114 research outputs found

    Initiatives and New Trends Towards Stem Education in Turkey

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    STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Education; Is an educational approach that many countries in the world have included in their curricula that allow learners to view the knowledge they learn in science, technology, engineering and mathematics courses, aiming at transforming theoretical knowledge into practice, product and innovative inventions. It is aimed to be able to adapt easily to the qualities of the business life thanks to these skills when the STEM trained individuals enter into the business world, as well as being an approach that is based on giving the skills of STEM education, production and invention. Within the scope of the study, attempts were made to investigate the initiatives and new trends of STEM education from 2010 until the day. Document analysis and thematic content analysis (meta-synthesis) method was used in the research process. Thematic content analysis; Analyze, synthesize and interpret the findings of more than one research on the same subject, with a critical point of view, in contrast to the theme or templates specified and raw data. During the research; Articles, theses, reports and reports which are reached from various sources in the national and international literature have been examined and a wide-scale resource has been created by considering every point related to the contents of the work. The results of the research were examined under various headings and a broad framework was established and recommendations were made

    Knowledge Cohesion in European Regions: Convergence and Cohesion with Turkey

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    In a knowledge economy, it is interesting to see that the concept of knowledge cohesion is a fertile soil for research. Despite the ongoing interest in investigating whether economic cohesion has been achieved in Europe there is no work that looks at knowledge cohesion. Though it is difficult to investigate such an abstract concept one can look at a more concrete concept such as convergence. Using the European Union Framework Programme data from 1984 to 2016 we show that there are signs of knowledge convergence within the NUTS2 regions. Despite the fact, the top performers persist over the years the convergence is much stronger among the less developed regions. The results also show that Turkey enhanced its position in knowledge exchange considerably where some of its developed regions are emergent knowledge hubs. These results indicate that Turkish knowledge system is tied strongly to the European Research Area which reduces the probability of conflict scenario.Bilgi uyumu konusunun içinde yaşadığımız bilgi çağında bu kadar az çalışılıyor olması ilginçtir. Avrupa’da ekonomik uyum ve yakınlaşma konusunda pek çok araştırma yapılırken bilgi uyumu konusunda hemen hiç bir çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Her ne kadar bilgi uyumu konusu soyut bir kavram gibi dursa da daha somut bir kavram olan bilgi yakınlaşması kavramına bakılabilir. Bu çalışmada 1984-2016 arasında Avrupa Çerçeve Programı verisi kullanarak, Avrupa NUTS2 bölgelerinde bilgi yakınlaşması olduğunu gösteriyoruz. En iyi performans sağlayan bölgeler yıllar içinde pek değişmese de, daha az gelişmiş bölgeler arasında bir bilgi yakınlaşmasından söz edilebilir. Sonuçlar aynı zamanda Türkiye’nin bilgi paylaşımındaki pozisyonunu zaman içinde geliştirdiğini gösteriyor, öyle ki bazı bölgeleri yeni doğan ve gelişen bilgi merkezleri arasında yer alıyor. Bu sonuçlar Türkiye bilgi sisteminin Avrupa Bilgi Alanına güçlü bir şekilde bağlı olduğunu göstermesi nedeniyle çatışma senaryosunun olasılığını düşürmektedirPublisher's Versio

    Knowledge Cohesion in European Regions: Convergence and Cohesion with Turkey

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    In a knowledge economy, it is interesting to see that the concept of knowledge cohesion is a fertile soil for research. Despite the ongoing interest in investigating whether economic cohesion has been achieved in Europe there is no work that looks at knowledge cohesion. Though it is difficult to investigate such an abstract concept one can look at a more concrete concept such as convergence. Using the European Union Framework Programme data from 1984 to 2016 we show that there are signs of knowledge convergence within the NUTS2 regions. Despite the fact, the top performers persist over the years the convergence is much stronger among the less developed regions. The results also show that Turkey enhanced its position in knowledge exchange considerably where some of its developed regions are emergent knowledge hubs. These results indicate that Turkish knowledge system is tied strongly to the European Research Area which reduces the probability of conflict scenario.Bilgi uyumu konusunun içinde yaşadığımız bilgi çağında bu kadar az çalışılıyor olması ilginçtir. Avrupa’da ekonomik uyum ve yakınlaşma konusunda pek çok araştırma yapılırken bilgi uyumu konusunda hemen hiç bir çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Her ne kadar bilgi uyumu konusu soyut bir kavram gibi dursa da daha somut bir kavram olan bilgi yakınlaşması kavramına bakılabilir. Bu çalışmada 1984-2016 arasında Avrupa Çerçeve Programı verisi kullanarak, Avrupa NUTS2 bölgelerinde bilgi yakınlaşması olduğunu gösteriyoruz. En iyi performans sağlayan bölgeler yıllar içinde pek değişmese de, daha az gelişmiş bölgeler arasında bir bilgi yakınlaşmasından söz edilebilir. Sonuçlar aynı zamanda Türkiye’nin bilgi paylaşımındaki pozisyonunu zaman içinde geliştirdiğini gösteriyor, öyle ki bazı bölgeleri yeni doğan ve gelişen bilgi merkezleri arasında yer alıyor. Bu sonuçlar Türkiye bilgi sisteminin Avrupa Bilgi Alanına güçlü bir şekilde bağlı olduğunu göstermesi nedeniyle çatışma senaryosunun olasılığını düşürmektedirPublisher's Versio

