111 research outputs found

    Practical guidelines for standardising the measurement of resting metabolism by indirect calorimetry: a literature review

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    Accurate resting metabolic rate readings are essential for dietary planning and body composition monitoring not only for healthy individuals but also for athletes. A number of factors can alter resting metabolic rate during its measurement by indirect calorimetry. The methodology used may affect the results of the study. A clear standardisation of this procedure is needed to obtain the most accurate results.Purpose: To review the literature to determine the optimal subject condition and methodology for the resting metabolism measurement procedure using indirect calorimetry.Materials and methods: A literature search was conducted in PubMed, MEDLINE and Cochrane Library databases. The query included key words and logical phrases: “calorimetry”, “indirect calorimetry”, “resting metabolic rate”, “energy metabolism”, “basal metabolism”, “standards”. Only Englishlanguage studies and human studies were considered. Additional information was identified because of the review and included in the review.Results: the parameters of standardization during the resting metabolism measurement procedure are described: consumption of food, ethanol, caffeine, nicotine; daily activities and physical activity; body position in space and environmental conditions during the measurement; actions of the specialist performing the procedure, etc. The article outlines effective methods for measuring resting metabolism to obtain the most accurate results in both athletes and non-athletes.Conclusion: an attempt has been made to formulate precise methodological rules for standardization and recommendations for measuring resting metabolism by indirect calorimetry

    Clinical application of induced sputum in children with newly diagnosed asthma: cellular and immunologic characteristics

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    Authors investigate cells and immunologic factors of induced sputum in children with newly diagnosed asthma and healthy children without atopy. The aim of the study was to find out the differences of cellular and immunologic profiles of induced sputum in children with newly diagnosed asthma. 35 children aged 1,5-5 years old (Me = 3,5 years) were include in this study: 18 children with newly diagnosed asthma and 17 children (control group) without allergic diseases, which had no respiratory symptoms during last month. Sputum induction carried out according to our modification of protocol developed by Pin et al. The levels of IgE, slgA, lgG4, IL-1β, IL-4, IL-8, IL-13, TNFα, INFγ, N03, NOX and cells percentage (macrophages, neutrophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes) were evaluated in sputum. Results. The percentage of eosinophils was significantly higher and the percentage of macrophages was significantly lower in induced sputum of children with newly diagnosed asthma. The levels of proinflammatory factors (IL-1β, IL-4, IL-8, IL-13, TNFα), immunoglobulins, which participate in allergic inflammation (IgE, slgA, lgG4) and stable metabolites of NO (NO3, NOX) in sputum were also significantly higher in children with newly diagnosed asthma.Проводился подсчет клеток и определение иммунологических факторов в индуцированной мокроте у детей с вперсые выявленной бронхиальной астмой и здоровых детей без атопии. Целью исследования было выявление цитоиммунологических особенностей индуцированной мокроты у детей раннего возраста с впервые выявленной бронхиальной астмой. В исследовании приняли участие 35 детей в возрасте 1,5-5 лет (средний возраст 3,5г.): 18 детей с впервые выявленной бронхиальной астмой и 17 практически здоровых детей без атопии - контрольная группа. У всех детей в исследовании в течение предшествующего месяца не было зарегистрировано эпизодов респираторной инфекции. Индукция мокроты проводилась по модифицированному нами протоколу с использованием гипертонического раствора хлорида натрия. Прототипом явился метод, разработанный Pin et al., исследовался клеточный состав (%) (макрофаги, нейтрофилы, эозинофилы, лимфоциты) и иммунологический профиль (IgE, slgA, lgG4, IL-1β, IL-4, IL-8, IL-13. TNFα, INFγ, NO3, NOX) индуцированной мокроты. Результаты. У детей с впервые выявленной бронхиальной астмой в индуцированной мокроте уровень эозинофилов (%) достоверно выше, а уровень макрофагов (%) достоверно ниже по сравнению со здоровыми детьми без атопии. Так же у детей с бронхиальной астмой выявлены более высокие концентрации провоспалительных цитокинов (ФНОа, ИЛ 4, IL-1B, ИЛ8, ИЛ 13), иммуноглобулинов (IgE, lgG4) участвующих в аллергическом воспалении бронхов при бронхиальной астме и конечных стабильных метаболитов оксида азота (NO3, NOX) по сравнению с показателями здоровых детей без атопии

