


During the cleanliness on campus only rely on the responsibility janitor, while the student as waste producers have no concern. So also with the lecturer, after the learning activities, there is no instruction to clean up garbage and let the process. Thus, there is no mutual cooperation among multiple components of the academic community in addressing environmental problems, especially garbage. Obviously this phenomenon, very contradictory, between learning in the classroom, even a task or process waste practices, but not implemented in everyday life on campus, majoring in Biology. Formulation of the problem in this classroom action research is how the concept of the student in making empowerment system action plan for the campus residents due process waste in place (Department of Biology). This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR ) , applied to the Student Life Force 2013 whom reprogrammed subject Environmental Science / IPL . Diagnostic results are used to make the TOD steps of planning , implementation , observation , evaluation , and reflection . The series of lectures consist of three (3 ) meetings with the methods of project tasks with the task stage 1 ) practicum observation types of garbage for three (3 ) days of observation , 2 ) presenting the observation of the type of waste , and 3 ) create an action plan empower citizens campus system in sorting and process waste at the department of Biology thoroughly . Setting the current learning task that is practical projects 1 and 2 in small groups with a total membership of four (4 ) students . The number of small groups of about 30 groups . When practical to three , making of the action plan , setting learning in large groups , into 4 ( four ) groups with approximately 30 (thirty ) students . The results showed that an average of 1 ) the ability of students to carry out the type of garbage is a good observation , 2 ) the ability of students to present the results of the waste problem is a good observation , and 3 ) create an action plan empower citizens campus system in sorting and processing waste is classified as less . The shortage is not the role of the community in following up the garbage that has been disaggregated

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