58 research outputs found
Comparison of the physical and geotechnical properties of gas-hydrate-bearing sediments from offshore India and other gas-hydrate-reservoir systems
This paper is not subject to U.S. copyright. The definitive version was published in Marine and Petroleum Geology 58A (2014): 139-167, doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2014.07.024.The sediment characteristics of hydrate-bearing reservoirs profoundly affect the formation, distribution, and morphology of gas hydrate. The presence and type of gas, porewater chemistry, fluid migration, and subbottom temperature may govern the hydrate formation process, but it is the host sediment that commonly dictates final hydrate habit, and whether hydrate may be economically developed.
In this paper, the physical properties of hydrate-bearing regions offshore eastern India (Krishna-Godavari and Mahanadi Basins) and the Andaman Islands, determined from Expedition NGHP-01 cores, are compared to each other, well logs, and published results of other hydrate reservoirs. Properties from the hydrate-free Kerala-Konkan basin off the west coast of India are also presented. Coarser-grained reservoirs (permafrost-related and marine) may contain high gas-hydrate-pore saturations, while finer-grained reservoirs may contain low-saturation disseminated or more complex gas-hydrates, including nodules, layers, and high-angle planar and rotational veins. However, even in these fine-grained sediments, gas hydrate preferentially forms in coarser sediment or fractures, when present. The presence of hydrate in conjunction with other geologic processes may be responsible for sediment porosity being nearly uniform for almost 500 m off the Andaman Islands.
Properties of individual NGHP-01 wells and regional trends are discussed in detail. However, comparison of marine and permafrost-related Arctic reservoirs provides insight into the inter-relationships and common traits between physical properties and the morphology of gas-hydrate reservoirs regardless of location. Extrapolation of properties from one location to another also enhances our understanding of gas-hydrate reservoir systems. Grain size and porosity effects on permeability are critical, both locally to trap gas and regionally to provide fluid flow to hydrate reservoirs. Index properties corroborate more advanced consolidation and triaxial strength test results and can be used for predicting behavior in other NGHP-01 regions. Pseudo-overconsolidation is present near the seafloor and is underlain by underconsolidation at depth at some NGHP-01 locations.This work was supported by the Coastal and Marine Geology, and Energy Programs of the U.S. Geological Survey. Partial support for this research was provided by Interagency Agreement DE-FE0002911 between the USGS Gas Hydrates Project and the U.S. Department of Energy's Methane Hydrates R&D Program
Accountability educacional : posibilidades y desafíos para América Latina a partir de la experiencia internacional
Recoge algunos trabajos seleccionados de entre las varias ponencias presentadas en el “Seminario Accountability educacional: posibilidades y desafíos para América Latina a partir de la experiencia internacional”, una iniciativa conjunta del Preal y el CIDE desarrollada en Santiago de Chile bajo los auspicios de la USAID y la Fundación Tinker. El concepto, de aplicación reciente en América Latina, remite a la necesidad de asignar responsabilidades por las acciones propias y los resultados de las mismas. Se lo usa en el mundo financiero para aludir a los resultados de quienes resultan responsables por el manejo de dineros encomendados por terceros. Ellos están obligados a informar a sus clientes sobre los movimientos de recursos y a rendir cuentas sobre cómo se han utilizado y qué se ha logrado con ellos. Esto no sucede en el mundo de las políticas públicas y, menos aún, en aquel de la educación y la enseñanza. De hecho, los conceptos de transparencia, rendición de cuentas y responsabilidad por los resultados son relativamente novedosos cuando se refieren al quehacer de personeros que administran o manejan recursos públicos y que deben responder por el desempeño de personas y organizaciones bajo su control. En el campo educativo el concepto remite a los resultados del aprendizaje escolar y a la responsabilidad que le cabe a las escuelas –y dentro de ellas a la comunidad escolar– por los resultados que obtienen sus alumnos. Entre las acciones orientadas a lograr estos propósitos resulta prioritario evaluar periódicamente los resultados del aprendizaje y el cumplimiento de metas curriculares; alinear estas evaluaciones con estándares de contenido, desempeño y oportunidades de aprendizaje, dentro y fuera del aparato escolar; premiar o castigar el buen desempeño de los actores del sistema y, tan importante como esto, cuidar que estos ejercicios de medición y regulación no acaben distorsionando el contenido y orientación de la práctica educativa y permitan –paralelamente– fortalecer las capacidades de gestión en los establecimientos rezagados y prestar, a los maestros, el respaldo técnico necesario para realizar sus proyectos educativos con resultados de excelencia
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Transient and steady state stimulus-response relations for cat retinal ganglion cells
Single unit recordings were made from cat optic tract fibers while varying the luminance and size of spots placed in the center of a cell's receptive field. Both transient and steady state stimulus-response curves could be divided into two segments: a monotonic increasing portion for low contrast levels and a non-monotonic decreasing segment for high contrast levels. Three conclusions were made:
(1) that the cat retinal ganglion cell gives a more precise representation of intensity changes in the low contrast range than in the high contrast range;
(2) that the intensity code is non-linear for the low contrast range;
(3) that more information about intensity changes is signalled during the transient phase than during the steady state phase of the response.
