816 research outputs found

    Das Phagenschock-Protein LiaH aus Bacillus subtilis

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    Für das Überleben von Bacillus subtilis ist eine verlässliche Überwachung der Integrität der Zellhülle essentiell, um diese zu schützen und bei Schäden adäquat zu reagieren. Neben den ECF � Faktoren spielen Zwei-Komponenten-Systeme (2KS) in der Zellhüllstressantwort von B. subtilis eine zentrale Rolle. Eines dieser Systeme, das LiaRS- 2KS reagiert auf eine große Anzahl verschiedener Zellwand-Antibiotika sowie andere zellhüllstress-auslösende Substanzen. Die zelluläre Funktion und Rolle des Lia-Systems konnte bisher nicht genau definiert werden. In der hier vorliegenden Dissertation wurde das Lia-System erstmals hinsichtlich seiner funktionalen Rolle in B. subtilis untersucht. Im ersten Teil der Ergebnisse wurde eine detaillierte Analyse der LiaR-vermittelten Zellhüllstressantwort in B. subtilisvorgenommen. Transkriptom-Studien dienten zur Identifizierung des LiaR-Regulons. Hierbei wurde die Genexpression des Wildtyps mit zwei Mutanten, die den „ON“ (�liaF) und „OFF“ (�liaR) Zustand des Lia-Systems repräsentierten, verglichen. Von den dabei identifizierten drei potentiellen LiaR-Zielloci (liaIH, yhcYZ-ydhA, ydhE) konnten durch anschließende Folgeuntersuchungen nur die Gene liaI und liaH als in vivo relevante Zielgene für LiaR verifiziert werden. Umfangreiche phänotypische Analysen zeigten, dass �liaIH-Mutanten nur schwach sensitiv auf einige Antibiotika sowie oxidativen Stress reagierten. Ebenso vermittelt eine Überexpression von LiaH in einer �liaF-Mutante keine Resistenz gegenüber stressauslösenden Substanzen. LiaH gehört zur Familie der Phagenschock-Proteine. Weitere Mitglieder dieser Familie sind PspA aus Escherichia coli und Vipp1 aus Arabidopsis thaliana, die große oligomere Ringstrukturen bilden. Die strukturelle Untersuchung von LiaH ergab, dass auch dieses Protein große Ringe bildet (>1MDa). Der zweite Ergebnisteil befasst sich mit der Untersuchung der Stimuluswahrnehmung der Zellhüllstress-detektierenden Systeme in B. subtilis. Die Zellhüllstressantwort auf das Antibiotikum Bacitracin wurde hierbei mittels �-Galaktosidase-Assay sowie Western Blot- Analyse erforscht. Das Bce-System reagiert dabei am stärksten und spezifischsten auf Bacitracin-Stress. Es wurde ebenfalls festgestellt, dass der ABC-Transporter BceAB essentiell für die Stimuluswahrnehmung ist und dass das Bce-System an sich eine Resistenzdeterminante in B. subtilis darstellt. Das Lia-System hingegen wird erst bei höheren Bacitracin-Konzentrationen induziert. Zusammengefasst deuten diese Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass das Bce-System Bacitracin direkt wahrnimmt (drug sensing) und das LiaSystem in indirekter Weise auf Zellhüllstress ausgelöst durch Bacitracin reagiert (damage sensing). Im dritten Teil der Ergebnisse wurdendie zelluläre Lokalisation von LiaI, LiaH und LiaG sowie die Beziehung der Proteine untereinander mittels Fluoreszenz-Mikroskopie und biochemische Ansätze untersucht. Die Membranproteine LiaI und LiaG sind unter Stressbedingungen in der Zellmembran lokalisiert. LiaH, ein cytoplasmatisches Protein verändert unter Stressbedingungen seine Lokalisation vom Cytoplasma an die Membran. Die Funktion von LiaH scheint sich also an der Zellmembran zu vollziehen, wobei LiaI als Interaktionspartner identifiziert wurde. Da in einer �liaI-Mutante LiaH unter Stressbedingungenebenfallsnoch an die Zellmembran assoziert ist, wurde nach weiteren Interaktionspartnern von LiaH gesucht. Eine umfangreiche bacterial-two-hybrid-Analyse ergab, dass sowohl LiaH als auch LiaI und LiaG in ein Interaktionsnetzwerk eingebettet sind, in welchem das bisher uncharakterisierte Protein YvlB eine Schlüsselrolle spielt.Die ebenso in dieses Netzwerk involvierten Proteine YjoB, DnaK und HtpG üben als Proteasen/Chaperone Funktionen in der Faltung und Degradierung von Proteinen aus. Ein Zusammenspiel des Lia-Systems und des Schlüsselproteins YvlB mit den Proteasen/Chaperonen als Reaktion auf Zellhüllstress ist denkbar. Die Phagenschock-Homologe PspA in Streptomyces lividans und E. coli üben einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die Proteinsekretion sowie die elektronenmotorische Kraft der Zelle aus. Daher wurde im letzten Teil der Ergebnisse die Rolle von LiaH in der Proteinsekretion sowie im Energiestoffwechsel näher analysiert. Ein Einfluß des Lia- Systems in der Aufrechterhaltung der elektronenmotorischen Kraft der Zelle konnte nicht bestätigt werden. Durch die Analyse des Sekretoms in B. subtilis konnte gezeigt werden, dass das extrazelluläre Proteom einer �PliaI-liaIH-Mutante