69 research outputs found

    PickCells: A Physically Reconfigurable Cell-composed Touchscreen

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    Touchscreens are the predominant medium for interactions with digital services; however, their current fixed form factor narrows the scope for rich physical interactions by limiting interaction possibilities to a single, planar surface. In this paper we introduce the concept of PickCells, a fully reconfigurable device concept composed of cells, that breaks the mould of rigid screens and explores a modular system that affords rich sets of tangible interactions and novel acrossdevice relationships. Through a series of co-design activities – involving HCI experts and potential end-users of such systems – we synthesised a design space aimed at inspiring future research, giving researchers and designers a framework in which to explore modular screen interactions. The design space we propose unifies existing works on modular touch surfaces under a general framework and broadens horizons by opening up unexplored spaces providing new interaction possibilities. In this paper, we present the PickCells concept, a design space of modular touch surfaces, and propose a toolkit for quick scenario prototyping

    Isolated hypoglossal palsy due to cervical osteophyte

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    SummaryIntroductionIsolated hypoglossal nerve palsy is rare, and etiological diagnosis is difficult. We report a case of isolated hypoglossal compression by a cervical osteophyte in the hypoglossal canal exit.Case studyAn 86-year-old woman with history of cervical spondylotic myelopathy consulted for a lesion of the free edge of the tongue with impaired elocution. Clinical examination found a bite lesion on the right free edge of the tongue with right lingual amyotrophy and associated left deviation on retraction. Isolated right hypoglossal palsy was diagnosed. Skull base CT found a cervical osteophyte compressing the hypoglossal nerve at the exit from the right hypoglossal canal. Surgery was contra-indicated by the patient's general health status. No motor recovery was observed at 6 months’ follow-up, but the elocution disorders regressed under speech therapy.ConclusionHypoglossal palsy is infrequent, but generally a sign of skull base pathology. History-taking and careful examination guide rational selection of the radiological examinations required for etiological diagnosis

    The effect of polymer/plasticiser ratio in film forming solutions on the properties of chitosan films

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    In this work physical-chemical properties of chitosan/ glycerol film forming solutions (FFS) and the resulting films were analysed. Solutions were prepared using different concentrations of plasticising agent (glycerol) and chitosan. Films were produced by solvent casting and equilibrated in a controlled atmosphere. FFS water activity and rheological behaviour were determined. Films water content, solubility, water vapour and oxygen permeabilities, thickness, and mechanical and thermal properties were determined. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was also used to study the chitosan/glycerol interactions. Results demonstrate that FFS chitosan concentration influenced solutions consistency coefficient and this was related with differences in films water retention and structure. Plasticiser addition led to an increase in films moisture content, solubility and water vapour permeability, water affinity and structural changes. Films thermo-mechanical properties are significantly affected by both chitosan and glycerol addition. FTIR experiments confirm these results. This work highlights the importance of glycerol and water plasticisation in films properties.This work was supported by National Funds from FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, through project PEst-OE/EQB/LA0016/2011.Authors Joana F. Fundo, Andrea C. Galvis-Sanchez and Mafalda A. C. Quintas acknowledge FCT for research grants SFRH/ BD / 62176 / 2009, SFRH/BPD/37890/2007 and SFRH / BPD / 41715 / 2007, respectively

