29 research outputs found

    Turbulent Collision-Coalescence in Maritime Shallow Convection

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    This paper discusses cloud simulations aiming at quantitative assessment of the effects of cloud turbulence on rain development in shallow ice-free convective clouds. Cloud fields from large-eddy simulations (LES) applying bin microphysics with the collection kernel enhanced by cloud turbulence are compared to those with the standard gravitational collection kernel. Simulations for a range of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentrations are contrasted. Details on how the parameterized turbulent collection kernel is used in LES simulations are presented. Because of the disparity in spatial scales between the bottom-up numerical studies guiding the turbulent kernel development and the top-down LES simulations of cloud dynamics, we address the consequence of the turbulence intermittency in the unresolved range of scales on the mean collection kernel applied in LES. We show that intermittency effects are unlikely to play an important role in the current simulations. Highly-idealized single-cloud simulations are used to illustrate two mechanisms that operate in cloud field simulations. First, the microphysical enhancement leads to earlier formation of drizzle through faster autoconversion of cloud water into drizzle, as suggested by previous studies. Second, more efficient removal of condensed water from cloudy volumes when a turbulent collection kernel is used leads to an increased cloud buoyancy and enables clouds to reach higher levels. This is the dynamical enhancement. Both mechanisms operate in the cloud field simulations. The microphysical enhancement leads to the increased drizzle and rain inside clouds in simulations with high CCN. In low-CCN simulations with significant surface rainfall, dynamical enhancement leads to a larger contribution of deeper clouds to the entire cloud population, and results in a dramatically increased mean surface rain accumulation. These results call for future modeling and observational studies to corroborate the findings

    An unstructured-mesh atmospheric model for nonhydrostatic dynamics

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    A three-dimensional semi-implicit edge-based unstructured-mesh model is developed that integrates nonhydrostatic anelastic equations, suitable for simulation of small-to-mesoscale atmospheric flows. The model builds on nonoscillatory forward-in-time MPDATA approach using finite-volume discretization and admitting unstructured meshes with arbitrarily shaped cells. The numerical advancements are evaluated with canonical simulations of convective planetary boundary layer and strongly (stably) stratified orographic flows, epitomizing diverse aspects of highly nonlinear nonhydrostatic dynamics. The unstructured-mesh solutions are compared to equivalent results generated with an established structured-grid model and observation. © 2013 Elsevier Inc

    Towards an Integrated Multiscale Simulation of Turbulent Clouds on PetaScale Computers

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    The development of precipitating warm clouds is affected by several effects of small-scale air turbulence including enhancement of droplet-droplet collision rate by turbulence, entrainment and mixing at the cloud edges, and coupling of mechanical and thermal energies at various scales. Large-scale computation is a viable research tool for quantifying these multiscale processes. Specifically, top-down large-eddy simulations (LES) of shallow convective clouds typically resolve scales of turbulent energy-containing eddies while the effects of turbulent cascade toward viscous dissipation are parameterized. Bottom-up hybrid direct numerical simulations (HDNS) of cloud microphysical processes resolve fully the dissipation-range flow scales but only partially the inertial subrange scales. it is desirable to systematically decrease the grid length in LES and increase the domain size in HDNS so that they can be better integrated to address the full range of scales and their coupling. In this paper, we discuss computational issues and physical modeling questions in expanding the ranges of scales realizable in LES and HDNS, and in bridging LES and HDNS. We review our on-going efforts in transforming our simulation codes towards PetaScale computing, in improving physical representations in LES and HDNS, and in developing better methods to analyze and interpret the simulation results

    Evaluation of simulated CO<sub>2</sub> power plant plumes from six high-resolution atmospheric transport models

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    Global anthropogenic CO2 sources are dominated by power plants and large industrial facilities. Quantifying the emissions of these point sources is therefore one of the main goals of the planned constellation of anthropogenic CO2 monitoring satellites (CO2M) of the European Copernicus program. Atmospheric transport models may be used to study the capabilities of such satellites through observing system simulation experiments and to quantify emissions in an inverse modelling framework. How realistically the CO2 plumes of power plants can be simulated and how strongly the results may depend on model type and resolution, however, is not well known due to a lack of observations available for benchmarking. Here, we use the unique data set of aircraft in-situ and remote sensing observations collected during the CoMet measurement campaign down-wind of the coal fired power plants at Bełchatów in Poland and Jaenschwalde in Germany in 2018 to evaluate the simulations of six different atmospheric transport models

    The Integrated WRF/Urban Modeling System: Development, Evaluation, and Applications to Urban Environmental Problems

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    To bridge the gaps between traditional mesoscale modeling and microscale modeling, the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), in collaboration with other agencies and research groups, has developed an integrated urban modeling system coupled to the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model as a community tool to address urban environmental issues. The core of this WRF/urban modeling system consists of: 1) three methods with different degrees of freedom to parameterize urban surface processes, ranging from a simple bulk parameterization to a sophisticated multi-layer urban canopy model with an indoor outdoor exchange sub-model that directly interacts with the atmospheric boundary layer, 2) coupling to fine-scale Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) and Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) models for Transport and Dispersion (T&D) applications, 3) procedures to incorporate high-resolution urban land-use, building morphology, and anthropogenic heating data using the National Urban Database and Access Portal Tool (NUDAPT), and 4) an urbanized high-resolution land-data assimilation system (u-HRLDAS). This paper provides an overview of this modeling system; addresses the daunting challenges of initializing the coupled WRF/urban model and of specifying the potentially vast number of parameters required to execute the WRF/urban model; explores the model sensitivity to these urban parameters; and evaluates the ability of WRF/urban to capture urban heat islands, complex boundary layer structures aloft, and urban plume T&D for several major metropolitan regions. Recent applications of this modeling system illustrate its promising utility, as a regional climate-modeling tool, to investigate impacts of future urbanization on regional meteorological conditions and on air quality under future climate change scenarios

