266 research outputs found

    Use of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging Angiography to Follow-Up Arterial Remodeling in an Animal Model

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    Appropriately sized arteries in small animals may be possible models for studying the remodeling process as occurs after arterial balloon injury in humans. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is able to noninvasively image tissue in vivo. To date, small animal angiog raphy models have mostly used research-dedicated instruments and resolution, which are not universally available.Experiments were carried out on a rat aorta model of remodeling in vivo (n=40). Arteries were injured by oversized balloon dilation; control arteries were uninjured. Angiography imaging was performed immediately before sacrifice with an unmodified clinical MRI unit, a 1.5 Tesla MR tomograph with a 20-cm-diameter coil. Longitudinal MRI pictures of the aorta and morphometry of tissue sections to measure luminal and arterial wall areas were analyzed with use of computer-assisted techniques.Comparison of dimensions demonstrated correlation between MRI and histology measurements of the lumen. MRI and morphometry showed a gradual increase in mean luminal area over 6 weeks following injury. The lumen increase correlated with total arterial area and thickness.In this rat aorta model, remodeling documented at histology was followed-up in vivo. The use of such clinical MRI scanners has potential to reduce animal numbers needed to follow-up the remodeling process after therapeutic intervention

    The MRO-accompanied modes of Re-implantation into SiO2-host matrix: XPS and DFT based scenarios

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    The following scenarios of Re-embedding into SiO2-host by pulsed Re-implantation were derived and discussed after XPS-and-DFT electronic structure qualification: (i) low Re-impurity concentration mode -> the formation of combined substitutional and interstitial impurities with Re2O7-like atomic and electronic structures in the vicinity of oxygen vacancies; (ii) high Re-impurity concentration mode -> the fabrication of interstitial Re-metal clusters with the accompanied formation of ReO2-like atomic structures and (iii) an intermediate transient mode with Re-impurity concentration increase, when the precursors of interstitial defect clusters are appeared and growing in the host-matrix structure occur. An amplification regime of Re-metal contribution majority to the final Valence Band structure was found as one of the sequences of intermediate transient mode. It was shown that most of the qualified and discussed modes were accompanied by the MRO (middle range ordering) distortions in the initial oxygen subnetwork of the a-SiO2 host-matrix because of the appeared mixed defect configurations.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, accepted to J. Alloys and Compound

    Orbital Period and Outburst Luminosity of Transient Low Mass X-ray Binaries

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    In this paper we investigate the relation between the maximal luminosity of X-ray outburst and the orbital period in transient low mass X-ray binaries (or soft X-ray transients) observed by the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) in the past decade. We find that the maximal luminosity (3-200 keV) in Eddington unit generally increases with increasing orbital period, which does not show a luminosity saturation but in general agrees with theoretical prediction. The peak luminosities in ultra-compact binaries might be higher than those with orbital period of 2-4 h, but more data are needed to make the claim. We also find that there is no significant difference in the 3-200 keV outburst peak luminosity between neutron star systems and black hole systems with orbital periods above 4 h; however, there might be significant difference at smaller orbital period where only neutron star systems are observed and radiatively ineffcient accretion flow is expected to work at the low luminosities for black hole accreters.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Ap

    An additional soft X-ray component in the dim low/hard state of black hole binaries

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    We test the truncated disc models using multiwavelength (optical/UV/X-ray) data from the 2005 hard state outburst of the black hole SWIFT J1753.5-0127. This system is both fairly bright and has fairly low interstellar absorption, so gives one of the best datasets to study the weak, cool disc emission in this state. We fit these data using models of an X-ray illuminated disc to constrain the inner disc radius throughout the outburst. Close to the peak, the observed soft X-ray component is consistent with being produced by the inner disc, with its intrinsic emission enhanced in temperature and luminosity by reprocessing of hard X-ray illumination in an overlap region between the disc and corona. This disc emission provides the seed photons for Compton scattering to produce the hard X-ray spectrum, and these hard X-rays also illuminate the outer disc, producing the optical emission by reprocessing. However, the situation is very different as the outburst declines. The optical is probably cyclo-synchrotron radiation, self-generated by the flow, rather than tracing the outer disc. Similarly, limits from reprocessing make it unlikely that the soft X-rays are directly tracing the inner disc radius. This is seen more clearly in a similarly dim low/hard state spectrum from XTE J1118+480. The very small emitting area implied by the relatively high temperature soft X-ray component is completely inconsistent with the much larger, cooler, UV component which is well fit by a truncated disc. We speculate on the origin of this component, but its existence as a clearly separate spectral component from the truncated disc in XTE J1118+480 shows that it does not simply trace the inner disc radius, so cannot constrain the truncated disc models.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Black Hole and Neutron Star Transients in Quiescence

