1,022 research outputs found

    Complex Formation Control of Large-Scale Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles

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    A new formation framework of large-scale intelligent autonomous vehicles is developed, which can realize complex formations while reducing data exchange. Using the proposed hierarchy formation method and the automatic dividing algorithm, vehicles are automatically divided into leaders and followers by exchanging information via wireless network at initial time. Then, leaders form formation geometric shape by global formation information and followers track their own virtual leaders to form line formation by local information. The formation control laws of leaders and followers are designed based on consensus algorithms. Moreover, collision-avoiding problems are considered and solved using artificial potential functions. Finally, a simulation example that consists of 25 vehicles shows the effectiveness of theory

    Effects of replacement of alfalfa by big-leaf mulberry on growth performance, digestion and meat quality in growing rabbits

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    [EN] This study aimed to investigate the effect of sundried big-leaf mulberry (BLM) as a replacement for alfalfa on the growth performance, digestibility of nutrients, nitrogen (N) utilisation and meat quality in New Zealand White rabbits. One hundred and sixty weaned rabbits, aged 35±1 d and with a body weight of 755±26 g, were randomly assigned to the 4 treatments with 20 replicates of 2 rabbits (1 male and 1 female) each. Animal performance was evaluated between the 35th and 77th d of age in 40 animals per treatment. The coefficients of total tract apparent digestibility (CTTAD) of nutrients and N utilisation were measured between 77 to 83 d of age in 30 animals per treatment. The control rabbits were fed a corn-soybean meal-alfalfa meal based diet. The three experimental groups were fed a similar diet in which the alfalfa meal was replaced by 10% (BLM10), 20% (BLM20), or 30% (BLM30) BLM. The final body weights and average daily gain were higher (P<0.05) in BLM20 rabbits compared to cThis work was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation in Higher Education of Anhui, China (KJ2018A0535), and the fund of Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province of China (1708085QC74).Wu, XZ.; Yang, PL.; Gao, XH.; Wen, ZG.; Dai, SF.; Zhu, MX.; Wang, LX. (2019). Effects of replacement of alfalfa by big-leaf mulberry on growth performance, digestion and meat quality in growing rabbits. World Rabbit Science. 27(4):199-205. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2019.11529OJS199205274Abu Hafsa S., Salem A., Hassan A., Kholif A., Elghandour M., Barbabosa A., Lopez S. 2016. Digestion, growth performance and caecal fermentation in growing rabbits fed diets containing foliage of browse trees. World Rabbit Sci., 24: 283-293. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2016.4359AOAC International. 2005. Official methods of analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 18th ed. Gaithersburg, MD, USA.Blasco A., Ouhayoun J. 1996. Harmonization of criteria and terminology in rabbit meat research. Revised proposal. World Rabbit Sci., 4: 93-99. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.1996.278Calvet S., Estellés F., Hermida B., Blumetto O., Torres A.G. 2008. Experimental balance to estimate efficiency in the use of nitrogen in rabbit breeding. World Rabbit Sci., 16: 205-211. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2008.615CIE, 1976. Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage. Official recommendations on uniform colour spaces, colour difference equations and metric colour terms.Dalle Zotte A., Cullere M., Rémignon H., Alberghini L., Paci G. 2016. Meat physical quality and muscle fibre properties of rabbit meat as affected by the sire breed, season, parity order and gender in an organic production system. World Rabbit Sci., 24: 145-154. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2016.4300Deshmukh S.V., Pathak N.N., Takalikar D.A., Digraskar S.U. 1993. Nutritional effect of mulberry ("morus alba") leaves as sole ration of adult rabbits. World Rabbit Sci., 1: 67-69. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.1993.196Gidenne T., Combes S., Fortun-Lamothe L. 2013. Protein replacement by digestible fibre in the diet of growing rabbits. 