14 research outputs found

    Dead wood as a mainstay of bryophytes diversity in managed forest

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    Lowland station of the Gentiana asclepiadea L. in Mikołow (Silesian Upland, S Poland)

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    Gentiana asclepiadea L. is a montane flowering plant species that has a very limited lowland distribution in Poland. The only existing lowland station that is known occurs in the Katowice-Muchowiec (Silesian Upland). In this paper a second station from the Silesian Upland in the Mikołów-Jamna area is described. A single cluster of rare albiflora form was observed within the newly discovered population. Information about the status and distribution of the Willow Gentian in Poland is also given

    The effectiveness of the low energy diet in overweight and obese adults

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    Background. Excess body weight is one of the most common health and economic problems of the contemporary world. According to the assessments of the World Health Organization (WHO), almost billion adults are overweight and at least 300 million were diagnosed with clinical obesity. Health consequences of overweight are: ischemic heart disease, congestive cardiac failure, hypertension, arteriosclerotic vascular disease, diabetes mellitus type 2, tumours, degenerative joint disease and many more. Objective. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the low-energy diet used in the period of 5 months by women and men treated from overweight or obesity in the diet centre. Material and Methods. The research included 296 overweight or obese patients, treated in the diet centre: (1) 104 women without co-morbidities, between 18 to 61 years old; (2) 58 women with the accompanying insulin resistance between 19 to 61 years old; (3) 49 women additionally suffering from hypothyroidism, between 19 to 61 years old; (4) 85 men without co-morbidities, between 19 to 62 years old. Treated patients were recommended the use of the low-energy diet, where 20% of energy came from protein, 30% of energy from fat and 50% of energy from carbohydrates. The energy content of the diet was considered to be dependent on the individual daily demand that was estimated taking into consideration the physical activity and that was reduced with 1000 kcal. Patients applied suggested reductive diet for 5 months. Results. The use of diet in each group brought positive results. In all groups, body fat decreased significantly after 5 months of dietary treatment. It has been shown to increase the average percentage of water content in the body of subjects. There was also an average reduction in total cholesterol, LDL, TG, glucose levels and increasing HDL for each group. Conclusions. Diet proceedings consisting in reduced energy value of the diet has a beneficial effect on reducing body mass, metabolic age, reducing BMI and influences the percentage change in body fat, causing its reduction, change in percentage of water content, leading to a slight increase in its levels in the body . In addition, favourably nutritional proceedings influenced the changes in blood levels of lipid indicators, thus reducing risk factors for coronary heart disease.Wprowadzenie. Nadmierna masa ciała, to jeden z najczęściej występujących problemów zdrowotnych i ekonomicznych współczesnego świata. Według szacunków Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia, prawie miliard osób dorosłych ma nadwagę, a u co najmniej 300 mln występuje otyłość kliniczna (BMI ≥ 40). Następstwami zdrowotnymi otyłości są m.in. choroba niedokrwienna serca, niewydolność mięśnia sercowego, nadciśnienie tętnicze, miażdżyca, cukrzyca typu 2, nowotwory, choroby zwyrodnieniowe stawów. Cel. Celem badań była ocena skuteczności niskoenergetycznej diety stosowanej przez 5 miesięcy przez kobiety i mężczyzn z nadwagą i otyłością leczonych w poradni dietetycznej. Materiał i Metody. Badaniem objęto 296 pacjentów z nadwagą lub otyłością, leczonych w poradni dietetycznej: (1) 104 kobiety bez schorzeń towarzyszących, w wieku od 18 do 61 lat; (2) 58 kobiet chorujących z towarzyszącą insulinoopornością, w wieku od 19 do 61 lat; (3) 49 kobiet chorujących z dodatkowo występującą niedoczynnością tarczycy, w wieku od 19 do 61 lat; (4) 85 mężczyzn bez schorzeń towarzyszących, w wieku od 19 do 62 lat. Badanym osobom zalecono stosowanie diety ubogoenergetycznej, w której 20% energii pochodziło z białka, 30% z tłuszczu, 50% z węglowodanów. Wartość energetyczną diety uzależniono od indywidualnego dziennego zapotrzebowania, które obliczono uwzględniając aktywność fizyczną i pomniejszono o 1000 kcal. Pacjenci stosowali zaproponowaną dietę redukcyjną przez 5 miesięcy. Wyniki. Stosowanie diety w każdej z badanych grup przyniosło pozytywne rezultaty. We wszystkich czterech grupach zawartość tłuszczu w organizmie zmniejszyła się istotnie statystycznie po 5 miesiącach stosowania diety. Wykazano wzrost średniej procentowej zawartości wody w organizmie osób badanych. Zanotowano również obniżenie średniego stężenia cholesterolu całkowitego, frakcji LDL, TG, glukozy na czczo oraz wzrost stężenia frakcji HDL dla każdej grupy. Wnioski. Postępowanie dietetyczne polegające na obniżeniu wartości energetycznej diety ma korzystny wpływ na obniżenie masy ciała, wieku metabolicznego, zmniejszenie wartości wskaźnika BMI oraz wpływa na zmiany procentowej zawartości tłuszczu w organizmie, powodując jego obniżenie, zmiany procentowej zawartości wody, prowadząc do nieznacznego wzrostu jej poziomu w organizmie. Ponadto wpłynęło korzystnie na zmiany stężenia we krwi wskaźników lipidowych, powodując zmniejszenie czynników ryzyka choroby niedokrwiennej serca