im Vergleich zum Wildtyp signifikante Veränderungen in der Komposition aufwies.So wurde im Sekretom der �PliaIliaIH- Mutante vor allem das Zellwand-assoziierte Protein WapAidentifiziert, welches im Wildtyp oder in einer �liaF-Mutante nicht auftrat. Das Lia-System beeinflußt somit auch die Proteinsekretion von B. subtilis, wobei die molekularen Mechanismen noch unbekannt sind.Monitoring the integrity of the cell envelope is crucial for the survival of Bacillus subtilis. Two-component-systems (2KS) form an integral part of the cell envelope stress response in this organism. One such system, the LiaRS-2KS responds to a number of diverse cell wall antibiotics as well as other envelope perturbating agents. But the exact cellular role of the Lia-System remains elusive. In the context of this thesis the Lia-System was functionally investigated for the first time. In the first part of the results, a detailed microarray-based analysis of the LiaR-dependent cell envelope stress response was performed to identify the LiaR regulon. The gene expression profile of the wild type and two mutants, representing the “ON” (�liaF) and “OFF” (�liaR) status of the Lia-system, were compared. Three potential target transcripts, liaIH, yhcYZ-yhdA, ydhE, were identified. By follow-up analysis we could only verify the genes liaI and liaH as in vivo relevant targets of LiaR-dependet gene regulation. In depth phenotypic profiling revealed weak sensitivities of a �liaIH mutant in the presence of some antibiotics and compounds causing oxidative stress. But overexpression of LiaH in a �liaF mutant did not confer resistance against these substances. LiaH belongs to the phage shock protein family. Other members of this family, such as PspA of Escherichia coli and Vipp1 of Arabidopsis thaliana, form large oligomeric ring structures. A structural investigation of LiaH also revealed the formation of large rings (>1 MDa) with a nine-fold rotational symmetry, emphasizing the similarities between these proteins. In the second part of the results, the mechanism of stimulus perception of cell envelope stress responding systems in B. subtilis was investigated by using �-galactosidase assays and western blot analysis. It was found that the Bce-system responds in a highly specific way to bacitracin stress. In B. subtilis the Bce-system confers resistance against bacitracin. Similarly, the BceAB transporter is also essential in stimulus perception. In contrast, the Lia-system is responding to higher concentrations of bacitracin, only. In summary, this led us to conclude that the Bce-system is a direct drug sensing system whereas the Lia-system is an indirect damage sensing system of the stimulus perception under cell envelope stress conditions. In the thirth result section, the cellular localisation and relationship of the proteins LiaI, LiaH and LiaG were determined by using fluorescence microscopy and biochemical methods. Under stress conditions, the membrane proteins LiaI and LiaG are localized at the cell membrane of B. subtilis. In contrast, the localization of LiaH, a cytoplasmic protein, is highly dynamic. Under bacitracin stress, LiaH is relocated from the cytoplasm to the membrane, its proposed site of action, where LiaI acts as its membrane anchor. Since LiaH was also observed at the membrane in a �liaI mutant, we searched for additional interaction partners of LiaH. By performing a comprehensive bacterial-two-hybrid analysis, we could demonstrate that LiaH, LiaI and LiaG are parts of a complex proteinprotein- interaction network, in which the so far uncharacterized cytoplasmic protein YvlB seems to play a central role. Other proteins that are involved in this network are YjoB, DnaK and HtpG. These proteins act as proteases/chaperones in the folding as well as the degradation of proteins. The phage shock proteins PspA in Streptomyces lividans and E. coli notably affect both the protein secretion and the proton motive force. Therefore, the influence of LiaH in protein secretion and proton motive force in B. subtilis cells was analysed in the last part of the results.We could not observe any influence of LiaH in maintaining the proton motive force of the membrane.By mapping of the secretome, a significant change in composition of extracellular proteins in a �PliaI-liaIH mutant was demonstrated. The extracellular proteome of a �PliaI-liaIH contains a significant increased amount of the cell wallassociated protein WapA, which was absent in the wild type or in the �liaF mutant. Hence, protein secretion is also affected by the phage shock protein LiaH in B. subtilis, but the molecular mechanism of this influence is yet unknown