    Practical guidelines for standardising the measurement of resting metabolism by indirect calorimetry: a literature review

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    Accurate resting metabolic rate readings are essential for dietary planning and body composition monitoring not only for healthy individuals but also for athletes. A number of factors can alter resting metabolic rate during its measurement by indirect calorimetry. The methodology used may affect the results of the study. A clear standardisation of this procedure is needed to obtain the most accurate results.Purpose: To review the literature to determine the optimal subject condition and methodology for the resting metabolism measurement procedure using indirect calorimetry.Materials and methods: A literature search was conducted in PubMed, MEDLINE and Cochrane Library databases. The query included key words and logical phrases: “calorimetry”, “indirect calorimetry”, “resting metabolic rate”, “energy metabolism”, “basal metabolism”, “standards”. Only English-language studies and human studies were considered. Additional information was identified because of the review and included in the review.Results: the parameters of standardization during the resting metabolism measurement procedure are described: consumption of food, ethanol, caffeine, nicotine; daily activities and physical activity; body position in space and environmental conditions during the measurement; actions of the specialist performing the procedure, etc. The article outlines effective methods for measuring resting metabolism to obtain the most accurate results in both healthy individuals and athletes.Conclusion: an attempt has been made to formulate precise methodological rules for standardisation and recommendations for measuring resting metabolism by indirect calorimetry

    The synthesis of aminophenyl-substituted 2,2'-bipyridine ligands by "1,2,4-triazine" methodology

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    A convenient synthetic approach to the 2,2'-bipyridines, including those with a condensed cyclopentene fragment, having an aminophenyl substituent at the C5 or C6 positions is reported. The products were obtained via their 1,2,4-triazine analogs with a nitro group, by the subsequent transformation of their 1,2,4-triazine ring into a pyridine one and the reduction of the nitro group to the amino group. © 2021 Author(s).Russian Science Foundation, RSF, (20-13-00142)Council on grants of the President of the Russian Federation, (NSh-2700.2020.3)This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Grant # 20-13-00142) and by the Grants Council of the President of Russian Federation (Grant # NSh-2700.2020.3)

    Hypertrophic Stimulation Increases β-actin Dynamics in Adult Feline Cardiomyocytes

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    The myocardium responds to hemodynamic stress through cellular growth and organ hypertrophy. The impact of cytoskeletal elements on this process, however, is not fully understood. While α-actin in cardiomyocytes governs muscle contraction in combination with the myosin motor, the exact role of β-actin has not been established. We hypothesized that in adult cardiomyocytes, as in non-myocytes, β-actin can facilitate cytoskeletal rearrangement within cytoskeletal structures such as Z-discs. Using a feline right ventricular pressure overload (RVPO) model, we measured the level and distribution of β-actin in normal and pressure overloaded myocardium. Resulting data demonstrated enriched levels of β-actin and enhanced translocation to the Triton-insoluble cytoskeletal and membrane skeletal complexes. In addition, RVPO in vivo and in vitro hypertrophic stimulation with endothelin (ET) or insulin in isolated adult cardiomyocytes enhanced the content of polymerized fraction (F-actin) of β-actin. To determine the localization and dynamics of β-actin, we adenovirally expressed GFP-tagged β-actin in isolated adult cardiomyocytes. The ectopically expressed β-actin-GFP localized to the Z-discs, costameres, and cell termini. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) measurements of β-actin dynamics revealed that β-actin at the Z-discs is constantly being exchanged with β-actin from cytoplasmic pools and that this exchange is faster upon hypertrophic stimulation with ET or insulin. In addition, in electrically stimulated isolated adult cardiomyocytes, while β-actin overexpression improved cardiomyocyte contractility, immunoneutralization of β-actin resulted in a reduced contractility suggesting that β-actin could be important for the contractile function of adult cardiomyocytes. These studies demonstrate the presence and dynamics of β-actin in the adult cardiomyocyte and reinforce its usefulness in measuring cardiac cytoskeletal rearrangement during hypertrophic stimulation