On enregistre la réponse d'unités isolées dans les fibres du tractus optique du chat en variant la luminance et la taille de taches placées au centre du champ récepteur d'une cellule. On peut diviser en deux segmentsàla fois les courbes transitoires et stables de réponse en fonction du stimulus: une portion croissant d'une façon monotone pour les niveaux de faible contraste, et un segment décroissant d'une façon non-monotone pour les niveaux de grand contraste. On en tire trois conclusions:
(1) la cellule ganglionnaire de la rétine du chat représente avec plus de précision les variations d'intensitédans le domaine de faible contraste que dans celui de fort contraste,
(2) le code d'intensitén'est pas linéaire dans le domaine de bas contraste,
(3) les changement d'intensitésont signalés avec plus d'information durant la phase transitoire que durant la phase stable de la réponse.
Es wurden Antworten einzelner Katzenoptikusfasern registriert, während die Lichtstärke und die Grösse der an die Mitte des Zellenrezeptivfeldes gestellten Reize verändert wurde. Sowohl für die vorübergehenden als auch für stetige Potentiale konnten die Reiz-Antwortskurven auf zwei Abschnitte geteilt werden. Es gab einen monoton wachsenden Teil bei niedrigem Kontrast und einen nichtmonoton wachsenden Teil bei hohen Kontrastwerten. Es wurden drei Schlüsse gezogen:
(1) die Katzennetzhautganglienzelle gibt eine genauere Reizveränderungsanzeige bei geringem als bei hohem Kontrast,
(2) die Intensitätschiffre ist im Niederkontrastbereich nicht linear,
(3) Reizveränderungen werden eher während der vorübergehenden als der stetigen Antwortphase gemeldet.
Былa пpoизвeдeнa зaпиcь peaкций eдинихныx вoлoкoн oптихecкoгo тpaктa кoшки, пpи хeм вapииpoвaлиcь яpкocть и плoщaдь cвeтoвoгo пятнa, лoкaлизoвaннoгo в цeнтpe peцeптивнoгo пoля кoшки. Peaкции кaк пepeмeнныex, тaк и пocтoянныx cвeтoвыe пoтeнхплoe нa cтимyлы пpeдcтaвлeны в видe кpивыx, кoтopыe мoгyт быть paздeлeны нa двa ceгмeнтa: мoнoтoннo нapacтaющaя хacть пpи низкoм кoнтpacтe и нepaвнoмepнo-пoнижaющaяcя хacть для выcoкoгo кoнтpacтa. Cдeлaны тpи зaкюхeния:
(1) хтo гaнглиoзныe клeтки ceтхaтки дaют бoлee тoхнoe пpeдcтaвлeниe oб измeнeнии интeнcивнocти пpи низкoм кoнтpacтe, хeм пpи выcoкoм кoнтpacтe;
(2) хтo пpи низкoм кoнтpacтe кoд для интeнcивнocти нe линeeн;
(3) хтo бoльшe инфopмaции oтнocитeльнo интeнcинocти и ee измeнeнияx пoлyхaeтcя вo вpeмя пepeмeннoй фaзы, пo cpaвнeнию c пocтoяннoй фaзoй peaкции
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Lateral spread of adaptation in the receptive field surrounds of cat retinal ganglion cells
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Temporal characteristics of peripheral inhibition of sustained and transient ganglion cells in cat retina
The temporal characteristics of transient and sustained retinal ganglion cells in the cat were assessed by varying the temporal relationship between a spot in the receptive field center and an annulus in the receptive field surround. The luminance of the annulus was also varied for some units. The maximum amount of suppression of the excitatory response from the center spot was produced when the annulus preceded the spot by about 38 msec for transient cells and by about 7 msec for sustained cells. The time course of peripheral inhibition for transient and sustained cells was also found to differ. These differences held at all luminance levels used but were minimized at both extremely low and extremely high contrast levels
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Autonomic Classical and Operant Conditioning
