21 research outputs found

    Understanding the Mandatory Language Policy for Immigrants and the Impact on Beur Cinema in France

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    This article seeks to fill gaps in the literature regarding French cinema's treatment of immigration. Previous investigations of this theme have tended to position immigrants as objects, individuals perceived as creating problems, and as individuals using violence to resolve issues. This article highlighted in French films under a new genre, Beur Cinema, notably in the film Fatima This research discusses French cinema's depiction of immigrants' experiences with cultural negotiation mainly related to the French government's policy of Language Mandatory as one of the requirements for migrants to be granted citizenship. This article will also discuss the portrayal of the French government’s policy toward immigrants and how immigrants cope with the barriers and offer solutions to the problems in Beur cinema. The film Fatima, which was first published in 2015, will be analyzed by its cinematographic signs using the theory of cinematographic semiotics. This study finds that what has been understood as the cause of the lack of integration of immigrants is mainly that the residence permit is not justified. This research finds that the challenges of immigrants are also represented by difficulties in adapting to language skills, daily life routines, raising children, and even communicating with their diaspora community and the local residents

    Purification of β-1,3-Endoglucanase from Cabbage (Brassicaoleracea cv. capitata L.) by Ion Exchange Chromatography

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    In this research, there was purified of β-1,3- endoglucanase from cabbage, having the aim to calculate purification level of enzyme by ion exchange chromatography methods. That process was started by producing enzyme isolated from Gloria osena hybrid of cabbage,then precipitate it using ammonium sulphate with concentration of saturated 40%. The sediment of enzyme was diluted by phosphate citrate then purified by dialysis in order to separate enzyme from other proteins and ammonium sulphate. The next, hydrophobic interaction chromatography eluted by ammonium suphate concentration of saturated 40% in Tris HCl pH 7 (high concentration to low concentration gradient) with Butyl-topearl 650M in ethanol as matrix was done to purify enzyme based on hydrophobic group interaction of protein and absorbent. After that, there was purifying enzyme by ion exchange chromatography in order to separate enzyme based on it’s ion. Enzyme was eluted by NaCl (0- 0.5) M in Tris HCl (low concentration to high concentration gradient) with DEAE-toyopearl 650 M in ethanol as the matrix. The best result of this ion exchange chromatography on first fraction pH 7 had purification level 3.534,1 of initial extract

    Gambaran infeksi Nontuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM) pada penderita suspek TB Paru menggunakan Multiplex PCR (MPCR)-Universal Lateral Flow Assay (ULFA) Kit

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    Infeksi paru akibat Nontuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM) dan Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) dapat memberikan gambaran klinis yang serupa sehingga berpotensi menyebabkan kesalahan diagnosis dan terapi. Pemeriksaan Multiplex PCR (MPCR)-Universal Lateral Flow Assay (ULFA) merupakan pemeriksaan berbasis molekuler untuk mendeteksi gen rpoB, IS1660 dan mtp40 yang dapat digunakan untuk membedakan infeksi NTM dari infeksi TB. Tujuan: Mendapatkan gambaran infeksi NTM menggunakan MPCR-ULFA pada penderita terduga TB paru. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi deskriptif dengan pendekatan potong lintang yang dilaksanakan sejak April sampai Juli 2019. Sebanyak 39 sampel sputum dari pasien terduga TB paru dari RSUD Kanjuruhan Kepanjen, Kabupaten Malang diperiksakan apusan BTA, GeneXpert dan MPCR-ULFA. Hasil: Sebanyak 5 sampel (12,8%) sputum dari pasien terduga TB paru terdeteksi sebagai NTM positif menggunakan pemeriksaan MPCR-ULFA. Empat dari lima sampel (80%) tersebut memiliki kesesuaian dengan hasil GeneXpert dan apusan BTA, yakni MTB negatif. Pemeriksaan molekuler baik GeneXpert maupun MPCR-ULFA keduanya mendeteksi keberadaan gen rpoB dari Mycobacterium. Metode MPCR-ULFA mengamplifikasi 3 gen target sekaligus (IS1660, mtp40 dan rpoB) sehingga dapat mendeteksi infeksi NTM atau MTB. Simpulan: Prevalensi NTM pada pasien terduga TB paru di RSUD Kanjuruhan Kepanjen menggunakan MPCR-ULFA mencapai 12,8%. Sebanyak 80% dari NTM positif memiliki hasil pemeriksaan GeneXpert dan apusan BTA negatif


