13 research outputs found

    Patogenia de las infecciones virales I

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    La patogenia comprende una serie de eventos y procesos que se combinan para producir enfermedad. La patología está relacionada con las anormalidades resultantes de la reacción a la injuria. La relación virus-célula producida durante la infección viral en un huésped no corresponde necesariamente a la observada en el tejido ya que existen factores que determinan que un virus pueda o no infectar un huésped y que dicha infección se manifieste o no en enfermedad

    Patogenia de la Infecciones Virales II

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    Patogenia a nivel de individuo

    Identificación y clasificación de los potenciales riesgos ambientales asociados a accidentes industriales en la comuna de Teno.

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    55 p.Teno una comuna eminentemente agrícola que en la actualidad a dado forma a un parque industrial en el acceso norte a la región del Maule, con actividades industriales que presentan áreas de vulnerabilidad con su entorno, donde en caso de accidentes industriales graves como incendio y/o explosión, fugas o vertidos, o corte de caminos por accidentes durante el transporte de las materias primas necesarias para el funcionamiento de estas grandes empresas industriales, debieran ser consideradas para la elaboración de los planes de emergencias comunales . Este nuevo escenario, incorpora la aparición de nuevas situaciones de peligrosidad, asociados a las actividades realizadas por estas industrias en donde los riesgos se relacionan a las características de las sustancias o productos utilizados (tóxicos, inflamables, explosivos), así como con las condiciones de trabajo (presión, temperatura y otros) de los equipos utilizados en sus procesos. El estudio realizado a través de Método Delphi en las cinco empresas evaluadas de la Comuna de Teno, indica que de las Grandes Empresas Evaluadas y sometidas a encuesta de expertos las empresas Arauco y Agrozzi resultan ser las más peligrosas considerando su ubicación y proximidad a población en caso de incendio y cursos de agua. /ABSTRACT: Teno is an eminently agricultural commune that at present has formed an industrial park in the northern access to the Maule’s region, with industrial activities that present areas of vulnerability with its surroundings, where in the case of serious industrial accidents such as fire and / or explosion, leakage or spillage, or road cutting by accident during the transportation of the raw materials necessary for the operation of these large industrial enterprises, should be considered for the elaboration of community emergency plans. This new scenario incorporates the emergence of new hazardous situations, associated with the activities carried out by these industries where the risks relate to the characteristics of the substances or products used (toxic, flammable, explosive), as well as the conditions of work (pressure, temperature and others) of the equipment used in their processes. he study carried out through the Delphi Method in the five companies evaluated in the Teno Commune indicates that of the Large Companies Evaluated and submitted to an expert survey the companies Arauco and Agrozzi turn out to be the most dangerous considering their location and proximity to population in case of fire and water courses

    Genetic Diversity of Toscana Virus

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    Distribution of Toscana virus (TOSV) is evolving with climate change, and pathogenicity may be higher in nonexposed populations outside areas of current prevalence (Mediterranean Basin). To characterize genetic diversity of TOSV, we determined the coding sequences of isolates from Spain and France. TOSV is more diverse than other well-studied phleboviruses (e.g.,Rift Valley fever virus)

    Toscana Virus in Spain

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    Toscana virus (TOSV, Phlebovirus, family Bunyaviridae) infection is one of the most prevalent arboviruses in Spain. Within the objectives of a multidisciplinary network, a study on the epidemiology of TOSV was conducted in Granada, in southern Spain. The overall seroprevalence rate was 24.9%, significantly increasing with age. TOSV was detected in 3 of 103 sandfly pools by viral culture or reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction from a region of the L gene. Nucleotide sequence homology was 99%–100% in TOSV from vectors and patients and 80%–81% compared to the Italian strain ISS Phl.3. Sequencing of the N gene of TOSV isolates from patients and vectors indicated 87%–88% and 100% homology at the nucleotide and amino acid levels, respectively, compared to the Italian strain. These findings demonstrate the circulation of at least 2 different lineages of TOSV in the Mediterranean basin, the Italian lineage and the Spanish lineage.Grant sponsor was Red EVITAR, Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, Spanish Ministry of Health, grant no. G03/059. Ximena Collao has a research grant from Valparaiso University (MECESUP project, Chile). The study of vectors, i.e., capture of phlebotomines and taxonomic classification, was supported by the Junta de Andalucía, research grant CVI 176. Dr Sanbonmatsu-Gámez is a microbiologist on a fellowship from the EVITAR network (Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, Spanish Ministry of Health; grant no. G03/059). Her research interest focuses on viral infectious diseases, especially arthropodborne viral diseases