    Computational Study of the Human Dystrophin Repeats: Interaction Properties and Molecular Dynamics

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    Dystrophin is a large protein involved in the rare genetic disease Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). It functions as a mechanical linker between the cytoskeleton and the sarcolemma, and is able to resist shear stresses during muscle activity. In all, 75% of the dystrophin molecule consists of a large central rod domain made up of 24 repeat units that share high structural homology with spectrin-like repeats. However, in the absence of any high-resolution structure of these repeats, the molecular basis of dystrophin central domain's functions has not yet been deciphered. In this context, we have performed a computational study of the whole dystrophin central rod domain based on the rational homology modeling of successive and overlapping tandem repeats and the analysis of their surface properties. Each tandem repeat has very specific surface properties that make it unique. However, the repeats share enough electrostatic-surface similarities to be grouped into four separate clusters. Molecular dynamics simulations of four representative tandem repeats reveal specific flexibility or bending properties depending on the repeat sequence. We thus suggest that the dystrophin central rod domain is constituted of seven biologically relevant sub-domains. Our results provide evidence for the role of the dystrophin central rod domain as a scaffold platform with a wide range of surface features and biophysical properties allowing it to interact with its various known partners such as proteins and membrane lipids. This new integrative view is strongly supported by the previous experimental works that investigated the isolated domains and the observed heterogeneity of the severity of dystrophin related pathologies, especially Becker muscular dystrophy

    Destabilization of the Dystrophin-Glycoprotein Complex without Functional Deficits in α-Dystrobrevin Null Muscle

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    α-Dystrobrevin is a component of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC) and is thought to have both structural and signaling roles in skeletal muscle. Mice deficient for α-dystrobrevin (adbn−/−) exhibit extensive myofiber degeneration and neuromuscular junction abnormalities. However, the biochemical stability of the DGC and the functional performance of adbn−/− muscle have not been characterized. Here we show that the biochemical association between dystrophin and β-dystroglycan is compromised in adbn−/− skeletal muscle, suggesting that α-dystrobrevin plays a structural role in stabilizing the DGC. However, despite muscle cell death and DGC destabilization, costamere organization and physiological performance is normal in adbn−/− skeletal muscle. Our results demonstrate that myofiber degeneration alone does not cause functional deficits and suggests that more complex pathological factors contribute to the development of muscle weakness in muscular dystrophy

    Regulation of the Na+/K+-ATPase Ena1 Expression by Calcineurin/Crz1 under High pH Stress: A Quantitative Study

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    [EN] Regulated expression of the Ena1 Na+-ATPase is a crucial event for adaptation to high salt and/or alkaline pH stress in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. ENA1 expression is under the control of diverse signaling pathways, including that mediated by the calcium-regulatable protein phosphatase calcineurin and its downstream transcription factor Crz1. We present here a quantitative study of the expression of Ena1 in response to alkalinization of the environment and we analyze the contribution of Crz1 to this response. Experimental data and mathematical models substantiate the existence of two stress-responsive Crz1-binding sites in the ENA1 promoter and estimate that the contribution of Crz1 to the early response of the ENA1 promoter is about 60%. The models suggest the existence of a second input with similar kinetics, which would be likely mediated by high pH-induced activation of the Snf1 kinase.This work was supported by grants BFU2011-30197-C3-01, BFU2014-54591-C2-1-P and EUI2009-04147 (SysMo2) to JA. (Ministry of Industry and Competitivity, Spain, and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional [FEDER]). JA is the recipient of an Ajut 2014SGR-4 award (Generalitat de Catalunya). DC was recipient of a predoctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Petrezsélyová, S.; López-Malo, M.; Canadell, D.; Roque, A.; Serra-Cardona, A.; Marques Romero, MC.; Vilaprinyó, E.... (2016). Regulation of the Na+/K+-ATPase Ena1 Expression by Calcineurin/Crz1 under High pH Stress: A Quantitative Study. PLoS ONE. 11(6):e0158424-e0158424. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0158424Se0158424e015842411