909 research outputs found

    Pig diet with bioactive compounds influences quality of meat and smoked ham

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    The application of novel meat sources to the production of traditional  smoked premium ham was evaluated. Various feeding strategies were designed for 90 Duroc x (Duroc x Landrace) pigs. The experiment was  conducted to investigate the effects on the quality of meat and smoked ham when supplementing the diet of slaughter pigs with linseed oil and  rapeseed oil and with the addition of vitamin E. Proximate composition, pH, texture and colour parameters of the quadriceps femoris muscles (raw pork and pork ham) were determined. The multivariate analysis of these traits demonstrated that the 3% addition of linseed oil to pigs’ diet caused a decrease in the fat content in meat, and in higher meat tenderness and protein content. Diet supplementation with 3% linseed oil caused a significant increase in the technological yield of ham production (20.3%), but only in products with high fat content (8.30%). Data allowed the authors to conclude that diet supplementation with 3% linseed oil, coupled with 100 mg vitamin E, is the best form of supplementing a diet for fatteners that are reared in compliance with the rigorous principles of the pork quality system.Keywords: Lineseed oil, rapeseed oil, pork, textur

    338. Brachyterapia paliatywna PDR i HDR w leczeniu nawrotów miejscowych nowotworów głowy i szyi

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    Cel pracyW pracy przedstawiono wstępne wyniki paliatywnej brachyterapii HDR i PDR wznów nowotworów głowy i szyi.Materiał i metody47 chorych ze wznową miejscową nowotworu głowy i szyi leczonych było metodą brachyterapii HDR i PDR w okresie od 05.06.2001 do 31.12.2002 w Wielkopolskim Centrum Onkologii. Wszyscy chorzy zdyskwalifikowani zostali od leczenia chirurgicznego i radioterapii wiązkami zewnętrznymi ze względu na zaawansowanie choroby oraz przebyte leczenie. Wiek chorych sięgał od 38 do 75 (średnio 51.2 lat), w grupie było 10 kobiet i 37 mężczyzn. Umiejscowienie wznowy nowotworu: dno jamy ustnej i język – 20 chorych, gardło środkowe – 12 chorych, węzły chłonne szyi – 5 chorych, krtań – 3 chorych, nosogardło – 3 chorych, ślinianki – 2 chorych, szczęka górna – 2 chorych. Średni okres pomiędzy rozpoznaniem guza pierwotnego oraz wznowy wynosił 9.7 miesięcy. 34 chorych leczonych było metodą brachyterapii HDR dawką frakcyjną od 4 do 6 Gy, w 5 do 10 frakcjach, 13 chorych leczonych było metodą brachyterapii PDR dawka łączną 2000 cGy, w jednej (n=4) lub dwóch fazach leczenia (n=9). Ocenie poddano stopień remisji po 1, 3 i 6-iu miesiącach od zakończenia leczenia oraz powikłania wczesne.WynikiPo 4-ech tygodniach od zakończenia leczenia całkowitą remisję (CR) stwierdzono u 15% chorych, częściową remisję (PR) u 65.1% chorych, brak remisji (NR) u 10.9% chorych i progresję (Progr) u 9% chorych. Odpowiednie odsetki odpowiedzi wynosiły: po 3 i 6 miesiącach CR – 10.3 i 5.6%, PR – 54% i 36.3%), NR i Progr – 35.7% i 58.1%. W 74.6% przypadkach wystąpiła powierzchowna martwica w okresie 6 miesięcy obserwacji. Inne najczęstsze powikłania to nasilenie bólu (25%), infekcja miejscowa (44.3%), przetoka (6%). Obie metody brachyterapii były w równym stopniu dobrze tolerowane.Wnioski1. Brachyterapia HDR lub PDR może być efektywnym paliatywnym leczeniem wznowy nowotworu głowy i szyi. 2. Powikłania wczesne związane z wysoką dawką sumaryczną napromieniania są częste i wymagają intensywnego leczenia farmakologicznego

    Oxidation processes of Longissimus dorsi from pigs supplemented with linseed oil and antioxidants

