358 research outputs found

    Absent Balloons?: How a Global Germany Contributed to a European Physics of the Atmosphere

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    In the global history of contemporary meteorological infrastructure, the focus is often on either Cold War computers and satellites or nineteenth-century international organizations (Edwards 2010)Footnote1. I would like to propose another vital infrastructural project on which the later existence of American and Soviet satellites and computers depended: structural weather balloon campaigns, organized mainly on the European mainland between 1890 and 1933. Three recent monographs can help us create a new agenda for a history of the German-speaking world as a key site for the sudden emergence of new meteorological infrastructur

    Adaptierung der V2X Kommunikation auf den Bahnsektor

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    Derzeit gibt es nur wenige technische Hilfsmittel oder auch neuere Kommunikationstechnik, die es uns ermöglicht, zwischen Schienenfahrzeugen und Straßengebunden Fahrzeugen zu kommunizieren. Diese Kommunikation ist sehr wichtig, da auch hier die Automatisierung der Fahrzeuge voranschreitet. Wir werden nun zeigen, wie die Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) - Kommunikation auch für den Eisenbahnsektor genutzt werden kann. Zuerst wurden zwei Reichweitenmessungen im Großraum Hamburg durchgeführt. Anschließend wird ein möglicher Systemumbau einer Anrufschranke und eines Haltewunsches auf einer Teststrecke durchgeführt. Abschließend wurden zwei Bahnübergänge im Großraum Hamburg mit einem digitalen Andreaskreuz ausgestattet

    D2.2 Updated cyber risk assessment for the maritime industry

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    This report presents an updated assessment of the cyberthreat landscape in the context of CySiMS-SE. It is based on the previous work from CySiMS “D1.1 Risk Model and Analysis” and the methodology from CySiMS-SE “D2.1 Expanded risk and CBA methodology”. The goal has been to show how we obtain required means and opportunities of attack vectors for the PKI and motivation factors for potential threat actors.978-82-14-06467-4publishedVersio

    A Retrospective Analysis of Maritime Cyber Security Incidents

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    The maritime industry is undergoing a rapid evolution through the introduction of new technology and the digitization of existing services. At the same time, the digital attack surface is increasing, and incidents can lead to severe consequences. This study analyses and gives an overview of 46 maritime cyber security incidents from the last decade (2010-2020). We have collected information from open publications and reports, as well as anonymized data from insurance claims. Each incident is linked to a taxonomy of attack points related to onboard or off-ship systems, and the characteristics have been used to create a Top-10 list of maritime cyber threats. The results show that the maritime sector typically has incidents with low frequency and high impact, which makes them hard to predict and prepare for. We also infer that different types of attackers use a variety of attack points and techniques, hence there is no single solution to this problem.publishedVersio

    Zum gesellschaftlichen Nutzen pharmazeutischer Innovationen

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    Um den gesellschaftlichen Nutzen pharmazeutischer Innovationen abzuschätzen, bedarf es adäquater Beurteilungskriterien. Nach einem empirischen Abriß über die Entwicklung der Arzneimittelausgaben erörtern die Autoren die beurteilungsrelevanten gesamtwirtschaftlichen Ziele. Auf mikroökonomischer Basis bietet sich zur Ermittlung der Nützlichkeit von Arzneimitteln die Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse an. Im Prozeß gesundheitlicher Leistungserstellung nimmt das Arzneimittel den Rang eines Produktionsfaktors ein, der zumeist in Verbindung mit anderen Behandlungsarten eine Verbesserung des Gesundheitszustandes erzeugt. Dabei besitzen unter Effektivitäts- und Effizienzaspekten Innovations- und Imitationsprodukte unterschiedliche allokative Funktionen. Die beinahe weltweiten gesundheitspolitischen Regulierungen begünstigen die Imitationen und drohen damit die Forschungsanreize zu reduzieren

    Fermentability of whole oat flour, PeriTec flour and bran by Lactobacillus plantarum