    Scientific challenges of convective-scale numerical weather prediction

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    Numerical weather prediction (NWP) models are increasing in resolution and becoming capable of explicitly representing individual convective storms. Is this increase in resolution leading to better forecasts? Unfortunately, we do not have sufficient theoretical understanding about this weather regime to make full use of these NWPs. After extensive efforts over the course of a decade, convective–scale weather forecasts with horizontal grid spacings of 1–5 km are now operational at national weather services around the world, accompanied by ensemble prediction systems (EPSs). However, though already operational, the capacity of forecasts for this scale is still to be fully exploited by overcoming the fundamental difficulty in prediction: the fully three–dimensional and turbulent nature of the atmosphere. The prediction of this scale is totally different from that of the synoptic scale (103 km) with slowly–evolving semi–geostrophic dynamics and relatively long predictability on the order of a few days. Even theoretically, very little is understood about the convective scale compared to our extensive knowledge of the synoptic-scale weather regime as a partial–differential equation system, as well as in terms of the fluid mechanics, predictability, uncertainties, and stochasticity. Furthermore, there is a requirement for a drastic modification of data assimilation methodologies, physics (e.g., microphysics), parameterizations, as well as the numerics for use at the convective scale. We need to focus on more fundamental theoretical issues: the Liouville principle and Bayesian probability for probabilistic forecasts; and more fundamental turbulence research to provide robust numerics for the full variety of turbulent flows. The present essay reviews those basic theoretical challenges as comprehensibly as possible. The breadth of the problems that we face is a challenge in itself: an attempt to reduce these into a single critical agenda should be avoided

    Implicit Turbulence modeling for high Reynolds number flows

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    Abstract We continue our investigation of the implicit turbulence modeling property of the nonoscillatorynite volume scheme MPDATA. We start by comparing MPDATA simulations of decaying turbulence in a triply p e r i o d i ccube with analogous pseudospectral studies. In the regime of direct numerical simulation, MPDATA is shown to agree closely with the pseudospectral model. As viscosity is reduced, the two model results diverge. We study the MP-DATA results in the inviscid limit, using a combination of mathematical analysis and computational experiment. We validate the inviscid MPDATA results as representing the turbulent ow in the limit of very high Reynolds number

    Operational setup of the soil-perturbed, time-lagged Ensemble Prediction System at the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute

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    The usage of Ensemble Prediction System (EPS)-based weather forecasts is nowadays becoming very popular and widespread, because ensemble means better represent weather-related risks than a single (deterministic) forecast. Perturbations of the lower boundary state (i.e., layers of soil and the boundary between soil and the lower atmosphere) applied to the governing system are also believed to play an important role at any resolution. As a part of the research project of the Consortium for Small-scale Modelling (COSMO) at the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute (IMWM-NRI), a simple and efficient method was proposed to produce a reasonable number of valid ensemble members, taking into consideration predefined soil-related model parameters. Tests, case studies and long-term evaluations confirmed that small perturbations of a selected parameter(s) were sufficient to induce significant changes in the forecast of the state of the atmosphere and to provide qualitative selection of a valid member of the ensemble members. Another important factor that added a significant increment to ensemble spread was the time-lagged approach. All these aspects resulted in the preparation of a well-defined ensemble based on the perturbation of soil-related parameters, and introduced in the COSMO model operational setup at the IMWM-NRI. This system is intended for the use in forecasters’ routine work

    Modeling microphysical effects of entrainment in clouds observed during EUCAARI-IMPACT field campaign

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    This paper discusses aircraft observations and large-eddy simulation (LES) modeling of 15 May 2008, North Sea boundary-layer clouds from the EUCAARI-IMPACT field campaign. These clouds are advected from the northeast by the prevailing lower-tropospheric winds and featured stratocumulus-over-cumulus cloud formations. An almost-solid stratocumulus deck in the upper part of the relatively deep, weakly decoupled marine boundary layer overlays a field of small cumuli. The two cloud formations have distinct microphysical characteristics that are in general agreement with numerous past observations of strongly diluted shallow cumuli on one hand and solid marine stratocumulus on the other. Based on the available observations, a LES model setup is developed and applied in simulations using a novel LES model. The model features a double-moment warm-rain bulk microphysics scheme combined with a sophisticated subgrid-scale scheme allowing local prediction of the homogeneity of the subgrid-scale turbulent mixing. The homogeneity depends on the characteristic time scales for the droplet evaporation and for the turbulent homogenization. In the model, these scales are derived locally based on the subgrid-scale turbulent kinetic energy, spatial scale of cloudy filaments, mean cloud droplet radius, and humidity of the cloud-free air entrained into a cloud, all predicted by the LES model. The model reproduces contrasting macrophysical and microphysical characteristics of the cumulus and stratocumulus cloud layers. Simulated subgrid-scale turbulent mixing within the cumulus layer and near the stratocumulus top is on average quite inhomogeneous, but varies significantly depending on the local conditions