136 research outputs found

    Cellphone with Dial and Call Feature Design Prototype for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

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    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a term that used to explain neurological problems which affect mind, perception and concentration. The unfortunate condition of children with ASD lead more difficult to do long-distance communication, not only because of the lack of device that can be used exclusively by children with ASD (the physical as well as its interface), but also because of their general habits tends to destroy something in this case is a commercial cellphone. Identification of ASD children’s habit will be conducted by distributing questionnaires and interviews of the parties which are well acquainted with their daily activities such as parents and school teachers. To validate the questionnaire, has also been conducted ethnographic video capture. The design of cell phone’s prototype and dial & call software/application interface in it is done using the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method as the results have been obtained from the collection of data on the habits of ASD children. In addition, there is also made a sound maker app

    Perbaikan Metode Dan Peralatan Kerja Dengan Pendekatan Ergonomi Di Industri Petis Udang "Pattimura"

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    Perusahaan petis udang "Pattimura" Kediri adalah sebuah home industri yang dalam proses produksinya masih memakai sistem manual. Perusahaan ini memproduksi petis udang, dimana produksi ini dilakukan berdasarkan permintaan konsumen dan untuk dijual sendiri. Perusahaan ini masih dalam tahap berkembang, artinya perusahaan ini masih perlu mengadakan perbaikan aktivitas aktivitas kerja yang masih dilakukan secara manual. Salah satu sistem dan peralatan kerjanya yang masih belum ergonomis di dalam sistem produksinya adalah bagian penyaringan bahan baku petis,yaitu terasi. Peralatan yang dipakai pada bagian penyaringan ini dikatakan belum ergonomis karenadalam pengoperasiannya pekerja melakukan pekerjaan tersebut dalam posisi tubuh membungkuk karena pekerja harus selalu memegang dan membetulkan posisi saringan agar tidak jauh karena selalu bergeser, dan juga pekerja melakukannya dengan menopangkan tangannya pada tungku wajan penampung. Posisi yang demikian menyebabkan pekerja merasa tidak nyaman dalam bekerja sehingga dapat menurunkan performance dan produktifitas kerja. Untuk mengurangi rasa lelah, sakit dan lamanya proses produksi, maka diperlukan suatu perbaikan. Langkah awal yang ditempuh adalah melakukan pengumpulan data data yang relevan dengan melakukan wawancara, pengamatan langsung, pengukuran dan penyebaran kuesioner. Kuesioner yang disebarkan bertujuan untuk mengetahui keinginan dan kebutuhan pekerja bagian penyaringan akan adanya suatu alat saring baru, kuesioner body map untuk mengetahui tingkat rasa sakit yang dialami pekerja berdasarkan pengalamannya bekerja selama ini. selain itu dilakuknn analisis REBA untuk mengetahui resiko cidera pada bagian tubuh tertentu dari bekeria, sehingga dari hasil analisis tersebut dapat diketahui perlu tidaknya diambil tindakan perbaikan. Pengumpulan data antropometri pekerja untuk perancangan fasilitas baru yang ergonomis. Data lain yang dikumpuikan adalah data ukuran fasilitas kerja awal. denyut nadi, konsumsi energi, dan waktu standar proses penyaringan. Hasil dari data pengamatan waktu kerja, denyut nadi dan konsumsi energi pada kondisi awal akan dibandingkan dengan kondisi usulan. Hasil dari perbaikan tersebut adalah terjadinya penurunan jumlah kelelahan pada bagian tubuh sebesar 70%. dengan analisis REBA resiko cidera tinggi berubah menjadi sedang, sehingga perbaikan dilakukan jika dianggap perlu. Dengan perancangan alat saring yang baru terjadi perbedann denyut nadi antara kondisi awal dengan akhir. Konsumsi energi awal pekerja saat menggunakan alat yang ada adalah 37.301 k.kal/ siklus kerja dan berubah menjadi 21.932 k.kal/siklus keja. Selain itu terjadi penurunan waktu standar sebesar 30.77% dan kenaikan output standar sebesar 30


