22 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Kadar Hemoglobin Ibu Hamil Dengan StatusGizi Anak Usia 0-6 Bulan Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sangkrah Kota Surakarta

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    Background: Nutritional status is a condition of the body due to the consumption of food and use of nutrients. Reason infants have nutritional status is not good or stunting one of which is low hemoglobin levels mother during pregnancy. The research was conducted in the district of Kebumen known Puring mothers suffer from anemia in children is not good nutrition as much as 25%. Based on preliminary surveys in Puskesmas Sangkrah there are 216 children under five suffering stunting and 116 pregnant women with anemia. Purpose: To analyze the relationship between hemoglobin levels during pregnancy with the nutritional status of children aged 0-6 months infants at Puskesmas Sangkrah Surakarta. Methods: The study design was observational analytic study with case control approach. The samples are samples taken from the mother Hemoglobin levels of medical records third trimester of pregnancy and the nutritional status of a sample PB/U of children aged 0-6 months are taken when research in posyandu Puskesmas Sangkrah with purposive sampling technique of sampling. A large sample of 56 respondents. Results: Based on the Chi-square test and then it continues with fisher exact test, the variable hemoglobin levels of pregnant women with the nutritional status of children aged 0-6 months, with the result p = 0.401. Conclusions: There is no significant association between hemoglobin levels during pregnancy with the nutritional status of 0-6 months infants in Puskesmas Sangkrah Surakarta


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    Profesionalism should be possessed by every teacher in performing their tasks professionally. Besides every teacher should improve her/his competence by his/her own efforts, the school pricincipal should develop the teachers professionalism. This reasearch aimed at describing the school principal’s role to improve the teachers profesionalism by choosing StateVocational Senior Secondary School 6 in Jakarta as a case study. This study, conducted as from March through June 2009, collected data using interview and observation techniques and analyzed the data descriptively to answer the researcg questions. This reserach concluded thet the school principal in StateVocational Senior Secondary School 6 in Jakarta did various techniques in assissting the teachers to improve their professionalism. To complete the research findings, the implications of the study and some recommendations were presented for further considerations


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh cognitive flexibility dan self awareness terhadap PHBS. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode penelitian asosiatif. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh Ibu Rumah Tangga RW 05 dan RW 06 di Kelurahan Ciketing Udik, Bantargebang yang berjumlah 240 orang. Cara pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan Teknik Accidental Sampling dengan jumlah sampelnya sebanyak 148 responden. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis linier berganda. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini: (a) cognitive flexibility berpengaruh terhadap PHBS ditunjukan dengan thitung 7,747 > ttabel 1,645 dan self awareness berpengaruh terhadap PHBS ditunjukan dengan thitung 3,166 > ttabel 1,645., (b) cognitive flexibility dan self awarenes bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap PHBS, ditunjukan dengan hasil uji F yaitu: Fhitung 81,562 > Ftabel 3,07., (c) Pengaruh cognitive flexibility dan self awareness terhadap PHBS sebesar 52,9%. Dibuktikan dengan hasil uji Koefisien Determinasi yaitu 0,529., (d) Setiap terjadi peningkatan pada Cognitive Flexibility sebesar 1% maka PHBS meningkat sebesar 0,910 dan setiap terjadi peningkatan pada Self Awareness sebesar 1% maka PHBS meningkat sebesar 0,398 yang dibuktikan dengan hasil analisis regresi linier berganda berikut: Ŷ = 84.601 + 0,910 X1 + 0,398 X2+ e. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa PHBS dipengaruhi oleh cognitive flexibility dan self awareness, namun demikian cognitive flexibility lebih berpengaruh terhadap PHBS dibandingkan self awareness. Kata Kunci: Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat, Cognitive Flexibility, Self Awareness ******** This study aims to determine the effect of cognitive flexibility and self awareness on PHBS. This study uses a quantitative approach with associative research methods. The population in this study were all housewives in RW 05 and RW 06 in Ciketing Udik Village, Bantargebang, totaling 240 people. The sampling method in this study used the Accidental Sampling Technique with a total sample of 148 respondents. The analytical method used is multiple linear analysis. The results obtained from this study are as follows: (a) cognitive flexibility has an effect on PHBS as shown by tcount 7,747 > ttable 1,645 and self awareness has an effect on PHBS as indicated by tcount 3,166 > ttable 1,645., (b) cognitive flexibility and self-awareness together have an effect on PHBS, as shown by the results of the F test, namely: Fcount 81.562 > Ftable 3.07., (c) The effect of cognitive flexibility and self-awareness on PHBS is 52.9%. It is proven by the results of the Coefficient of Determination test, which is 0.529., (d) Every time there is an increase in Cognitive Flexibility by 1%, PHBS increases by 0.910 and every time there is an increase in Self Awareness by 1%, PHBS increases by 0.398 as evidenced by the results of multiple linear regression analysis. the following: = 84,601 + 0.910 X1 + 0.398 X2+ e. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that PHBS is influenced by cognitive flexibility and self awareness. However, cognitive flexibility is more influential on PHBS than self awareness. Keywords: Clean and Healthy Life Behavior , Cognitive Flexibility, Self Awarenes


