1,196 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1). Hubungan Pola Asuh Permisif terhadap Kemandirian Belajar anak di sekolah, 2). Hubungan Pola Asuh Permisif terhadap Kemandirian Belajar anak dirumah. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua anak didik TK. A RA/BA Kecamatan Grogol. Sampel yang diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah 20 anak. Teknik pengambilan sample dilakukan dengan cara purposive sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah dengan korelasi product dengan alat Bantu program SPSS versi 16.0 yang sebelumnya diuji prasyaratnya yaitu uji normalitas dan uji linieritas. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu dokumentasi, wawancara dan angket. Hasil penelitian pada menunjukkan bahwa : 1). Ada hubungan positif yang signifikan antara pola asuh permisif dengan kemandirian belajar disekolah. Hal ini berdasarkan perhitungan uji korelasi sederhana diperoleh nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,525 (Positif), dan nilai signifikansi < 0,05 yaitu 0,18.2). Ada hubungan positif yang signifikan antara pola asuh permisif dengan kemandirian belajar dirumah. Hal ini berdasarkan perhitungan uji korelasi sederhana diperoleh nilai koefisiensi korelasi sebesar 0,685 (Positif) dan nilai signifikansi < 0,05 yaitu 0,001. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan positif antara pola asuh anak permisif dengan kemandirian belajar anak yang artinya semakin tinggi penerapan pola asuh diberikan maka semakin tinggi kemandirian belajar anak


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    This study is aimed to identify the patterns of syntactic structure of English simple sentence and to describe the syntactical constructions of the simple sentence used in Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative. The data source of this research is Wuthering Heights. The method of collecting data is documentation and the steps are reading, underlying, rewriting and coding the data. The techniques of analyzing data are identifying the patterns of syntactic structure and syntactical constructions of simple sentence by structural approach. The analysis of the pattern is based on classification of sentences, especially the types of sentences. While the analysis of the syntactical constructions of simple sentence is based on Chinese Box. The results show that the patterns of syntactical constructions of simple sentence in the novel are: ........


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    During the cleanliness on campus only rely on the responsibility janitor, while the student as waste producers have no concern. So also with the lecturer, after the learning activities, there is no instruction to clean up garbage and let the process. Thus, there is no mutual cooperation among multiple components of the academic community in addressing environmental problems, especially garbage. Obviously this phenomenon, very contradictory, between learning in the classroom, even a task or process waste practices, but not implemented in everyday life on campus, majoring in Biology. Formulation of the problem in this classroom action research is how the concept of the student in making empowerment system action plan for the campus residents due process waste in place (Department of Biology). This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR ) , applied to the Student Life Force 2013 whom reprogrammed subject Environmental Science / IPL . Diagnostic results are used to make the TOD steps of planning , implementation , observation , evaluation , and reflection . The series of lectures consist of three (3 ) meetings with the methods of project tasks with the task stage 1 ) practicum observation types of garbage for three (3 ) days of observation , 2 ) presenting the observation of the type of waste , and 3 ) create an action plan empower citizens campus system in sorting and process waste at the department of Biology thoroughly . Setting the current learning task that is practical projects 1 and 2 in small groups with a total membership of four (4 ) students . The number of small groups of about 30 groups . When practical to three , making of the action plan , setting learning in large groups , into 4 ( four ) groups with approximately 30 (thirty ) students . The results showed that an average of 1 ) the ability of students to carry out the type of garbage is a good observation , 2 ) the ability of students to present the results of the waste problem is a good observation , and 3 ) create an action plan empower citizens campus system in sorting and processing waste is classified as less . The shortage is not the role of the community in following up the garbage that has been disaggregated

    Perancangan Tool Box Sterilisasi Alat Medis Dengan Memanfaatkan Busi Pijar Sebagai Pemanas Dengan Metode Reverse Engineering