    New distributional data on bryophytes of Poland and Slovakia, 17

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    Every garden is therapeutic in a way. When we are surrounded by plants, we often do not realise the fact that all our senses perceive the space, composition and its elements. Plants can be used for rela- xation, recreation, rehabilitation, therapy, education and sports. Therapeutic gardens stimulate all the five senses, i.e. the sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. When creating a therapeutic garden, one of the main rules is to design the whole composition, select the programme and its elements so as to minimise the in- tensity of visual stimuli. All the other senses should play the main role. Horticultural therapy requires the application of appropriate architectural and landscaping rules and solutions, such as a specialised adjusted garden programme, spatial composition, appropriate surface and equipment for disabled people, elevated flowerbeds and adequate selection of plants. Vegetation plays an important role in therapeutic gardens, especially in those providing horticultural therapy. Plants should not be treated exclusively as aesthetic (visual) material, but also as elements, components and materials which are widely used in therapies. The- refore, the primary role of vegetation in these gardens is to offer therapeutic properties, which affect the sanitary conditions in a particular environment

    New distributional data on bryophytes of Poland and Slovakia, 12

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    This work presents a list of localities for the following species: Bucklandiella heterosticha, Conocephalum salebrosum, Fuscocephaloziopsis lunulifolia, Hamatocaulis vernicosus, Harpanthus scutatus, Hedwigia ciliata, Leskea polycarpa, Lophoziopsis excisa, Odontoschisma denudatum, Schljakovia kunzeana, Sciuro-hypnum reflexum, Sphagnum riparium and Tomentypnum nitens

    The systemic inflammatory response is involved in the regulation of K(+) channel expression in brain via TNF-alpha-dependent and -independent pathways

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    TNF-alpha, generated during the systemic inflammatory response, triggers a wide range of biological activities that mediate the neurologic manifestations associated with cancer and infection. Since this cytokine regulates ion channels in vitro (especially Kv1.3 and Kir2.1), we aimed to study Kv1.3 and Kir2.1 expression in brain in response to in vivo systemic inflammation. Cancer-induced cachexia and LPS administration increased plasma TNF-alpha. Kv1.3 and Kir2.1 expression was impaired in brain during cancer cachexia. However, LPS treatment induced Kv1.3 and downregulated Kir2.1 expression, and TNF-alpha administration mimicked these results. Experiments using TNF-alpha double receptor knockout mice demonstrated that the systemic inflammatory response mediates K(+) channel regulation in brain via TNF-alpha-dependent and -independent redundant pathways. In summary, distinct neurological alterations associated with systemic inflammation may result from the interaction of various cytokine pathways tuning ion channel expression in response to neurophysiological and neuroimmunological processes.This study was supported by grants from the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Spain (BFI2002-00764 to AF and BFI2002-02186 to J.M.A.) and the Ministerio de Sanidad, Spain (FIS 03/0100 to F.J.L.-S.), Generalitat de Catalunya, Catalonia, Spain (SGR00108 to J.M.A.) and the Universitat de Barcelona (to A.F.). R.V. and R.M.-C. hold a fellowship from the Universitat de Barcelona