259 research outputs found

    The Regulation of Pulmonary Immunity

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    This article is made available for unrestricted research re-use and secondary analysis in any form or by any means with acknowledgement of the original source. These permissions are granted for the duration of the World Health Organization (WHO) declaration of COVID-19 as a global pandemic.No evidence has emerged which suggests that the principles of immunity derived from studies on cells from other body sites are contradicted in the lung and its associated lymphoid tissue. What is clear, however, is that the environment dictates the types of cells, their relationship to one another, and what perturbing events will set in motion either the development of an "active" immune response or tolerance. Investigating mechanisms for the development of lung immunity has increased our understanding of how human diseases develop and is continuing to suggest new ways to manipulate pulmonary immune responses. Demonstration that lung cells regulate both nonspecific inflammation and immunity through the expression of adhesion molecules and the secretion of cytokines offers hope for ways to design more effective vaccines, enhance microbial clearance in immunosuppressed hosts, and to suppress manifestations of immunologically mediated lung disease. Important lung diseases targeted for intensive research efforts in the immediate future are tuberculosis, asthma, and fibrotic lung disease. Perhaps even the common cold might be conquered. Considering the pace of current research on lung immunity, it may not be too ambitious to predict that these diseases may be conquered in the next decade

    Infrared Properties of High Redshift and X-ray Selected AGN Samples

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    The NASA/ISO Key Project on active galactic nuclei (AGN) seeks to better understand the broad-band spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of these sources from radio to X-rays, with particular emphasis on infrared properties. The ISO sample includes a wide variety of AGN types and spans a large redshift range. Two subsamples are considered herein: 8 high-redshift (1 < z < 4.7) quasars; and 22 hard X-ray selected sources. The X-ray selected AGN show a wide range of IR continuum shapes, extending to cooler colors than the optical/radio sample of Elvis et al. (1994). Where a far-IR turnover is clearly observed, the slopes are < 2.5 in all but one case so that non-thermal emission remains a possibility. The highest redshift quasars show extremely strong, hot IR continua requiring ~ 100 solar masses of 500 - 1000 Kelvin dust with ~ 100 times weaker optical emission. Possible explanations for these unusual properties include: reflection of the optical light from material above/below a torus; strong obscuration of the optical continuum; or an intrinsic deficit of optical emission.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures (2 color), to be published in the Springer Lecture Notes of Physics Series as part of the proceedings for "ISO Surveys of a Dusty Universe," a workshop held at Ringberg Castle, Germany, November 8 - 12, 1999. Requires latex style files for this series: cl2emult.cls, cropmark.sty, lnp.sty, sprmindx.sty, subeqnar.sty (included with submission

    Mucosal Administration of Collagen V Ameliorates the Atherosclerotic Plaque Burden by Inducing Interleukin 35-dependent Tolerance

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    We have shown previously that collagen V (col(V)) autoimmunity is a consistent feature of atherosclerosis in human coronary artery disease and in the Apoe(-/-) mouse model. We have also shown sensitization of Apoe(-/-) mice with col(V) to markedly increase the atherosclerotic burden, providing evidence of a causative role for col(V) autoimmunity in atherosclerotic pathogenesis. Here we sought to determine whether induction of immune tolerance to col(V) might ameliorate atherosclerosis, providing further evidence for a causal role for col(V) autoimmunity in atherogenesis and providing insights into the potential for immunomodulatory therapeutic interventions. Mucosal inoculation successfully induced immune tolerance to col(V) with an accompanying reduction in plaque burden in Ldlr(-/-) mice on a high-cholesterol diet. The results therefore demonstrate that inoculation with col(V) can successfully ameliorate the atherosclerotic burden, suggesting novel approaches for therapeutic interventions. Surprisingly, tolerance and reduced atherosclerotic burden were both dependent on the recently described IL-35 and not on IL-10, the immunosuppressive cytokine usually studied in the context of induced tolerance and amelioration of atherosclerotic symptoms. In addition to the above, using recombinant protein fragments, we were able to localize two epitopes of the α1(V) chain involved in col(V) autoimmunity in atherosclerotic Ldlr(-/-) mice, suggesting future courses of experimentation for the characterization of such epitopes

    Genome-wide and protein kinase-focused RNAi screens reveal conserved and novel damage response pathways in Trypanosoma brucei