The conditioned response (CR) that develops during classical conditioning of the autonomic nervous system has been characterized as either a discrete response or a nonspecific response to the conditioned stimulus (CS). A discrete CR is a learned response that has been elaborated from an unconditioned reflexive response to a highly specific unconditioned stimulus (CS), whereas a nonspecific autonomic CR is one of a cluster of concurrent responses elicited by a CS. The unconditioned autonomic response (UR) is viewed as a component of a reactive homeostatic mechanism that services to return a controlled variable to its preset reference level in response to a regulatory challenge—the unconditioned stimulus (US). In contrast, the autonomic CR is seen as an element of a predictive homeostatic mechanism that is engaged prior to the onset of a noxious US. Viewed from this perspective, a discrete CR is a preemptive response that mitigates or totally nullifies the impact of the regulatory challenge (the US). Similarly, the development of nonspecific autonomic CRs may be thought of as the initial stage of a predictive homeostatic mechanism that is followed by the development of somatic CRs (e.g., eye blink) or an integrated somatic motor response pattern, learned through instrumental conditioning, that mitigates (or totally nullifies) a noxious US; the autonomic CRs are thought to reflect a change in the CNS, referred to as conditioned fear. Alternatively, the autonomic CR may be interpreted solely in terms of autonomic responses involved in predictive homeostasis. For example, a bradycardia CR develops in an aversive conditioning experiment in which the animal is restrained, thereby attenuating the blood pressure increase elicited by the US. Although there is ample evidence for instrumental conditioning of autonomic responses, the level of specificity of operant control seems limited. It appears that the CNS programs for somatomotor and cardiorespiratory responses are coupled and these functionally related systems are influenced in parallel by the same process
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Effect of variations of target location upon the peripheral responses of on-center retinal ganglion cells in the cat
Annuli of constant area but differing in distance from the receptive field center, were used to study the characteristics of the receptive field periphery of single on-center retinal ganglion cells. Two types of on-center cells were encountered. One type gave responses that reflected characteristics of both the receptive center response mechanism and the receptive field surround response mechanism. An on-off response was observed for annuli anywhere in the receptive field periphery. The strength of all components of the on-off response decreased towards the outer edge receptive field. A second group of cells gave an on-off response for targets near the receptive field center but this mixed response changed to an off response as the annulus was moved to a greater distance from the receptive field center. The off response decreased in strength as the outer edge of the receptive field was approached. The shape of the off response did not vary (within defined limits) with changes in either intensity or annulus distance.
Pourétudier les caractéristiques de la périphérie des champs récepteurs de ganglionnaire rétiniennes isoléesàcentre
on, on emploie des anneaux d'aire constante,àdes distances différentes du centre du champ récepteur. On trouve deux types de cellulesàcentre
on. Le premier type donne des réponses qui réflètent les caractèresàla fois du mécanisme de réponseàcentre récepteur et du mécanisme de réponseàenvironnement récepteur. On observe une réponse
on-off puor les anneauxàtoute position dans la périphérie du champ récepteur. L'amplitude de toutes les composantes dans la réponse
on-off décroît vers le bord externe du champ récepteur. Un second groupe de cellules donne une réponse
on-off pour de cibles près du centre du champ récepteur, mais cette réponse mixte se change en réponse
off quand l'anneau s'écarteàplus grande distance du centre du champ récepteur. La réponse
off décroît en amplitude quand on approche du bord externe du champ récepteur. La forme de la réponse
off ne varie pas (entre certaines limites) quand on modifie soit l'intensitésoit la distance de l'anneau.
