208 research outputs found

    Transcriptional response of the extremophile red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae to changes in CO2 concentrations

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    Rademacher N, Wrobel TJ, Rossoni AW, et al. Transcriptional response of the extremophile red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae to changes in CO2 concentrations. Journal of Plant Physiology. 2017;217:49-56.Cyanidioschyzon merolae (C. merolae) is an acidophilic red alga growing in a naturally low carbon dioxide (CO2) environment. Although it uses a ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase with high affinity for CO2, the survival of C. merolae relies on functional photorespiratory metabolism. In this study, we quantified the transcriptomic response of C. merolae to changes in CO2 conditions. We found distinct changes upon shifts between CO2 conditions, such as a concerted up-regulation of photorespiratory genes and responses to carbon starvation. We used the transcriptome data set to explore a hypothetical CO2 concentrating mechanism in C. merolae, based on the assumption that photorespiratory genes and possible candidate genes involved in a CO2 concentrating mechanism are co-expressed. A putative bicarbonate transport protein and two a-carbonic anhydrases were identified, which showed enhanced transcript levels under reduced CO2 conditions. Genes encoding enzymes of a PEPCK-type C-4 pathway were co-regulated with the photorespiratory gene cluster. We propose a model of a hypothetical low CO2 compensation mechanism in C. merolae integrating these low CO2-inducible components

    Geovisual analytics for spatial decision support: Setting the research agenda

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    This article summarizes the results of the workshop on Visualization, Analytics & Spatial Decision Support, which took place at the GIScience conference in September 2006. The discussions at the workshop and analysis of the state of the art have revealed a need in concerted cross‐disciplinary efforts to achieve substantial progress in supporting space‐related decision making. The size and complexity of real‐life problems together with their ill‐defined nature call for a true synergy between the power of computational techniques and the human capabilities to analyze, envision, reason, and deliberate. Existing methods and tools are yet far from enabling this synergy. Appropriate methods can only appear as a result of a focused research based on the achievements in the fields of geovisualization and information visualization, human‐computer interaction, geographic information science, operations research, data mining and machine learning, decision science, cognitive science, and other disciplines. The name ‘Geovisual Analytics for Spatial Decision Support’ suggested for this new research direction emphasizes the importance of visualization and interactive visual interfaces and the link with the emerging research discipline of Visual Analytics. This article, as well as the whole special issue, is meant to attract the attention of scientists with relevant expertise and interests to the major challenges requiring multidisciplinary efforts and to promote the establishment of a dedicated research community where an appropriate range of competences is combined with an appropriate breadth of thinking

    SDSS J1254+0846: A Binary Quasar Caught in the Act of Merging

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    We present the first luminous, spatially resolved binary quasar that clearly inhabits an ongoing galaxy merger. SDSS J125455.09+084653.9 and SDSS J125454.87+084652.1 (SDSS J1254+0846 hereafter) are two luminous z=0.44 radio quiet quasars, with a radial velocity difference of just 215 km/s, separated on the sky by 21 kpc in a disturbed host galaxy merger showing obvious tidal tails. The pair was targeted as part of a complete sample of binary quasar candidates with small transverse separations drawn from SDSS DR6 photometry. We present follow-up optical imaging which shows broad, symmetrical tidal arm features spanning some 75 kpc at the quasars' redshift. Numerical modeling suggests that the system consists of two massive disk galaxies prograde to their mutual orbit, caught during the first passage of an active merger. This demonstrates rapid black hole growth during the early stages of a merger between galaxies with pre-existing bulges. Neither of the two luminous nuclei show significant instrinsic absorption by gas or dust in our optical or X-ray observations, illustrating that not all merging quasars will be in an obscured, ultraluminous phase. We find that the Eddington ratio for the fainter component B is rather normal, while for the A component L/LEdd is quite (>3sigma) high compared to quasars of similar luminosity and redshift, possibly evidence for strong merger-triggered accretion. More such mergers should be identifiable at higher redshifts using binary quasars as tracers.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, accepted to the Astrophysical Journal for the February 2010 - 20 v710 issue. Latest version corrects author lis

    Elliptical Galaxies and Bulges of Disk Galaxies: Summary of Progress and Outstanding Issues

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    This is the summary chapter of a review book on galaxy bulges. Bulge properties and formation histories are more varied than those of ellipticals. I emphasize two advances: 1 - "Classical bulges" are observationally indistinguishable from ellipticals, and like them, are thought to form by major galaxy mergers. "Disky pseudobulges" are diskier and more actively star-forming (except in S0s) than are ellipticals. Theys are products of the slow ("secular") evolution of galaxy disks: bars and other nonaxisymmetries move disk gas toward the center, where it starbursts and builds relatively flat, rapidly rotating components. This secular evolution is a new area of galaxy evolution work that complements hierarchical clustering. 2 - Disks of high-redshift galaxies are unstable to the formation of mass clumps that sink to the center and merge - an alternative channel for the formation of classical bulges. I review successes and unsolved problems in the formation of bulges+ellipticals and their coevolution (or not) with supermassive black holes. I present an observer's perspective on simulations of dark matter galaxy formation including baryons. I review how our picture of the quenching of star formation is becoming general and secure at redshifts z < 1. The biggest challenge is to produce realistic bulges+ellipticals and disks that overlap over a factor of 10**3 in mass but that differ from each other as observed over that whole range. Second, how does hierarchical clustering make so many giant, bulgeless galaxies in field but not cluster environments? I argue that we rely too much on AGN and star-formation feedback to solve these challenges.Comment: 46 pages, 10 postscript figures, accepted for publication in Galactic Bulges, ed. E. Laurikainen, R. F. Peletier, & D. A. Gadotti (New York: Springer), in press (2015

    Insights from the STICH trial: Change in left ventricular size after coronary artery bypass grafting with and without surgical ventricular reconstruction

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    ObjectiveThe present analysis of the Surgical Treatment for Ischemic Heart Failure randomized trial data examined the left ventricular volumes at baseline and 4 months after surgery to determine whether any magnitude of postoperative reduction in end-systolic volume affected survival after coronary artery bypass grafting alone compared with bypass grafting plus surgical ventricular reconstruction.MethodsOf the 1000 patients randomized, 555 underwent an operation and had a paired imaging assessment with the same modality at baseline and 4 months postoperatively. Of the remaining 455 patients, 424 either died before the 4-month study or did not have paired imaging tests and were excluded, and 21 were not considered because they had died before surgery or did not receive surgery.ResultsSurgical ventricular reconstruction resulted in improved survival compared with coronary artery bypass grafting alone when the postoperative end-systolic volume index was 70 mL/m2 or less. However, the opposite was true for patients achieving a postoperative volume index greater than 70 mL/m2. A reduction in the end-systolic volume index of 30% or more compared with baseline was an infrequent event in both treatment groups and did not produce a statistically significant survival benefit with ventricular reconstruction.ConclusionsIn patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting plus surgical ventricular reconstruction, a survival benefit was realized compared with bypass alone, with the achievement of a postoperative end-systolic volume index of 70 mL/m2 or less. Extensive ventricular remodeling at baseline might limit the ability of ventricular reconstruction to achieve a sufficient reduction in volume and clinical benefit

    Modern microwave methods in solid state inorganic materials chemistry: from fundamentals to manufacturing

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