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    All cells are subject to structural damage that must be addressed for continued growth. A wide range of damage affects the genome, meaning multiple pathways have evolved to repair or bypass the resulting DNA lesions. Though many repair pathways are conserved, their presence or function can reflect the life style of individual organisms. To identify genome maintenance pathways in a divergent eukaryote and important parasite, Trypanosoma brucei, we performed RNAi screens to identify genes important for survival following exposure to the alkylating agent methyl methanesulphonate. Amongst a cohort of broadly conserved and, therefore, early evolved repair pathways, we reveal multiple activities not so far examined functionally in T. brucei, including DNA polymerases, DNA helicases and chromatin factors. In addition, the screens reveal Trypanosoma- or kinetoplastid-specific repair-associated activities. We also provide focused analyses of repair-associated protein kinases and show that loss of at least nine, and potentially as many as 30 protein kinases, including a nuclear aurora kinase, sensitises T. brucei to alkylation damage. Our results demonstrate the potential for synthetic lethal genome-wide screening of gene function in T. brucei and provide an evolutionary perspective on the repair pathways that underpin effective responses to damage, with particular relevance for related kinetoplastid pathogens. By revealing that a large number of diverse T. brucei protein kinases act in the response to damage, we expand the range of eukaryotic signalling factors implicated in genome maintenance activities

    Whole-genome characterization of myoepithelial carcinomas of the soft tissue

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    Myoepithelial carcinomas (MECs) of soft tissue are rare and aggressive tumors affecting young adults and children, but their molecular landscape has not been comprehensively explored through genome sequencing. Here, we present the whole-exome sequencing (WES), whole-genome sequencing (WGS), and RNA sequencing findings of two MECs. Patients 1 and 2 (P1, P2), both male, were diagnosed at 27 and 37 yr of age, respectively, with shoulder (P1) and inguinal (P2) soft tissue tumors. Both patients developed metastatic disease, and P2 died of disease. P1 tumor showed a rhabdoid cytomorphology and a complete loss of INI1 (SMARCB1) expression, associated with a homozygous SMARCB1 deletion. The tumor from P2 showed a clear cell/small cell morphology, retained INI1 expression and strong S100 positivity. By WES and WGS, tumors from both patients displayed low tumor mutation burdens, and no targetable alterations in cancer genes were detected. P2's tumor harbored an EWSR1::KLF15 rearrangement, whereas the tumor from P1 showed a novel ASCC2::GGNBP2 fusion. WGS evidenced a complex genomic event involving mainly Chromosomes 17 and 22 in the tumor from P1, which was consistent with chromoplexy. These findings are consistent with previous reports of EWSR1 rearrangements (50% of cases) in MECs and provide a genetic basis for the loss of SMARCB1 protein expression observed through immunohistochemistry in 10% of 40% of MEC cases. The lack of additional driver mutations in these tumors supports the hypothesis that these alterations are the key molecular events in MEC evolution. Furthermore, the presence of complex structural variant patterns, invisible to WES, highlights the novel biological insights that can be gained through the application of WGS to rare cancers

    The Far-Infrared Spectral Energy Distributions of X-ray-selected Active Galaxies

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    [Abridged] We present ISO far-infrared (IR) observations of 21 hard X-ray selected AGN from the HEAO-1 A2 sample. We compare the far-IR to X-ray spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of this sample with various radio and optically selected AGN samples. The hard-X-ray selected sample shows a wider range of optical/UV shapes extending to redder near-IR colors. The bluer objects are Seyfert 1s, while the redder AGN are mostly intermediate or type 2 Seyferts. This is consistent with a modified unification model in which the amount of obscuring material increases with viewing angle and may be clumpy. Such a scenario, already suggested by differing optical/near-IR spectroscopic and X-ray AGN classifications, allows for different amounts of obscuration of the continuum emission in different wavebands and of the broad emission line region which results in a mixture of behaviors for AGN with similar optical emission line classifications. The resulting limits on the column density of obscuring material through which we are viewing the redder AGN are 100 times lower than for the standard optically thick torus models. The resulting decrease in optical depth of the obscuring material allows the AGN to heat more dust at larger radial distances. We show that an AGN-heated, flared, dusty disk with mass 10^9 solar and size of few hundred pc is able to generate optical-far-IR SEDs which reproduce the wide range of SEDs present in our sample with no need for an additional starburst component to generate the long-wavelength, cooler part of the IR continuum.Comment: 40 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal, V. 590, June 10, 200

