145 research outputs found

    Print culture and French architecture in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: a survey of recent scholarship

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    Cet article présent une synthèse des recherches récentes sur la culture de l’imprimé et l’architecture française des xviiie et xixe siècles, accompagné d’une bibliographie comptant plus de cent cinquante publications. Il retrace dans un premier temps le rapprochement progressif, entre 1950 et 1995, de l’histoire de l’architecture d’une part et de la culture de l’imprimé/l’histoire du livre d’autre part, avant de se centrer sur les vingt dernières années. L’auteur passe d’abord en revue les orientations éditoriales les plus importantes des sept actes de colloques publiés sur le sujet depuis 2000. Il se tourne ensuite vers un sujet majeur de la recherche récente : les livres et les périodiques destinés principalement aux gens des métiers de l’architecture (et souvent produits par eux). La partie suivante (« Diffusion ») jette un regard sur les études récentes des bibliothèques d’architecture, tandis que la section finale (« Conséquences ») examine les différentes façons dont les chercheurs ont tenté d’évaluer l’effet exercé par la multiplication du discours architectural imprimé sur divers secteurs de la société, des architectes eux-mêmes au grand public.This essay presents a selective survey of recent scholarship on print culture and eighteenth- and nineteenth-century French architecture, accompanied by a bibliography of more than 150 publications. It first traces the gradual coming together of architectural history and print culture/history of the book approaches between circa 1950 and 1995, before then focusing on the last two decades. The author first surveys the editorial orientations of the seven major published conference proceedings on the subject published since 2000. He then turns to the major area of recent research: books and periodicals oriented primarily towards (and often produced within) the architectural profession. The next section (“Dissemination”) then looks mainly at recent studies of architectural libraries, while the final section (“Consequences”) surveys the various ways in which scholars have tried to assess what impacts the multiplication of printed architectural discourse had on various sectors of society, from architects themselves to the public.Dieser Artikel gibt einen Überblick über den aktuellen Forschungsstand im Bereich der Buch- und Schriftkultur und der französischen Architektur des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts. Er liefert ebenfalls eine umfangreiche Bibliographie mit mehr als hundertfünfzig aufgeführten Veröffentlichungen. Er widmet sich im ersten Teil der progressiven Annäherung zwischen 1950 und 1995 der Architekturgeschichte und der Schriftkultur/Buchgeschichte, bevor er anschließend die Entwicklung innerhalb der letzten zwanzig Jahre betrachtet. Der Autor zeichnet zunächst die redaktionellen Haupttendenzen der sieben Tagungsbände nach, die seit 2000 zum Thema erschienen sind. Er widmet sich danach einem der wesentlichen Schwerpunkte der aktuellen Forschung, der die Fachliteratur betrifft, Bücher und Zeitschriften also, die sich an eine auf Architektur spezialisierte Leserschaft wenden (und zumeist von derselben produziert wird). Unter der Überschrift „Verbreitung“ werden aktuelle Studien zu Architekturbibliotheken vorgestellt, während sich der letzte Teil („Konsequenzen“) mit verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Bewertungen befasst, die die Auswirkungen des Diskurses über Architektur durch die vermehrten Veröffentlichungen in unterschiedlichen Bereichen der Gesellschaft, bei den Architekten selbst, bis hin zum breiten Publikum, untersuchen.Questo articolo propone una sintesi delle ricerche recenti sulla cultura della stampa e sull’architettura francese del Sette e dell’Ottocento, accompagnata da una bibliografia di più di centocinquanta pubblicazioni. In una prima parte, esso ripercorre il progressivo avvicinamento – avvenuto tra il 1950 e il 1995 – della storia dell’architettura da un lato e della storia del libro dall’altro, per poi concentrarsi sui lavori degli ultimi venti anni. L’autore passa innanzitutto in rassegna gli orientamenti editoriali più importanti dei sette atti di convegno pubblicati sul tema dal 2000 in poi. Si concentra quindi su un argomento cardine della ricerca recente: i libri e le riviste destinati principalmente agli operatori del settore di architettura (e spesso prodotti da loro stessi). La parte successiva (“Diffusione”) dà uno sguardo agli studi recenti sulle biblioteche di architettura, mentre la sezione finale (“Conseguenze”) esamina i diversi approcci con cui i ricercatori hanno valutato l’impatto della moltiplicazione del discorso architettonico a stampa su differenti settori della società, dagli architetti stessi al grande pubblico.Este artículo presenta una síntesis de las investigaciones recientes sobre la cultura del impreso y la arquitectura francesa de los siglos xviii y xix, acompañada de una bibliografía que cuenta con más de ciento cincuenta publicaciones. En primera lugar, describe el acercamiento progresivo, entre 1950 y 1995, de la historia de la arquitectura por una parte y de la cultura del impreso/la historia del libro por otra parte, para luego centrarse en los últimos veinte años. El autor empieza por analizar las orientaciones editoriales más importantes de las siete actas de coloquios publicadas sobre el tema desde 2000. A continuación aborda un tema relevante de la investigación reciente: los libros y los periódicos dedicados principalmente a los profesionales de la arquitectura (y a menudo producidos por ellos). La parte siguiente («Difusión») contempla los estudios recientes de las bibliotecas de arquitectura, mientras que la sección final («Consecuencias») examina las diversas formas en que los investigadores han intentado evaluar el efecto de la multiplicación del discurso arquitectónico impreso sobre diversos sectores de la sociedad, desde los propios arquitectos hasta el público en general

