61 research outputs found

    Nowe wskazania do zastosowania terapii ECMO w ciągu ostatnich 5 lat

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    Nierecenzowany artykuł poglądowyPraca po krótkim wstępie historycznym, sięgającym połowy dwudziestego wieku, przedstawia metodę pozaustrojowego utlenowania krwi (ECMO). Artykuł wprowadza nas w dokładny opis tej metody leczenia, przedstawiając poszczególne etapy krążącej krwi od podłączenia układu do krwioobiegu pacjenta, po przepływ przez skomplikowany układ ECMO. Praca przedstawia aktualne wskazania, przeciwwskazania, możliwe powikłania oraz koszty prowadzenia terapii ECMO. Omawia także nowe zastosowania ECMO w Oddziałach Anestezjologii i Intensywnej Terapii w takich przypadkach jak ciężka hipotermia czy krwawienie śród-pęcherzykowe w płucach .The thesis, after a brief historical introduction, reaching half of the twentieth century concerning Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation, that is a therapy derived from cardiology, introduces us to the exact description of the treatment. It talks, among other things, about connecting the whole system to the patient's bloodstream, and what happens to the blood during each stage of the blood flow through the ECMO circuit. The thesis also aims at showing the current indications based primarily on the results of blood gas in ARDS, possible complications, contraindications, and the cost of doing the therapy. However that vast majority of the thesis is devoted to new applications of a treatment conducted by extracorporeal oxygenation. In this respect, we move from pandemic acute respiratory syndrome caused by A/H1N1 virus through treatment of ARDS in the diagnosed HIV infection and ending with severe hypothermia and diffuse alveolar hemorrhage

    Heterogeneous catalysis based on supramolecular association

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    [EN] Heterogeneous catalysis is based mostly on materials built with strong covalent bonds. However, supramolecular aggregation in which individual components self-assemble due to non-covalent interactions to create a larger entity offers also considerable potential for the preparation of materials with application in catalysis. The present article provides a perspective on the use of supramolecular aggregation for the development of heterogeneous catalysts. One of the main advantages of this approach is that the preparation procedure based on spontaneous self-assembly is frequently simpler than those that require the formation of covalent bonds. The emphasis in this article has been placed on the use in the preparation of heterogeneous catalysts of not only carbon materials, particularly graphene and carbon nanotubes, but also dendrimers and organic capsules. Examples of hybrid organic-inorganic materials such as mesoporous organosilicas, metal-organic frameworks and heteropolyacids are also briefly described. The purpose is to illustrate the breadth of the field and the diverse array of possibilities already developed to apply the concepts of supramolecular association in heterogeneous catalysis.Financial support by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Severo Ochoa and CTQ2015-69153-CO2-R1) and Generalitat Valenciana (Prometeo 2017-083) is gratefully acknowledged. Prof Parvulescu thanks UEFISCDI for the Projects 121/2017 and 32PCCD1/2018.Parvulescu, VI.; García Gómez, H. (2018). Heterogeneous catalysis based on supramolecular association. Catalysis Science & Technology. 8(19):4834-4857. https://doi.org/10.1039/c8cy01295dS48344857819J.-M. Lehn , Supramolecular chemistry , Vch , Weinheim , 1995J. W. Steed , J. L.Atwood and P. 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    Contribution à l'optimisation par ajout d'éthylènediamine de catalyseurs supportés à base de cobalt destinés à l'oxydation de composés organiques volatils

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    Afin de limiter l'émission de composés organiques volatils (COV), des traitements de type récupératif ou destructif ont été développés. L'oxydation par voie catalytique est intéressante puisqu'elle permet un traitement à température relativement basse et une orientation de la réaction. Parmis les différents métaux de transition, l'oxyde de cobalt Co3O4 d'avère être une phase très active dans l'oxydation des COV. Cependant, dans le cas de catalyseurs supportés à fortes teneurs en cobalt, des méthodes de synthèse difficiles à réaliser sont nécessaires afin de minimiser la formation de grosses particules, moins actives en catalyse. Au cours de ce travail, des catalyseurs supportés à forte teneur en cobalt (5% en masse) ont été mis au point en utilisant la méthode classique d'imprégnationen excès de volume. Pour différents supports (cérine, titane, alumine et zircone), l'ajout d'éthylènediamine dans la solution d'imprégnation se traduit par un accroissement de l'activité catalytique lié à l'augmentation de la dispersion des espèces de cobalt. Dans le cas de la zircone, le gain observé est le plus marquant du fait de la présence d'espèces de cobalt fortement dispersées et très réductibles. Pour le solide Co/Zr, l'étude de la modification du support (ajout d'yttrium) et du précurseur (rapport en/Co = 1 ; 2 et 3) permet d'optimiser les conditions de synthèse de ce catalyseur et aussi d'éclaircir le rôle de l'éthylènediamine. Les bonnes capacités catalytiques du solide (Co-en1)/Zr ont été confirmées lors de l'oxydation de différents COV. Ce solide s'est également avéré plus stable sous flux réactionnel qu'un catalyseur conventionnel préparé en l'abscence d'éthylènediamine.In order to limit volatil organic compound (VOC), different treatments were developped. Catalytic oxydation is an interesting way since it allows a treatment at lower temperature and an orientation of the reaction. Amoung various transition metals , cobalt oxyde Co3O4 seems to be a very active phase for VOC's oxydation. However, in case of supported catalysts with hight cobalt contents, the use of synthesis' methods which are difficult to realize are necessary in order to minimize the formation of large particles, less active in catalysis. In this work, supported catalysts with hight cobalt content (5 weight %) were prepared by the traditional method (impregnatiooon in excess of volume). For different supports (ceria, titania, alumina and zirconia), addition of ethylenediamine during impregnation lead to a rise of cobalt species dispersion and therefore to an increase of the catalytic activity. In case of zirconia, the gain observed are most important due to the presence of cobalt species strongly dispersed and easier reducible. For Co/Zr samples, modifications of support (by yttrium addition) and precursor (ration en/Co = 1 ; 2 and 3) lead to an optimisation of synthesis' conditions and allow us to clear up the role of ethylenediamine. The good catalytic performances of the solid (Co-en1)/Zr were confirmed in oxydation reaction of different VOC. Moreover, this solid is proven more stable under reactional flow than the conventional catalyst prepared without ethylenediamine.DUNKERQUE-BU Lettres Sci.Hum. (591832101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    «Cyclodextrins as versatile tools for the preparation of heterogeneous catalysts»

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    International audienceno abstrac

    Modified Co3O4/ZrO2 catalysts for VOC emissions abatement.

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    The catalytic activity study of cobalt oxides dispersed on different supports evidenced first the highest performances of zirconia based catalysts in the reaction of toluene oxidn. The influence of the presence of ethylenediamine (en) during the prepn. of Co/ZrO2 and the ZrO2 support modification by Y2O3 were then studied and compared with ref. catalyst prepd. conventionally by impregnation of ZrO2 with an aq. soln. of Co(NO3)2. Addn. of an aq. soln. of ethylenediamine to a cobalt nitrate soln. led to a strong increase on the catalytic activity of the activated solids in the toluene deep oxidn. as compared with the ref. catalyst. The best catalytic results were explained in terms of cobalt oxides dispersion but also in terms of Co-support interaction. The generated cobalt species were reducible at much lower temps. and then were more active in the toluene total oxidn. Finally an efficient catalyst for VOC oxidn. was produced combining the modifications of ZrO2 by yttrium and of the precursor