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    Catering Alami Surabaya is a company engaged in the restaurant was founded in 2001 by a husband and wife who have a hobby of cooking. Problems faced by Catering Alami Surabaya that is in the Catering environment layout arrangement that seemed messy and less effective in the production process at Catering Alami Surabaya. Along with these problems, this research is done by doing direct observation so as to obtain the appropriate data and expected to be able to design the Catering Environment design with ergonomic principles. Factors influencing the design of Surabaya Natural Catering environment include arrangement of place, operation line, approach factor and proximity to interaction to employees, comfort and security of location as work place and completeness of production equipment. From the research result of design of environmental design Catering Alami Surabaya have refer to ENASE ergonomic principle that is: Effective, Comfortable, Safe, Healthy and Efficient. Five of these concepts are related to design design in Surabaya Natural Catering environment


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    This study discusses the activity of Manual Material Handling (MMH) to workers in the painting division to support the movement of goods. MMH activity has an increased risk of Musculosceletal Disorders (MSDs). To conduct a working attitude analysis, the Ovako Working Analysis System (OWAS) method is used by conducting initial observation and taking photos/videos when the worker performs the MMH activity. Then interviewed 5 workers in the painting division using the Nordic Body Map (NBM) questionnaire to find out the level of pain complaints felt by workers. Furthermore, the calculation of productivity to find out the standard output by collecting data processing time of MMH activity from the painting division. Data retrieval, data processing and analysis results done before and after implementation. Implementation is done is the addition of tools such as hanging rails and pulleys that can ease the activity of MMH and improve work productivity in the painting division. Based on the data processing and analysis results that have been done, the number of MMH activity done by the worker decreased from 6 activities to 5 activities, the level of the sickness that was felt by the workers was down from 2.86% to 1.20%. This makes the standard output increase from 0.270 to 0.593. The number of work productivity increased from 21,096 to 77,034 with value of productivity index ratio is 0,274. This shows that there is a significant increase in productivity

    Perancangan Web Interface Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Dengan Memperhatikan Aspek Usability

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    Informasi dalam sebuah website atau web diharapkan dapat sampaikan dan diterima oleh pencari informasi dengan mudah. Di dalam Dunia pendidikan, informasi yang ada di dalam web juga diharapkan mampu diterima oleh para penggunanya dengan tujuan media komunikasi online seperti website dapat membantu para pelajar menerima ilmu yang disampaikan melalui media online. Untuk Mengetahui seberapa mudahnya informasi itu ditangkap ditandai dengan seberapa mudah website itu digunakan (USAble). Untuk mengetahui seberapa mudah penggunaan suatu website digunakan analisa USAbility, banyak metode yang dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi masalah USAbility terutama dari sisi interface web. Heuristic evaluation merupakan salah satu teknik dalam melakukan hal tersebut yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini guna menilai seberapa mudahnya website Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember dalam menyampaikan informasi yang ada. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan juga Quality Function Deployment (QFD) untuk mengidentifikasi keinginan pengguna terhadap tampilan dari web IT


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    Catering Alami Surabaya is a company engaged in the restaurant was founded in 2001 by a husband and wife who have a hobby of cooking. Problems faced by Catering Alami Surabaya that is in the Catering environment layout arrangement that seemed messy and less effective in the production process at Catering Alami Surabaya. Along with these problems, this research is done by doing direct observation so as to obtain the appropriate data and expected to be able to design the Catering Environment design with ergonomic principles. Factors influencing the design of Surabaya Natural Catering environment include arrangement of place, operation line, approach factor and proximity to interaction to employees, comfort and security of location as work place and completeness of production equipment. From the research result of design of environmental design Catering Alami Surabaya have refer to ENASE ergonomic principle that is: Effective, Comfortable, Safe, Healthy and Efficient. Five of these concepts are related to design design in Surabaya Natural Catering environment