    Sporadic Nonautoimmune Neonatal Hyperthyroidism Due to A623V Germline Mutation in the Thyrotropin Receptor Gene

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    Neonatal hyperthyroidism is a rare disorder and occurs in two forms. An autoimmune form is associated with maternal Graves' disease, resulting from transplacental passage of maternal thyroid−stimulating antibodies and a nonautoimmune form is caused by gain of function mutations in the thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) gene. Thyrotoxicosis caused by germline mutations in the TSHR gene may lead to a variety of clinical consequences. To date, 55 activating mutations of the TSHR gene have been documented. Fourteen cases with sporadic activating TSHR germline mutations have been described. Here we report a male infant with nonautoimmune hyperthyroidism due to an activating germline TSHR mutation (A623V), whose clinical picture started in the newborn period with severe hyperthyroidism. His parents did not have the same mutation. This mutation had been previously detected as a somatic mutation in patients with toxic adenomas. This is the first report of a sporadic case of nonautoimmune congenital hyperthyroidism associated with A623V mutation

    Hypothyroidism Due to Hepatic Hemangioendothelioma: A Case Report

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    Although hemangioendothelioma (HHE) is a commonly encountered hepatic tumor during infancy, HHE−related hypothyroidism is rare. We present a patient who developed HHE−related hypothyroidism during the neonatal period and showed marked improvement in hypothyroidism by regression of HHE. A 28−day−old boy with TSH level of 77 mIU/mL on neonatal screening and diagnosed as congenital hypothyroidism was started on L−thyroxine (L−T4) (11 μg/kg/day) therapy on the 21th day of life. On physical examination, the liver was palpable 5 cm below the right costal margin, and the thyroid gland was nonpalpable. Thyroid ultrasonography was normal. Although L−T4 dose was increased to 15 μg/kg/day, TSH was not suppressed and free T3 level remained low. HHE in both lobes of the liver was detected by abdominal ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging. Treatment was started with prednisolone 2 mg/kg/day and alpha−interferon 3 million U/m2/3 times per week. Thyroid dysfunction was thought to be due to type 3 iodothyronine deiodinase activity expressed by HHE. L−T4 therapy was changed to Bitiron® tablet, which includes both T4 and T3, and euthyroidism was attained within 1 month. Thyroid hormone requirement was reduced and treatment was discontinued after regression of the HHE. At the most recent visit, the patient was 21 months old and off treatment. His growth and neurological development were normal for age and he was euthyroid. HHE should be considered in cases with severe hypothyroidism resistant to high−dose thyroid hormone replacement. The treatment of HHE in combination with T4 and T3 therapy results in euthyroidism

    Insulin Oedema in Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Despite the essential role of insulin in the management of patients with insulin deficiency, insulin use can lead to adverse effects such as hypoglycaemia and weight gain. Rarely, crucial fluid retention can occur with insulin therapy, resulting in an oedematous condition. Peripheral or generalised oedema is an extremely rare complication of insulin therapy in the absence of heart, liver or renal involvement. It has been reported in newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes, in poorly controlled type 2 diabetes following the initiation of insulin therapy, and in underweight patients on large doses of insulin. The oedema occurs shortly after the initiation of intensive insulin therapy. We describe two adolescent girls with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes, who presented with oedema of the lower extremities approximately one week after the initiation of insulin treatment; other causes of oedema were excluded. Spontaneous recovery was observed in both patients