    An Stomatin, Prohibitin, Flotillin, and HflK/C-Domain Protein Required to Link the Phage-Shock Protein to the Membrane in Bacillus subtilis

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    Membrane surveillance and repair is of utmost importance to maintain cellular integrity and allow cellular life. Several systems detect cell envelope stress caused by antimicrobial compounds and abiotic stresses such as solvents, pH-changes and temperature in bacteria. Proteins containing an Stomatin, Prohibitin, Flotillin, and HflK/C (SPFH)-domain, including bacterial flotillins have been shown to be involved in membrane protection and membrane fluidity regulation. Here, we characterize a bacterial SPFH-domain protein, YdjI that is part of a stress induced complex in Bacillus subtilis. We show that YdjI is required to localize the ESCRT-III homolog PspA to the membrane with the help of two membrane integral proteins, YdjG/H. In contrast to classical flotillins, YdjI resides in fluid membrane regions and does not enrich in detergent resistant membrane fractions. However, similarly to FloA and FloT from B. subtilis, deletion of YdjI decreases membrane fluidity. Our data reveal a hardwired connection between phage shock response and SPFH proteins

    Health and Safety at Deconstruction Services.

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    Conducted on behalf of The Green Institute. Sponsored by Neighborhood Planning for Community Revitalization, Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, University of Minnesota

    Release from natural enemies mitigates inbreeding depression in native and invasive Silene latifolia populations

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    Schrieber K, Wolf S, Wypior C, et al. Release from natural enemies mitigates inbreeding depression in native and invasive Silene latifolia populations. Ecology and Evolution. 2019;9(6):3564-3576.Inbreeding and enemy infestation are common in plants and can synergistically reduce their performance. This inbreeding xenvironment (I x E) interaction may be of particular importance for the success of plant invasions if introduced populations experience a release from attack by natural enemies relative to their native conspecifics. Here, we investigate whether inbreeding affects plant infestation damage, whether inbreeding depression in growth and reproduction is mitigated by enemy release, and whether this effect is more pronounced in invasive than native plant populations. We used the invader Silene latifolia and its natural enemies as a study system. We performed two generations of experimental out- and inbreeding within eight native (European) and eight invasive (North American) populations under controlled conditions using field-collected seeds. Subsequently, we exposed the offspring to an enemy exclusion and inclusion treatment in a common garden in the species' native range to assess the interactive effects of population origin (range), breeding treatment, and enemy treatment on infestation damage, growth, and reproduction. Inbreeding increased flower and leaf infestation damage in plants from both ranges, but had opposing effects on fruit damage in native versus invasive plants. Inbreeding significantly reduced plant fitness; whereby, inbreeding depression in fruit number was higher in enemy inclusions than exclusions. This effect was equally pronounced in populations from both distribution ranges. Moreover, the magnitude of inbreeding depression in fruit number was lower in invasive than native populations. These results support that inbreeding has the potential to reduce plant defenses in S. latifolia, which magnifies inbreeding depression in the presence of enemies. However, future studies are necessary to further explore whether enemy release in the invaded habitat has actually decreased inbreeding depression and thus facilitated the persistence of inbred founder populations and invasion success

    Adipose mTORC2 is essential for sensory innervation in white adipose tissue and whole-body energy homeostasis

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    Adipose tissue, via sympathetic and possibly sensory neurons, communicates with the central nervous system (CNS) to mediate energy homeostasis. In contrast to the sympathetic nervous system, the morphology, role and regulation of the sensory nervous system in adipose tissue are poorly characterized.; Taking advantage of recent progress in whole-mount three-dimensional imaging, we identified a network of calcitonin gene-related protein (CGRP)-positive sensory neurons in murine white adipose tissue (WAT). We found that adipose mammalian target of rapamycin complex 2 (mTORC2), a major component of the insulin signaling pathway, is required for arborization of sensory, but not of sympathetic neurons. Time course experiments revealed that adipose mTORC2 is required for maintenance of sensory neurons. Furthermore, loss of sensory innervation in WAT coincided with systemic insulin resistance. Finally, we established that neuronal protein growth-associated protein 43 (GAP43) is a marker for sensory neurons in adipose tissue.; Our findings indicate that adipose mTORC2 is necessary for sensory innervation in WAT. In addition, our results also suggest that WAT may affect whole-body energy homeostasis via sensory neurons

    Adipose mTORC2 is essential for arborization of sensory neurons in white adipose tissue and whole-body energy homeostasis