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    Perkembangan teknologi saat ini semakin meningkat seiring dengan semakin bertambah banyaknya keinginan manusia. Terlepas dari teknologi akhirakhir tahun ini seringkali terjadi bencana, salah satu contohnya yaitu gempa yang mengakibatkan banyak orang kehilangan tempat tinggal, meninggal, dan luka. Sebelum mengobatan, terlebih dahulu harus membersihkan luka dari benda-benda yang masuk dalam tubuh tersebut, untuk mengambil itu diperlukan alat medis yang steril. Maka dari itu dibutuhkan alat sterilisasi panas kering untuk mensterilkan, tetapi alat ini tidak bisa digunakan jika tidak ada aliran listrik. Melihat hal tersebut perlu adanya perancangan produk baru ynag dapat digunakan kapan saja khususnya dalam keadaan darurat. Dengan menggunakan metode Reverse Engineering peneliti membrekdown alat sterilisassi panas kering untuk mengetahui komponennya. Dari hasil breakdown peneliti mensubtitusi beberapa komponen yaitu bahan, elemen pemanas dan sumber energi. Peneliti mengganti elemen pemanas pada sterilisasi panas kering dengan Busi Pijar, bahan dengan alumunium dan sumber energi menggunakan accu. Rancangan ini menggunakan 4 busi pijar, dengan koordinat x,y,z yaitu busi A (7,3.5,4), B (7,8.5,4), C (7,13.5,4), D (7,18.5,4) dengan, Termokopel (7,11,4). Kenaikan suhu mencapai 1,50C di setiap detiknya, setadalam waktu 60 detik atau 1 menit alat yang dipanasi sudah menghasilkan panas. Dari Reverse dan perpihitungan perpindahan panas peneliti membuat rancangan tool box sterilisasi dengan memanfaatkan busi pijar sebagai sumber panas, dengan panjang 26cm, lebar 17cm dan tinggi 14cm dikerangka luarnya. Pada rancangan ini peneliti menggunakan 4 busi pijar yang disusun secara paralel, dengan volume ruang sterilisasi 22 x 14 x 7,5: 2310 cm3 panas yang dihasilkan mencapai 1200C


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan respon belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika melalui metode Montessori. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas bersifat kolaboratif antara peneliti, guru matematika, dan kepala sekolah SMP Negeri 4 Mojosongo. Sebagai subjek penerima tindakan adalah siswa kelas VIII B yang berjumlah 32 siswa, dan subjek pelaksanaan tindakan adalah peneliti dan guru matematika kelas VIII B. Data dikumpulkan melalui metode observasi, catatan lapangan dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis secara diskriptif kualitatif dengan analisis interaktif yang terdiri dari reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh sebagai berikut: 1) Siswa menanyakan materi yang belum jelas sebelum tindakan 21,9% menjadi 46,9% pada akhir tindakan; 2) Siswa yang menyampaikan ide atau gagasan sebelum tindakan 34,4% menjadi 37,5% pada akhir tindakan; 3) Siswa berani aktif didepan kelas sebelum tindakan 28,1% menjadi 40,7% pada akhir tindakan. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran matematika dengan metode Montessori dapat meningkatkan respon belajar siswa

    Analisis Rentabilitas Ekonomi USAhatani Jagung (Zea Mays) di Desa Kaliori Kecamatan Kalibagor Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui rentabilitas ekonomi USAhatani jagung di Desa Kaliori Kecamatan Kalibagor Kabupaten Banyumas. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Kaliori Kecamatan Kalibagor dengan pertimbangan bahwa di desa ini banyak petani yang membudidayakan tanaman jagung. Data diambil dari petani responden yang dipilih secara simple random sampling sebanyak 20% dari total populasi yang ada. Data yang diperoleh selanjutnya dianalisis dengan membandingkan antara laba yang diperoleh dengan modal yang dikeluarkan untuk mengetahui tingkat rentabilitas ekonominya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata rentabilitas ekonomi USAhatani jagung dari petani responden adalah sebesar 2,35

