMNT3a) and tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 3 (TET3) were upregulated after 5-days TGF-β1 treatment in both cell types, whereas DNMT3a was upregulated after 24h only in IPF fibroblasts. Our findings demonstrate that TGF-β1 induced the upregulation of DNMT3a and TET3 expression and profound changes in the DNA methylation pattern of fibroblasts, mainly in those derived from IPF lungs

    Circulating microRNA Signature Associated to Interstitial Lung Abnormalities in Respiratory Asymptomatic Subjects

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    Interstitial lung abnormalities (ILA) are observed in around 9% of older respiratory asymptomatic subjects, mainly smokers. Evidence suggests that ILA may precede the development of interstitial lung diseases and may evolve to progressive fibrosis. Identifying biomarkers of this subclinical status is relevant for early diagnosis and to predict outcome. We aimed to identify circulating microRNAs (miRNAs) associated to ILA in a cohort of respiratory asymptomatic subjects older than 60 years. We identified 81 subjects with ILA from our Lung-Aging Program in Mexico City (n = 826). We randomly selected 112 subjects without ILA (Ctrl) from the same cohort. Using polymerase chain reaction PCR-Array technology (24 ILA and 24 Ctrl, screening cohort) and reverse-transcriptase quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) (57 ILA and 88 Ctr, independent validation cohort) we identified seven up-regulated miRNAs in serum of ILA compared to Ctrl (miR-193a-5p, p < 0.0001; miR-502-3p, p < 0.0001; miR-200c-3p, p = 0.003; miR-16-5p, p = 0.003; miR-21-5p, p = 0.002; miR-126-3p, p = 0.004 and miR-34a-5p, p < 0.005). Pathways regulated by these miRNAs include transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β), Wnt, mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), Insulin, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling, and senescence. Receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve analysis indicated that miR-193a-5p (area under the curve AUC: 0.75) and miR-502-3p (AUC 0.71) have acceptable diagnostic value. This is the first identification of circulating miRNAs associated to ILA in respiratory asymptomatic subjects, providing potential non-invasive biomarkers and molecular targets to better understand the pathogenic mechanisms associated to ILA

    Administration of Tamoxifen Can Regulate Changes in Gene Expression during the Acute Phase of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury

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    Traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) causes irreversible damage leading to incapacity. Molecular mechanisms underlying SCI damage are not fully understood, preventing the development of novel therapies. Tamoxifen (TMX) has emerged as a promising therapy. Our aim was to identify transcriptome changes in the acute phase of SCI and the effect of Tamoxifen on those changes in a rat model of SCI. Four groups were considered: (1) Non-injured without TMX (Sham/TMX-), (2) Non-injured with TMX (Sham/TMX+), (3) injured without TMX (SCI/TMX-), and (4) injured with TMX (SCI/TMX+). Tamoxifen was administered intraperitoneally 30 min after injury, and spinal cord tissues were collected 24 h after injury. Clariom S Assays Array was used for transcriptome analysis. After comparing Sham/TMX- versus SCI/TMX-, 708 genes showed differential expression. The enriched pathways were the SCI pathway and pathways related to the inflammatory response. When comparing SCI/TMX- versus SCI/TMX+, only 30 genes showed differential expression, with no pathways enriched. Our results showed differential expression of genes related to the inflammatory response after SCI, and Tamoxifen seems to regulate gene expression changes in Ccr2 and Mmp12. Our study contributes data regarding the potential value of tamoxifen as a therapeutic resource for traumatic SCI during the acute phase

    Inflammatory pathways are upregulated in the nasal epithelium in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    Abstract Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is characterized by progressive scarring of the lung parenchyma, leading to respiratory failure and death. High resolution computed tomography of the chest is often diagnostic for IPF, but its cost and the risk of radiation exposure limit its use as a screening tool even in patients at high risk for the disease. In patients with lung cancer, investigators have detected transcriptional signatures of disease in airway and nasal epithelial cells distal to the site of disease that are clinically useful as screening tools. Here we assessed the feasibility of distinguishing patients with IPF from age-matched controls through transcriptomic profiling of nasal epithelial curettage samples, which can be safely and repeatedly sampled over the course of a patient’s illness. We recruited 10 patients with IPF and 23 age-matched healthy control subjects. Using 3′ messenger RNA sequencing (mRNA-seq), we identified 224 differentially expressed genes, most of which were upregulated in patients with IPF compared with controls. Pathway enrichment analysis revealed upregulation of pathways related to immune response and inflammatory signaling in IPF patients compared with controls. These findings support the concept that fibrosis is associated with upregulation of inflammatory pathways across the respiratory epithelium with possible implications for disease detection and pathobiology

    Functional Repercussions of Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-2α in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

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    Hypoxia and hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) are essential in regulating several cellular processes, such as survival, differentiation, and the cell cycle; this adaptation is orchestrated in a complex way. In this review, we focused on the impact of hypoxia in the physiopathology of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) related to lung development, regeneration, and repair. There is robust evidence that the responses of HIF-1α and -2α differ; HIF-1α participates mainly in the acute phase of the response to hypoxia, and HIF-2α in the chronic phase. The analysis of their structure and of different studies showed a high specificity according to the tissue and the process involved. We propose that hypoxia-inducible transcription factor 2a (HIF-2α) is part of the persistent aberrant regeneration associated with developing IPF