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    Adipose tissue, via sympathetic and sensory neurons, communicates with the central nervous system (CNS) to mediate energy homeostasis. In contrast to the sympathetic nervous system, the morphology, role and regulation of the sensory nervous system in adipose tissue is poorly characterized. Taking advantage of recent progress in whole-mount three-dimensional imaging of adipose tissue, we identified a neuronal network of calcitonin gene-related protein (CGRP)-positive sensory neurons in white adipose tissue (WAT). Furthermore, we show that adipose mammalian target of rapamycin complex 2 (mTORC2), a major component of the insulin signaling pathway, mediates sensory innervation in WAT. Based on visualization of neuronal networks, mTORC2-deficient WAT displayed reduced arborization of (CGRP)-positive sensory neurons, while sympathetic neurons were unaffected. This selective loss of sensory innervation followed reduced expression of growth-associated protein 43 (GAP43) in CGRP-positive sensory neurons. Finally, we found that loss of sensory innervation in WAT correlated with systemic insulin resistance. Our findings suggest that adipose mTORC2 is necessary for sensory innervation in WAT which likely contributes to WAT-to-CNS communication

    Machine learning models to predict myocardial infarctions from past climatic and environmental conditions

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    Myocardial infarctions (MIs) are a major cause of death worldwide, and both high and low temperatures (i.e. heat and cold) may increase the risk of MI. The relationship between health impacts and climate is complex and influenced by a multitude of climatic, environmental, sociodemographic and behavioural factors. Here, we present a machine learning (ML) approach for predicting MI events based on multiple environmental and demographic variables. We derived data on MI events from the KORA MI registry dataset for Augsburg, Germany, between 1998 and 2015.Multivariable predictors include weather and climate, air pollution (PM10, NO, NO2, SO2 and O3), surrounding vegetation and demographic data. We tested the following ML regression algorithms: decision tree, random forest, multi-layer perceptron, gradient boosting and ridge regression. The models are able to predict the total annual number of MIs reasonably well (adjusted R2 = 0.62–0.71). Inter-annual variations and long-term trends are captured. Across models the most important predictors are air pollution and daily temperatures. Variables not related to environmental conditions, such as demographics need to be considered as well. This ML approachprovides a promising basis to model future MI under changing environmental conditions, as projected by scenarios for climate and other environmental changes

    Towards e-health literacy on depression for adolescents: Information sought versus information gained

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    Half of all mental health disorders start occurring by the age of 14, with depression being the fourth most common disorder among adolescents worldwide. The prevalence of depression among German adolescents has nearly doubled in recent years. When it comes to mental health information sources, the internet has become a common medium for adolescents. Hence, to raise awareness of depression among this group, their specific expectations for online information and services must be met. Due to a lack of mixed-methods studies, this study therefore compares adolescents' expectations of online information and support services about depression (Study I), and information provided on the internet (Study II). Based on a literature review, qualitative interviews with adolescents were conducted (N=34). Moreover, the multi-platform online communication of nine German non-profit organizations (NPOs) that aim to improve information and care for people suffering from depression was analyzed using quantitative content analysis (N=1,435). Comparing the information gained from both studies, results indicate that expectations for fact-based communication were met by the NPOs frequently providing information on depression and requested experience reports were often communicated. However, discrepancies are apparent in the use of communication channels and videos, and the particular importance of personalization is evident

    Functional association of the stress-responsive LiaH protein and the minimal TatAyCy protein translocase in Bacillus subtilis

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    The bacterial twin-arginine (Tat) pathway serves in the exclusive secretion of folded proteins with bound co-factors. While Tat pathways in Gram-negative bacteria and chloroplast thylakoids consist of conserved TatA, TatB and TatC subunits, the Tat pathways of Bacillus species and many other Gram-positive bacteria stand out for their minimalist nature with the core translocase being composed of essential TatA and TatC subunits only. Here we addressed the question whether the minimal TatAyCy translocase of Bacillus subtilis recruits additional cellular components that modulate its activity. To this end, TatAyCy was purified by affinity- and size exclusion chromatography, and interacting co-purified proteins were identified by mass spectrometry. This uncovered the cell envelope stress responsive LiaH protein as an accessory subunit of the TatAyCy complex. Importantly, our functional studies show that Tat expression is tightly trailed by LiaH induction, and that LiaH itself determines the capacity and quality of TatAyCy-dependent protein translocation. In contrast, LiaH has no role in high-level protein secretion via the general secretion (Sec) pathway. Altogether, our observations show that protein translocation by the minimal Tat translocase TatAyCy is tightly intertwined with an adequate bacterial response to cell envelope stress. This is consistent with a critical need to maintain cellular homeostasis, especially when the membrane is widely opened to permit passage of large fully-folded proteins via Tat