132 research outputs found

    Nosocomial Oral Myiasis by Sarcophaga sp. in Turkey

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    We present a case of oral myiasis in a 15-year-old boy with tuberculosis meningitis. The diagnosis was based on the visual presence of wriggling larvae about 1 cm in size and on the microscopic features of the maggots, especially those relating to stigmatic structures. The larvae were identified as third-stage larvae of Sarcophaga sp

    Oküler Toxoplasmosis Ön Tanılı Hastalarda Gözyaşı ve Serumda Toxoplasma gondii Antijen ve Antikorlarının Araştırılması

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    Amaç: Toxoplazmosis, Sporozoa sınıfından zorunlu hücre içi paraziti olan Toxoplasma gondii'nin(T.gondii) neden olduğu bir enfeksiyondur ve immün sağlıklı insanlarda fokal nekrotizan retinitin ensık sebebidir. Hastalığın tanısı klinik bulgulara dayanarak konulabilse de özellikle lezyonların atipikolduğu durumlarda laboratuvar tanı ile doğrulama gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmadaki amacımız okülertoxoplasmosis ön tanılı hastalarda serumda T.gondii antikorlarının araştırılmasının yanındagözyaşında antikor ve antijenlerini araştırıp, bunların hastalığın tanısındaki değerleri üzerindedurmaktır.Yöntemler: Erciyes Üniversitesi Gevher Nesibe Hastanesi Göz Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı’nabaşvurup oküler toxoplasmosis ön tanısı konulan 45 hastadan ve kontrol grubu olarak göz bulgularıbulunmayan 20 gönüllüden alınan gözyaşı ve serum örneği çalışmaya alındı. Hasta ve kontrolgrubundan alınan gözyaşı ve serum örneklerinin her birinde ELISA ile anti-T.gondii IgG, IgM ve IgAaraştırıldı. Anti-T.gondii IgG pozitif bulunan serum örneklerinde IgG antikoru aviditesini belirlemeküzere ELISA IgG Avidite testi uygulandı. Ayrıca gözyaşı örneklerinde Direkt Floresan Antikor (DFA)testi ile T.gondii takizoitleri araştırıldı.Bulgular: Hasta grubuna ait serumların 31’inde (%69) anti-T.gondii IgG, 1’inde (%2) IgM ve yine1’inde (%2) IgA pozitifliği; gözyaşı örneklerinde ise 2’sinde (%4) IgG, 1’inde (%2) IgM, 37’sinde (%82)ise IgA pozitifliği bulunmuştur. Kontrol grubu serum örneklerinden 7’sinde (%35) anti-IgG pozitifliğisaptanırken, IgM ve IgA antikorları örneklerin tümünde negatif bulunmuştur. Aynı grubun gözyaşıörneklerinin sadece 3’ünde (%15) anti-T.gondii IgA pozitifliği görülmüş, IgG ve IgM antikorları isetüm örneklerde negatif olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmaya alınan gözyaşı örneklerinin hiçbirindeDFA ile T.gondii takizoitleri saptanmamıştır.Sonuç: İmmün sağlıklı bireylerde lokal antikor üretiminin belirlenmesinde iyi sonuçlar verdiği bilinenserolojik yöntemlerin oküler toxoplasmosisin tanısında alışılagelmiş ve invaziv olarak elde edilenaköz hümör örneklerinde kullanılmasının yerine gözyaşı örneklerinde kullanılmasının isabetli olacağıve ayrıca bu hipotezi destekleyici daha geniş tabanlı çalışmaların yapılmasının yararlı olacağıkanaatine varılmıştır.Aim: Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by Toxoplasma gondii (T.gondii), an obligate intracellularparasite of the Sporozoa class, and is the most common cause of focal necrotizing retinitis inimmunocompetent humans. Although, it is possible diagnosis of the disease according to the clinicalfindings, it need to be use confirmation with laboratory findings to get a definite diagnose in certaincases such as when the atypical lesions are present. In the present study, our aim was to investigatethe T.gondii antibody levels in sera and in addition, evaluate the antigen and antibody levels in tears ofthe patients with previous diagnosed as ocular toxoplasmosis and identified the importance of theirpresency in the diagnosis of the disease.Methods: This investigation was carried out on serum and tear samples of 45 patients with oculartoxoplasmosis and 20 healthy voluntary controls who were applied Ophthalmology Department ofErciyes University Gevher Nesibe Hospital. Anti-T.gondii, IgG, IgM and IgA levels were measured ineach serum and tear samples with ELISA. ELISA IgG avidity test was applied to serum samples ofT.gondii IgG positive patients for the investigation of IgG avidity. In addition, T.gondii tachyzoiteswere identified in both patients and controls’ tear samples using DFA test.Findings: The anti-T.gondii IgG, IgM and IgA were found to be positive in 31(69%), 1(2%) and 1(2%)sera of patients’ samples respectively. In addition; IgG, IgM and IgA positivity were found to be in2(4%), 1(2%) and 37(82%) tear samples of patients, respectively. Anti-T.gondii IgG was only found tobe positive in 7(35%) sera of controls, IgM and IgA antibodies were found negative in serum sample ofall controls. In addition, IgA was found to be positive in just 3(15%) tear samples of controls whereasIgG and IgM antibodies were found to be negative in tear samples of all controls. T.gondii tachyzoiteswere not found in none of tear samples with DFA.Conclusion: Serologic methods which was known take obtained good results for determining localantibody production in immunocompotent individuals maybe avaible using aqueous humor insteadof tears. Furthermore we thought that, it must be done more detailed studies supporting thishypothesis for the diagnosis of ocular toxoplasmosis.Key words: Toxoplasma gondii, ELISA, ocular toxoplasmosis, tear</p

