109 research outputs found

    Second-order quadrupolar shifts as an NMR probe of fast molecular-scale dynamics in solids

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    Molecular-scale dynamics on the nanosecond timescale or faster can have a measurable influence on isotropic NMR frequencies of quadrupolar nuclei. Although previously studied in solution, where it is usually referred to as the ‘dynamic shift’, this effect is less well known in solids. Here we demonstrate that multiple-quantum NMR measurements of isotropic quadrupolar shifts are a simple way to probe nanosecond timescale motions in solids. We measure the <sup>11</sup>B (spin I = 3/2) shifts of the resolved boron sites in ortho-carborane as a function of temperature and interpret the results in terms of the known rapid tumbling dynamics

    Biexponential I = 3/2 Spin–Lattice Relaxation in the Solid State: Multiple-Quantum 7 Li NMR as a Probe of Fast Ion Dynamics

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    Spin–lattice relaxation measurements are used in 7Li NMR studies of materials of potential use in solid-state Li-ion batteries as a probe of ion mobility on a fast (nanosecond to picosecond) time scale. The relaxation behavior is often analyzed by assuming exponential behavior or, equivalently, a single T 1 time constant. However, the spin–lattice relaxation of spin I = 3/2 nuclei, such as 7Li, is in general biexponential; this is a fundamental property of I = 3/2 nuclei and unrelated to any compartmentalization within the solid. Although the possibility of biexponential 7Li (and other I = 3/2 nuclei) spin–lattice relaxation in the solid state has been noted by a number of authors, it can be difficult to observe unambiguously using conventional experimental NMR techniques, such as inversion or saturation recovery. In this work, we show that triple-quantum-filtered NMR experiments, as previously exploited in I = 3/2 NMR of liquids, can be used in favorable circumstances to observe and readily quantify biexponential 7Li spin–lattice relaxation in solids with high ion mobility. We demonstrate a triple-quantum-filtered inversion-recovery experiment on the candidate solid electrolyte material Li2OHCl at 325 K, which has previously been shown to exhibit fast ion mobility, and we also introduce a novel triple-quantum-filtered saturation-recovery experiment. The results of these solid-state NMR experiments are less straightforward than those in liquids as a consequence of the unwanted direct excitation of triple-quantum coherences by the weak (compared with the unaveraged 7Li quadrupolar interaction) pulses used, but we show that this unwanted excitation can be accounted for and, in the example shown here, does not impede the extraction of the two 7Li spin–lattice relaxation times

    Spin-locking of half-integer quadrupolar nuclei in NMR of solids:the far off-resonance case

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    Spin-locking of spin I = 3/2 and I = 5/2 nuclei in the presence of large res- onance offsets has been studied using both approximate and exact theoretical approaches and, in the case of I = 3/2, experimentally. We show the variety of coherences and population states produced in a far off-resonance spin-locking NMR experiment (one consisting solely of a spin-locking pulse) and how these vary with the radiofrequency field strength and offset frequency. Under magic angle spinning (MAS) conditions and in the “adiabatic limit”, these spin-locked states acquire a time dependence. We discuss the rotor-driven interconversion of the spin-locked states, using an exact density matrix approach to confirm the results of the approximate model. Using conventional and multiple-quantum fil- tered spin-locking 23Na (I = 3/2) NMR experiments under both static and MAS conditions, we confirm the results of the theoretical calculations, demonstrating the applicability of the approximate theoretical model to the far off-resonance case. This simplified model includes only the effects of the initial rapid dephas- ing of coherences that occurs at the start of the spin-locking period and its success in reproducing both experimental and exact simulation data indicates that it is this dephasing that is the dominant phenomenon in NMR spin-locking of quadrupolar nuclei, as we have previously found for the on-resonance and near-resonance cases. Potentially, far off-resonance spin-locking of quadrupolar nuclei could be of interest in experiments such as cross polarisation as a conse- quence of the spin-locking pulse being applied to a better defined initial state (the thermal equilibrium bulk magnetisation aligned along the z-axis) than can be created in a powdered solid with a selective radiofrequency pulse, where the effect of the pulse depends on the orientation of the individual crystallites

    The ambient hydration of the aluminophosphate JDF-2 to AlPO-53(A):insights from NMR crystallography

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    The aluminophosphate (AlPO) JDF-2 is prepared hydro­thermally with methyl­ammonium hydroxide (MAH+·HO-, MAH+ = CH3NH3+), giving rise to a microporous AEN-type framework with occluded MAH+ cations and extra-framework (Al-bound) HO- anions. Despite the presence of these species within its pores, JDF-2 can hydrate upon exposure to atmospheric moisture to give AlPO-53(A), an isostructural material whose crystal structure contains one mol­ecule of H2O per formula unit. This hydration can be reversed by mild heating (such as the frictional heating from magic angle spinning). Previous work has shown good agreement between the NMR parameters obtained experimentally and those calculated from the (optimized) crystal structure of JDF-2. However, several discrepancies are apparent between the experimental NMR parameters for AlPO-53(A) and those calculated from the (optimized) crystal structure (e.g. four 13C resonances are observed, rather than the expected two). The unexpected resonances appear and disappear reversibly with the respective addition and removal of H2O, so clearly arise from AlPO-53(A). We investigate the ambient hydration of JDF-2 using qu­anti­tative 31P MAS NMR to follow the transformation over the course of 3 months. The structures of JDF-2 and AlPO-53(A) are also investigated using a combination of multinuclear solid-state NMR spectroscopy to characterize the samples, and first-principles density functional theory (DFT) calculations to evaluate a range of possible structural models in terms of calculated NMR parameters and energetics. The published structure of JDF-2 is shown to be a good representation of the dehydrated material, but modification of the published structure of AlPO-53(A) is required to provide calculated NMR parameters that are in better agreement with experiment. This modification includes reorientation of all the MAH+ cations and partial occupancy of the H2O sites