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effects of pig fodder supplementation on lipid oxidation of Longissimus dorsi (L. dorsi ) after frozen storage at -20 °C ± 1 °C for nine months. Fodder additives included 3% linseed oil (L1) or 3% linseed oil and antioxidants containing 100 mg vitamin E/kg and 1 mg organic selenium/kg (L2). The oxidation processes were evaluated by measuring thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and analyses of a profile of volatile organic compounds (VOC). The VOC were determined using an electronic nose based on ultra-fast gas chromatography. The level of TBARS for diets was 1.88 ± 0.52 to 2.30 ± 1.10 mg malondialdehyde/kg of meat. The results indicated that the diet of pigs from L1 and L2 groups had no impact on the TBARS value of L. dorsi pork frozen for nine months. On the other hand, aldehydes, which are regarded as compounds characteristic of oxidation processes, were identified in all samples. Volatile aldehydes contributed approximately 10%, 12%, and 15% of total detected volatiles for L2, L1, and the control group, respectively. Moreover, the data showed that propanal and benzeneacetaldehyde were at the same level, regardless of the animal’s diet, which is in accordance with the TBARS level. These volatile aldehydes resulted from the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and may be considered indicators of lipid oxidation for meat enriched with PUFAs. The results show that supplementation of the pigs’ diet with linseed oil (L1 group), which is a source of PUFAs, is recommended for meat intended for long-term freezing storage. However, supplementation with antioxidants is unnecessary, because it has no effect on lipid oxidation of L. dorsi pork after long-term freezing storage.Keywords: Animal’s diet, frozen storage, lipid oxidation, volatile organic compound

    The Major Heat Shock Proteins, Hsp70 and Hsp90, in 2-Methoxyestradiol-Mediated Osteosarcoma Cell Death Model

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    2-Methoxyestradiol is one of the natural 17β-estradiol derivatives and a potential novel anticancer agent currently being under evaluation in advanced phases of clinical trials. However, the mechanism of anticancer action of 2-methoxyestradiol has not been yet fully established. In our previous studies we have demonstrated that 2-methoxyestradiol selectively induces the expression and nuclear translocation of neuronal nitric oxide synthase in osteosarcoma 143B cells. Heat shock proteins (Hsps) are factors involved in the regulation of expression and activity of nitric oxide synthases. Herein, we chose osteosarcoma cell lines differed in metastatic potential, metastatic 143B and highly metastatic MG63.2 cells, in order to further investigate the anticancer mechanism of 2-methoxyestradiol. The current study aimed to determine the role of major heat shock proteins, Hsp90 and Hsp70 in 2-methoxyestradiol-induced osteosarcoma cell death. We focused on the implication of Hsp90 and Hsp70 in control under expression of neuronal nitric oxide synthase, localization of the enzyme, and further generation of nitro-oxidative stress. To give the insight into the role of Hsp90 in regulation of anticancer efficacy of 2-methoxyestradiol, we used geldanamycin as a potent Hsp90 inhibitor. Herein, we evidenced that inhibition of Hsp90 controls the protein expression of 2-methoxyestradiol-induced neuronal nitric oxide synthase and inhibits enzyme nuclear translocation. We propose that decreased level of neuronal nitric oxide synthase protein after a combined treatment with 2-methoxyestradiol and geldanamycin is directly associated with the accompanying upregulation of Hsp70 and downregulation of Hsp90. This interaction resulted in abrogation of anticancer efficacy of 2-methoxyestradiol by geldanamycin

    Impact of European Integration on the Functioning of the Insurance Market in Poland

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    The transformation process, that has begun 20 years ago, generated significant changes in the structure and organization of Polish economy. It stimulated development of particular market's segments, especially of the insurance sector. Poland's accession to the European Union required conformity to Its regulations, fulfillment of several conditions connected with the membership in the European Community. The purpose of this article is to present the main consequences of Poland's integration with EU in the field of insurance market. Joining the common market was an important challenge for this sector in our country.Rok 1990 stanowił początek procesu transformacji systemu społeczno - gospodarczego i ustrojowego. Ostatnie 20 lat to okres intensywnych przemian o charakterze strukturalnym i organizacyjnym, w wyniku których ukształtowały się warunki rozwoju poszczególnych segmentów systemu finansowego państwa, zwłaszcza sektora ubezpieczeń. Przystąpienie Polski do Unii Europejskiej wymagało wprowadzenia szeregu zmian, dostosowujących polski porządek prawny do uregulowań wspólnotowych regulujących funkcjonowanie rynku ubezpieczeń. Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie szans i zagrożeń, jakie wynikają dla tego segmentu gospodarki z przystąpienia Polski do UE. Niewątpliwie proces integracji stanowił poważne wyzwanie dla polskiego rynku ubezpieczeń

