3,295 research outputs found

    Labour not land constrains agricultural production and food self-sufficiency in maize-based smallholder farming systems in Mozambique

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    Despite abundant land and favourable climatic conditions, Mozambique remains food insecure. We investigated the diversity, constraints and opportunities to increase smallholder productivity and achieve food self-sufficiency in maize-based farming systems in two Posts in central Mozambique. We identified four farm types in each village based on cultivated area and labour. Farm type 1 cultivated relatively large areas, owned cattle and hired in labour. Farm type 2 cultivated moderate areas and both hired in and hired out labour. Farms of type 3a and 3b cultivated the smallest areas. Farm type 3a shared labour while Farm type 3b only hired out labour. For each farm type, we calculated land and labour productivities of maize, sunflower and sesame and assessed maize self-sufficiency. Access to labour during weeding was the main constraint. The hiring out of labour by small farms caused severe reductions in both land and labour productivity. Yield reductions on these farms were due to delayed weeding in own fields. In one Post, Farm type 3b was not maize self-sufficient. Labour quality was probably impaired by excess alcohol consumption among the poorer farmers (both men and women). Our results showed that production can be increased based on current agricultural practices. Farmers did not cultivate all of their land, suggesting that lack of labour constrained intensification by smallholder farmers

    Fluticasone furoate/vilanterol (100/25; 200/25 ÎĽg) improves lung function in COPD: a randomised trial.

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    SummaryBackgroundOnce-daily combination treatment is an attractive maintenance therapy for COPD. However, the dose of inhaled corticosteroid to use in a once-daily combination is unknown. We compared two strengths of fluticasone furoate (FF) plus vilanterol (VI), the same strengths of the individual components, and placebo.MethodsMulticentre, randomised, 24-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study in stable, moderate-to-severe COPD subjects (N = 1224). Subjects were randomised to FF/VI (200/25 μg; 100/25 μg), FF (200 μg; 100 μg), VI 25 μg, or placebo, once daily in the morning. Co-primary efficacy endpoints; 0–4 h weighted mean (wm) FEV1 on day 168, and change from baseline in trough (23–24 h post-dose) FEV1 on day 169. The primary safety objective was adverse events (AEs).ResultsThere was a statistically significant (p < 0.001) increase in wm FEV1 (209 ml) and trough FEV1 (131 ml) for FF/VI 200/25 μg vs. placebo; similar changes were seen for FF/VI 100/25 μg vs. placebo. Whereas the difference between FF/VI 200/25 μg and VI 25 μg in change from baseline trough FEV1 (32 ml) was not statistically significant (p = 0.224), the difference between FF/VI 200/25 μg and FF 200 μg for wm FEV1 (168 ml) was significantly different (p < 0.001). VI 25 μg significantly improved wm and trough FEV1 vs. placebo (209 ml and 131 ml, respectively). No increase was seen in on-treatment AEs or serious AEs (SAEs), with active therapy vs. placebo.ConclusionsFF/VI provides rapid and significant sustained improvement in FEV1 in subjects with moderate-to-severe COPD, which was not influenced by the dose of FF. These data suggest that FF/VI may offer clinical efficacy in COPD and warrants additional study.GSK study number: HZC112207.ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01054885

    A Structural Atlas of the Developing Zebrafish Telencephalon Based on Spatially-Restricted Transgene Expression

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    Zebrafish telencephalon acquires an everted morphology by a two-step process that occurs from 1 to 5 days post-fertilization (dpf). Little is known about how this process affects the positioning of discrete telencephalic cell populations, hindering our understanding of how eversion impacts telencephalic structural organization. In this study, we characterize the neurochemistry, cycle state and morphology of an EGFP positive (+) cell population in the telencephalon of Et(gata2:EGFP)bi105 transgenic fish during eversion and up to 20dpf. We map the transgene insertion to the early-growth-response-gene-3 (egr3) locus and show that EGFP expression recapitulates endogenous egr3 expression throughout much of the pallial telencephalon. Using the gata2:EGFP bi105 transgene, in combination with other well-characterized transgenes and structural markers, we track the development of various cell populations in the zebrafish telencephalon as it undergoes the morphological changes underlying eversion. These datasets were registered to reference brains to form an atlas of telencephalic development at key stages of the eversion process (1dpf, 2dpf, and 5dpf) and compared to expression in adulthood. Finally, we registered gata2:EGFPbi105 expression to the Zebrafish Brain Browser 6dpf reference brain (ZBB, see Marquart et al., 2015, 2017; Tabor et al., 2019), to allow comparison of this expression pattern with anatomical data already in ZBB