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    Radio merupakan salah satu media penyebaran informasi sekaligus edukasi bagi masyarakat luas. Dewasa ini keberadaan radio masih diminati oleh masyarakat yang membutuhkan hiburan ringan menggunakan media audio. Salah satu bagian penting dari kelangsungan hidup sebuah radio adalah seorang penyiar yang bekerja di radio tersebut. Penyiar kerap dinilai sebagai sampul depan radio, sehingga penyiar membawa jati diri sebuah radio. Penyiar harus menguasai tata bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar sesuai dengan kaidah yang berlaku. Saat ini banyak penyiar yang masih belum memahami kebakuan sebuah kata dan penggunaan bahasa baku ragam lisan untuk berbicara atau mendukung performanya dalam siaran. Hal inilah yang dirasa perlu untuk diperbaiki yakni kompetensi penyiar dalam mengolah kata dan berbahasa Indonesia dengan baik dan benar saat membawakan sebuah program acara pada sebuah radio. Berdasarkan hal tersebut pelatihan bagi penyiar radio dipandang perlu dilakukan untuk memperbaiki kualitas pengguna bahasa Indonesia. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan dengan memberikan lokakarya dan pelatihan bagi seluruh penyiar di wilayah Magelang dan berujung pada ujian kompetensi Berbahasa Indonesia (UKBI). Muara dari program ini dihasilkannya program media pendidikan “Kata Kita” dalam bentuk insert berupa kosa kata baru dalam bahasa Indonesia yang perlu dipopulerkan pada masyarakat


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    Immunization does not go smoothly during this pandemic due to anxiety and fear of taking the baby or toddler out of the house vaccination. This study aims to determine the relationship between maternal stress and the immunization of measles children aged 12 months during the Covid-19 pandemic 30 respondent in Gumayun Village, Dukuhwaru Subdistrict. The data collection tools used in this study were questionnaires and checklist sheets. The results of data analysis using a chi-square statistical test showed ρ value of 0.002 0.05 and a confidence interval of 95%, which means  Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. So it is concluded that there is a link between maternal anxiety and measles immunization of children aged 12 months during the Covid-19 pandemic in Gumayun Village, Dukuhwaru Subdistrict


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    Fasilitas kerja merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam proses produksi karena mempengaruhi kenyamanan dan kinerja karyawan. Kinerja maksimal karyawan dapat dicapai dengan mengusahakan fasilitas kerja yang lengkap, nyaman, dan memadai. Terminal pengangkutan merupakan salah satu tempat kerja dimana container dipindahkan dari kapal ke dermaga. Petugas tally merupakan salah satu pekerja yang harus siap sedia berada dalam cabin untuk memastikan seluruh container telah terangkut sesuai data manifest. Petugas Tally harus berada di dalam cabin melakukan pencatatan selama 12 jam dengan waktu istirahat 1 jam 30 menit. Namun dari hasil wawancara ditemukan beberapa keluhan dari pekerja berupa nyeri otot pada bagian panggul, leher, serta paha. Maka diperlukan analisis lebih dalam menggunakan kuesioner Nordic Body Map (NBM) untuk memetakan keluhan nyeri otot serta metode Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA), untuk menilai risiko nyeri dari postur kerja petugas Tally. Hasil rekapitulasi kuesioner NBM pada 10 orang petugas tally menunjukkan bahwa 100% pekerja merasakan sakit pada panggul, 93% sakit pada leher atas, 98% sakit pada pantat, 98% pada paha kanan, 95% pada paha kiri, 85% pada pinggang, 88% siku kanan, 75% siku kiri, dan 75% pergelangan tanga

    Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Komitmen Karyawan Rumah Sakit Mata Undaan Surabaya

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    Preliminary survey result showed the number of employees knowledge about the event held by Undaan Eye Hospital in Surabaya reached 52,8%. It means more than 20% employees are not aware of activity outside the work which that number can affect to decreasing employee commitment to the organization. Job satisfaction factors divided into 5 there are pay satisfaction, promotion, coworker, supervisor and the job characteristic. The aim of this study is to analyze the influence job satisfaction to employee commitment. Observational analytic was used in this research with the cross sectional design. The data was obtained through questionnaire with simple random sampling involving 62 employees as the sample of this research. The data obtained were analyzed using logistic regression test univariate (α=0,05) to examine the influence of Job satisfaction to employee commitment. The test result indicates that job satisfaction significantly influenced employee commitment at significance value of 0,02. Job satisfaction factors that there are influences toward employee commitment are employee’s pay satisfaction (sig=0,001), promotion (sig=0,005), supervisor (sig=0,004) and job characteristic (sig=0,001). On the other hand, the employee’s coworker satisfaction does not influence the employee commitment. Keywords: employee commitment, job satisfaction, job satisfaction factors

    Pop-Up Legenda Sindoro Sumbing Berbasis Kearifan Lokal sebagai Media Literasi Siswa

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    This study aims to describe the steps of developing Sindoro Sumbing Legend pop-up media based on local wisdom as a student literacy media. This type of research is development research (R & D). This research was conducted at SDN Nguwet Kranggan, Temanggung Regency, Central Java, with a research subject of 35 class V students. The research instrument used in this study was a questionnaire. Questionnaires were filled in directly by respondents and validated by experts. The respondents who filled out the survey were teaching material experts, learning tool experts, and students. Data analysis techniques in this study used descriptive analysis. The results of this study are that Media Pop-Up developed is a Pop-Up folk tale or legend by linking local story elements in Temanggung Regency. This is due to the developed Pop-Up Book media based on local wisdom so that relevant stories are chosen, namely the Sindoro Sumbing Legend. Pop-Up Media Legend of Sindoro Sumbing based on domestic intelligence was developed with stages (1) research and data collection, (2) product manufacturing planning, (3) product draft development, and (4) limited implementation test. The results of the implementation tests in schools include individual tests, limited, and extensive tests obtaining scores in a row 4.25; 4.48; and 4.77, which means that the Pop-Up Legenda Sindoro Sumbing media is worthy of being used as a media for student literacy

    Aquoeous Extract of Neem Leaves (Azadirachta Indica) Decrease Expression of Immunoglbulin E (IgE) and Interleukin 4 (IL-4) in Gingiva Tissue of BALB/c Mice Injected by Ovalbumine

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    Allergy has been such a difficult disease to cure. Some anti-allergic drugs on the market caused side effects such as dryness of mucous membranes, confusion, dizziness, dry mouth, constipation, difficulty urinating and blurred vision, bull neck and moon face. It is difficult to find anti-allergic drugs with minimum side effects. Aim. The research aimed to find alternative anti-alergic agent, it was aquoeous extract of Neem leaves. In particular, this study analysed modulation of aquoeous extract of Neem leaves to expression of Ig E and IL-4 in gingival tissue. Materials and Methods. A total 15 BALB/c Mice was divided into three groups, i.e controle group (no treatment were introduced), Ova group (On days 0, 7, 14 submucous injected with ovalbumine), Neem group (were given with aquoeous extract of Neem leaves 200 mg/day/kg body wieght and injected with ova). Ova injection was 25 μL (in 2 mg/mL PBS), while neem leaves extract were given by oral sondation. IgE and IL-4 were analysed in gingival tissue on day 21 by imunohistochemistry method. Parameters are amouts of leucocytes that expressed IgE and IL-4.  Results. ANOVA and LSD test showed that aquoeous extract of Neem leaves could decrease IgE and IL-4 expression significantly (p<0,05) in gingival tissue. Conclusion. Aquoeous extract of Neem leaves  could be used as an alternative for anti-alergic agent. Key words : Aquoeous Extract from Neem Leaves ; Azadirachta Indica ; Ig E ; IL-4 ; ovalbumine ; ora