    Radiolysis Model Sensitivity Analysis for a Used Fuel Storage Canister

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    This report fulfills the M3 milestone (M3FT-13PN0810027) to report on a radiolysis computer model analysis that estimates the generation of radiolytic products for a storage canister. The analysis considers radiolysis outside storage canister walls and within the canister fill gas over a possible 300-year lifetime. Previous work relied on estimates based directly on a water radiolysis G-value. This work also includes that effect with the addition of coupled kinetics for 111 reactions for 40 gas species to account for radiolytic-induced chemistry, which includes water recombination and reactions with air

    Transport Test Problems for Radiation Detection Scenarios

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    This is the final report and deliverable for the project. It is a list of the details of the test cases for radiation detection scenarios

    Cosmological Constraints from Strong Gravitational Lensing in Galaxy Clusters

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    Current efforts in observational cosmology are focused on characterizing the mass-energy content of the Universe. We present results from a geometric test based on strong lensing in galaxy clusters. Based on Hubble Space Telescope images and extensive ground-based spectroscopic follow-up of the massive galaxy cluster Abell 1689, we used a parametric model to simultaneously constrain the cluster mass distribution and dark energy equation of state. Combining our cosmological constraints with those from X-ray clusters and the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe 5-year data gives {\Omega}m = 0.25 +/- 0.05 and wx = -0.97 +/- 0.07 which are consistent with results from other methods. Inclusion of our method with all other techniques available brings down the current 2{\sigma} contours on the dark energy equation of state parameter wx by about 30%.Comment: 32 pages, 8 figures, includes Supplementary Online Material. Published by Science on August 20, 201

    Radiation Detection Computational Benchmark Scenarios

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    Modeling forms an important component of radiation detection development, allowing for testing of new detector designs, evaluation of existing equipment against a wide variety of potential threat sources, and assessing operation performance of radiation detection systems. This can, however, result in large and complex scenarios which are time consuming to model. A variety of approaches to radiation transport modeling exist with complementary strengths and weaknesses for different problems. This variety of approaches, and the development of promising new tools (such as ORNL’s ADVANTG) which combine benefits of multiple approaches, illustrates the need for a means of evaluating or comparing different techniques for radiation detection problems. This report presents a set of 9 benchmark problems for comparing different types of radiation transport calculations, identifying appropriate tools for classes of problems, and testing and guiding the development of new methods. The benchmarks were drawn primarily from existing or previous calculations with a preference for scenarios which include experimental data, or otherwise have results with a high level of confidence, are non-sensitive, and represent problem sets of interest to NA-22. From a technical perspective, the benchmarks were chosen to span a range of difficulty and to include gamma transport, neutron transport, or both and represent different important physical processes and a range of sensitivity to angular or energy fidelity. Following benchmark identification, existing information about geometry, measurements, and previous calculations were assembled. Monte Carlo results (MCNP decks) were reviewed or created and re-run in order to attain accurate computational times and to verify agreement with experimental data, when present. Benchmark information was then conveyed to ORNL in order to guide testing and development of hybrid calculations. The results of those ADVANTG calculations were then sent to PNNL for compilation. This is a report describing the details of the selected Benchmarks and results from various transport codes