    The role of asymmetric interactions on the effect of habitat destruction in mutualistic networks

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    Plant-pollinator mutualistic networks are asymmetric in their interactions: specialist plants are pollinated by generalist animals, while generalist plants are pollinated by a broad involving specialists and generalists. It has been suggested that this asymmetric ---or disassortative--- assemblage could play an important role in determining the equal susceptibility of specialist and generalist plants under habitat destruction. At the core of the argument lies the observation that specialist plants, otherwise candidates to extinction, could cope with the disruption thanks to their interaction with generalist pollinators. We present a theoretical framework that supports this thesis. We analyze a dynamical model of a system of mutualistic plants and pollinators, subject to the destruction of their habitat. We analyze and compare two families of interaction topologies, ranging from highly assortative to highly disassortative ones, as well as real pollination networks. We found that several features observed in natural systems are predicted by the mathematical model. First, there is a tendency to increase the asymmetry of the network as a result of the extinctions. Second, an entropy measure of the differential susceptibility to extinction of specialist and generalist species show that they tend to balance when the network is disassortative. Finally, the disappearance of links in the network, as a result of extinctions, shows that specialist plants preserve more connections than the corresponding plants in an assortative system, enabling them to resist the disruption.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    An Optical-Lattice-Based Quantum Simulator For Relativistic Field Theories and Topological Insulators

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    We present a proposal for a versatile cold-atom-based quantum simulator of relativistic fermionic theories and topological insulators in arbitrary dimensions. The setup consists of a spin-independent optical lattice that traps a collection of hyperfine states of the same alkaline atom, to which the different degrees of freedom of the field theory to be simulated are then mapped. We show that the combination of bi-chromatic optical lattices with Raman transitions can allow the engineering of a spin-dependent tunneling of the atoms between neighboring lattice sites. These assisted-hopping processes can be employed for the quantum simulation of various interesting models, ranging from non-interacting relativistic fermionic theories to topological insulators. We present a toolbox for the realization of different types of relativistic lattice fermions, which can then be exploited to synthesize the majority of phases in the periodic table of topological insulators.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figure

    Cryptic species diversity in the Hypsolebias magnificus complex, a clade of endangered seasonal killifishes from the SĂŁo Francisco River basin, Brazilian Caatinga (Cyprinodontiformes, Aplocheilidae)

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    A great diversity of animal species adapted to life in the semi-arid Caatinga of northeastern Brazil, including seasonal killifishes, has been reported in the last three decades. More recently, field and molecular data have shown a high occurrence of cryptic species. The killifish group herein analysed, the Hypsolebias magnificus species complex, is endemic to the middle and southern portion of the Caatinga, occupying about 120 km along the floodplains of the middle SĂŁo Francisco River and some adjacent tributaries. Species of this complex are rare and presently considered threatened with extinction, being uniquely found in pools protected by trees and bushes. Single-locus delimitation methods were used to test species limits of populations displaying different colour patterns along the whole distribution of the complex. All analyses consistently supported the three nominal species and two new, herein described: H. gardneri Costa, sp. n., from the floodplains of the middle SĂŁo Francisco River and H. hamadryades Costa, sp. n., from the Gorotuba River floodplains. The phylogenetic analysis highly supports H. hamadryades as sister to a clade comprising H. gardneri and H. harmonicus. Our field observations suggest that H. hamadryades is a miniature species. This study indicates that the H. magnificus complex comprises cryptic species apparently endemic to small areas and extremely vulnerable to environmental changes, deserving high concern

    Abrogation of Stem Loop Binding Protein (Slbp) function leads to a failure of cells to transition from proliferation to differentiation, retinal coloboma and midline axon guidance deficits