    Pengaruh Sistem Pengukuran Kinerja Stratejik terhadap Kinerja Manajeria L (Studi Empirik pada Perusahaan Transportasi di Bawah Naungan Kementrian BUMN di Wilayah Jawa)

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    This study aims to investigate the effect of strategic performance measurement system on managerial performance that is directly tested through four variables; job relevant information, role ambiguty, role conflict and role overload. This study used the perspec tive of goal setting theory and role theory in explaining inter-variable relationship. Data collected in this survey was primary data from 329 functional managers of state-owned transportation companies under the auspices of Ministry of State Owned Enterprise. Samples were taken using stratified random sampling. Of 329 questionnaires, 264 were used in this research with respon rate of 80,55%. Da ta analysis was conducted using structural equation models in LISREL 8,5. The result of statistictic test indicated that strategic performance measurement system was, but not significantly, associated with managerial performance. Further findings indicated that strate gic performance measurement system was significantly associated with job relevant information, but no association was found with role ambiguity. However, strategic performance measurement system was significantly assosiated with role conflict and role overload. Furthermore, the result of research test indicated that job relevant information was not associated with role ambiguty, role conflict and role overload, but significantly associated with managerial performance. Based on the result, it can be conferred that role ambiguity was positively related and had a significant impact on managerial performance.  In the other hand, role conflict and role overload are positvely but not significantly assosiated with managerial performance.The result of the role test of mediating variables has shown that job relevant information, role ambiguity, role conflict and role overload significantly mediated the effect of strategic performance measurement system toward managerial performance.

    Student Centered Learning in English Study

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    A highlight of the Indonesian National Curriculum 2014 is the proposed shift in emphasis in teaching methods to a Student Centered Learning SCL of communicative approach. It has major pedagogical benefits, which are particularly relevant to language learning. This is to identify and to know how the responsibility of SCL puts on learners, for their own learning by using variety of English language actively as medium of instruction during class. It involves students in more decision-making processes, and learn English by doing rather than just by listening and performing meaningless tasks which are often not in context, and therefore unreal to them. They are 90% doing participating and the real thing while students practicing English for real-world skills. Learning becomes more active and memorable: because it is personalized, relevant to the students own lives and experiences, it brings English use alive, and makes it relevant to the real world. The more actively involved students are in their own learning, the more they are likely to remember what they learn. By using communicative activity, English again becomes more real and part of the students lives

    Pelayanan Farmasi dan Perbekalan Kesehatan pada Musim Haji Tahun 2012 di Sektor 3 Madinah, Arab Saudi

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    Service activities of Indonesian pilgrims in Madina, Saudi Arabia, which took place during the period September - November in 2012 consisted of two stages of the pre and the post Armina. In this study gives an overview of the implementation of services to the pharmaceutical and health supplies in sector 3 Madina. It also wants to know the availability of the drugs on sector 3 Madina and determine the amount of drug use ever. The design was a cross sectional study in which after processing the data it is known that there is a need for a drug that different during the two periods is both the number and types of medicines. But overall medicine and health supplies needs sector 3 Madinah can be met properly


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    One of the characteristics of Islamic banking is using the concept of profit sharing financing. This study aims to determinan of implementation profit sharing financing, consist of Third Party Funds , Non Performing Financing, Return On Assets, Capital Adequacy Ratio and Financing to Deposit Ratio. The population in this study are all Islamic banking which listed in Bank of Indonesia in the periode 2013 to 2016. The sample was selected using purposive sampling methodTotal samples used in this study were 11 Islamic Banks with 4-year study period, with get sampleof 44 data. The analytical method used in this study is multiple regression were processed using SPSS. The results of this study indicate third party funds, financing to deposit ratio have a positive significant effect to the financing profit sharing. While non performing financing ,return on asset and capital adequacy ratio no effect on the profit sharing financing