2,011 research outputs found

    Recasting West Tankers in the deep water: how Gazprom and recast Brussels I reconcile Brussels I with international arbitration

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    The central argument which is advanced by this article is that, whilst there is no outright obligation in Brussels I which prevents parallel proceedings between a court action and arbitration between the same parties and concerning a similar cause of action, the revisions in the recast Brussels I, along with the Gazprom interpretation of key non-revised parts of Brussels I, do certainly provide improved support for international commercial arbitration. These do so by giving more scope to national courts to restrict Parallel Proceedings; through anti-suit injunctions issued by an arbitral tribunal; through finding parties taking parallel court action to be in breach of the arbitration agreement; and by giving primacy to the arbitral award where it is irreconcilable with a parallel court judgment. The authors particularly demonstrate that this is made possible because of a changed (diminished) role which is given to the principle of effectiveness of EU law (effet utile) post Gazprom and Brussels I

    Isolates of Candida albicans that differ in virulence for mice elicit strain-specific antibody-mediated protective responses

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    Three distinct isolates of Candida albicans were used to establish systemic and oral infections in inbred mice that are genetically resistant or susceptible to tissue damage. Patterns of infection differed significantly between both yeasts and mouse strains. Systemic infection conferred significant protection against re-challenge with the homologous, but not the heterologous yeast; however, the protective effect was more evident in the tissue-susceptible CBA/CaH mice than in the resistant BALB/c strain. In contrast, oral infection induced protection against both homologous and heterologous oral challenge, although this was significant only in the CBA/CaH mice. CBA/CaH mice produced antibodies of both IgG1 and IgG2a subclasses, whereas BALB/c mice produced predominantly IgG1. Western blotting demonstrated considerable differences between epitopes recognised by serum antibodies from mice of both strains after immunisation with each of the three yeasts. Thus, different strains of yeast show considerable specificity in antibody responses elicited by either systemic or oral infection. (c) 2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved

    About A Rare Cause Of Primary Hyperparathyroidism

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    Introduction: Primary hyperparathyroïdism is observed in 35 to 44 subjects/ 100000 persons. The increased production of parathyroid hormones is secondary to primary glandular modifications consisting mainly in adenomas. The authors report a clear-cell hyperplasia causing primary hyperparathyroidism. Observation: We report the case of a 25-year-old man who was admitted to explore pathologic fractures of the left arm and a malignant hypercalcaemia. Complementary laboratory tests revealed primary hyperparathyroidism. A multiple endocrine neoplasia was excluded by radiologic examinations. Cervical ultra-sound examination revealed 2 parathyroid adenomas and per-operative exploration showed 3 « adenomas ». Microscopic examination of the 4 parathyroid glands specimen concluded to a clear cell hyperplasia. Conclusion: Clear cell hyperplasia is a benign cause of primary hyperparathyroidism. The diagnosis is based upon histologic findings and examination of the 4 glands

    Hubungan Paparan Debu Kayu dengan Kejadian Dermatitis Kontak Iritan pada Pekerja Mebel PT X Jepara

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    Wood dust is an irritant substance and if it directly contact with the skin for a long time, it can cause workers exposed to the risk of irritant contact dermatitis. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between irritant substances exposure with irritant contact dermatitis to sanding workers in PT X Jepara. The type and design of this study was an observational study using cross sectional approach. The instruments of this research are clinical examination by medical personnel, Personal Dust Sampler, questionnaires and observation.The population which used in this study were 139 with a sample of 60 sanding workers. The sampling technique that was use is proportionate stratified random sampling, and the data were analyzed using Chi Square test. The measurement results of respirable wood dust level showed the wood dust level exceed the Threshold Limit Value (TLV), which is 5 mg/m3. The result of this study indicates there are 21,7% of workers who had irritant contact dermatitis. Based on correlation test, researcher concluded that age is not associated with iritant contact dermatitis (p-value = 0,368), there is no correlation between years of service with the occurrence of irritant contact dermatitis (p-value = 0,182), there is no correlation between personal hygiene with the occurrence of irritant contact dermatitis (p-value = 0,689), and wood dust exposure is associated with iritant contact dermatitis (p-value = 0,005). Researcher suggested that workers need to wash their hands before and after working with hand soap, and the company need to educate workers the effect of wood dust exposure related to the occurrence of irritant contact dermatitis

    Preparation of C2-Symmetric Biaryl Bisiminium Salts and Their Use as Organocatalysts for Asymmetric Epoxidation

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    Two C2-symmetric bisiminium salt species containing biphenylazepinium units and derived from two chiral diamines were prepared and tested as organocatalysts for asymmetric epoxidation

    Pengembangan Hidrogel Berbasis Polivinil Pirolidon (Pvp) Hasil Iradiasi Berkas Elektron sebagai Plester Penurun Demam

