11,049 research outputs found

    A randomised controlled trial of long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the management of rotator cuff related shoulder pain

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    Study design Multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled randomised clinical trial. Objectives To compare the effectiveness of long chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) as part of the management for people diagnosed with rotator cuff related shoulder pain (RCRSP). Summary of background Although there is no robust evidence to support their use, omega-3 PUFAs have been recommended for those with tendinopathy due to their potential to moderate inflammation. Methods Participants with RCRSP (n=73) were randomised to take either nine MaxEPA capsules providing 1.53 g eicosapentaenoic acid, 1.04 g docosahexaenoic acid or nine matching placebo capsules containing oleic acid per day for 8 weeks. In addition, participants attended an exercise/education programme for 8 weeks. Participants were assessed at prerandomisation, 8 weeks (primary outcome point), 3 months, 6 months and 12 months (secondary outcome point). Primary outcome was the Oxford Shoulder Score (OSS). Secondary outcomes included the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI), Patient Specific Functional Score, Euro Qol 5D-3L, Short Form 36, global rating of change and impairment measurements. Analysis was by intention to treat. Results Difference in the change in the OSS between the two groups at 2 months was –0.1 (95% CI −2.6 to 2.5, p=0.95). The change in SPADI scores was −8.3 (95% CI −15.6 to −0.94, p=0.03, analysed by analysis of covariance adjusted for baseline) at 3 months. Conclusion Omega-3 PUFA supplementation may have a modest effect on disability and pain outcomes in RCRSP.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Alaska Coastal Community Youth and the Future

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    The Alaska Sea Grant College Program. Project No. R/72-02.Executive Summary / Introduction / Background to the Research / Methods / Findings / Discussion and Policy Recommendations / Products from the Research / References Cited / Appendix A. Focus Group Protocol (High School) / Appendix B. Focus Group Protocol (12-20 year olds) / Appendix C. Focus Group Questionnaire / Appendix D. Occupational Rating Worksheet / Appendix E. Consent/Assent For

    A Chandra X-Ray Survey of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies

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    We present results from Chandra observations of 14 ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs; log(L_IR/L_Sun) >= 12) with redshifts between 0.04 and 0.16. The goals of the observations were to investigate any correlation between infrared color or luminosity and the properties of the X-ray emission and to attempt to determine whether these objects are powered by starbursts or active galactic nuclei (AGNs). The sample contains approximately the same number of high and low luminosity objects and ``warm'' and ``cool'' ULIRGs. All 14 galaxies were detected by Chandra. Our analysis shows that the X-ray emission of the two Seyfert 1 galaxies in our sample are dominated by AGN. The remaining 12 sources are too faint for conventional spectral fitting to be applicable. Hardness ratios were used to estimate the spectral properties of these faint sources. The photon indices for our sample plus the Chandra-observed sample from Ptak et al.(2003) peak in the range of 1.0-1.5, consistent with expectations for X-ray binaries in a starburst, an absorbed AGN, or hot bremsstrahlung from a starburst or AGN. The values of photon index for the objects in our sample classified as Seyferts (type 1 or 2) are larger than 2, while those classified as HII regions or LINERs tend to be less than 2. The hard X-ray to far-infrared ratios for the 12 weak sources are similar to those of starbursts, but we cannot rule out the possibility of absorbed, possibly Compton-thick, AGNs in some of these objects. Two of these faint sources were found to have X-ray counterparts to their double optical and infrared nuclei.Comment: 40 pages, 5 tables, 14 figures, accepted by Ap

    Preparing Students Experiencing Homelessness for College: Considerations for Counselors and Other Supportive Personnel

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    This article describes the unique college and career preparation challenges faced by students experiencing homelessness (SEH), framed using a Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT) lens. The experience of homelessness presents barriers for secondary students, which can impact their college self-efficacy, outcome expectations of attending and succeeding in college, and goal setting towards college. In this conceptual paper, background on homelessness and research related to the college planning process of SEH is provided, as well as implications for school and career counselors, as well as other educators

    Feedback under the microscope: thermodynamic structure and AGN driven shocks in M87

