206 research outputs found

    Far-from-constant mean curvature solutions of Einstein's constraint equations with positive Yamabe metrics

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    In this article we develop some new existence results for the Einstein constraint equations using the Lichnerowicz-York conformal rescaling method. The mean extrinsic curvature is taken to be an arbitrary smooth function without restrictions on the size of its spatial derivatives, so that it can be arbitrarily far from constant. The rescaled background metric belongs to the positive Yamabe class, and the freely specifiable part of the data given by the traceless-transverse part of the rescaled extrinsic curvature and the matter fields are taken to be sufficiently small, with the matter energy density not identically zero. Using topological fixed-point arguments and global barrier constructions, we then establish existence of solutions to the constraints. Two recent advances in the analysis of the Einstein constraint equations make this result possible: A new type of topological fixed-point argument without smallness conditions on spatial derivatives of the mean extrinsic curvature, and a new construction of global super-solutions for the Hamiltonian constraint that is similarly free of such conditions on the mean extrinsic curvature. For clarity, we present our results only for strong solutions on closed manifolds. However, our results also hold for weak solutions and for other cases such as compact manifolds with boundary; these generalizations will appear elsewhere. The existence results presented here for the Einstein constraints are apparently the first such results that do not require smallness conditions on spatial derivatives of the mean extrinsic curvature.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters. (Abstract shortenned and other minor changes reflecting v4 version of arXiv:0712.0798

    Convergence rates in expectation for Tikhonov-type regularization of Inverse Problems with Poisson data

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    In this paper we study a Tikhonov-type method for ill-posed nonlinear operator equations \gdag = F( ag) where \gdag is an integrable, non-negative function. We assume that data are drawn from a Poisson process with density t\gdag where t>0t>0 may be interpreted as an exposure time. Such problems occur in many photonic imaging applications including positron emission tomography, confocal fluorescence microscopy, astronomic observations, and phase retrieval problems in optics. Our approach uses a Kullback-Leibler-type data fidelity functional and allows for general convex penalty terms. We prove convergence rates of the expectation of the reconstruction error under a variational source condition as tt\to\infty both for an a priori and for a Lepski{\u\i}-type parameter choice rule

    On Bogovski\u{\i} and regularized Poincar\'e integral operators for de Rham complexes on Lipschitz domains

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    We study integral operators related to a regularized version of the classical Poincar\'e path integral and the adjoint class generalizing Bogovski\u{\i}'s integral operator, acting on differential forms in RnR^n. We prove that these operators are pseudodifferential operators of order -1. The Poincar\'e-type operators map polynomials to polynomials and can have applications in finite element analysis. For a domain starlike with respect to a ball, the special support properties of the operators imply regularity for the de Rham complex without boundary conditions (using Poincar\'e-type operators) and with full Dirichlet boundary conditions (using Bogovski\u{\i}-type operators). For bounded Lipschitz domains, the same regularity results hold, and in addition we show that the cohomology spaces can always be represented by CC^\infty functions.Comment: 23 page

    Relativistic Elastostatics I: Bodies in Rigid Rotation

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    We consider elastic bodies in rigid rotation, both nonrelativistically and in special relativity. Assuming a body to be in its natural state in the absence of rotation, we prove the existence of solutions to the elastic field equations for small angular velocity.Comment: 25 page

    Strategies for enzymological studies and measurements of biological molecules with the cytolysin A nanopore

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    Pore-forming toxins are used in a variety of biotechnological applications. Typically, individual membrane proteins are reconstituted in artificial lipid bilayers where they form water-filled nanoscale apertures (nanopores). When a voltage is applied, the ionic current passing through a nanopore can be used for example to sequence biopolymers, identify molecules, or to study chemical or enzymatic reactions at the single-molecule level. Here we present strategies for studying individual enzymes and measuring molecules, also in highly complex biological samples such as blood

    Математична модель контактного з’єднання метало-пластмасових циліндричних оболонок