    Influence of amyloglucosidase in bread crust properties

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    Enzymes are used in baking as a useful tool for improving the processing behavior or properties of baked products. A number of enzymes have been proposed for improving specific volume, imparting softness, or extend the shelf life of breads, but scarce studies have been focused on bread crust. The aim of this study was to determine the use of amyloglucosidase for modulating the properties of the bread crust and increase its crispness. Increasing levels of enzyme were applied onto the surface of two different partially bake breads (thin and thick crust bread). Amyloglucosidase treatment affected significantly (P<0.05) the color of the crust and decreased the moisture content and water activity of the crusts. Mechanical properties were modified by amyloglucosidase, namely increasing levels of enzyme promoted a decrease in the force (Fm) required for crust rupture and an increase in the number of fracture events (Nwr) related to crispy products. Crust microstructure analysis confirmed that enzymatic treatment caused changes in the bread crust structure, leading to a disruption of the structure, by removing the starchy layer that covered the granules and increasing the number of voids, which agree with the texture fragility.Authors acknowledge the financial support of Spanish Ministry of Economy and Sustainability (Project AGL2011-23802), the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), Generalitat Valenciana (Project Prometeo 2012/064) and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC). R. Altamirano-Fortoul would like to thank her grant to CSIC. The authors also thank Forns Valencians S. A. (Spain) for supplying commercial frozen partially baked breads.Altamirano Fortoul, RDC.; Hernando Hernando, MI.; Molina Rosell, MC. (2014). Influence of amyloglucosidase in bread crust properties. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 7(4):1037-1046. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11947-013-1084-xS1037104674Altamirano-Fortoul R, Hernando I & Rosell CM (2013) Texture of bread crust: puncturing settings effect and its relationship to microstructure. Journal of Texture Studies. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-4603.2012.00368.x .Altamirano-Fortoul, R., Le Bail, A., Chevallier, S., & Rosell, C. M. (2012). Effect of the amount of steam during baking on bread crust features and water diffusion. Journal of Food Engineering, 108, 128–134.Altamirano-Fortoul R & Rosell CM (2010) Alternatives for extending crispiness of crusty breads. In Proceedings of International Conference on Food Innovation, FoodInnova, 25–29 October 2010, Valencia, Spain. ISBN978-84-693-5011-.9.Arimi, J. M., Duggan, E., O’sullivan, M., Lyng, J. G., & O’riordan, E. D. (2010). Effect of water activity on the crispiness of a biscuit (crackerbread): mechanical and acoustic evaluation. Food Research International, 43, 1650–1655.Castro-Prada, E. 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Crispy/crunchy crusts of cellular solid foods: a literature review with discussion. Journal of Texture Studies, 35, 445–492.Potter, N. N., & Hotchkiss, J. H. (1998). Food dehydration and concentration. In N. N. Potter & J. H. Hotchkiss (Eds.), Food Science (5th ed.). New York: Aspen Publishers.Primo-Martin, C., Van de Pijpekamp, A., Van Vliet, T., Jongh, H. H. J., Plijter, J. J., & Hamer, R. J. (2006). The role of the gluten network in the crispness of bread crust. Journal of Cereal Science, 43, 342–352.Primo-Martin, C., Sozer, N., Hamer, R. J., & Van Vliet, T. (2009). Effect of water activity on fracture and acoustic characteristics of a crust model. Journal of Food Engineering, 90, 277–284.Roudaut, G., Dacremont, C., & Le Meste, M. (1998). Influence of water on the crispness of cereal-based foods: acoustic, mechanical, and sensory studies. Journal of Texture Studies, 29, 199–213.Roudaut, G., Dacremont, C., Pamies, B. V., Colas, B., & Le Meste, M. (2002). Crispness: a critical review on sensory and material science approaches. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 13, 217–227.Rojas JA (2000) Uso combinado de hidrocoloides y alfa-amilasa como mejorantes en panificación. Dissertation PhD Thesis. Universidad Politécnica de ValenciaRosell, C. M. (2007). Vitamin and mineral fortification of bread. In B. Hamaker (Ed.), Technology of functional cereal products. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing Ltd.Rosell, C. M. (2011). The science of doughs and bread quality. In V. R. Preedy, R. R. Watson, & V. B. Patel (Eds.), Flour and breads and their fortification in health and disease prevention (pp. 3–14). London: Academic.Rosell CM, Altamirano-Fortoul R & Hernando I (2011) Mechanical properties of bread crust by puncture test and the effect of sprayed enzymes. In: Proceedings of 6th International Congress Flour. Bread’11, 8th Croatian Congress of Cereal Technologist, 12–14 October 2011, Opatija, Croatia. ISSN 1848–2562.Sahlström, S., & Brathen, E. (1997). Effects of enzyme preparations for baking, mixing time and resting time on bread quality and bread staling. Food Chemistry, 58, 75–80.Sharma K & Singh J (2010) Enzymes in baking industry. Panesar, P.S.; Marwaha, S.S and Chopra, H.K. (Eds), Enzymes in food processing, fundamentals and potential applications, IK International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, India.Stokes, D. J., & Donald, A. M. (2000). In situ mechanical testing of dry and hydrated breadcrumb in the environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM). Journal of Materials Science, 35, 599–607.Tsukakoshi, Y., Naito, S., & Ishida, N. (2008). Fracture intermittency during a puncture test of cereal snacks and its relation to porous structure. Food Research International, 41, 909–917.Van Benschop CHM, Terdu AG & Hille JDR (2012) Baking enzyme composition as SSL replacer. Patent No.US2012164272.Van Eijk JH (1991) Retarding the firming of bread crumb during storage. 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    Observing the temperature dependent transition of the GP2 peptide using terahertz spectroscopy

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    The GP2 peptide is derived from the Human Epidermal growth factor Receptor 2 (HER2/nue), a marker protein for breast cancer present in saliva. In this paper we study the temperature dependent behavior of hydrated GP2 at terahertz frequencies and find that the peptide undergoes a dynamic transition between 200 and 220 K. By fitting suitable molecular models to the frequency response we determine the molecular processes involved above and below the transition temperature (TD). In particular, we show that below TD the dynamic transition is dominated by a simple harmonic vibration with a slow and temperature dependent relaxation time constant and that above TD, the dynamic behavior is governed by two oscillators, one of which has a fast and temperature independent relaxation time constant and the other of which is a heavily damped oscillator with a slow and temperature dependent time constant. Furthermore a red shifting of the characteristic frequency of the damped oscillator was observed, confirming the presence of a non-harmonic vibration potential. Our measurements and modeling of GP2 highlight the unique capabilities of THz spectroscopy for protein characterization.Yiwen Sun, Zexuan Zhu, Siping Chen, Jega Balakrishnan, Derek Abbott, Anil T. Ahuja and Emma Pickwell-MacPherso