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    Abstrak: Kasus penderita stunting Di Kabupaten Pacitan sangat tinggi. Pada tahun 2022 sejumlah 10.375 anak berpotensi mengalami stunting yang diakibatkan genetik dan ekonomi, serta kurangnya asupan nutrisi serta gizi (salah satunya dengan pemberian MPASI). Pendampingan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan softskill dan hardskill mitra dalam bidang pengelolaan MPASI Fishkuit dan pemasaran produk. Metode pendampingan yang digunakan adalah Participatory Action Research (PAR), yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 27 Januari 2023 dengan jumlah peserta 30 orang di GDM Kabupaten Pacitan. Evaluasi dilakukan melalui test tertulis. Hasil yang telah dicapai dalam pengabdian adalah: (1) Pemahaman peserta tentang bahaya dan solusi atas stunting meningkat menjadi 83%; (2) wawasan pengolahan makanan MPASI bertambah; dan (3) pengetahuan pengemasan produk, pengurusan label produk halal dan manajemen pemasaran meningkat menjadi 71%.Abstract: Cases of stunting sufferers in Pacitan Regency are very high. In 2022, a total of 10,375 children have the potential to experience stunting due to genetics and the economy, as well as a lack of nutritional intake (one of which is by providing complementary foods). This assistance aims to improve the soft skills and hard skills of partners in the field of MPASI Fishquit management and product marketing. The mentoring method used was participatory action research (PAR), which was held on January 27, 2023, with a total of 30 participants at GDM Pacitan Regency. The evaluation technique using written test. The results that have been achieved in community service are: (1) participants' understanding of the dangers and solutions to stunting increased to 83%; (2) knowledge of complementary food processing has increased; and (3) knowledge of product packaging, handling halal product labels, and marketing management increased to 71%


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    A discourse always has a topic which is included in a proposition. Topic is also about the theme that is being discussed in a discourse or in main idea. This research analyzes the structure of French o line media discourse and communication analysis, with the macro structure, micro structure, and super structure approach. The result shows that based on the macro structure approach, media discourse is divided into 5 element; which are the title, date, source, number of word , and text resume. Macro structure also refers to the theme, topic or main idea of the rubric discourse. Topic unity can be achieved by several ways; referring, ellipsis, pronominalize, repetition, and lexical equivalency. According to the micro structure approach, there are parts of text, such as: word, sentence, phrase, proposition, and image. Micro structure is related with the relation between proposition. The relation that is found from the data is argumentative relation and topicalisation relation; while according to the super structure approach, the discourse is related to the framework and part that is being arranged in the text as a whole

    Dinamika kemiskinan di Yogyakarta : Analisis data hasil survei aspek kehidupan rumah tangga Indonesia tahun 1997 dan 2000

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    xi, 98 : il.p.; 21 cm


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    This research is about the problems that are experienced by the main character and the cause of those problems. The research object is a teen novel titled L�été où Je suis Né by Florence Hinckle. The novel is about a teenage boy named Léo who faces many issues when he starts falling for Xavière. Before analyzing the problems of the main character, the analysis of intrinsic elements such as theme, plot, character and characterization, setting, and point of view are first analyzed using structural theory. The problems experienced by the main character are then analyzed using Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis theory. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the major issues that are experienced by Leo are related to his relationship with Xavière. The cause of these problems is the active process of an unconscious mind. Thoughts and memories about his past always appear and affect all of his actions. These unconscious processes are the cause of many of Leo's problems

    Digital Literacy Initiation Through the Family Literacy Movement for Sogan Elementary School Parents

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    The progress of knowledge in the educational process is one of the crucial needs that must be met by parents and guardians of students, especially when implementing learning from home as a result of the current Covid-19 pandemic. The Community Service Program with activities to introduce digital-based family literacy movements is one of the efforts to help the community, especially parents, to continue to understand the progress of knowledge to support the education and learning process from home. Outcomes Community service activities that have been carried out at SD Negeri Sogan aim to help improve digital literacy skills in everyday life. The subjects of the service were the guardians of the sixth grade students at SD Negeri Sogan as many as 20 people. The method of implementing service activities is carried out through 3 (three) stages, namely need assessment, implementation, and evaluation of activities. From the results of the evaluation of the implementation of the activities, it can be concluded that 1) it is effective and useful for service participants, namely the guardians of class VI Sogan Elementary School; and 2) there is an increase in the knowledge and understanding of service participants about the digital-based family literacy movement


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    Since its inception, film has become the medium of human speech as a transmitter of communication, as well as perpetuating what humans have done for thousands of years, which is to tell the story. Similar to literature, movie can be used to represent the realities. The ability of the movie to represent reality, often used to represent a discourse. The discourse represented in the movie is often loaded by ideology, then the film can be used as a propaganda. The research, entitled «The Ideology of the Left in the film La Faute à Fidel» reveals how ideologies are represented in that film. The material object of this research is a film directed by Julie Gavras, La Faute à Fidel (2006). The film is adapted from the novel Tutta Colpa di Fidel written by francoitalien writer, Domitia Calamai. This film tells the story of Anna de la Mesa, a nineyear- old girl, who is trapped in the shifting point of political ideology of her parents. This 90-minutes film explicitly filled by a lot of ideologies. The qualitative research methods is used to track ideology which is hiding behind cinematic elements, and reveals how the film represents the ideology