Es wurden Ringe mit konstanter Fläche aber mit verschiedener Entfernung vom Zentrum des rezeptiven Feldes dazu benutzt, die Eigenschaften der Peripherie des rezeptiven Feldes einzelner retinaler Ganglienzellen mit On-Zentrum-Mechanismus zu untersuchen. Dabei wurden zwei Typen derartiger Zellen angetroffen. Ein Typ lieferte Antworten, die sowohl die Eigenschaften des Zentrums-Mechanismus als auch die des Umgebungs-Mechanismus des rezeptiven Feldes widerspiegelten. Eine On-Off-Antwort wurde für Ringeüberall in der Peripherie des rezeptiven Feldes beobachtet. In Richtung auf den Aussenrand des rezeptiven Feldes nahm die Stärke aller Komponenten der On-Off-Antwort ab. Eine zweite Gruppe von Zellen gab eine On-Off-Antwort für Testreize in der Nähe des Zentrums des rezeptiven Feldes; diese gemischte Antwortänderte sich jedoch in eine Off-Antwort, wenn der dargebotene Ring vom Zentrum des rezeptiven Feldes wegbewegt wurde. Die Stärke der Off-Antwort nahm ab, wenn man sich demäusseren Rand des rezeptiven Feldes näherte. Die Gestalt der Off-Antwortänderte sich (innerhalb definierter Grenzen) nicht, wenn Intensität oder Ringentfernung verändert wurden.
Кoльцa, oдинaкoвыe пo плoщaди, нo pacпoлaгaющиecя нa paзлихнoм paccтoяиии oт цeнтpa peцeптивиoгo пoля, были иcпoльзoвaиы для изyхeния cвoйcтв пepифepии peцeптивиoгo пoля eдинихнyх гaнглиoзных. клeтoк ceтхaтки c “on”—цeнтpoм. Были oбнapyзeны двa типa клeтoк c “on”—цeитpoм. Oдин тип дaвaл oтвeты, кoтopыe oтpaзaли ocoбeнн ocти мeхaнизмoв peaкций кaк цeнтpa, тaк и пepнфepии peцeптивнoгo пoля. “On-of” oтвeты иaблюдaлиcь пpи любoм пoлoзeнии кoльцa нa пepифepии peцeптивнoгo пoля. Bыpaзeннocть вceх кoмпoнeнтoв “on-off” peaкции yмeньшaлacь к нapyзнoмy кpaю peцeптивнoгo пoля. Bтopaя гpyппa клeтoк дaвaлa “on-off” peaкцию для тecтoвых oбъeктoв, pacпoлoзeнных близкo к цeнтpy peцeптивнoгo пoля, нo этa cмeшaннaя peaкция измeнялacь в “off” peaкцию, кoгдa кoльцo былo cмeщeнo нa бoльщyю диcтaнцию oт цeнтpa peцeптивнoгo пoля. “off”-peaкции yмeньшaлacь кoгдa нapyзный кpaй peцeптивнoгo пoля пpиблизaлcя. Фopмa “off”-peaкцни нe измeнялacь (в oпpeдeлeнных пpeдeлaх) пpи измeнeи и либo иитeнcивнocти, либo paccтoяния дoкoльцa
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Spatial summation in the receptive field periphery of two types of on-center neurons in cat retina
Peripheral annuli with the same inside diameters but variable outside diameters were used to study the peripheral summing properties of Group I and Group II cells (
Hickey and
Pollack, 1973). The results showed that Group I and Group II cells could be differentiated on the basis of their responses to changes in the size of peripheral annuli. Group I cells showed spatial summation of both the on-excitation and the off-excitation of on-off responses elicted by peripheral annuli. This finding was not found to be dependent upon the location of the target in the receptive field periphery. The effect of target size on the response of Group II cells was found to be dependent upon the location of the target in the receptive field periphery. If the inside portion of the annulus was near the receptive field center, in the on-off zone, then small increases in target size produced an increase in the strength of the onexcitation whereas large changes in target size lead to a decrease in the strength of the onexcitation. Off-excitation showed spatial summation across the entire receptive field periphery. It was possible to demonstrate linear spatial summation in the receptive field periphery of Group II cells but not Group I cells.
Avec des anneaux périphériques de mémes diamètres internes et de diamètres externes variables, onétude les propriétés de sommation périphérique des cellules des groupes I et II (
Hickey et
Pollack, 1973). On peut différentier ces groupes par leurs réponses aux changements de taille des anneaux périphériques. Le groupe I montre une sommation spatialeàla fois pour l'excitation
on et l'excitation
off des réponses
on-off produites par les anneaux périphériques. Ce résultat ne dépend pas de la position de la cibteàla périphérie du champ récepteur. Au contraire l'effet de la taille de la cible sur la réponse des cellules du groupe II dépend de la position de la cible dans la périphérie du champ récepteur. Si la partie interne de l'anneau est près du centre du champ récepteur, dans la zone
on-off, une petite augmentation de dimension de la cible augmente l'amplitude de l'excitation
on, tandis qu'une grande variation de taille de la cible fait décroître l'amplitude de l'excitation
on. L'excitation
off montre une sommation spatiale dans toute la périphérie du champ récepteur. On peut démontrer la linéaritéde la sommation spatíale dans la périphérie du champ récepteur pour les cellules du groupe II, mais pas pour celles du groupe I.