    Oscillatory cAMP signaling rapidly alters H3K4 methylation

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    receptors (GPCRs) alter H3K4 methylation via oscillatory intracellular cAMP. Activation of Gs-coupled receptors caused a rapid decrease of H3K4me3 by elevating cAMP, whereas stimulation of Gi-coupled receptors increased H3K4me3 by diminishing cAMP. H3K4me3 gradually recovered towards baseline levels after the removal of GPCR ligands, indicating that H3K4me3 oscillates in tandem with GPCR activation. cAMP increased intracellular labile Fe(II), the cofactor for histone demethylases, through a non-canonical cAMP target—Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor-2 (RapGEF2), which subsequently enhanced endosome acidification and Fe(II) release from the endosome via vacuolar H+-ATPase assembly. Removing Fe(III) from the media blocked intracellular Fe(II) elevation after stimulation of Gs-coupled receptors. Iron chelators and inhibition of KDM5 demethylases abolished cAMP-mediated H3K4me3 demethylation. Taken together, these results suggest a novel function of cAMP signaling in modulating histone demethylation through labile Fe(II)

    Small Cell Carcinoma of the Ovary, Hypercalcemic Type (SCCOHT) beyond SMARCA4 Mutations: A Comprehensive Genomic Analysis.

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    Small cell carcinoma of the ovary, hypercalcemic type (SCCOHT) is an aggressive malignancy that occurs in young women, is characterized by recurrent loss-of-function mutations in the SMARCA4 gene, and for which effective treatments options are lacking. The aim of this study was to broaden the knowledge on this rare malignancy by reporting a comprehensive molecular analysis of an independent cohort of SCCOHT cases. We conducted Whole Exome Sequencing in six SCCOHT, and RNA-sequencing and array comparative genomic hybridization in eight SCCOHT. Additional immunohistochemical, Sanger sequencing and functional data are also provided. SCCOHTs showed remarkable genomic stability, with diploid profiles and low mutation load (mean, 5.43 mutations/Mb), including in the three chemotherapy-exposed tumors. All but one SCCOHT cases exhibited 19p13.2-3 copy-neutral LOH. SMARCA4 deleterious mutations were recurrent and accompanied by loss of expression of the SMARCA2 paralog. Variants in a few other genes located in 19p13.2-3 (e.g., PLK5) were detected. Putative therapeutic targets, including MAGEA4, AURKB and CLDN6, were found to be overexpressed in SCCOHT by RNA-seq as compared to benign ovarian tissue. Lastly, we provide additional evidence for sensitivity of SCCOHT to HDAC, DNMT and EZH2 inhibitors. Despite their aggressive clinical course, SCCOHT show remarkable inter-tumor homogeneity and display genomic stability, low mutation burden and few somatic copy number alterations. These findings and preliminary functional data support further exploration of epigenetic therapies in this lethal disease

    Comparative genomics of the pathogenic ciliate Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, its free-living relatives and a host species provide insights into adoption of a parasitic lifestyle and prospects for disease control

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    BACKGROUND: Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, commonly known as Ich, is a highly pathogenic ciliate responsible for 'white spot', a disease causing significant economic losses to the global aquaculture industry. Options for disease control are extremely limited, and Ich's obligate parasitic lifestyle makes experimental studies challenging. Unlike most well-studied protozoan parasites, Ich belongs to a phylum composed primarily of free-living members. Indeed, it is closely related to the model organism Tetrahymena thermophila. Genomic studies represent a promising strategy to reduce the impact of this disease and to understand the evolutionary transition to parasitism. RESULTS: We report the sequencing, assembly and annotation of the Ich macronuclear genome. Compared with its free-living relative T. thermophila, the Ich genome is reduced approximately two-fold in length and gene density and three-fold in gene content. We analyzed in detail several gene classes with diverse functions in behavior, cellular function and host immunogenicity, including protein kinases, membrane transporters, proteases, surface antigens and cytoskeletal components and regulators. We also mapped by orthology Ich's metabolic pathways in comparison with other ciliates and a potential host organism, the zebrafish Danio rerio. CONCLUSIONS: Knowledge of the complete protein-coding and metabolic potential of Ich opens avenues for rational testing of therapeutic drugs that target functions essential to this parasite but not to its fish hosts. Also, a catalog of surface protein-encoding genes will facilitate development of more effective vaccines. The potential to use T. thermophila as a surrogate model offers promise toward controlling 'white spot' disease and understanding the adaptation to a parasitic lifestyle