1: Impact on digestive balance, nitrogen excretion and microbial activity. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech., 183: 132-141. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2013.04.022Lounaouci-Ouyed G., Berchiche M., Gidenne T. 2014. Effects of substitution of soybean meal-alfalfa-maize by a combination of field bean or pea with hard wheat bran on digestion and growth performance in rabbits in Algeria. World Rabbit Sci., 22: 137-146. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2014.1487Ma M.R., Liu X.C., Zhu F.H. 2012. Study on biological characteristics and nutritional value of new type forage grass big-leaf mulberry. Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi, 24: 154-155. https://doi.org/10.19386/j.cnki.jxnyxb.2012.07.045Martinez M., Motta W., Cervera C., Pla M. 2005. Feeding mulberry leaves to fattening rabbits: effects on growth, carcass characteristics and meat quality. Animal science (Penicuik, Scotland), 80: 275-281. https://doi.org/10.1079/ASC41110275Mei-Rong M.A., Jin F.H., Dong D., Xiao-Heng W.U., Liu J.X., Polytechnic J. 2014. Effects of Replacing Soybean Meal with Different Levels of Big leaf Mulberry on Growth Performance,Slaughter Performance and Meat Quality in Growing Lambs. Chin. J. Anim. Sci., 50: 40-44. https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0258-7033.2014.07.010Mora-Valverde D. 2010. Consumo de Morera (Morus alba) fresca mezclada con ensilaje de maíz por el ganado Jersey en crecimiento. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 21: 337-341. https://doi.org/10.15517/am.v21i2.4897Nakkitset S., Mikled C., Ledin I. 2008. Effect of Feeding Head Lettuce, Water Spinach, Ruzi grass or Mimosa pigra on Feed Intake, Digestibility and Growth in Rabbits. Asian-Australas J. Anim. Sci., 21: 1171-1177. https://doi.org/10.5713/ajas.2008.70628Ouhayoun J., Dalle Zotte A. 1996. Harmonization of muscle and meat criteria in rabbit meat research. World Rabbit Sci., 4: 211-218. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.1996.297Pérez J.M., Lebas F., Gidenne T., Maertens L., Xiccato G., Parigi-Bini R., Dalle Zotte A. 1995. European reference method for in vivo determination of diet digestibility in rabbits. World Rabbit Sci., 3: 41-43. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.1995.239Rodriguez M., Carro M.D., Valiente V., Formoso-Rafferty N., Rebollar P.G. 2017. Effects of dietary fish oil supplementation on performance, meat quality, and cecal fermentation of growing rabbits. J. Anim. Sci., 95: 3620-3630. https://doi.org/10.2527/jas.2017.1690Safwat A.M., Sarmiento-Franco L., Santos-Ricalde R.H., Nieves D., Sandoval-Castro C.A. 2015. Estimating Apparent Nutrient Digestibility of Diets Containing Leucaena leucocephala or Moringa oleifera Leaf Meals for Growing Rabbits by Two Methods. Asian-Australas J. Anim. Sci., 28: 1155-1162. https://doi.org/10.5713/ajas.14.0429Shang S.M., Wu Z.Y., Liu G.Y., Sun C.R., Ma M.W., C. Li F. 2017. Effect of substituting Guinea grass with soybean hulls on production performance and digestion traits in fattening rabbits. World Rabbit Sci., 25: 241. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2017.6654Statistical Analysis System. 2009. SAS/STAT User's Guide 9.2,2 ed. Inst. Inc. Cary NC, USA.Tu Y., Diao Q.Y., Zhang R., Yan G.L., Xiong W. 2009. Analysis on feed nutritive value of hybrid Broussonetia papyrifera leaf. Pratacultural Sci., 13: 30-34. https://doi.org/10.1016/0029-8018(90)90025-2Van Soest P.J., Robertson J.B., Lewis B.A. 1991. Methods for dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and nonstarch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. J. Dairy Sci., 74: 3583-3597. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(91)78551-2Wang Z., He Z., Gan X., Li H. 2018. Interrelationship among ferrous myoglobin, lipid and protein oxidations in rabbit meat during refrigerated and superchilled storage. Meat Sci., 146: 131-139. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2018.08.006Xiccato G., 2010. Fat digestion. In: C. de Blas, Wiseman J. eds. Nutrition of the Rabbit (2nd ed). Wallingford, UK: CAB International, 56-66.Zhang X.F., Huang X., Zheng H.C., Wang Z.G., Jiang Y.Q., Liu J.X. 2015. Effects of Replacing Part of Corn, Bran and Soybean Meal with Different Levels of Fermented Bigleaf Mulberry on Growth and Slaughter Performances in Growth-finishing Pigs. Chin. J. Anim. Sci. https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0258-7033.2015.23.01