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    (abridged) Using a deep Chandra exposure (574 ks), we present high-resolution thermodynamic maps created from the spectra of ∌\sim16,000 independent regions, each with ∌\sim1,000 net counts. The excellent spatial resolution of the thermodynamic maps reveals the dramatic and complex temperature, pressure, entropy and metallicity structure of the system. Excluding the 'X-ray arms', the diffuse cluster gas at a given radius is strikingly isothermal. This suggests either that the ambient cluster gas, beyond the arms, remains relatively undisturbed by AGN uplift, or that conduction in the intracluster medium (ICM) is efficient along azimuthal directions. We confirm the presence of a thick (∌\sim40 arcsec or ∌\sim3 kpc) ring of high pressure gas at a radius of ∌\sim180 arcsec (∌\sim14 kpc) from the central AGN. We verify that this feature is associated with a classical shock front, with an average Mach number M = 1.25. Another, younger shock-like feature is observed at a radius of ∌\sim40 arcsec (∌\sim3 kpc) surrounding the central AGN, with an estimated Mach number M > 1.2. As shown previously, if repeated shocks occur every ∌\sim10 Myrs, as suggested by these observations, then AGN driven weak shocks could produce enough energy to offset radiative cooling of the ICM. A high significance enhancement of Fe abundance is observed at radii 350 - 400 arcsec (27 - 31 kpc). This ridge is likely formed in the wake of the rising bubbles filled with radio-emitting plasma that drag cool, metal-rich gas out of the central galaxy. We estimate that at least ∌1.0×106\sim1.0\times10^6 solar masses of Fe has been lifted and deposited at a radius of 350-400 arcsec; approximately the same mass of Fe is measured in the X-ray bright arms, suggesting that a single generation of buoyant radio bubbles may be responsible for the observed Fe excess at 350 - 400 arcsec.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures. Accepted to MNRA

    Tracing the sites of obscured star formation in the Antennae galaxies with Herschel-PACS

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    FIR imaging of interacting galaxies allows locating even hidden sites of star formation and measuring of the relative strength of nuclear and extra-nuclear star formation. We want to resolve the star-forming sites in the nearby system of the Antennae. Thanks to the unprecedented sharpness and depth of the PACS camera onboard ESA's Herschel Space Observatory, it is possible for the first time to achieve a complete assessment of individual star-forming knots in the FIR with scan maps at 70, 100, and 160 um. We used clump extraction photometry and SED diagnostics to derive the properties related to star-forming activity. The PACS 70, 100, and 160 um maps trace the knotty structure of the most recent star formation along an arc between the two nuclei in the overlap area. The resolution of the starburst knots and additional multi-wavelength data allow their individual star formation history and state to be analysed. In particular, the brightest knot in the mid-infrared (K1), east of the southern nucleus, exhibits the highest activity by far in terms of dust heating and star formation rate, efficiency, and density. With only 2 kpc in diameter, this area has a 10-1000 um luminosity, which is as high as that of our Milky Way. It shows the highest deficiency in radio emission in the radio-to-FIR luminosity ratio and a lack of X-ray emission, classifying it as a very young complex. The brightest 100 and 160 um emission region (K2), which is close to the collision front and consists of 3 knots, also shows a high star formation density and efficiency and lack of X-ray emission in its most obscured part, but an excess in the radio-to-FIR luminosity ratio. This suggests a young stage, too, but different conditions in its interstellar medium. Our results provide important checkpoints for numerical simulations of interacting galaxies when modelling the star formation and stellar feedback.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables (A&A Herschel special issue

    Rendimiento Académico de Segundo Grado, Escuela Flor de Pino de la Comunidad de Alamikangban, 2011

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    La presente investigaciĂłn se realizĂł en la comunidad indĂ­gena de Alamikangban del municipio de Prinzapolka en el segundo grado del centro Escolar Flor de Pino. El estudio es de tipo cualitativo de carĂĄcter descriptiva, porque describe la situaciĂłn del rendimiento acadĂ©mico de los estudiantes del segundo grado A y B. Las tĂ©cnicas utilizadas en la recopilaciĂłn de la informaciĂłn son entrevistas a estudiantes, madres y padres de familia, docentes de segundo grado y la directora de la escuela, ademĂĄs se aplicĂł la observaciĂłn directa en el aula de clases. Entre los hallazgos del estudio se encontrĂł que el rendimiento acadĂ©mico al final del año escolar 2011correspondiente al segundo grado A y B fue de 71.4% y la aprobado y la diferencia de 28.6% es reprobado, el cual es un rendimiento aceptable. En relaciĂłn a la matrĂ­cula final fue de 70 estudiantes en ambos sexos, pero 20 estudiantes reprobaron en las asignaturas de Miskitu y Español (L1 y L2). Donde 15 estudiantes de los reprobados son miskitus y 5 son mestizos y de Ă©stos 7 son mujeres y 13 varones. Seguidamente las causas que influyeron en el rendimiento acadĂ©mico de las y los estudiantes durante el año escolar 2011 se encontraron la metodologĂ­a aplicada por las docentes, la cual no fue la apropiada para la enseñanza de L1 y L2. La escasez de materiales didĂĄcticos y en especial los textos de los estudiantes, la motivaciĂłn del estudiante que reciben de los padres y madres de familias, la falta de hĂĄbito de estudio por parte de los niños, ya que no hacen tareas, no practican la lectura y escritura. TambiĂ©n la desintegraciĂłn familiar, entre ellas las madres solteras que trabajan como domĂ©sticas y se van de la comunidad, la migraciĂłn e inmigraciĂłn por parte de padres y madres de familias que llegan a la comunidad e ingresan sus hijos a la escuela y no saben hablar miskitus y despuĂ©s de cierto tiempo retiran a sus niños de clases y por Ășltimo el trabajo agrĂ­cola que realizan los padres de familias porque en Ă©poca de siembra y cosecha se llevan los niños para otras comunidade

