1,116 research outputs found

    Fused Deposition Modelling of Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites: A Parametric Review

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    Fused deposition modelling (FDM) is a widely used additive layer manufacturing process that deposits thermoplastic material layer-by-layer to produce complex geometries within a short time. Increasingly, fibres are being used to reinforce thermoplastic filaments to improve mechanical performance. This paper reviews the available literature on fibre reinforced FDM to investigate how the mechanical, physical, and thermal properties of 3D-printed fibre reinforced thermoplastic composite materials are affected by printing parameters (e.g., printing speed, temperature, building principle, etc.) and constitutive materials properties, i.e., polymeric matrices, reinforcements, and additional materials. In particular, the reinforcement fibres are categorized in this review considering the different available types (e.g., carbon, glass, aramid, and natural), and obtainable architectures divided accordingly to the fibre length (nano, short, and continuous). The review attempts to distil the optimum processing parameters that could be deduced from across different studies by presenting graphically the relationship between process parameters and properties. This publication benefits the material developer who is investigating the process parameters to optimize the printing parameters of novel materials or looking for a good constituent combination to produce composite FDM filaments, thus helping to reduce material wastage and experimental time

    Evolution of the Halpha luminosity function

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    The Smithsonian Hectospec Lensing Survey (SHELS) is a window on the star formation history over the last 4 Gyr. SHELS is a spectroscopically complete survey for Rtot < 20.3 over 4 square degrees. We use the 10k spectra to select a sample of pure star forming galaxies based on their Halpha emission line. We use the spectroscopy to determine extinction corrections for individual galaxies and to remove active galaxies in order to reduce systematic uncertainties. We use the large volume of SHELS with the depth of a narrowband survey for Halpha galaxies at z ~ 0.24 to make a combined determination of the Halpha luminosity function at z ~ 0.24. The large area covered by SHELS yields a survey volume big enough to determine the bright end of the Halpha luminosity function from redshift 0.100 to 0.377 for an assumed fixed faint-end slope alpha = -1.20. The bright end evolves: the characteristic luminosity L* increases by 0.84 dex over this redshift range. Similarly, the star formation density increases by 0.11 dex. The fraction of galaxies with a close neighbor increases by a factor of 2-5 for L(Halpha) >~ L* in each of the redshift bins. We conclude that triggered star formation is an important influence for star forming galaxies with Halpha emission.Comment: 26 pages, 23 figures, submitted to ApJ; version with high resolution figures available at http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~ewestra/publications

    Triggered Star Formation in Galaxy Pairs at z=0.08-0.38

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    We measure the strength, frequency, and timescale of tidally triggered star formation at redshift z=0.08-0.38 in a spectroscopically complete sample of galaxy pairs drawn from the magnitude-limited redshift survey of 9,825 Smithsonian Hectospec Lensing Survey (SHELS) galaxies with R<20.3. To examine the evidence for tidal triggering, we identify a volume-limited sample of major (|\Delta M_R|1/5) pair galaxies with $M_R < -20.8 in the redshift range z=0.08-0.31. The size and completeness of the spectroscopic survey allows us to focus on regions of low local density. The spectrophotometric calibration enables the use of the 4000 Ang break (D_n4000), the H\alpha specific star formation rate (SSFR_{H\alpha}), and population models to characterize the galaxies. We show that D_n4000 is a useful population classification tool; it closely tracks the identification of emission line galaxies. The sample of major pair galaxies in regions of low local density with low D_n4000 demonstrates the expected anti-correlation between pair-wise projected separation and a set of star formation indicators explored in previous studies. We measure the frequency of triggered star formation by comparing the SSFR_{H\alpha} in the volume-limited sample in regions of low local density: 32 +/-7% of the major pair galaxies have SSFR_{H\alpha} at least double the median rate of the unpaired field galaxies. Comparison of stellar population models for pair and for unpaired field galaxies implies a timescale for triggered star formation of ~300-400 Myr.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figures. Accepted to A

    SHELS: Optical Spectral Properties of WISE 22 \mu m-selected Galaxies

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    We use a dense, complete redshift survey, the Smithsonian Hectospec Lensing Survey (SHELS), covering a 4 square degree region of a deep imaging survey, the Deep Lens Survey (DLS), to study the optical spectral properties of Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) 22 \mu m-selected galaxies. Among 507 WISE 22 \mu m-selected sources with (S/N)_{22\mu m}>3 (\simS_{22\mu m}>2.5 mJy), we identify the optical counterparts of 481 sources (\sim98%) at R<25.2 in the very deep, DLS R-band source catalog. Among them, 337 galaxies at R<21 have SHELS spectroscopic data. Most of these objects are at z<0.8. The infrared (IR) luminosities are in the range 4.5x10^8 (L_sun) < L_{IR} < 5.4x10^{12} (L_sun). Most 22 \mu m-selected galaxies are dusty star-forming galaxies with a small (<1.5) 4000 \AA break. The stacked spectra of the 22 \mu m-selected galaxies binned in IR luminosity show that the strength of the [O III] line relative to H\beta grows with increasing IR luminosity. The optical spectra of the 22 \mu m-selected galaxies also show that there are some (\sim2.8%) unusual galaxies with very strong [Ne III] \lambda 3869, 3968 emission lines that require hard ionizing radiation such as AGN or extremely young massive stars. The specific star formation rates (sSFRs) derived from the 3.6 and 22 \mu m flux densities are enhanced if the 22 \mu m-selected galaxies have close late-type neighbors. The sSFR distribution of the 22 \mu m-selected galaxies containing active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is similar to the distribution for star-forming galaxies without AGNs. We identify 48 dust-obscured galaxy (DOG) candidates with large (\gtrsim1000) mid-IR to optical flux density ratio. The combination of deep photometric and spectroscopic data with WISE data suggests that WISE can probe the universe to z\sim2.Comment: 18 pages, 17 figures. To appear in Ap

    The Faint End of the Luminosity Function and Low Surface Brightness Galaxies

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    SHELS (Smithsonian Hectospec Lensing Survey) is a dense redshift survey covering a 4 square degree region to a limiting R = 20.6. In the construction of the galaxy catalog and in the acquisition of spectroscopic targets, we paid careful attention to the survey completeness for lower surface brightness dwarf galaxies. Thus, although the survey covers a small area, it is a robust basis for computation of the slope of the faint end of the galaxy luminosity function to a limiting M_R = -13.3 + 5logh. We calculate the faint end slope in the R-band for the subset of SHELS galaxies with redshif ts in the range 0.02 <= z < 0.1, SHELS_{0.1}. This sample contains 532 galaxies with R< 20.6 and with a median surface brightness within the half light radius of SB_{50,R} = 21.82 mag arcsec^{-2}. We used this sample to make one of the few direct measurements of the dependence of the faint end of the galaxy luminosity function on surface brightness. For the sample as a whole the faint end slope, alpha = -1.31 +/- 0.04, is consistent with both the Blanton et al. (2005b) analysis of the SDSS and the Liu et al. (2008) analysis of the COSMOS field. This consistency is impressive given the very different approaches of th ese three surveys. A magnitude limited sample of 135 galaxies with optical spectroscopic reds hifts with mean half-light surface brightness, SB_{50,R} >= 22.5 mag arcsec^{-2} is unique to SHELS_{0.1}. The faint end slope is alpha_{22.5} = -1.52+/- 0.16. SHELS_{0.1} shows that lower surface brightness objects dominate the faint end slope of the l uminosity function in the field, underscoring the importance of surface brightness limits in evaluating measurements of the faint end slope and its evolution.Comment: 34 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables, Astronomical Journal, in press (updated based on review

    Laparoscopic repair of very large hiatus hernia with sutures versus absorbable mesh versus nonabsorbable mesh a randomized controlled trial

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    Author version made available in accordance with pubilsher policy. 12 month embargo applies from the date of publication (1 Feb 2015).Objective: Determine whether absorbable or non-absorbable mesh in repair of large hiatus hernias reduces the risk of recurrence, compared to suture repair. Summary Background Data: Repair of large hiatus hernia is associated with radiological recurrence rates of up to 30%, and to improve outcomes mesh repair has been recommended. Previous trials have shown less short term recurrence with mesh, but adverse outcomes limit mesh use. Methods: Multicentre prospective double blind randomized controlled trial of 3 methods of repair; sutures vs. absorbable mesh vs. non-absorbable mesh. Primary outcome - hernia recurrence assessed by barium meal X-ray and endoscopy at 6 months. Secondary outcomes - clinical symptom scores at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months. Results: 126 patients enrolled - 43 sutures, 41 absorbable mesh and 42 non-absorbable mesh. 96.0% were followed to 12 months, with objective follow-up data in 92.9%. A recurrent hernia (any size) was identified in 23.1% following suture repair, 30.8% - absorbable mesh, and 12.8% - non-absorbable mesh (p=0.161). Clinical outcomes were similar, except less heartburn at 3 & 6 months and less bloating at 12 months with non-absorbable mesh, and more heartburn at 3 months, odynophagia at 1 month, nausea at 3 & 12 months, wheezing at 6 months, and inability to belch at 12 months following absorbable mesh. The magnitude of the clinical differences were small. Conclusions: No significant differences were seen for recurrent hiatus hernia, and the clinical differences were unlikely to be clinically significant. Overall outcomes following sutured repair were similar to mesh repair

    Responsibility modelling for civil emergency planning

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    This paper presents a new approach to analysing and understanding civil emergency planning based on the notion of responsibility modelling combined with HAZOPS-style analysis of information requirements. Our goal is to represent complex contingency plans so that they can be more readily understood, so that inconsistencies can be highlighted and vulnerabilities discovered. In this paper, we outline the framework for contingency planning in the United Kingdom and introduce the notion of responsibility models as a means of representing the key features of contingency plans. Using a case study of a flooding emergency, we illustrate our approach to responsibility modelling and suggest how it adds value to current textual contingency plans

    Evolutionarily conserved regulation of hypocretin neuron specification by Lhx9

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    Loss of neurons that express the neuropeptide hypocretin (Hcrt) has been implicated in narcolepsy, a debilitating disorder characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness and cataplexy. Cell replacement therapy, using Hcrt-expressing neurons generated in vitro, is a potentially useful therapeutic approach, but factors sufficient to specify Hcrt neurons are unknown. Using zebrafish as a high-throughput system to screen for factors that can specify Hcrt neurons in vivo, we identified the LIM homeobox transcription factor Lhx9 as necessary and sufficient to specify Hcrt neurons. We found that Lhx9 can directly induce hcrt expression and we identified two potential Lhx9 binding sites in the zebrafish hcrt promoter. Akin to its function in zebrafish, we found that Lhx9 is sufficient to specify Hcrt-expressing neurons in the developing mouse hypothalamus. Our results elucidate an evolutionarily conserved role for Lhx9 in Hcrt neuron specification that improves our understanding of Hcrt neuron development

    Hectospec, the MMT's 300 Optical Fiber-Fed Spectrograph

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    The Hectospec is a 300 optical fiber fed spectrograph commissioned at the MMT in the spring of 2004. A pair of high-speed six-axis robots move the 300 fiber buttons between observing configurations within ~300 s and to an accuracy ~25 microns. The optical fibers run for 26 m between the MMT's focal surface and the bench spectrograph operating at R~1000-2000. Another high dispersion bench spectrograph offering R~5,000, Hectochelle, is also available. The system throughput, including all losses in the telescope optics, fibers, and spectrograph peaks at ~10% at the grating blaze in 1" FWHM seeing. Correcting for aperture losses at the 1.5" diameter fiber entrance aperture, the system throughput peaks at \sim17%. Hectospec has proven to be a workhorse instrument at the MMT. Hectospec and Hectochelle together were scheduled for 1/3 of the available nights since its commissioning. Hectospec has returned \~60,000 reduced spectra for 16 scientific programs during its first year of operation.Comment: 68 pages, 28 figures, to appear in December 2005 PAS