360 research outputs found

    Post-operative reflux esophagitis as a predictor of choice of restrictive operation in patients with metabolic syndrome.

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    The purpose of this study was to conduct a comparative analysis of the retrospective results of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG), laparoscopic gastroplication (LGP) and laparoscopic fundogastroplication (LFGP) (simultaneous performance of fundoplication by Nissen and gastroplication) obtained at the follow-up period of 1 year, to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of prevention of short-term postoperative complications, which are manifested in the form of GERD, by performing preventive antireflux procedure in combination with restrictive bariatric surgery. Evaluation of the effectiveness and long-term effects of the presented restrictive operations was carried out on the basis of retrospective data obtained during the supervision of 46 patients with obesity and metabolic syndrome (men / women - 16/30, average age – 41.19±6.07, body weight – 128.26±7.37 kg, abdominal circumference – 133.4±4.71 cm, body mass index (BMI) – 42.66±2.41 kg/m2, I-III ASA). In the preoperative and postoperative periods, during consultations, in all patients measurements of anthropometric indicators were performed, laboratory data and results of instrumental research were considered. All metabolic procedures presented were performed at the basis of the Department of Surgery and Vascular Surgery of NMAPE named after P.L. Shupik in the period from 2016 to 2019. 13 patients underwent LSG, 20 – LGP and 13 - LFGP. In order to control the results, repeated consultations were carried out at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months of the postoperative period. The average duration of the operation was: LSG – 88.5±6.49 min, LGP - 120±5.42 min, LFGP – 135.38±7.48 min. The average period of hospitalization was: LSG – 3.2±0.63 days, LGP – 3.53±0.62 days, and LFGP – 3.5±0.67 days. After a year, the body mass index (BMI) was: LSG – 31.17±0.31 kg/m2, LGP – 32.48±0.23 kg/m2, LFGP – 32.43±0.21 kg/m2. According to the results of a repeated questio­ning of patients one year after the operation, 3 (23.07%) of the LSG group and 5 (25.0%) of the LGP group had symptoms of GERD, which failed to be eliminated with the help of conservative therapy, life quality of patients became significantly worse. In the group of patients who underwent LFGP, this complication was absent. After the control gastroscopy, 1 year after, de novo signs of reflux esophagitis were detected (according to the Los Angeles clas­sification): in the LSG group – 3 (23.07%) patients (2 - grade A and 1 - grade B), in the LGP group – 5 (25.0%) patients (3 – grade A and 2 – grade B). Among patients who underwent LFGP, there were no signs of reflux esophagitis. Considering the possible development of GERD and reflux esophagitis in one year after the restrictive surgery, the use of preventive measures consisting in the simultaneous performance of antireflux and metabolic operations is relevant, this is demonstrated by the example of LFGP. We recommend to give preference to simultaneous operations for the achievement of not only high rates of weight loss, but also for improvement of the quality of patients` life in the future


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    There is a disbalance between the number of doctors and nursing stuff in medical institutions of many regions of Ukraine. This article adduces the problem of junior specialists preparation with medical education (especially post-graduate), which is closely connected with the problems of branch in general.У багатьох регіонах України в лікувально-профілактичних закладах існує дисбаланс між кількістю лікарів і середнього медичного персоналу. У статті висвітлено проблему підготовки молодших спеціалістів з медичною освітою (особливо післядипломному), що нерозривно пов’язана з проблемами галузі загалом

    Experience in the Use of Surface NDT for the Diagnostics of Military Equipment During Full-scale Military Operations

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    The article discusses penetrant non-destructive testing for express diagnostics of military equipment elements in the field environment. The authors proposed to conduct express diagnostics in order to identify potentially dangerous elements, plan repair actions and further prevent equipment failure at an inopportune moment. Compared to others, the advantages of penetrant testing are shown, and the results of experimental studies of real objects are also presented

    A novel approach to identify genes that determine grain protein deviation in cereals

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    Grain yield and protein content were determined for six wheat cultivars grown over 3years at multiple sites and at multiple nitrogen (N) fertilizer inputs. Although grain protein content was negatively correlated with yield, some grain samples had higher protein contents than expected based on their yields, a trait referred to as grain protein deviation (GPD). We used novel statistical approaches to identify gene transcripts significantly related to GPD across environments. The yield and protein content were initially adjusted for nitrogen fertilizer inputs and then adjusted for yield (to remove the negative correlation with protein content), resulting in a parameter termed corrected GPD. Significant genetic variation in corrected GPD was observed for six cultivars grown over a range of environmental conditions (a total of 584 samples). Gene transcript profiles were determined in a subset of 161 samples of developing grain to identify transcripts contributing to GPD. Principal component analysis (PCA), analysis of variance (ANOVA) and means of scores regression (MSR) were used to identify individual principal components (PCs) correlating with GPD alone. Scores of the selected PCs, which were significantly related to GPD and protein content but not to the yield and significantly affected by cultivar, were identified as reflecting a multivariate pattern of gene expression related to genetic variation in GPD. Transcripts with consistent variation along the selected PCs were identified by an approach hereby called one-block means of scores regression (one-block MSR)