    Water in the Earth's mantle: A solid-state NMR study of hydrous wadsleyite

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    Wadsleyite, ÎČ-(Mg,Fe)2SiO4, is the main component of the transition zone in the Earth's mantle, at depths of 410-530 km below the surface. This mineral has received considerable interest as a potential reservoir for the vast amount of hydrogen, as hydro

    Magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR linewidths in the presence of solid-state dynamics

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    In solid-state NMR, the magic angle spinning (MAS) technique fails to suppress anisotropic spin interactions fully if reorientational dynamics are present, resulting in a decay of the rotational-echo train in the time-domain signal. We show that a simple analytical model can be used to quantify this linebroadening effect as a function of the MAS frequency, reorientational rate constant, and magnitude of the inhomogeneous anisotropic broadening. We compare this model with other theoretical approaches and with exact computer simulations, and show how it may be used to estimate rate constants from experimental NMR data

    Two-dimensional 1H and 1H-detected NMR study of a heterogeneous biocatalyst using fast MAS at high magnetic fields

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    Abstract Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a powerful tool for investigating atomic-scale structure in heterogeneous or composite materials where long-range order is absent. In this work solid-state 1H and 1H-detected NMR experiments were performed with fast magic angle spinning (ÎœR = 75 kHz) and at high magnetic fields (B0 = 20 T) and used to gain structural insight into a heterogeneous biocatalyst consisting of an enzyme, human carbonic anhydrase II (hCA II), covalently immobilized on epoxy-functionalized silica. Two-dimensional 1H-1H NOESY-type correlation experiments were able to provide information on 1H environments in silica, epoxy-silica and the immobilized enzyme. Two distinct signals originating from water protons were observed: water associated with the surface of the silica and the water associated with the immobilized enzyme. Additional two-dimensional 1H-1H double–single quantum (DQ-SQ) correlation experiments suggested that the immobilized enzyme is not in close contact with the silica surface. Most significantly, comparison of two-dimensional 1H-15N spectra of the immobilized enzyme and the solution-state enzyme confirmed that the structural integrity of the protein is well preserved upon covalent immobilization

    High-resolution structural characterization of a heterogeneous biocatalyst using solid-state NMR

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    Solid-state magic-angle spinning (MAS) NMR spectroscopy was employed to investigate structural detail in an enzyme, hu- man carbonic anhydrase II (hCA II) in uniformly 15N and selectively (15N leucine) enriched states, covalently immobilized on epoxy- functionalized silica. The immobilized hCA II retained 71% of its specific enzymatic activity when compared to the free enzyme in solution. Based on the one- and two-dimensional 1H, 13C, 15N and 29Si MAS NMR spectra, chemical shift assignments could be obtained from the silica support, covalent linker and the immobilized enzyme. The successful covalent immobilization of the enzyme on epoxy-silica was confirmed by the appearance of signals from the aromatic and carbonyl groups in the immobilized enzyme in addition to signals from the modified sup- port. Most notably, our MAS NMR results suggest that the covalent immobilization of the hCA II on epoxy-silica does not significantly affect the structural integrity of the protein

    A multinuclear NMR study of six forms of AlPO-34:structure and motional broadening

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    We report a study of the CHA-type aluminophosphate AlPO-34, prepared with six different structure-directing agents (SDAs): piperidine (pip), morpholine (mor), pyridine (pyr), 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane (cyclam), 1,3 dimethylimidazolium (dmim) chloride and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium (emim) bromide. Using a combination of solid-state NMR spectroscopy, periodic density functional theory (DFT) calculations and synchrotron X-ray diffraction, we show that, even in crystallographically well-ordered materials such as AlPO-34 with dmim as the SDA, local disorder may be present. For such disordered structures, where it is challenging to use DFT to assign NMR spectra, we show that the 31P isotropic chemical shift can be predicted accurately using the mean P-O bond length and P-O-Al bond angle, in an extension of previous work. Variable-temperature 27Al NMR reveals the presence of microsecond-timescale dynamics in all forms of AlPO- 34, with two different motional regimes observed, depending on whether structural H2O is also present. H2O is detected in AlPO-34 prepared with mor as the SDA, although this material was previously reported as anhydrous, suggesting that this form of AlPO-34 may be hygroscopic despite the presence of the SDAs within the pores

    Solid-State Dynamics in the closo-Carboranes:A (11)B MAS NMR and Molecular Dynamics Study

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    This work explores the dynamic behaviour of the three closo-carborane isomers (formula C2B10H12) using modern solid-state magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR techniques and relates the experimental measurements to theoretical results obtained using molecular dynamics simulations. At high temperatures and at B0 = 9.4 T, the 11B MAS linewidths are narrow (40-90 Hz) for the three isomers. The rotational correlation times (tauc) calculated by molecular dynamics are on the picosecond timescale, showing a quasi-isotropic rotation at these temperatures, typical for liquid systems. For all three isomers, the values of the 11B spin-lattice relaxation times (T1) show discontinuities as the temperature is decreased, confirming the phase changes reported in the literature. At low temperatures, the 11B MAS spectra of all three isomers exhibit much broader lines. The simulations showed that the molecular reorientation was anisotropic around different symmetry axes for each isomer, and this was supported by the values of the reduced quadrupolar parameter PQeff derived from “dynamic shift” measurements using 11B MQMAS NMR spectroscopy. The behaviour of PQeff as a function of temperature for para-carborane suggests that molecular reorientation is about the C5 symmetry axis of the molecule at low temperatures and this was supported by the molecular dynamics simulations