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    Through forward genetic screening for mutations affecting visual system development, we identified prominent coloboma and cell-autonomous retinal neuron differentiation, lamination and retinal axon projection defects in eisspalte (ele) mutant zebrafish. Additional axonal deficits were present, most notably at midline axon commissures. Genetic mapping and cloning of the ele mutation showed that the affected gene is slbp, which encodes a conserved RNA stem-loop binding protein involved in replication dependent histone mRNA metabolism. Cells throughout the central nervous system remained in the cell cycle in ele mutant embryos at stages when, and locations where, post-mitotic cells have differentiated in wild-type siblings. Indeed, RNAseq analysis showed down-regulation of many genes associated with neuronal differentiation. This was coincident with changes in the levels and spatial localisation of expression of various genes implicated, for instance, in axon guidance, that likely underlie specific ele phenotypes. These results suggest that many of the cell and tissue specific phenotypes in ele mutant embryos are secondary to altered expression of modules of developmental regulatory genes that characterise, or promote transitions in, cell state and require the correct function of Slbp-dependent histone and chromatin regulatory genes

    A new rare catfish species from southeastern Brazil provides insights into the origins of similar colour patterns in syntopic, distantly related mountain trichomycterines (Siluriformes, Trichomycteridae)

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    Colour patterns are diverse in trichomycterine catfishes and are often used to diagnose species. Here, we analyse the first case of adults of two syntopic species of Trichomycterus sharing nearly identical colour patterns: a rare new species of the subgenus Paracambeva and Trichomycterus maculosus, a distantly related species of the subgenus Trichomycterus. Both species are endemic to the upper Rio ParaĂ­ba do Sul basin (RPSB), which had a different course until the Tertiary period and is situated within the Southeastern Brazilian Continental Rift, mostly active in the Eocene-Oligocene. A time-calibrated multigene analysis, 3144 bp, supported the new species as sister to Trichomycterus itatiayae, both comprising a lineage with Middle Miocene age, when that colour pattern would have first arisen. The new species is diagnosed by characters from the latero-sensory system and bone morphology. Our results, combined with available biogeographical data, indicated the colour pattern of T. maculosus arising in the Late Pliocene, following the dispersal of its group to the upper RPSB after river course changing. Two hypotheses for the independent origin of the same colour pattern are discussed. First, a case of evolutionary convergence for adaptation to live on a similarly coloured gravel substrate, giving some cryptic advantage against predators. Second, mimetic association through anti-predation features. In the latter case, although trichomycterids lack fin spines to inoculate venom as in other catfishes, the species here studied have a supposed axillary gland above the pectoral fin, just posterior to the opercular odontodes, but with properties and functions still unknown

    Prey availability and temporal partitioning modulate felid coexistence in Neotropical forests

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    Carnivores have long been used as model organisms to examine mechanisms that allow coexistence among ecologically similar species. Interactions between carnivores, including competition and predation, comprise important processes regulating local community structure and diversity. We use data from an intensive camera-trapping monitoring program across eight Neotropical forest sites to describe the patterns of spatiotemporal organization of a guild of five sympatric cat species: jaguar (Panthera onca), puma (Puma concolor), ocelot (Leopardus pardalis), jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi) and margay (Leopardus wiedii). For the three largest cat species, we developed multi-stage occupancy models accounting for habitat characteristics (landscape complexity and prey availability) and models accounting for species interactions (occupancy estimates of potential competitor cat species). Patterns of habitat-use were best explained by prey availability, rather than habitat structure or species interactions, with no evidence of negative associations of jaguar on puma and ocelot occupancy or puma on ocelot occupancy. We further explore temporal activity patterns and overlap of all five felid species. We observed a moderate temporal overlap between jaguar, puma and ocelot, with differences in their activity peaks, whereas higher temporal partitioning was observed between jaguarundi and both ocelot and margay. Lastly, we conducted temporal overlap analysis and calculated species activity levels across study sites to explore if shifts in daily activity within species can be explained by varying levels of local competition pressure. Activity patterns of ocelots, jaguarundis and margays were similarly bimodal across sites, but pumas exhibited irregular activity patterns, most likely as a response to jaguar activity. Activity levels were similar among sites and observed differences were unrelated to competition or intraguild killing risk. Our study reveals apparent spatial and temporal partitioning for most of the species pairs analyzed, with prey abundance being more important than species interactions in governing the local occurrence and spatial distribution of Neotropical forest felids
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