2,130 research outputs found

    CCR2⁺CD103⁻ intestinal dendritic cells develop from DC-committed precursors and induce interleukin-17 production by T cells

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    The identification of intestinal macrophages (m phi s) and dendritic cells (DCs) is a matter of intense debate. Although CD103(+) mononuclear phagocytes (MPs) appear to be genuine DCs, the nature and origins of CD103(-) MPs remain controversial. We show here that intestinal CD103(-)CD11b(+) MPs can be separated clearly into DCs and m phi s based on phenotype, gene profile, and kinetics. CD64(-)CD103(-)CD11b(+) MPs are classical DCs, being derived from Flt3 ligand-dependent, DC-committed precursors, not Ly6C hi monocytes. Surprisingly, a significant proportion of these CD103(-)CD11b(+) DCs express CCR2 and there is a selective decrease in CD103(-)CD11b(+) DCs in mice lacking this chemokine receptor. CCR2(+)CD103(-) DCs are present in both the murine and human intestine, drive interleukin (IL)-17a production by Tcells in vitro, and show constitutive expression of IL-12/IL-23p40. These data highlight the heterogeneity of intestinal DCs and reveal a bona fide population of CCR2(+) DCs that is involved in priming mucosal T helper type 17 (Th17) responses

    Detectable abundance of cyanoacetylene (hc3n) predicted on reduced nitrogen-rich super-earth atmospheres

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    Abstract: We predict that cyanoacetylene (HC3N) is produced photochemically in the atmosphere of GJ 1132 b in abundances detectable by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), assuming that the atmosphere is hydrogen dominated and rich in molecular nitrogen (N2), methane (CH4), and hydrogen cyanide (HCN), as described by Swain et al. First, we construct line lists and cross sections for HC3N. Then we apply these cross sections and the model atmosphere of Swain et al. to a radiative transfer model in order to simulate the transmission spectrum of GJ 1132 b as it would be seen by JWST, accounting for the uncertainty in the retrieved abundances. We predict that cyanoacetylene features at various wavelengths, with a clear lone feature at 4.5 μm, observable by JWST after one transit. This feature persists within the 1σ uncertainty of the retrieved abundances of HCN and CH4. The signal is detectable for stratospheric temperatures ≲600 K and moderate stratospheric mixing (106 cm2 s−1 ≲ K zz ≲ 108 cm2 s−1). Our results also indicate that HC3N is an important source of opacity that future retrieval models should consider

    Prevalence of under and over weight in children with neurodisability, using body composition measures

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    We aimed to compare rates of under and overweight in children with different neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) by measuring weight, height/length, arm-to-leg bioelectrical impedance (BIA) and subscapular and triceps skinfolds in 146 children aged 4-16 years attending special schools. Z scores were calculated and skinfolds and lean mass Z scores were further adjusted for height. Underweight was found in 9% (14) children (body mass index (BMI) < 2nd) but only 3% (4) had skinfolds <5th centile. Overweight was much commoner, with 41% (58) children having BMI > 95th and 20% (14) had skinfolds >95th centile. Children with cerebral palsy were very short with low BMI and lean mass, but only 8% (3) had skinfolds <5th centile. The children with Down syndrome were also very short and once adjusted for height, half had skinfolds >95th centile. We conclude that overweight and raised body fat is now common in children with NDD, even when the BMI is low

    Waiting time variation in Early Intervention Psychosis services: longitudinal evidence from the SEPEA naturalistic cohort study

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    PURPOSE: Early Intervention Psychosis [EIP] services have gained traction internationally, but are currently undergoing various forms of reconfiguration. In England, such services are now mandated to ensure 50% of accepted referrals commence care within 14 days, but no empirical evidence exists. We sought to estimate waiting times to EIP services in a large, representative epidemiological cohort in England, and investigate possible reasons for any variation. METHODS: We estimated median waiting time from referral to acceptance by EIP services and investigated whether this varied by clinical, demographic or neighbourhood-level factors, amongst 798 participants, 16-35 years old, presenting to six EIP services over 3.5 years in a defined catchment area serving 2.5 million people. We used parametric survival analysis to inspect variation in waiting times (in days). RESULTS: Median waiting time was 15 days (interquartile range 7-30), although this varied across services (p < 0.01). Waiting times increased over the case ascertainment period by an average of 4.3 days (95% CI 1.3, 6.2; p < 0.01). Longer waiting times were associated with greater diagnostic uncertainty, indexed by an organic presentation (+ 9.1 days; 95% CI 1.9, 16.6; p < 0.01), polysubstance abuse (+ 2.6; 0.6, 3.9; p < 0.01), absence of psychotic disorder (+1.8; -0.1, 3.0; p = 0.05) and insidious onset (+1.8; -0.1, 3.0; p = 0.06). Waiting times did not vary by most demographic or neighbourhood-level characteristics. CONCLUSIONS: EIP services operate close to new waiting time standards in England, with little systematic variation by sociodemographic position. However, waiting times increased over the study period, coinciding with substantial service reorganisation. Longer waiting times associated with greater diagnostic uncertainty highlight opportunities to reduce delays in certain clinical groups at initial referral.The work for this paper was supported by: a Sir Henry Wellcome Research Fellowship from the Wellcome Trust (Grant No. WT085540) to Dr James Kirkbride, a Sir Henry Dale Fellowship to Dr James Kirkbride, jointly funded by the Wellcome Trust and the Royal Society (Grant No. 101272/Z/13/Z), and an NIHR Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) grant for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough (Grant No. RP-PG-0606-1335) to Prof Peter Jones. The funders had no involvement in any aspect of the design of this study, preparation of results, or decision to submit for publication. We thank the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough (CPFT) and Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trusts (NSFT) for sponsoring this research

    Biodiversity-productivity relationships are key to nature-based climate solutions

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    The global impacts of biodiversity loss and climate change are interlinked, but the feedbacks between them are rarely assessed. Areas with greater tree diversity tend to be more productive, providing a greater carbon sink, and biodiversity loss could reduce these natural carbon sinks. Here, we quantify how tree and shrub species richness could affect biomass production on biome, national and regional scales. We find that GHG mitigation could help maintain tree diversity and thereby avoid a 9–39% reduction in terrestrial primary productivity across different biomes, which could otherwise occur over the next 50 years. Countries that will incur the greatest economic damages from climate change stand to benefit the most from conservation of tree diversity and primary productivity, which contribute to climate change mitigation. Our results emphasize an opportunity for a triple win for climate, biodiversity and society, and highlight that these co-benefits should be the focus of reforestation programmes

    Is perception of quality more important than technical quality in patient video cases?

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    Background: The use of video cases to demonstrate key signs and symptoms in patients (patient video cases or PVCs) is a rapidly expanding field. The aims of this study were to evaluate whether the technical quality, or judgement of quality, of a video clip influences a paediatrician's judgment on acuity of the case and assess the relationship between perception of quality and the technical quality of a selection of video clips. Methods: Participants (12 senior consultant paediatricians attending an examination workshop) individually categorised 28 PVCs into one of 3 possible acuities and then described the quality of the image seen. The PVCs had been converted into four different technical qualities (differing bit rates ranging from excellent to low quality). Results: Participants' assessment of quality and the actual industry standard of the PVC were independent (333 distinct observations, spearmans rho = 0.0410, p = 0.4564). Agreement between actual acuity and participants' judgement was generally good at higher acuities but moderate at medium/low acuities of illness (overall correlation 0.664). Perception of the quality of the clip was related to correct assignment of acuity regardless of the technical quality of the clip (number of obs = 330, z = 2.07, p = 0.038). Conclusions: It is important to benchmark PVCs prior to use in learning resources as experts may not agree on the information within, or quality of, the clip. It appears, although PVCs may be beneficial in a pedagogical context, the perception of quality of clip may be an important determinant of an expert's decision making. © 2015 Roland et al