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    Telah dilakukanpengembangan hidrogel berbasis PVP sebagai plester penurun demam menggunakan teknikiradiasi berkas elektron. Hidrogel berbasis PVP dibuat dengan mengiradiasi campuran polimerPVP, PVA dan bahan tambahan lainnya dengan berbagai komposisi (formula I, II III dan IV)pada dosis 20 sampai 40 kGy. Pengujian yang dilakukan terhadap hidrogel yaitu sifat fisik,fraksi gel, kadar air, daya kelengketan dan waktu penurunan suhu air dari 40oC menjadi 37oC.Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa pada dosis iradiasi 20 sampai 40 kGy, hidrogelformula I mempunyai sifat fisik kurang baik yaitu rapuh, permukaan hidrogel berair danmeninggalkan residu pada kulit setelah hidrogel ditempelkan. Demikian juga dengan formula IVmempunyai sifat fisik seperti kaku, tidak elastis dan rapuh. Hidrogel formula II dan III pada dosis20 kGy mempunyai sifat fisik elastis dan agak rapuh, sedangkan pada dosis 30 kGymempunyai sifat fisik yang diinginkan seperti tidak meninggalkan residu pada kulit, liat,permukaan hidrogel tidak berair dan memberikan rasa nyaman saat digunakan. Hidrogelmenjadi sedikit kaku pada dosis 40 kGy. Fraksi gel bertambah dengan bertambahnya dosis dari20 kGy menjadi 30 kGy, selanjutnya penambahan dosis dari 30 kGy menjadi 40 kGy tidakmenyebabkan kenaikan yang bermakna terhadap fraksi gel. Pada dosis 20 kGy fraksi gelberkisar antara 83 – 87%, sedang pada dosis 30 dan 40 kGy fraksi gel berkisar antara 83-98%.Kadar air hidrogel bergantung pada konsentrasi polimer yang ada. Semakin besar konsentrasipolimer yang digunakan, semakin kecil kadar air hidrogel. Dosis iradiasi tidak berpengaruhsecara nyata pada kadar air hidrogel. Kadar air hidrogel berkisar antara 73 – 84%. Hasilpengujian terhadap daya lengket menunjukkan bahwa hidrogel formula II dan III dengan dosisiradiasi 30 dan 40 kGy mempunyai daya lengket 8,3 – 8,9 gf. Daya lengket hidrogel formula IIdan III setara dengan daya lengket hidrogel komersial (Bye Bye Fever). Hidrogel formula Imempunyai kemampuan penurunan suhu air dari 40oC menjadi 37oC lebih cepat dari padaformula II, III dan IV yaitu dalam waktu 11 menit. Hidrogel formula II dan III mempunyaikecepatan penurunan suhu air dari 40oC menjadi 37oC sebanding dengan hidrogel komersial(Bye Bye Fever) yaitu dalam waktu 12 menit. Hidrogel formula IV adalah yang paling lamamenurunkan suhu air yaitu sekitar 19 menit. Sebaliknya tanpa hidrogel (kontrol) penurunansuhu air dicapai dalam waktu sekitar 37 menit


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    Latar belakang: Pemberian ASI eksklusif merupakan salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan status gizi anak dalam 1000 Hari Pertama Kelahiran (HPK). Pemberian ASI Eksklusif sangat dianjurkan pada bayi umur 0 sampai 6 bulan, karena ASI mengandung gizi yang lengkap untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bayi. Pemerintah menargetkan pemberian ASI Ekslusif mecapai 80%, tetapi kenyataannya pada tahun 2019 hanya mencapai 35,1%. Keberhasilan pemberian ASI Eksklusif dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor salah satunya adalah pengetahuan ibu tentang ASI. Tujuan: Mengetahui Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu tentang pemberian ASI Eksklusif di Kelurahan Rejosari Semin Gunungkidul Tahun 2021. Metode: Penelitian deskriptif dengan rencangan cross sectional. Responden penelitian adalah Ibu yang memiliki Anak Usia 0-6 Bulan di Kelurahan Rejosari Semin Gunungkidul yang bersedia menjadi responden sebanyak 25 reponden. Pengambilan data dilakukan secara langsung dari responden melalui google form . Data di analisis dan disajikan dalam bentuk tabel distribusi frekuensi. Hasil: Responden yang memiliki tingkat pengetahuan baik tentang pemberian ASI Eksklusif sebesar 92%. Responden yang memiliki umur reproduksi sehat umumnya (84%) memiliki tingkat pengetahuan baik. Responden yang memiliki riwayat paritas multipara umumnya (53%) memiliki tingkat pengetahuan baik. Responden yang memiliki riwayat pendidikan tinggi umumnya (60%) memiliki tingkat pengetahuan yang baik. Responden yang tidak bekerja atau ibu rumah tangga umumnya (84%) memiliki tingkat pengetahuan yang baik. Responden yang mendapatkan informasi umumnya memiliki tingkat pengetahuan yang baik. Kesimpulan: Tingkat pengetahuan ibu yang memiliki anak usia 0-6 bulan di Kelurahan Rejosari Semin Gunungkidul tahun 2021 tentang pemberian ASI eksklusif umumnya baik
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