    1-Benzyl-3-[(trimethyl­sil­yl)meth­yl]benzimidazolium chloride monohydrate

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    The title compound, C18H23N2Si+·Cl−·H2O, was synthesized from 1-[(trimethyl­sil­yl)meth­yl]benzimidazole and benzyl chloride in dimethyl­formamide. The benzimidazole ring system is approximately planar, with a maximum deviation of 0.022 (2) Å, and makes an angle of 74.80 (12)° with the phenyl ring. The crystal packing is stabilized by O—H⋯Cl, C—H⋯Cl, C—H⋯O and C—H⋯π inter­actions between symmetry-related mol­ecules together with π–π stacking inter­actions between the imidazolium and benzene rings [centroid–centroid distance = 3.5690 (15) Å] and between the benzene rings [centroid–centroid distance = 3.7223 (14) Å]

    İnflamatuvar barsak hastalığı ile polinöropati birlikteliğinin araştırılması

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    ÖZET İnflamatuar barsak hastalıkları multipl sistemleri tutan, kronik, tekrarlayan hastalıklardır. Polinöropati en sık görülen nörolojik manifestasyondur. Bu çalışmanın amacı inflamatuvar barsak hastalığı ile polinöropati birlikteliğini araştırmaktı. 40 inflamatuvar barsak hastalığı olan olgu ( 20 ülseratif kolit, 20 crohn hastalığı ) ve 24 sağlıklı bireyi çalışmaya aldık. Hasta grubunda polinöropati semptom ve klinik bulgusu yoktu. Hasta grubunun B12 vitamin düzeyi normaldi ve metranidazol kullanmıyorlardı.Sağlıklı kişiler ile karşılaştırıldığında hasta grubunda sağ median sinir distal motor latans, ileti hızı ve F-minimum latansları arasında anlamlı olarak anormal bulundu. Hasta ve kontrol grubunun sağ tibial motor sinir ileti hızı arasında anlamlı farklılık mevcuttu. Hasta ve kontrol grubunun sağ peroneal sinir bileşik kas aksiyon potansiyeli amplitüdü (BKAP) arasında da anlamlı farklılık vardı. Hasta grubunun sağ median, ulnar ve sural duysal sinir aksiyon potansiyeli amplitüdü düşük ve duysal ileti hızı yavaştı. Polinöropati inflamatuvar barsak hastalığının manifestasyonudur ve patogenezinde olasılıkla otoimmunite mevcuttur. Polinöropati ile ilişkili bazı bulgular sadece elektrofizyolojik incelemede görülebilir. Polinöropati demiyelinizan, aksonal veya miks tipte olabilir.SUMMARYAssociation of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and Peripheral Polyneuropathy Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are chronic, recurrent disorders involving multiple systems. Polyneuropathy is the most common neurological manifestation. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of polyneuropathy and IBD in patients with intestinal complications. We studied 40 patients with IBD (20 ulcerative colitis, 20 Crohn’s disease) and 24 healthy subjects. The patients had no clinical sign and symptom of polyneuropathy. They had normal serum levels of vitamin B12 and they were not using metronidazole.The mean distal motor latencies, conduction velocities and F wave minimum latencies of the right median nerve were significantly found abnormal in the patient group comparing with healthy subjects. There was significant difference in motor conduction velocity of the right tibial nerve between patients and controls. Significant differences were found in distal compound muscle action potential (CMAP) amplitude of the right peroneal nerve between patient and control groups. Sensory nerve action potential amplitudes and conduction velocities of the right median, ulnar and sural nerves were significantly lower in the patients. Polyneuropathy is a manifestation of inflammatory bowel disease and the pathogenesis is probably autoimmune. Some findings consistent with polyneuropathy can be only observed on electrophysiological evaluation. Neuropathy can be either demyelinating, axonal or mixed type