    Factors Associated with Myopia in School Children in China: The Beijing Childhood Eye Study

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    Purpose: To assess factors associated with myopia in school children in rural and urban parts of Greater Beijing. Methods: The Beijing Pedriatic Eye Study was a population-based cross-sectional study, in which one school of each level (primary, junior high, senior high) was randomly selected from nine randomly selected districts out of 18 districts of Greater Beijing. The children underwent non-cylcoplegic refractometry and their parents an interview. Results: Of 16,771 eligible students, 15,066 (89.8%) children (7,769 (51.6%) girls) participated, with 8,860 (58.8%) participants living in the rural region. Mean age was 13.263.4 years (range:7–18 years). In multivariate analysis, prevalence of myopia (defined as #21.00 diopters) was associated with higher age (Odds ratio(OR):1.37; 95% confidence interval(CI):1.35,1.39), female gender (OR:1.35;95%CI:1.25,1.47), key school type (OR:0.77;95%CI: 0.70,0.85), higher family income (OR:1.04;95%CI:1.01,1.07), parental myopia (OR:1.46;95%CI:1.40,1.53), dim reading illumination (OR:0.93;95%CI: 0.88,0.98), longer daily studying duration (OR:1.10;95%CI:1.06,1.15), shorter duration of watching television (or computer) (OR:0.93;95%CI:0.89,0.97), higher self-reported protein intake (OR:0.94;95%CI:0.90,0.99), feeling well about life and status (OR:0.93;95%CI:0.89,0.98), and feeling tired or dizzy (OR:0.94;95%CI:0.91,0.97). Prevalence of high myopia (defined as #26.00 diopters) was associated with higher age (OR:1.43;95%CI:1.38, 1.48), key school type (OR:0.61;95%CI:0.49,0.74), family income (OR:1.07;95%CI:1.02,1.13), parental myopia (OR:1.65;95%CI:1.54,1.76), dim reading illumination (OR:0.86;95%CI:0.77,0.96), less rest during studying (OR:1.18;95%CI:1.10,1.27), feeling well about life and studying (OR:0.88;95%CI: 0.81,0.96) and feeling dizzy or tired (OR:0.93;95%CI:0.87,0.99). Prevalence of high myopia (defined as #28.00 diopters) was significantly associated with higher age (OR:1.39;95%CI:1.31,1.48;), key school type (OR:0.61;95%CI:0.42,0.88) and parental myopia (OR:1.87;95%CI:1.66,2.12). Conclusions: Myopia in school children in Greater Beijing was associated with higher age, female gender, school type, parental myopia, higher socioeconomic background, dim reading illumination, longer daily studying duration, less rest during study, shorter duration of watching television (or computer), higher self-reported protein intake, feeling well about life and status, and feeling tired and dizzy