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    We consider alpha scale spaces, a parameterized class (alpha is an element of (0, 1]) of scale space representations beyond the well-established Gaussian scale space, which are generated by the alpha-th power of the minus Laplace operator on a bounded domain using the Neumann boundary condition. The Neumann boundary condition ensures that there is no grey-value flux through the boundary. Thereby no artificial grey-values from outside the image affect the evolution proces, which is the case for the alpha scale spaces on an unbounded domain. Moreover, the connection between the a scale spaces which is not trivial in the unbounded domain case, becomes straightforward: The generator of the Gaussian semigroup extends to a compact, self-adjoint operator on the Hilbert space L-2(Omega) and therefore it has a complete countable set of eigen functions. Taking the alpha-th power of the Gaussian generator simply boils down to taking the alpha-th power of the corresponding eigenvalues. Consequently, all alpha scale spaces have exactly the same eigen-modes and can be implemented simultaneously as scale dependent Fourier series. The only difference between them is the (relative) contribution of each eigen-mode to the evolution proces. By introducing the notion of (non-dimensional) relative scale in each a scale space, we are able to compare the various alpha scale spaces. The case alpha = 0.5, where the generator equals the square root of the minus Laplace operator leads to Poisson scale space, which is at least as interesting as Gaussian scale space and can be extended to a (Clifford) analytic scale space

    N-representability and stationarity in time-dependent density functional theory

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    To construct an N-representable time-dependent density-functional theory, a generalization to the time domain of the Levy-Lieb (LL) constrained search algorithm is required. That the action is only stationary in the Dirac-Frenkel variational principle eliminates the possibility of basing the search on the action itself. Instead, we use the norm of the partial functional derivative of the action in the Hilbert space of the wave functions in place of the energy of the LL search. The electron densities entering the formalism are NN-representable, and the resulting universal action functional has a unique stationary point in the density at that corresponding to the solution of the Schr\"{o}dinger equation. The original Runge-Gross (RG) formulation is subsumed within the new formalism. Concerns in the literature about the meaning of the functional derivatives and the internal consistency of the RG formulation are allayed by clarifying the nature of the functional derivatives entering the formalism.Comment: 9 pages, 0 figures, Phys. Rev. A accepted. Introduction was expanded, subsections reorganized, appendix and new references adde

    Schrödinger operators with δ and δ′-potentials supported on hypersurfaces

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    Self-adjoint Schrödinger operators with δ and δ′-potentials supported on a smooth compact hypersurface are defined explicitly via boundary conditions. The spectral properties of these operators are investigated, regularity results on the functions in their domains are obtained, and analogues of the Birman–Schwinger principle and a variant of Krein’s formula are shown. Furthermore, Schatten–von Neumann type estimates for the differences of the powers of the resolvents of the Schrödinger operators with δ and δ′-potentials, and the Schrödinger operator without a singular interaction are proved. An immediate consequence of these estimates is the existence and completeness of the wave operators of the corresponding scattering systems, as well as the unitary equivalence of the absolutely continuous parts of the singularly perturbed and unperturbed Schrödinger operators. In the proofs of our main theorems we make use of abstract methods from extension theory of symmetric operators, some algebraic considerations and results on elliptic regularity

    Model validation for a noninvasive arterial stenosis detection problem

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    Copyright @ 2013 American Institute of Mathematical SciencesA current thrust in medical research is the development of a non-invasive method for detection, localization, and characterization of an arterial stenosis (a blockage or partial blockage in an artery). A method has been proposed to detect shear waves in the chest cavity which have been generated by disturbances in the blood flow resulting from a stenosis. In order to develop this methodology further, we use both one-dimensional pressure and shear wave experimental data from novel acoustic phantoms to validate corresponding viscoelastic mathematical models, which were developed in a concept paper [8] and refined herein. We estimate model parameters which give a good fit (in a sense to be precisely defined) to the experimental data, and use asymptotic error theory to provide confidence intervals for parameter estimates. Finally, since a robust error model is necessary for accurate parameter estimates and confidence analysis, we include a comparison of absolute and relative models for measurement error.The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the Deopartment of Education and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)