    Caracterización de toscana y otros flebovirus en España

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública. Fecha de lectura: 16 de Julio de 200

    Service Model under the Lean Service and Machine Learning Approach to Increase External User Satisfaction: A case study in the health sector SMEs in Peru

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    The problem identified in the health sector was the low level of external user satisfaction in medical health centres. Due to this, a model based on Lean methodology (TPM and work standardization) and machine learning were developed to improve external user satisfaction. Furthermore, a case study was carried out to validate the model in a company in Metropolitan Lima. Through the analysis of indicators, an increase in the level of patient satisfaction to 81.40% was shown, taking into account the percentage of cancelled appointments, availability of the CT scanner, downtime due to failure, and CT scanner handling time

    Different Lineages of Chikungunya Virus in Equatorial Guinea in 2002 and 2006

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    Chikungunya virus is a mosquito-borne virus that causes an acute febrile infection and severe arthralgia and is considered a re-emergent pathogen. During a study investigating arboviruses causing febrile infection in infants in Bata, Equatorial Guinea, the genome of this virus was amplified from blood samples during near two rainy seasons (2002–2003). In 2006, this virus was isolated from a traveler returning to Spain from Equatorial Guinea. These results show that chikungunya virus is present in this country and two lineages are circulating. Thus, this virus should be considered in the differential diagnosis of febrile syndromes in inhabitants and in travelers returning from this country

    Saberes compartidos y particularidades regionales en las prácticas fumatorias de sociedades del periodo Alfarero Temprano del norte semiárido, centro y sur de Chile, América del Sur

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    This article presents new information about smoking practices through the use of pipes in three geographical-cultural regions of Chile from the beginning of the Early Ceramic period, ca. 200 BC, until 1.300 AD. A multidisciplinary approach was used, that included the study of the contexts in which these artifacts were found, their morpho-technological and decorative descriptions, and the archaeobotanical and chemical analysis of the smoked substances. The results revealed two relevant and central cultural aspects related to the use of smoking artifacts. One of them was the existence of a widespread use of pipes that involved different cultural groups during the Early Ceramic period in the three regions studied. Within this superregional tradition, we unraveled the existence of important regional and/or local peculiarities, which are related to the diverse and distinctive expressions and technological attributes of smoking artifacts, to the paraphernalia associated to these practices, to the qualitative differences between the sites and the contexts in which these artifacts were deposited, and to the time ranges in which these practices were performed.En este artículo presentamos nuevos conocimientos sobre costumbres fumatorias en tres regiones geográfico-culturales de Chile, en que las evidencias de prácticas de fumar en pipas se constatan, con cierto desfase cronológico, desde los inicios del periodo Alfarero Temprano ca. 200 a.C., hasta el 1.300 d.C. El tema se abordó con una metodología multidisciplinaria que incluyó el estudio de los contextos de uso o depositación en que estos materiales fueron encontrados, los estilos morfo-tecnológicos y decorativos de los artefactos y análisis arqueobotánico y químico de las sustancias fumadas. Los resultados obtenidos dan cuenta de dos relevantes y principales aspectos culturales vinculados al uso de artefactos para fumar. Uno de ellos fue constatar la existencia de una práctica generalizada de uso de pipas que involucró a distintos grupos culturales, en el trascurso del periodo Alfarero Temprano y en las tres regiones estudiadas. A su vez, bajo esta tradición suprarregional, se relevó la existencia de importantes particularidades regionales y/o locales. Estas se refieren a las diversas y distintivas expresiones y atributos tecnológicos de los artefactos fumatorios, a la parafernalia asociada, a las diferencias cualitativas en cuanto a sitios y contextos en que fueron depositados estos artefactos y a los rangos de tiempo en que se mantuvieron vigentes estas prácticas