9 research outputs found

    A self-avoidance mechanism in patterning of the urinary collecting duct tree

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    BACKGROUND: Glandular organs require the development of a correctly patterned epithelial tree. These arise by iterative branching: early branches have a stereotyped anatomy, while subsequent branching is more flexible, branches spacing out to avoid entanglement. Previous studies have suggested different genetic programs are responsible for these two classes of branches. RESULTS: Here, working with the urinary collecting duct tree of mouse kidneys, we show that the transition from the initial, stereotyped, wide branching to narrower later branching is independent from previous branching events but depends instead on the proximity of other branch tips. A simple computer model suggests that a repelling molecule secreted by branches can in principle generate a well-spaced tree that switches automatically from wide initial branch angles to narrower subsequent ones, and that co-cultured trees would distort their normal shapes rather than colliding. We confirm this collision-avoidance experimentally using organ cultures, and identify BMP7 as the repelling molecule. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that self-avoidance, an intrinsically error-correcting mechanism, may be an important patterning mechanism in collecting duct branching, operating along with already-known mesenchyme-derived paracrine factors

    Procedure, applications, and outcomes of autologous fat grafting

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    Objective: To systematically review the procedure, applications, and outcomes of autologous fat grafting, a promising technique with various clinical applications. Patients and methods: Literature review of publications concerning autologous fat grafting. Results: Since its introduction, lipofilling has become increasingly popular; however, its results are variable and unpredictable. Several modifications have been made to the procedures of fat harvesting, processing, and injecting. Surgical excision and low negative-pressure aspiration with large-bore cannulas minimize adipocyte damage during fat harvesting. The “wet” method of fat harvesting involves fluid injection at the donor site and facilitates lipoaspiration while minimizing pain and ecchymosis. For fat processing, centrifugation at a low speed is preferable to high-speed centrifugation, gravity separation or filtration. Fat injection at the recipient site should be performed using small-gauge cannulas in a fanning out pattern over multiple sessions, rather than a single session. Fat grafts exhibit not only dermal filler properties but also regenerative potential owing to the presence of stem cells in fat tissue. Thus, the clinical applications of autologous fat grafting include correction of secondary contour defects after breast reconstruction, release of painful scar contractures, and treatment of burn scars and radiodermatitis. Lipofilling is also used in aesthetic surgery, such as facial and hand rejuvenation, augmentation rhinoplasty, and breast and gluteal augmentation. The complications of lipofilling are minimal and include bruising, swelling, pain, infection, necrosis, and calcification. Conclusions: Lipofilling is a low-risk procedure that can be used to correct soft-tissue defects in the face, trunk, and extremities, with minimal discomfort for patients

    Healthy effects of prebiotics and their metabolites against intestinal diseases and colorectal cancer

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