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    Catering Alami Surabaya is a company engaged in the restaurant was founded in 2001 by a husband and wife who have a hobby of cooking. Problems faced by Catering Alami Surabaya that is in the Catering environment layout arrangement that seemed messy and less effective in the production process at Catering Alami Surabaya. Along with these problems, this research is done by doing direct observation so as to obtain the appropriate data and expected to be able to design the Catering Environment design with ergonomic principles. Factors influencing the design of Surabaya Natural Catering environment include arrangement of place, operation line, approach factor and proximity to interaction to employees, comfort and security of location as work place and completeness of production equipment. From the research result of design of environmental design Catering Alami Surabaya have refer to ENASE ergonomic principle that is: Effective, Comfortable, Safe, Healthy and Efficient. Five of these concepts are related to design design in Surabaya Natural Catering environment


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    Penelitian ini merupakan suatu studi antropo-ekologik dengan maksud meraparkan hasil-hasilnya dalam wujud monografi. Studi dilakukan dengan banyak mengandalkan cara observasi, dan kanudian "mengangkat" data yang diperoleh ke peringkat abstraksi yang manungkinkan pengorganisasiannya ke dalam kategori-kategori klasifikasi. Empat kategori konseptual telah disiapkan ialah (a) ikwal lingkungan fisik desa, (b) ikwal Lingkungan operasional desa, (c) ihwal lingkungan perseptual desa, dan (d) ihwal lingkungan perilaku desa. Seluruh hasil dibingkai ke dalam konfigurasi teori dinamika adaptif, ialah teori yang menyatakan bahwa "survival" manusia dan/atau organisasi kehidupannya, akan dttentukan oleh kanampuan adaptifnya ke biome-niche tertentu, bersaranakan potensi-potensi budayanya; sedangkan di lain pihak situasi biome-niche itu akan memberikan dampaknya pada perkembangan kultural manusia yang ada


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    Penelitian bermaksud untuk menjawab masalah sejauh mana sektor , non pertanian tidak mampu lagi menyerap tenaga kerja bagi sebagian besar penduduk pedesaan dan masalah hambatan-hambatan yang terjadi di daerah pedesaan yang mengakibatkan tidak dimungkinkannya pencarian nafkah di luar sektor pertanian. Dari hasil pengamatan ternyata bahwa sektor pertanian tidak mampu lagi menyerap tenaga kerja karena kelebihan tenaga kerja dan luas tanah yang. semakin sempit. Sementara kurangnya modal prasarana merupakan hambatan utama yang mengakibatkan mata pencaharian di luar sektor non pertanian tidak memungkinkan untuk mengatasi Kurangnya kesempatan kerja dan tingkat pendapatan yang mencukupi

    Mapping ergonomics application to improve SMEs working condition in industrially developing countries: a critical review

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    In industrially developing countries (IDC), small and medium enterprises (SMEs) account for the highest proprotion of employment. Unfortunately, the working conditions in SMEs are often very poor and expose employees to a potentially wide range of health and safety risks. This paper presents a comprehensive review of 161 articles related to ergonomics application in SMEs, using Indonesia as a case study. The aim of this paper is to investigate the extent of ergonomics application and identify areas that can be improved to promote effective ergonomics for SMEs in IDC. The most urgent issue found is the need for adopting participatory approach in contrast to the commonly implemented top-down approach. Some good practices in ergonomics application were also revealed from the review, e.g. a multidisciplinary approach, unsophisticated and low-cost solutions, and recognising the importance of productivity. The review also found that more work is still required to achieve appropriate cross-cultural adaptation of ergonomics application. Practitioner Summary: Despite continuous efforts in addressing ergonomics issues in SMEs of IDC, workers are still exposed to poor work conditions. We reviewed factual-based evidence of current ergonomics application to inform future strategies of ergonomics in IDC, using Indonesia as a case study
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