    2009 Alaska Health Workforce Vacancy Study

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    Alaska continues to experience health professional shortages. The state has long had a deficient “supply side” characterized by insufficient numbers of key health workers whose recruitment, retention, and training have been impeded by Alaska’s remoteness, harsh climate, rural isolation, low population density, and scarce training resources. Alaska is the only state without a pharmacy school and lacks its own dental and physical therapy schools as well. Health professional shortages can be decreased through the start of new training programs, the expansion of existing programs, and the improvement of the effectiveness of recruitment and retention efforts. However, strategic planning and the execution of such programs require valid and accurate data. To this end, stakeholders such as the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority (AMHTA) and Alaskan's For Access to Health Care (ACCESS), along with schools and departments within the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA), funded the Alaska Center for Rural Health-Alaska’s AHEC (ACRH) and the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) to conduct a comprehensive health workforce study during winter and spring of 2009. This report highlights employers’ needs for employees to fill budgeted positions. This is different from a needs assessment that would take into account population demographics and disease incidence and prevalence. This health workforce study is an assessment of health manpower shortage based on budgeted staff positions and their vacancies in organizations throughout the state. Respondents included part-time positions, which resulted in our counting full-time equivalent (FTE) rather than individuals (“bodies”). In situations where a position was divided among more than one occupation (e.g., Dental Assistant and Billing Clerk), we asked the respondent to count the position under which they considered the position’s “primary occupation.” This was a point-in-time cross-sectional study. Recently filled vacancies or imminent vacancies were not counted. Positions filled by relief/temporary/locum/contract health workers were counted as vacancies only if these workers were temporarily filling a currently vacant, budgeted position. Due to budget and time constraints, we were not able to conduct a trend analysis that is a comparison of this study’s findings and the prior 2007 study. The key questions this study sought to answer were (1) How many budgeted positions, either full- or part-time, existed in organizations providing health services in Alaska? (2) How many of these budgeted positions were currently vacant? (3) What was the vacancy rate? (4) How many of the organizations that employ these occupations hired new graduates of training programs? (5) How many of the currently vacant budgeted positions (#2) could be filled by new graduates of training programs? (6) What were the mean and maximum length of time, expressed in months, that the vacancies have existed? (7) What were the principal, underlying causes of vacancies? The study was designed in consultation with an advisory group that included AMHTA, ACCESS, and UAA. The study targeted 93 health occupations. The unit of analysis was the employment site by organization type, which allowed for the allocation of positions and vacancies by geographic region. For each employer, we identified the staff person most knowledgeable about hiring and vacancies. In large organizations this meant that one employer might provide information about multiple sites and organization types; smaller employers were responsible for only a single site.Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority. Alaskan's for Access to Health Care. University of Alaska Fairbanks, Tanana Valley campus Telemedicine program. University of Alaska Anchorage, Community and Technical College. University of Alaska Anchorage, School of Nursing.Acknowledgements / Executive Summary / Table of Contents / Problem and Rationale / Methodology / Limitations of Study / Findings / Appendix A. List of Health Occupations / Appendix B. Health Workforce Surveys / Appendix C. Cover Letter Accompanying Survey Forms / Appendix D. Confidence Intervals for Positions, Vacancies, Number of Vacancies Filled with New Graduates, and Length of Longest Vacancy in Months / Appendix E. Tables of Samples and Estimates of Positions, Vacancies, Vacancy Rates, Number of Vacancies Filled with New Graduates, Mean and Maximum Length of Longest Vacancy in Months / Appendix F. Tables of Occupations Sorted By Estimates of Positions, Vacancies, Vacancy Rates, Number of Vacancies Filled with New Graduates, Mean and Maximum Length of Longest Vacancy in Month

    Evolving Starburst Modeling of FIR/sub-mm/mm Line Emission. III. Application to Nearby Luminous Infrared Galaxies

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    In a previous work, we showed that the observed FIR/sub-mm/mm line spectra of a starburst galaxy (M 82) can be successfully modeled in terms of the evolutionary scheme of an ensemble of giant molecular clouds (GMCs) and shells, and such studies can usefully constrain the age(s) or star formation history of a starburst galaxy. In this paper we present a preliminary study of using the template of an ensemble of evolving GMCs/shells we developed for M 82. we apply the model to represent various stages of starburst evolution in a well known sample of nearby luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs). In this way, we attempt to interpret the relationship between the degree of molecular excitation and ratio of far-infrared (FIR) to 12^{12}CO (or simply CO) luminosity to possibly reflect different stages of the evolution of star-forming activity within their nuclear regions.Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJ, 16 pages, 4 figures