    Prevalence And Associated Factors Of Myopia In High-school Students In Beijing

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    Purpose : To evaluate prevalence and associated factors for myopia in high school students in Beijing. Methods : Grade 10 and 11 high school students were randomly selected from nine randomly selected districts of Beijing. The students underwent non-cylcoplegic auto-refractometry and an interview. Results : Out of 4798 eligible students, 4677 (93.4%) students (mean age:16.9±0.7years;range:16–18 years) participated. Mean refractive error of right eyes and left eyes was −2.78±2.29 diopters and −2.59±2.50 diopters, respectively. Prevalence of myopia (defined as ≤ −1.00 diopters in the worse eye) was 80.7% (95% Confidence Interval (CI): 79.6–81.8%). Out of 3773 students with myopia, 1525 (40.4%) wore glasses daily. In multiple logistic regression analysis, a higher prevalence of myopia was associated with female sex (odds ratio (OR) = 1.31;95%CI:1.11–1.55), Han ethnicity (OR = 1.64;95%CI:1.28–2.11), attending key schools (OR = 1.48;95%CI:1.24,1.77), higher family income (OR = 1.37;95%CI:1.09–1.71), longer time spent for near work (OR = 1.43;95%CI:1.06–1.93), shorter near work distance (OR = 1.87;95%CI:1.55–2.26), lower frequency of active rest during studying (OR = 1.40;95%CI:1.16–1.70), and parental myopia (OR = 2.28;95%CI:1.80–2.87). The interaction between distance from near work and time spent for near work was statistically (P = 0.03) significant. In multiple logistic regression analysis, higher prevalence of high myopia (≤-6.0 diopters) was associated with studying in key schools (OR = 1.38;95%CI:1.05,1.81), lower frequency of active rest during studying (OR = 1.40;95%CI:1.09,1.79), and a higher number of myopic parents (OR = 2.66;95%CI:2.08,3.40). Conclusions : A prevalence of about 80% for myopia and a prevalence of about 10% for high myopia in students aged 16 to 18 years and attending classes of grade 10 and 11 in a Chinese metropolitan region is another example of the high prevalence of moderate and high myopia in metropolitan areas of China. With this young myopic generation getting older, myopia as cause for visual impairment and blindness may further increase in importance. Future studies may address whether active rests during studying with looking into the distance are preventive against myopia development or progression

    Genome-wide characterization of the GRF family and their roles in response to salt stress in Gossypium

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    Background: Cotton (Gossypium spp.) is the most important world-wide fiber crop but salt stress limits cotton production in coastal and other areas. Growth regulation factors (GRFs) play regulatory roles in response to salt stress, but their roles have not been studied in cotton under salt stress. Results: We identified 19 GRF genes in G. raimondii, 18 in G. arboreum, 34 in G. hirsutum and 45 in G. barbadense, respectively. These GRF genes were phylogenetically analyzed leading to the recognition of seven GRF clades. GRF genes from diploid cottons (G. raimondii and G. arboreum) were largely retained in allopolyploid cotton, with subsequent gene expansion in G. barbadense relative to G. hirsutum. Most G. hirsutum GRF (GhGRF) genes are preferentially expressed in young and growing tissues. To explore their possible role in salt stress, we used qRT-PCR to study expression responses to NaCl treatment, showing that five GhGRF genes were down-regulated in leaves. RNA-seq experiments showed that seven GhGRF genes exhibited decreased expression in leaves under NaCl treatment, three of which (GhGRF3, GhGRF4, and GhGRF16) were identified by both RNA-seq and qRT-PCR. We also identified six and three GRF genes that exhibit decreased expression under salt stress in G. arboreum and G. barbadense, respectively. Consistent with its lack of leaf withering or yellowing under the salt treatment conditions, G. arboreum had better salt tolerance than G. hirsutum and G. barbadense. Our results suggest that GRF genes are involved in salt stress responses in Gossypium. Conclusion: In summary, we identified candidate GRF genes that were involved in salt stress responses in cotton

    The superhydrophobicity of polymer surfaces: Recent developments

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    Superhydrophobicity is the extreme water repellence of highly textured surfaces. The field of superhydrophobicity research has reached a stage where huge numbers of candidate treatments have been proposed and jumps have been made in theoretically describing them. There now seems to be a move to more practical concerns and to considering the demands of individual applications instead of more general cases. With these developments, polymeric surfaces with their huge variety of properties have come to the fore and are fast becoming the material of choice for designing, developing, and producing superhydrophobic surfaces. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci Part B: Polym Phys 49: 1203–1217, 201
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