    Gıda Kaynaklı Enfeksiyonlar

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    Genişletilmiş kalman filtresi tabanlı çok amaçlı ataletsel sensör saha kalibrasyon algoritması.

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    The Global Satellite Navigation System (GNSS) is widely adopted for common positioning system due to its precision, cost and effectiveness. Despite its advantages, GNSS receivers are susceptible to signal degradation both intentional cases such as jamming/spoofing and unintentional cases like signal blockage in urban environment due to tall buildings. On the other hand, dead reckoning navigation system such as Inertial Navigation System (INS) is immune to external interferences and it can supply continuous navigation solution. However, the immunity comes with a price of unbounded positioning error growth with time due to mainly the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensor errors which continuously integrated into INS mechanization process. In order to bound inertial navigation system stand-alone navigation precision below some threshold, commonly GNSS or any other navigation aiding systems can be integrated with INS. Moreover, the IMU sensor errors are the crucial source of INS performance degradation factors and extensive laboratory tests are held by IMU manufacturers to calibrate inertial sensors for various types of application where the precision is critical. Even IMU is calibrated in laboratory environment, inertial sensors commonly have residual error terms left from calibration process. In mass production inertial sensor facilities such as MEMS products, manufacturers may not calibrate via laboratory processes due to necessary extensive labor and cost. That is, many low cost inertial sensors especially belong to automotive grade IMU, born uncalibrated and suffer from error terms. Therefore, robust algorithms and procedures for calibrating inertial measurement units especially low cost-low grade group of sensors in the field without need of precision laboratory equipments are promising. In this thesis, the development of integrated navigation algorithm that can be used for multi purpose including inertial sensor field calibration algorithm is carried out. First of all, the fundamental aspects of inertial navigation system, and its integration with GNSS receiver is exploited. The idea of calibrating the inertial sensor without use of extensive laboratory equipment is blended with Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) based INS/GNSS integration filter. Furthermore, for land vehicle navigation purpose Zero Velocity Update (ZUPT) and Non-Holonomic motion Constraints (NHCs) also integrated in the developed algorithm. Single and multi-run simulation studies are carried out together with static and dynamic field tests to show the performance of the integration filter. The dynamic calibration procedure deduced by the simulation study is applied to various MEMS inertial measurement units. The full verification of modular integrated algorithm is studied via land vehicle dynamic tests with sub 100 $ IMU and GPS receiver combination.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Tıbbi Sülük Terapisi (Hirudoterapi) : Derleme

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