8 research outputs found
Legitimacy Dilemmas in Direct Government Intervention: The Case of Public Land Development, an Example from the Netherlands
The current paper examines the legitimacy dilemmas that rise from local governments’ direct policy instruments and market interventions. It takes the case of public land management strategies. The paper argues that current societal challenges—such as energy transition, climate change and inclusive urban innovation—require planning practices to be more effective. Direct government instruments such as direct market interventions have proven to significantly reduce the implementation gap of planning practice. Looking at significant urban challenges, municipalities worldwide could be urged to apply such direct government instruments on a larger scale in the future. However, although direct government intervention in markets can be very effective, it is also controversial in terms of legitimacy. It explicitly and inevitably introduces financial incentives to the organization of government. Balancing these incentives against spatial planning interests unavoidably causes dilemmas. Based on eight Dutch case studies, this paper develops a framework to systematically spell out the legitimacy dilemmas that stem from public market intervention. It facilitates an explicit discussion on varying instrumental rationalities and improving the legitimacy of public action
Avaliação radiográfica da silhueta cardíaca pelo método de mensuração VHS (vertebral heart size) em cães da raça Poodle clinicamente normais
Para avaliação radiográfica da silhueta cardíaca têm sido propostos inúmeros métodos de mensuração com a finalidade de tentar diminuir a subjetividade da avaliação empírica. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o valor de VHS (vertebral heart size) em cães da raça Poodle, amplamente difundida em nosso meio, através do método de mensuração proposto por Buchanan e Bücheler¹. Foram selecionados trinta cães clinicamente normais, machos e fêmeas, com idades variando de um a seis anos. Os animais foram submetidos ao exame radiográfico do tórax nas projeções látero-lateral direita e ventro-dorsal. As radiografias foram avaliadas de forma empírica e posteriormente foram realizadas as medidas propostas por Buchanan e Bücheler¹ para a silhueta cardíaca e para a profundidade e largura do tórax. A avaliação empírica não demonstrou alterações radiográficas relevantes em vinte e um dos trinta cães (70%). 80% dos animais tiveram suas medidas de VHS menores ou iguais a 10,5 vértebras. Os valores de VHS obtidos apresentaram distribuição normal, com média de 10,12 vértebras e desvio padrão de 0,51, sendo o valor mínimo encontrado igual a 9,2 vértebras e o máximo igual a 11,1 vértebras. Os valores da razão profundidade pela largura do tórax também apresentaram distribuição normal, com média de 0,84 e desvio padrão de 0,09, sendo o valor mínimo encontrado igual a 0,64 e o máximo igual a 1,04. 40% dos cães tiveram valores de VHS superiores ao valor médio de 10,12 vértebras obtido neste trabalho o que sugere que esse valor seja rigoroso para ser utilizado como limite superior para essa raça. Para que 96,67% dos animais desse estudo tivessem valores de VHS considerados inferiores ao limite superior, esse deveria ser igual a 11 vértebras. Desta forma sugerimos com base nos dados observados nesta amostra, que o intervalo de 10,5 a 11,0v seja considerado como limite superior para cães da raça Poodle com razão de profundidade e largura do tórax de 0,84 (+ 0,09), já que observamos valor superior a 11,0v em apenas um animal
Land policy discretion in times of economic downturn : How local authorities adapt to a new reality
This paper looks at the consequences of the recent property market boom-bust cycle from the planners’ perspective. It takes the case of Dutch local governments and, in particular, the instrument of public land development. The analysis focusses on the question whether the economic downturn has given rise to a reconsideration of the intertwinement of public and private roles inherent to public land development. The paper sheds light on the formal changes in land management strategies in the recent years and asks whether these formal institutional changes result in less controversial land management, in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, fairness and democratic legitimation. It concludes that, although at first sight the findings suggest a paradigm shift in Dutch land management strategies, municipalities have not sorted out robust new alternatives. Public land development creates serious path dependencies and current changes in the regulatory space of land management are mostly pragmatic and show lots of traces of the old model. If local authorities keep pursuing their active, entrepreneurial, involvement in the land market in an ad-hoc manner, they face challenges regarding how to keep control over the discretionary power. It raises serious new dilemmas on transparency and predictability of municipal behaviour. There is a risk of ending up in a patchwork situation where different regulatory aspects are changed inconsistently
Land policy discretion in times of economic downturn : How local authorities adapt to a new reality
This paper looks at the consequences of the recent property market boom-bust cycle from the planners’ perspective. It takes the case of Dutch local governments and, in particular, the instrument of public land development. The analysis focusses on the question whether the economic downturn has given rise to a reconsideration of the intertwinement of public and private roles inherent to public land development. The paper sheds light on the formal changes in land management strategies in the recent years and asks whether these formal institutional changes result in less controversial land management, in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, fairness and democratic legitimation. It concludes that, although at first sight the findings suggest a paradigm shift in Dutch land management strategies, municipalities have not sorted out robust new alternatives. Public land development creates serious path dependencies and current changes in the regulatory space of land management are mostly pragmatic and show lots of traces of the old model. If local authorities keep pursuing their active, entrepreneurial, involvement in the land market in an ad-hoc manner, they face challenges regarding how to keep control over the discretionary power. It raises serious new dilemmas on transparency and predictability of municipal behaviour. There is a risk of ending up in a patchwork situation where different regulatory aspects are changed inconsistently
Towards Energy Citizenship for a Just and Inclusive Transition: Lessons Learned on Collaborative Approach of Positive Energy Districts from the EU Horizon2020 Smart Cities and Communities Projects
To achieve the “well below 2 degrees” targets, a new ecosystem needs to be defined where citizens become more active, co-managing with relevant stakeholders, the government, and third parties. This means moving from the traditional concept of citizens-as-consumers towards energy citizenship. Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) will be the test-bed area where this transformation will take place through social, technological, and governance innovation. This paper focuses on benefits and barriers towards energy citizenships and gathers a diverse set of experiences for the definition of PEDs and Local Energy Markets from the Horizon2020 Smart Cities and Communities projects: Making City, Pocityf, and Atelier