    Coupling the Mixed Potential and Radiolysis Models for Used Fuel Degradation

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    The primary purpose of this report is to describe the strategy for coupling three process level models to produce an integrated Used Fuel Degradation Model (FDM). The FDM, which is based on fundamental chemical and physical principals, provides direct calculation of radionuclide source terms for use in repository performance assessments. The G-value for H2O2 production (Gcond) to be used in the Mixed Potential Model (MPM) (H2O2 is the only radiolytic product presently included but others will be added as appropriate) needs to account for intermediate spur reactions. The effects of these intermediate reactions on [H2O2] are accounted for in the Radiolysis Model (RM). This report details methods for applying RM calculations that encompass the effects of these fast interactions on [H2O2] as the solution composition evolves during successive MPM iterations and then represent the steady-state [H2O2] in terms of an “effective instantaneous or conditional” generation value (Gcond). It is anticipated that the value of Gcond will change slowly as the reaction progresses through several iterations of the MPM as changes in the nature of fuel surface occur. The Gcond values will be calculated with the RM either after several iterations or when concentrations of key reactants reach threshold values determined from previous sensitivity runs. Sensitivity runs with RM indicate significant changes in G-value can occur over narrow composition ranges. The objective of the mixed potential model (MPM) is to calculate the used fuel degradation rates for a wide range of disposal environments to provide the source term radionuclide release rates for generic repository concepts. The fuel degradation rate is calculated for chemical and oxidative dissolution mechanisms using mixed potential theory to account for all relevant redox reactions at the fuel surface, including those involving oxidants produced by solution radiolysis and provided by the radiolysis model (RM). The RM calculates the concentration of species generated at any specific time and location from the surface of the fuel. Several options being considered for coupling the RM and MPM are described in the report. Different options have advantages and disadvantages based on the extent of coding that would be required and the ease of use of the final product

    Cosmography with cluster strong lenses: the influence of substructure and line-of-sight halos

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    We explore the use of strong lensing by galaxy clusters to constrain the dark energy equation of state and its possible time variation. The cores of massive clusters often contain several multiply imaged systems of background galaxies at different redshifts. The locations of lensed images can be used to constrain cosmological parameters due to their dependence on the ratio of angular diameter distances. We employ Monte-Carlo simulations of cluster lenses, including the contribution from substructures, to assess the feasibility of this potentially powerful technique. At the present, parametric lens models use well motivated scaling relations between mass and light to incorporate cluster member galaxies, and do not explicitly model line-of-sight structure. Here, we quantify modeling errors due to scatter in the cluster galaxy scaling relations and un-modeled line-of-sight halos. These errors are of the order of a few arcseconds on average for clusters located at typical redshifts (z ~ 0.2 - 0.3). Using Bayesian Markov Chain Monte-Carlo techniques, we show that the inclusion of these modeling errors is critical to deriving unbiased constraints on dark energy. However, when the uncertainties are properly quantified, we show that constraints competitive with other methods may be obtained by combining results from a sample of just 10 simulated clusters with 20 families each. Cosmography with a set of well studied cluster lenses may provide a powerful complementary probe of the dark energy equation of state. Our simulations provide a convenient method of quantifying modeling errors and assessing future strong lensing survey strategies.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, 2 table

    The influence of legislators’ endorsements in party leadership elections

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    In the 2010 election for the post of leader of the British Labour party, almost all members of parliament endorsed one of five leadership candidates. I investigate the effect of these endorsements on the votes cast for candidates in each Westminster constituency. I find that an MP’s endorsement caused an average increase of 7.5 percentage points in the vote share of the endorsed candidate in that MP’s constituency
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