    Acoustics characterization of micronekton spatial distribution in Indian Ocean using scientific surveys and integrated marine observing system database : acoustics characterization of micronekton

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    RIO Acoustics 2015, Rio de Janeiro, BRA, 29-/07/2015 - 31/07/2015In this work scientific echosounder were used hull mounted onboard R/V Marion Dufresne II to scrutinize the vertical distribution of micronekton according to water masses characteristics along transect which were discriminated with spatial remote sensing data. Acoustic data were collected continuously at 38 kHz frequency during eighteen transits carried out in the South-West Indian Ocean (20-60°S, 50-80°E) between 2010 and 2014. The data set used includes scientific and opportunistic fishing surveys from Integrated Marine Observing System database. A structure in three main depth layers i.e., "surface", "intermediate" and "deep", has been found continuously all along the survey. Changes of micronektonic vertical structure were investigated along North South latitude: the surface layer acoustic density and thickness decrease by going southward. The intermediate layer is generally almost empty except between 30°S and 40°S. The deep layer acoustic density increases from North to South but its thickness does not change significantly. To assess the importance of these vertical changes, a spatially constrained clustering was applied on acoustic data and a positive correlation was established between vertical acoustic organization and oceanographic fronts' position. We conclude that spatial organization of micronekton is structured depending on water masses and confirm the interest of collecting acoustic data from fishery vessels to complete scientific surveys that are often restricted in time and space

    Acoustic micronektonic distribution is structured by macroscale oceanographic processes across 20-50 degrees S latitudes in the South-Western Indian Ocean

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    Micronelcton constitutes the largest unexploited marine biomass worldwide. It is one of the most conspicuous and ecologically important components of the still poorly known mesopelagic ecosystem. Acoustic data were collected from both fishing and research vessels along 18 transects for a total of 47 682 linear kilometers to investigate large-scale distribution of micronekton over a long latitudinal gradient (20-50 degrees S) and two contrasted seasons (summer and winter) in the South-Western Indian Ocean. Acoustic backscatter at 38 kHz was used as a proxy of mid-water organisms' abundance (0-800 m depth). Two consistent features were diel vertical migration of backscatters and vertical distribution of micronekton in three distinct layers, namely the surface (SL), intermediate (IL) and deep (DL) layers. Satellite remote sensing data was used to position oceanic fronts, and hence define water masses, from the tropical to low Antarctic zones. A key finding of this study was the significant correlation observed between abundance and distribution of acoustic backscatter and position relative to these front and water masses. Total backscatter peaked in the subtropical zone, with low abundances in the colder Polar Frontal Zone. The high overall abundances in subtropical waters resulted mainly from high backscatters in the IL and DL that contrasted with low SL values, especially during the day (2-11%). The warmer the waters, the higher SL backscatter was, with the highest absolute and relative (38-51% of the total abundance) values observed at night in the Tropical Zone and the lowest abundance in the Antarctic Zone. No significant seasonal pattern was found, but SL backscatters were very low in winter compared to summer in the Polar Frontal Zone. Moreover, the Northern winter shift of the fronts induced a Northern latitudinal shift of the peak in abundance from summer to winter. The present study highlights the value of building large acoustic databases collected from both research and fishing vessels. The method provides unique opportunities to gather basic information on micronekton and is an essential step to describe oceanic zones of relevant biological interest in terms of trophic ecology

    Micronekton diel migration, community composition and trophic position within two biogeochemical provinces of the South West Indian Ocean: Insight from acoustics and stable isotopes

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    International audienceSpatial distribution, community composition and trophic roles of micronekton (crustaceans, fishes and squids)were investigated in the Indian South Subtropical Gyre (ISSG) province and the East African Coastal province(EAFR), by combining acoustic surveys, mid-water trawls and stable isotope analyses from scientific cruisesconducted in 2009 and 2010. Mesopelagic micronekton performed diel vertical migrations in both provinces,from deep (400–740 m) to surface (0–200 m) layers at dusk and in the opposite direction at dawn, with somespecies migrating below 740 m. The EAFR province was more dynamic than the oligotrophic ISSG province, withenhanced eddy activity and enhanced yearly productivity. The active enrichment mechanisms in the EAFR, interms of available primary production, led to high micronekton acoustic density (as a proxy of micronektonabundance) and large micronekton weight and abundance estimates from trawl data. Particulate organic matterin the EAFR exhibited greater enrichment in 13C and 15N compared to the ISSG and, consequently, tissues ofselected micronekton organisms in the EAFR were more enriched in 15N (higher δ15N values). In both provinces,micronekton encompassed a wide range of isotopic niches, with large overlaps between species. Micronektonand swordfish in the EAFR had an overlapping range of δ15N values, contrasting with the ISSG province whereswordfish were two trophic levels higher than the sampled micronekton. Our results provide some evidence thatthe combined action of riverine input and the dynamics of eddies might influence productivity in the EAFR, andhence the abundance of micronekton and the enrichment of tissues in 15N, compared to the oligotrophic ISSGprovince