292 research outputs found

    Search-Based Model Transformations

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    Huge efforts have been invested in the last decade concerning the establishment of dedicated analysis methods and techniques for model transformations. The analysis of general properties such as termination and confluence as well as specific properties defined for one particular transformation have been studied for different transformation kinds and languages. What most transformation analyses have in common is that they consider the transformation specifications as their primary source. However, as I will show in my presentation, methods and techniques deployed for analysing potential transformation executions at runtime are needed as well. As transformation executions quickly span huge transformation spaces, I will show how to effectively analyse and guide transformation executions towards fulfilling multiple, potentially conflicting transformation goals by employing search-based techniques.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A Linda-based Platform for the Parallel Execution of Out-place Model Transformations

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    Context: The performance and scalability of model transformations is gaining interest as industry is progressively adopting model-driven techniques and multicore computers are becoming commonplace. However, existing model transformation engines are mostly based on sequential and in-memory execution strategies, and thus their capabilities to transform large models in parallel and distributed environments are limited. Objective: This paper presents a solution that provides concurrency and distribution to model transformations. Method: Inspired by the concepts and principles of the Linda coordination language, and the use of data parallelism to achieve parallelization, a novel Javabased execution platform is introduced. It offers a set of core features for the parallel execution of out-place transformations that can be used as a target for high-level transformation language compilers. Results: Significant gains in performance and scalability of this platform are reported with regard to existing model transformation solutions. These results are demonstrated by running a model transformation test suite, and by its comparison against several state-of-the-art model transformation engines. Conclusion: Our Linda-based approach to the concurrent execution of model transformations can serve as a platform for their scalable and efficient implementation in parallel and distributed environments.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Towards Distributed Model Transformations with LinTra

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    Performance and scalability of model transformations are becoming prominent topics in Model-Driven Engineering. In previous works we introduced LinTra, a platform for executing model transformations in parallel. LinTra is based on the Linda model of a coordination language and is intended to be used as a middleware where high-level model transformation languages are compiled. In this paper we present the initial results of our analyses on the scalability of out-place model-to-model transformation executions in LinTra when the models and the processing elements are distributed over a set of machines.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Extending ATL for Native UML Profile Support: An Experience Report 49-62

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    International audienceWith the rise of Model-driven Engineering (MDE) the ap- plication field of model transformations broadens drastically. Current model transformation languages provide appropriate support for stan- dard MDE scenarios such as model-to-model transformations specified between metamodels. However, for other transformation scenarios often the escape to predefined APIs for handling specific model manipulations is required such as is the case for supporting UML profiles in transforma- tions. Thus, the need arises to extend current transformation languages for natively supporting such additional model manipulations. In this paper we report on extending ATL for natively supporting UML profiles in transformations. The extension is realized by providing an extended ATL syntax comprising keywords for handling UML profiles which is reduced by a preprocessor based on a Higher-Order Transfor- mation (HOT) again to the standard ATL syntax. In particular, we elab- orate on our methodology of extending ATL by presenting the extension process step-by-step as well as reporting on lessons learned. With this experience report we aim at providing design guidelines for extending ATL as well as stimulating the research of providing further extensions for ATL


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    A Generic Language for Query and Viewtype Generation By-Example

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    In model-driven engineering, powerful query/view languages exist to compute result sets/views from underlying models. However, to use these languages effectively, one must understand the query/view language concepts as well as the underlying models and metamodels structures. Consequently, it is a challenge for domain experts to create queries/views due to the lack of knowledge about the computer-internal abstract representation of models and metamodels. To better support domain experts in the query/view creation, the goal of this paper is the presentation of a generic concept to specify queries/views on models without requiring deep knowledge on the realization of modeling languages. The proposed concept is agnostic to specific modeling languages and allows the query/view generation by-example with a simple mechanism for filtering model elements. Based on this generic concept, a generic query/view language is proposed that uses role-oriented modeling for its non-intrusive application for specific modeling languages. The proposed language is demonstrated based on the role-based single underlying model (RSUM) approach for AutomationML to create queries/views by-example, and subsequently, associated viewtypes to modify the result set or view


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