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    We consider the X-ray luminosity difference between neutron star and black hole soft X-ray transients (NS and BH SXTs) in quiescence. The current observational data suggest that BH SXTs are significantly fainter than NS SXTs. The luminosities of quiescent BH SXTs are consistent with the predictions of binary evolution models for the mass transfer rate if (1) accretion occurs via an ADAF in these systems and (2) the accreting compact objects have event horizons. The luminosities of quiescent NS SXTs are not consistent with the predictions of ADAF models when combined with binary evolution models, unless most of the mass accreted in the ADAF is prevented from reaching the neutron star surface. We consider the possibility that mass accretion is reduced in quiescent NS SXTs because of an efficient propeller and develop a model of the propeller effect that accounts for the observed luminosities. We argue that modest winds from ADAFs are consistent with the observations while strong winds are probably not.Comment: LateX, 37 pages, 7 figures; Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Domain kinetics in [001] -poled PMN-39PT single crystal during polarization reversal

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    The equipment of the Ural Center for Shared Use “Modern Nanotechnology” Ural Federal University has been used. The research was made possible in part by Government of the Russian Federation (Act 211, Agreement 02.180 A03.21.0006) and RFBR (grant 17-52-80116-BRICS_a). V.S. and A.A. acknowledge financial support within the State Task from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Project No. 1366.2014/236 and contract No. 3.4973.2017/7.8)

    The 2009 outburst of H~1743-322 as observed by RXTE

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    We analyze the RXTE observations of the 2009 outburst of H~1743-322, as well as the observations of the previous five outbursts for comparison. The hardness-intensity diagram (HID) shows a complete counter-clockwise q-track for the 2009 outburst and, interestingly, the track falls in} between a huge one in 2003, with a complete transition to high/soft state, and that of} the failed outburst in 2008. It leaves the low/hard state but does not reach the leftmost edge of the overall HID. While the lowest hardness (6--19 keV/3--6 keV) values} in the HID is about 0.3--0.4 for the 2009 outburst, similar to the ``failed state transition" seen in the persistent black hole XRB Cyg X-1, the timing analysis shows that a transition to the high soft state occurred. During the low/hard state of the 2009 outburst, the inner radius of the accretion disk is found to be closer to the central black hole and have an anti-correlation with the disk temperature. These results may be understood as the reprocessing} of the hot corona on the disk's} soft X-rays, which can lead to an underestimation of the inner radius of the accretion disk. In the luminosity diagram of the corona versus the disk, the tracks of the outbursts} in 2003 and 2009 cross the line which represents a roughly equal contribution to the entire emission from the thermal and the non-thermal components;} the track of the 2008 outburst has the turn-over falling} on this line. This may be indicative of an emission balance between the corona and the disk, which prevents the state transition from going further than the low/hard state.Comment: accepted by A&

    Vertically Self-Gravitating ADAFs in the Presence of Toroidal Magnetic Field

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    Force due to the self-gravity of the disc in the vertical direction is considered to study its possible effects on the structure of a magnetized advection-dominated accretion disc. We present steady-sate self similar solutions for the dynamical structure of such a type of the accretion flows. Our solutions imply reduced thickness of the disc because of the self-gravity. It also imply that the thickness of the disc will increase by adding the magnetic field strength.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Science

    The correlation timescale of the X-ray flux during the outbursts of soft X-ray transients

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    Recent studies of black hole and neutron star low mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) show a positive correlation between the X-ray flux at which the low/hard(LH)-to-high/soft(HS) state transition occurs and the peak flux of the following HS state. By analyzing the data from the All Sky Monitor (ASM) onboard the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE), we show that the HS state flux after the source reaches its HS flux peak still correlates with the transition flux during soft X-ray transient (SXT) outbursts. By studying large outbursts or flares of GX 339-4, Aql X-1 and 4U 1705-44, we have found that the correlation holds up to 250, 40, and 50 d after the LH-to-HS state transition, respectively. These time scales correspond to the viscous time scale in a standard accretion disk around a stellar mass black hole or a neutron star at a radius of ~104-5 Rg, indicating that the mass accretion rates in the accretion flow either correlate over a large range of radii at a given time or correlate over a long period of time at a given radius. If the accretion geometry is a two-flow geometry composed of a sub-Keplerian inflow or outflow and a disk flow in the LH state, the disk flow with a radius up to ~105 Rg would have contributed to the nearly instantaneous non-thermal radiation directly or indirectly, and therefore affects the time when the state transition occurs.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure