117 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Impact of Atmospheric Dispersion and Differential Refraction on Widefield Multiobject Spectroscopic Observations. From VLT/VIMOS to Next Generation Instruments

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    (Abridged) Atmospheric dispersion and field differential refraction impose severe constraints on widefield MOS observations. Flux reduction and spectral distortions must be minimised by a careful planning of the observations -- which is especially true for instruments that use slits instead of fibres. This is the case of VIMOS at the VLT, where MOS observations have been restricted, since the start of operations, to a narrow two-hour range from the meridian to minimise slit losses. We revisit in detail the impact of atmospheric effects on the quality of VIMOS-MOS spectra. We model slit losses across the entire VIMOS FOV as a function of target declination. We explore two different slit orientations at the meridian: along the parallactic angle (North-South), and perpendicular to it (East-West). We show that, for fields culminating at zenith distances larger than 20 deg, slit losses are minimised with slits oriented along the parallactic angle at the meridian. The two-hour angle rule holds for these observations using N-S orientations. Conversely, for fields with zenith angles smaller than 20 deg at culmination, losses are minimised with slits oriented perpendicular to the parallactic angle at the meridian. MOS observations can be effectively extended to plus/minus three hours from the meridian in these cases. In general, night-long observations of a single field will benefit from using the E-W orientation. All-sky or service mode observations, however, require a more elaborate planning that depends on the target declination, and the hour angle of the observations. We establish general rules for the alignment of slits in MOS observations that will increase target observability, enhance the efficiency of operations, and speed up the completion of programmes -- a particularly relevant aspect for the forthcoming spectroscopic public surveys with VIMOS.Comment: Accepted to A&A. 11 pages, 15 figures. This paper presents the new recommendations for optimal slit alignment in VLT/VIMOS observation

    Neue Wege zur Schaffung struktur- und artenreicher WaldrÀnder im Kreis Höxter

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    Die Bundesrepublik hat sich 1992 wie viele andere Staaten zum Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt verpflichtet (BiodiversitĂ€tskonvention). Zur Erreichung dieses Zieles fördert das Bundesministerium fĂŒr ErnĂ€hrung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz (BMELV) u. a. Vorhaben zur Erhaltung und innovativen nachhaltigen Nutzung der biologischen Vielfalt. Grundlage der Förderung ist eine Richtlinie von 2005. TrĂ€ger entsprechender Projekte ist die Bundesanstalt fĂŒr Landwirtschaft und ErnĂ€hrung (BLE). Bereits 2006 hatte die Landschaftsstation zusammen mit dem damaligen Forstamt Bad Driburg einen Projektantrag eingereicht, bei dem es um die Wiederbelebung der Nieder- und Mittelwaldnutzung im Bereich der im Kreis Höxter ehemals zahlreichen Nieder- und MittelwĂ€lder ging (vgl. GRAWE & BÖLKE 2005). Da zunĂ€chst nur recht kleine Waldareale in das Vorhaben einbezogen werden sollten, wurde der Antrag abgelehnt. Anfang 2007 fragte die BLE bei der Landschaftsstation an, ob es nicht möglich sei, die Gebietskulisse zu erweitern, da der Projektantrag grundsĂ€tzlich als förderfĂ€hig angesehen werde. Aufgrund dieser Anfrage erarbeiteten das heutige Regionalforstamt Hochstift und die Landschaftsstation einen neuen Projektantrag mit dem Titel "MittelwaldĂ€hnliche Waldrandgestaltung und -nutzung zur Förderung der Nutzholzarten Stiel-Eiche, Trauben-Eiche und Hainbuche sowie seltener Edellaub- und Nadelgehölze wie Elsbeere, Wacholder oder Eibe", der dann im Herbst des gleichen Jahres durch die BLE bewilligt wurde, so dass bereits im Oktober 2007 mit der Umsetzung des Vorhabens begonnen werden konnte. Vorrangiges naturschutzfachliches Ziel des Vorhabens ist die Förderung der in ihren BestĂ€nden im RĂŒckgang befindlichen lichtliebenden Nutzholzarten Trauben-Eiche (Quercus petraea), Stiel-Eiche (Quercus robur), Hainbuche (Carpinus betulus), Feld-Ahorn (Acer campestre), Winter-Linde (Tilia cordata), Elsbeere (Sorbus torminalis), Wacholder (Juniperus communis) und Eibe (Taxus baccata). Die Förderung dieser Baumarten soll im Rahmen einer mittelwaldĂ€hnlichen Nutzung von WaldrĂ€ndern geschehen. Eine ökonomische Inwertsetzung erfolgt im Rahmen einer einmaligen Erstinstandsetzung sowie des nachfolgenden regelmĂ€ĂŸigen Einschlages des nachwachsenden Holzes (alle 15-30 Jahre). Das dann eingeschlagene Holz wird zur Energiegewinnung (Hackschnitzel) genutzt

    REFLECT: prospective multicenter non-interventional study evaluating the effectiveness and safety of Sandoz rituximab (SDZ-RTX; RixathonÂź) in combination with CHOP for the treatment of patients with previously untreated CD20-positive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

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    Background: REFLECT is the first prospective study of Sandoz biosimilar rituximab (SDZ-RTX) in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Objective: To evaluate the 2-year effectiveness and safety of SDZ-RTX as first-line treatment for DLBCL. Design: Real-world, multicenter, open-label, single-arm, non-interventional, post-approval study of SDZ-RTX in combination with cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone (R-CHOP) in patients with treatment-naĂŻve CD20‑positive DLBCL. Methods: Treatment-naĂŻve, CD20-positive adult patients (â©Ÿ18 years) with DLBCL eligible for therapy with R-CHOP were treated with SDZ-RTX-CHOP every 2 or 3 weeks for 6–8 cycles. The effectiveness of SDZ-RTX was measured by the complete response (CR) rate at the end of R-CHOP treatment, as assessed by the treating physician. Progression-free survival (PFS) was assessed at 24 months. Results: A total of 169 patients [52.1% female, median (range) age 70 (24−94) years] with DLBCL were included in the full analysis set. At baseline, 19.5% and 24.3% of patients had Ann Arbor disease stage III or IV, respectively, and most patients (80.5%) had Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status of 0 or 1. A total of 100 (59.2%) patients completed the 24-month observation period. In total, 110 [65.1%; 95% confidence interval (CI): 57.4–72.3] patients achieved CR as best response and 50 (29.6%; 95% CI: 22.8–37.1) patients achieved partial response. Overall best response rate was 94.7% (95% CI: 90.1–97.5). One-year PFS was 84.9% (95% CI: 78.2–89.6), while 2-year PFS was 78.5% (95% CI: 70.9–84.4); median PFS was not reached within the observational period. A total of 143 (84.6%) patients experienced â©Ÿ1 adverse event, 53 (31.4%) of which were suspected to be related to study drug. Conclusion: This real-world, 2-year study reconfirms that first-line treatment of CD20-positive DLBCL with R-CHOP using SDZ-RTX is effective and well tolerated

    Bericht der Regierungskommission zur ÜberprĂŒfung der Sicherheitsgesetzgebung in Deutschland vom 28. August 2013

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    Der Bericht der Kommission enthĂ€lt konkrete VorschlĂ€ge zur Verbesserung der rechtsstaatlichen Ausrichtung der Sicherheitsgesetzgebung, sowie einen Maßnahmenkatalog fĂŒr die Reform der Sicherheitsarchitektur

    Mcl-1 Antisense Therapy Chemosensitizes Human Melanoma in a SCID Mouse Xenotransplantation Model

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    It is well established that high expression of the antiapoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL can significantly contribute to chemoresistance in a number of human malignancies. Much less is known about the role the more recently described Bcl-2 family member Mcl-1 might play in tumor biology and resistance to chemotherapy. Using an antisense strategy, we here address this issue in melanoma, a paradigm of a treatment-resistant malignancy. After in vitro proof of principle supporting an antisense mechanism of action with specific reduction of Mcl-1 protein as a consequence of nuclear uptake of the Mcl-1 antisense oligonucleotides employed, antisense and universal control oligonucleotides were administered systemically in combination with dacarbazine in a human melanoma SCID mouse xenotransplantation model. Dacarbazine, available now for more than three decades, still remains the most active single agent for treatment of advanced melanoma. Mcl-1 antisense oligonucleotides specifically reduced target protein expression as well as the apoptotic threshold of melanoma xenotransplants. Combined Mcl-1 antisense oligonucleotide plus dacarbazine treatment resulted in enhanced tumor cell apoptosis and led to a significantly reduced mean tumor weight (mean 0.16 g, 95% confidence interval 0.08–0.26) compared to the tumor weight in universal control oligonucleotide plus dacarbazine treated animals (mean 0.35 g, 95% confidence interval 0.2–0.44) or saline plus dacarbazine treated animals (mean 0.39 g, 95% confidence interval 0.25–0.53). We thus show that Mcl-1 is an important factor contributing to the chemoresistance of human melanoma in vivo. Antisense therapy against the Mcl-1 gene product, possibly in combination with antisense strategies targeting other antiapoptotic Bcl-2 family members, appears to be a rational and promising approach to help overcome treatment resistance of malignant melanoma

    GIS and land cover-based assessment of ecosystem services in the North Karelia Biosphere Reserve, Finland

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    Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, ecosystems and their services are key principles behind the establishment of “Biosphere Reserves”. Mapping of ecosystem services is one of the activities that is expected to increase the knowledge of sustainable land use planning. The Biosphere Reserves, established by the UNESCO Man and Biosphere Programme, aims to find the balance between nature conservation, use of natural resources, recreation and other culture-related activities. For this purpose, the ecosystem services approach is a promising tool for examining the relationships between people and nature in practice. This study applies the ecosystem services approach and examines which ecosystem services are perceived to be relevant in the North Karelia Biosphere Reserve in Eastern Finland. The results of a matrix method, with expert-based approach, showed that particularly old-growth forests and undrained open and forested mires have a broader potential to provide different ecosystem services. Water and urban areas are considered important for cultural services. However, these areas cover only a relatively small area altogether. The results of the ecosystem services assessment were compared to areas of high biodiversity, as defined by local biodiversity experts. The areas with high capacity for ecosystem services provision (from now on “high ecosystem services areas”) were found in areas with high biodiversity. In most cases, these areas are already under protection. The results also showed that ambiguity is an issue with the use of the ecosystem services concept in both stakeholder and expert evaluations

    Neutronenradiographie an bentonitgebundenem Formstoff

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    Die Wiederverwendbarkeit von bentonitgebundenem Formstoff ist begrenzt. Die Ursachen sind vielfĂ€ltig. Eine Hauptursache liegt in der Abnahme der BindefĂ€higkeit der Tonminerale. Wird diese Abnahme ausschließlich durch Bedingungen in der industriellen Anwendung ausgelöst, wie zum Beispiel durch Totbrand oder Versalzung, oder könnte sie auch Folge einer inhĂ€renten Eigenschaft der Tonminerale sein, nĂ€mlich einer Minderung der ReversibilitĂ€t des Wasseraustausches schon bei Temperaturen unter 200 °C? Mit der Neutronenradiographie kann Wasser im Formstoff wĂ€hrend einer Hitzeeinwirkung quantitativ und in Echtzeit detektiert werden. Untersuchungen mit reinen Quarz-Bentonit-Wasser-Mischungen zeigten nach vier UmlĂ€ufen keine signifikante Abweichung der Wasserkinematik wĂ€hrend der Hitzeeinwirkung. In Formstoffbereichen, die Temperaturen ĂŒber 100 °C ausgesetzt waren, verlief die Wassergabe in den verschiedenen Proben vergleichbar. In den Bereichen, die unter 100 °C blieben, hing jedoch der momentane lokale Wassergehalt deutlich von der anfĂ€nglichen Feuchte des Formstoffs und von der QualitĂ€t der Durchmischung ab. Letztere beeinflusste wiederum deutlich die AusprĂ€gung der Kondensationszone im Formstoff

    Diverse structural approaches to haem appropriation by pathogenic bacteria

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    The critical need for iron presents a challenge for pathogenic bacteria that must survive in an environment bereft of accessible iron due to a natural low bioavailability and their host's nutritional immunity. Appropriating haem, either direct from host haemoproteins or by secreting haem-scavenging haemophores, is one way pathogenic bacteria can overcome this challenge. After capturing their target, haem appropriation systems must remove haem from a high-affinity binding site (on the host haemoprotein or bacterial haemophore) and transfer it to a binding site of lower affinity on a bacterial receptor. Structural information is now available to show how, using a combination of induced structural changes and steric clashes, bacteria are able to extract haem from haemophores, haemopexin and haemoglobin. This review focuses on structural descriptions of these bacterial haem acquisition systems, summarising how they bind haem and their target haemoproteins with particularly emphasis on the mechanism of haem extraction