    Characterization of charge trapping processes in fully-depleted UNIBOND SOI MOSFET subjected to γ-irradiation

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    An investigation of radiation effect on edgeless accumulation mode (AM) p-channel and fully-depleted enhancement mode (EM) n-channel MOSFETs, fabricated on UNIBOND silicon on insulatior wafers (SOI), is presented in the paper. Characterization of trapped charge in the gate and buried oxides of the devices was performed by measuring only the front-gate transistors. It was revealed that the irradiation effect on EM n-MOSFET is stronger than that on AM p-MOSFET. Radiation-induced positive charge in the buried oxide proved to invert back interface what causes back channel creation in EM n-MOSFET but no such effect in AM p-MOSFET has been not observed. The effect of improving the quality of both interfaces for small irradiation doses is demonstrated

    Disorders in the System of Mineral and Bone Metabolism Regulators—FGF-23, Klotho and Sclerostin—in Chronic Kidney Disease: Clinical Significance and Possibilities for Correction

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    The chapter discusses the current understanding of the system of mineral and bone metabolism regulators—FGF-23, Klotho and sclerostin—disturbances in chronic kidney disease (CKD). In the chapter we presented the date, including our own results, which allow to suggest the change in the ratio of FGF-23-Klotho-sclerostin in CKD as an early biomarker not only for the chronic kidney damage but also for high cardiovascular (CV) risk. Results of studies show that disorders in FGF-23-Klotho-sclerostin ratio correlate with the frequency and severity of hypertension, vascular calcification, cardiac remodelling, anaemia, malnutrition, inflammation and strong aggravate CV risk in CKD. It was found independent from blood pressure (BP) action of increased serum FGF-23 on the myocardium as well as the correlation of serum high-sensitive troponin I with increased serum FGF-23 and low Klotho levels in CKD patients. At the same time, it was shown that renoprotective therapy, including renin-angiotensin blockers, low-protein diet with amino/keto acid supplementation and phosphate binders, erythropoiesis stimulators, vitamin D metabolites used to get the target levels of BP, serum phosphorus, haemoglobin, parathyroid hormone and nutritional status disorders correction can reduce the risk of CV events, as the major cause of death in CKD patients

    Discovering study-specific gene regulatory networks

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Microarrays are commonly used in biology because of their ability to simultaneously measure thousands of genes under different conditions. Due to their structure, typically containing a high amount of variables but far fewer samples, scalable network analysis techniques are often employed. In particular, consensus approaches have been recently used that combine multiple microarray studies in order to find networks that are more robust. The purpose of this paper, however, is to combine multiple microarray studies to automatically identify subnetworks that are distinctive to specific experimental conditions rather than common to them all. To better understand key regulatory mechanisms and how they change under different conditions, we derive unique networks from multiple independent networks built using glasso which goes beyond standard correlations. This involves calculating cluster prediction accuracies to detect the most predictive genes for a specific set of conditions. We differentiate between accuracies calculated using cross-validation within a selected cluster of studies (the intra prediction accuracy) and those calculated on a set of independent studies belonging to different study clusters (inter prediction accuracy). Finally, we compare our method's results to related state-of-the art techniques. We explore how the proposed pipeline performs on both synthetic data and real data (wheat and Fusarium). Our results show that subnetworks can be identified reliably that are specific to subsets of studies and that these networks reflect key mechanisms that are fundamental to the experimental conditions in each of those subsets

    High precision beam momentum determination in a synchrotron using a spin resonance method

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    In order to measure the mass of the eta meson with high accuracy using the d+p -> 3He+eta reaction, the momentum of the circulating deuteron beam in the Cooler Synchrotron COSY of the Forschungszentrum Juelich has to be determined with unprecedented precision. This has been achieved by studying the spin dynamics of the polarized deuteron beam. By depolarizing the beam through the use of an artificially induced spin resonance, it was possible to evaluate its momentum p with a precision of dp/p < 10-4 for a momentum of roughly 3 GeV/c. Different possible sources of error in the application of the spin resonance method are discussed in detail and its possible use during a standard experiment is considered.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, published versio