    İnflamatuvar barsak hastalığı ile polinöropati birlikteliğinin araştırılması

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    İnflamatuar barsak hastalıkları multipl sistemleri tutan, kronik, tekrarlayan hastalıklardır. Polinöropati en sık görülen nörolojik manifestasyondur. Bu çalışmanın amacı inflamatuvar barsak hastalığı ile polinöropati birlikteliğini araştırmaktı. 40 inflamatuvar barsak hastalığı olan olgu ( 20 ülseratif kolit, 20 crohn hastalığı ) ve 24 sağlıklı bireyi çalışmaya aldık. Hasta grubunda polinöropati semptom ve klinik bulgusu yoktu. Hasta grubunun B12 vitamin düzeyi normaldi ve metranidazol kullanmıyorlardı. Sağlıklı kişiler ile karşılaştırıldığında hasta grubunda sağ median sinir distal motor latans, ileti hızı ve F-minimum latansları arasında anlamlı olarak anormal bulundu. Hasta ve kontrol grubunun sağ tibial motor sinir ileti hızı arasında anlamlı farklılık mevcuttu. Hasta ve kontrol grubunun sağ peroneal sinir bileşik kas aksiyon potansiyeli amplitüdü (BKAP) arasında da anlamlı farklılık vardı. Hasta grubunun sağ median, ulnar ve sural duysal sinir aksiyon potansiyeli amplitüdü düşük ve duysal ileti hızı yavaştı. Polinöropati inflamatuvar barsak hastalığının manifestasyonudur ve patogenezinde olasılıkla otoimmunite mevcuttur. Polinöropati ile ilişkili bazı bulgular sadece elektrofizyolojik incelemede görülebilir. Polinöropati demiyelinizan, aksonal veya miks tipte olabilir. SUMMARY Association of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and Peripheral Polyneuropathy Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are chronic, recurrent disorders involving multiple systems. Polyneuropathy is the most common neurological manifestation. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of polyneuropathy and IBD in patients with intestinal complications. We studied 40 patients with IBD (20 ulcerative colitis, 20 Crohn’s disease) and 24 healthy subjects. The patients had no clinical sign and symptom of polyneuropathy. They had normal serum levels of vitamin B12 and they were not using metronidazole. The mean distal motor latencies, conduction velocities and F wave minimum latencies of the right median nerve were significantly found abnormal in the patient group comparing with healthy subjects. There was significant difference in motor conduction velocity of the right tibial nerve between patients and controls. Significant differences were found in distal compound muscle action potential (CMAP) amplitude of the right peroneal nerve between patient and control groups. Sensory nerve action potential amplitudes and conduction velocities of the right median, ulnar and sural nerves were significantly lower in the patients. Polyneuropathy is a manifestation of inflammatory bowel disease and the pathogenesis is probably autoimmune. Some findings consistent with polyneuropathy can be only observed on electrophysiological evaluation. Neuropathy can be either demyelinating, axonal or mixed type

    Investigation of the genotoxicity of some food additives in Drosophila melanogaster using the SMART test and effects of some plants extracts against the DNA damages

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    Bu çalışmada üç farklı gıda boyasının genotoksik etkileri ve bu boyaların belirtilen zararlarına karşı antigenotoksik olabileceği öne sürülen üç farklı bitki özütü in vivo olarak Drosophila melanogaster Meigen üzerinde laboratuvar deneyleriyle araştırıldı. Ponceau 4R (kırmızı-E 124), tartrazine (sarı-E 102) ve pea green (yeşil- E102+E133) gıda boyaları ‰25, ‰50 ve ‰75’lik dozlarda larva evresindeki sineklerin besiyerlerine eklenerek ergin bireylerin kanatlarında oluşan mutant kıl hücrelerinin varlığı Somatik Mutasyon ve Rekombinasyon Testi (SMART) ile saptandı. Günlük gıdalarımızda kullanılan üç gıda boyasının da konsantrasyona bağlı olarak kanatlardaki mutant benek sayılarını arttırdığı saptandı (X2= s.d.= 3, p0.05).abstractBu çalışmada üç farklı gıda boyasının genotoksik etkileri ve bu boyaların belirtilen zararlarına karşı antigenotoksik olabileceği öne sürülen üç farklı bitki özütü in vivo olarak Drosophila melanogaster Meigen üzerinde laboratuvar deneyleriyle araştırıldı. Ponceau 4R (kırmızı-E 124), tartrazine (sarı-E 102) ve pea green (yeşil- E102+E133) gıda boyaları ‰25, ‰50 ve ‰75’lik dozlarda larva evresindeki sineklerin besiyerlerine eklenerek ergin bireylerin kanatlarında oluşan mutant kıl hücrelerinin varlığı Somatik Mutasyon ve Rekombinasyon Testi (SMART) ile saptandı. Günlük gıdalarımızda kullanılan üç gıda boyasının da konsantrasyona bağlı olarak kanatlardaki mutant benek sayılarını arttırdığı saptandı (X2= s.d.= 3, p0.05)