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    4 páginas, 2 tablas, 1 figuraWhole oat flour obtained by hammer milling was fermented with Lactobacillus plantarum along with white flour and bran in order to compare the suitability of these substrates for the production of a probiotic beverage. The three substrates show a viable cell concentration at the end of fermentation above the minimum required in a probiotic product. The highest cell concentration was observed in white flour (9.16 Log10 CFU/mL) and the lowest in the bran sample (8.17 Log10 CFU/mL)Peer reviewe

    Determination of Stent Frame Displacement After Endovascular Aneurysm Sealing

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    Purpose: To describe and validate a new methodology for visualizing and quantifying 3-dimensional (3D) displacement of the stent frames of the Nellix endosystem after endovascular aneurysm sealing (EVAS). Methods: The 3D positions of the stent frames were registered to 5 fixed anatomical landmarks on the post-EVAS computed tomography (CT) scans, facilitating comparison of the position and shape of the stent frames between consecutive follow-up scans. Displacement of the proximal and distal ends of the stent frames, the entire stent frame trajectories, as well as changes in distance between the stent frames were determined for 6 patients with >5-mm displacement and 6 patients with 5-mm displacement on the 1-year CT as determined by the new methodology, 2 went on to develop a type Ia endoleak in longer follow-up, and displacement progressed to >15 mm for 2 other patients. No endoleak or progressive displacement was appreciated for the patients with 5 mm on the 1-year CT scans reconstructed with the new methodology may forecast impaired sealing and anchoring of the Nellix endosystem

    Arterial thrombotic complications in COVID-19 patients

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), a viral respiratory illness caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has been described to predispose to thrombotic disease in both the venous and arterial circulations. We report four cases of an acute arterial occlusion in COVID-19 patients and literature review on the occurrence of arterial thrombosis in patients with COVID-19. Our findings demonstrate that physicians should be vigilant for signs of thrombotic complications in both hospitalized and new COVID-19 patients

    Comparative study of antioxidant defence mechanisms in marine fish fed variable levels of oxidised oil and vitamin E

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    The aim of the study was to compare the antioxidant systems in juvenile marine fish of commercial importance in European aquaculture, namely turbot (Scophthalmus maximus), halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) and gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata). The present dietary trial was specifically designed to investigate the antioxidant effects of vitamin E under moderate oxidising conditions, including high dietary levels of highly unsaturated fatty acids and the feeding of oxidised oils. The objective was to induce a stressful pro-oxidant status to enable characterisation of the biochemical responses to peroxidative stress without causing unnecessary suffering to the experimental animals or high mortalities during the trials. Both sea bream and turbot showed excellent growth, whereas growth was poorer in halibut. Dietary oxidised oil significantly reduced growth in turbot and especially in halibut, but not in sea bream. Vitamin E improved growth in sea bream fed oxidised oil but not in turbot or halibut. However, vitamin E supplementation appeared to improve survival in all three species. In sea bream and turbot, liver antioxidant defence enzyme activities were generally increased by feeding peroxidised oil and reduced by vitamin E. Conversely, in halibut, the liver antioxidant defence enzyme activities were not increased by feeding peroxidised oil and only superoxide dismutase was reduced by feeding vitamin E. Consistent with these data, feeding oxidised oil increased lipid peroxidation products in halibut, but generally not in sea bream or turbot. Furthermore, lipid peroxidation products were generally reduced by dietary vitamin E in both sea bream and turbot, but not in halibut. Therefore, halibut liver antioxidant defence enzymes did not respond to dietary oxidised oil or vitamin E as occurred in turbot and, especially sea bream. This resulted in increased levels of lipid peroxides in halibut compared to turbot and sea bream in fish given dietary oxidised oil. In addition, supplemental vitamin E did not reduce lipid peroxides in halibut as it did in turbot and sea bream. The increased peroxidation stress in halibut may account for their poorer growth and survival in comparison to turbot and especially sea bream. Halibut were reared at a lower temperature, although relatively high for halibut, than either turbot or sea bream but they were also slightly younger/smaller fish and possibly, therefore, more developmentally immature, and either or all of these factors may be important in the lack of response of the liver enzymes in halibut