    Quantification of differences between occupancy and total monitoring periods for better assessment of exposure to particles in indoor environments

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    For the assessment of personal exposure, information about the concentration of pollutants when people are in given indoor environments (occupancy time) are of prime importance. However this kind of data frequently is not reported. The aim of this study was to assess differences in particle characteristics between occupancy time and the total monitoring period, with the latter being the most frequently used averaging time in the published data. Seven indoor environments were selected in Sweden and Finland: an apartment, two houses, two schools, a supermarket, and a restaurant. They were assessed for particle number and mass concentrations and number size distributions. The measurements using a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer and two photometers were conducted for seven consecutive days during winter in each location. Particle concentrations in residences and schools were, as expected, the highest during occupancy time. In the apartment average and median PM2.5 mass concentrations during the occupancy time were 29% and 17% higher, respectively compared to total monitoring period. In both schools, the average and medium values of the PM2.5 mass concentrations were on average higher during teaching hours compared to the total monitoring period by 16% and 32%, respectively. When it comes to particle number concentrations (PNC), in the apartment during occupancy, the average and median values were 33% and 58% higher, respectively than during the total monitoring period. In both houses and schools the average and median PNC were similar for the occupancy and total monitoring periods. General conclusions on the basis of measurements in the limited number of indoor environments cannot be drawn. However the results confirm a strong dependence on type and frequency of indoor activities that generate particles and site specificity. The results also indicate that the exclusion of data series during non-occupancy periods can improve the estimates of particle concentrations and characteristics suitable for exposure assessment, which is crucial for estimating health effects in epidemiological and toxicological studies. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).Peer reviewe

    Case Studies in Teaching

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    This chapter will:; ; ; Present a final set of three teaching case studies to illustrate the points that we have made throughout this volume;; ; ; Discuss extensive tasks designed for business students to enable them to practise and develop the skills of negotiating, relationship-building, decision-making, and problem-solving, as these are used by business professionals;; ; ; Conclude with recommendations for further readings based on research into spoken and written business discourse

    Toxic effects of Pb2+ on growth of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)

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    A concentration as low as 1 mu M lead (Pb) is highly toxic to plants, but previous studies have typically related plant growth to the total amount of Pb added to a solution. In the present experiment, the relative fresh mass of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) was reduced by 10% at a Pb2+ activity of 0.2 mu M for the shoots and at a Pb2+ activity of 0.06 mu M for the roots. The primary site of Pb2+ toxicity was the root, causing severe reductions in root growth, loss of apical dominance (shown by an increase in branching per unit root length), the formation of localized swellings behind the root tips (due to the initiation of lateral roots), and the bending of some root tips. In the root, Pb was found to accumulate primarily within the cell walls and intercellular spaces. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    The role of intraoperative narrow-band imaging in transoral laser microsurgery for early and moderately advanced glottic cancer

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    Introduction: Trans-oral laser microsurgery is an established technique for the treatment of early and moderately advanced laryngeal cancer. Objective: The authors intend to test the usefulness of narrow-band imaging in the intraoperative assessment of the larynx mucosa in terms of specifying surgical margins. Methods: Forty-four consecutive T1-T2 glottic cancers treated with trans-oral laser microsurgery Type I-VI cordectomy were presented. Suspected areas (90 samples/44 patients) were biopsied under the guidance of narrow-band imaging and white light and sent for frozen section. Results: Our study revealed that 75 of 90 (83.3%) white light and narrow-band imaging-guided samples were histopathologically positive: 30 (40%) were confirmed as carcinoma in situ or invasive carcinoma and 45 (60%) as moderate to severe dysplasia. In 6 patients mucosa was suspected only in narrow-band imaging, with no suspicion under white light. Thus, in these 6 patients 18/90 (20%) samples were taken. In 5/6 patients 16/18 (88.8%) samples were positive in frozen section: in 6/18 (33.3%) carcinoma (2 patients), 10/18 (66.6%) severe dysplasia was confirmed (3 patients). In 1 patient 2/18 (11.1%) samples were negative in frozen section. Presented analysis showed, that sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of white light was 79.5%, 20% and 71.1% respectively, while narrow-band imaging was 100%, 0.0% and 85.7%, respectively. Conclusion: The intraoperative use of narrow-band imaging proved to be valuable in the visualization of suspect areas of the mucosa. Narrow-band imaging confirms the suspicions undertaken in white light and importantly, it showed microlesions beyond the scope of white light