Periphere Ringe mit gleichem Innendurchmesser aber verschiedenen Aussendurchmessern wurden dazu benutzt, die peripheren Summationseigenschaften von Zellen der Gruppe I und Gruppe II zu untersuchen, (vgl.
Hickey und
Pollack, 1972). Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Zellen der Gruppe I und der Gruppe II aufgrund ihrer Antworten aufÄnderungen in der Grösse peripherer Ringe differenziert werden konnten. Die Zellen der Gruppe I zeigten eine räumliche Summation sowohl der On-Erregung als auch der Off-Erregung bei von peripheren Ringen hervorgerufenen On-Off-Antworten. Eine Abhängigkeit vom Ort des Testreizes in der Peripherie des rezeptiven Feldes wurde nicht gefunden. Dagegen wurde eine Abhängigkeit des Effektes der Testzeichengrösse auf die Antwort von Zellen der Gruppe II vom Ort des Testreizes in der Peripherie des rezeptiven Feldes gefunden. Befand sich die Ringinnenfläche in der Nähe des Zentrums des rezeptiven Feldes d.h. in der On-Off-Zone, so verursachten kleine Vergrösserungen der Testzeichengrösse einen Anstieg in der Stärke der On-Erregung, während grosse Veränderungen in der Testzeichengrösse zu einem Abfall in der Stärke der On-Erregung führten. Die Off-Erregung zeigte eine räumliche Summationüber die gesamte Peripherie des rezeptiven Feldes. Es war möglich, eine lineare räumliche Summation in der Peripherie des rezeptiven Feldes von Zellen der Gruppe II, aber nicht von solchen der Gruppe I zu demonstrieren.
Кoльцa, pacпoлaгaeмыe нa пepнфepии peцeптнвнoгo пoля, имeвшиe oдинaкoвыe внyтpeнниe диaмeтpы, нo пepeмeнныe внeщниe диaмeтpы, были иcпoльзoвaны для изyхeния ocoбeннocтeй пpocтpaнcтвeннoй cyммaцни I и пoй гpyпц клeтoк
Hickey and
Pollack, 1972). Peзyльтaты пoкaзывaют, хтo клтeтки I и II гpyпп мoгyт paзлихaтьcя нa ocнoвaнии их peaкций пpи измeнeнии вeлихины кoльцa. Пepвaя гpyппa клeтoк oбнapyзивaлa пpocтpaнcтвeннyю cyммaцию кaк “on” — вoзбyздeния, тaк и “off” — вoзбyздeния “on-off” peaкций, вызывaeмых кoньцoм нa пepифepии peцeптнвнoгo пoля. Этo нe зaвиcилo oт pacпoлoзeния oбьeктa нa пepифepии peцeптивнoгo пoля. Bлияниe вeлнхины oбьeктa нa peaкцию клeтoк втopoй гpyппы зaвиcилo oт пoлoзeния oбъeктa нa пepифepии peцeптивнoгo пoля. Ecли внyтpeнняя хacть кoляцa былa блнзкo к цeнтpy peцeптнвнoгo пoля, в “on-off” зoнe, тo нeбoльщoe yвeлихeниe вeлихины oбъeктa ьызывaлo yвeлихeниecнлы “on” — вoзбyздeния”, тoгдa кaк бoльшиe измeнeния вeлихины oбъeктaвeлик yмeньшeнию cилы “on” — вoзбyздeния. “Off” — вoзбyздeниe oбнapyзивaлo пpocтpaнcтвeннyю cyммaцию в пpeдeлaх вceй пepифepии peцeптивнoгo пoля. Былo вoзмoзнo oбнapyзить линeйнyю пpocтpaнcтвeннyю cyмaцию нa цepнфepии peцeптивнoгo пoля для клeтoк IIoй гpyппы, нo нe для клeтoк Ioй гpyппы
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A comparison of on-inhibition and off-excitation measures of the surround response mechanism in cat retinal ganglion cells
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The effect of adapting target location on the gain of the surround mechanism in cat retinal ganglion cells
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