10 research outputs found


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    I 2011 gennemførte Movia en stor undersøgelse af kundernes behov. Formålet med undersøgelsen var at få bedre og mere præcis viden om kunder og potentielle kunder. I artiklen vil der blive redegjort for undersøgelsens resultater, herunder hvad er væsentligt for kunder og potentielle kunder i relation til transport med kollektiv trafik, segmentering af kunder efter behov og vurdering af potentiale

    +Way på linje 5A

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    I april 2017 er der driftsstart for Movia’s højklassede busløsning +Way. +Way er en effektiv, komfortabel og miljøvenlig transportløsning, der tænker by og transport sammen. Movia er derfor i tæt samarbejde med kommuner og operatører om at udrulle +Way konceptet på en af Skandinaviens største buslinjer, linje 5A i København. Ambitioner og forventninger er store. +Way skal være en attraktiv løsning for alle parter både passagerer, finansierende myndigheder og operatører

    Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Caisin (Brassica Chinenchis L.) Pada Berbagai Jenis Pupuk Organik Dan Pupuk Fosfat Alam the Growth and Production of Caisin (Brassica Chinenchis L.) on Varieties of Organic Fertilizers and Rock Phosphate

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pupuk organik dan fosfat alam terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman caisin, serta menentukan jenis pupuk organik dan dosis pupuk fosfat alam terbaik dalam memacu pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman caisin. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan pola perlakuan Petak Terpisah (Split Splot Design). Petak utama berupa jenis pupuk organic yaitu pupuk kandang kambing (A ), pupuk kandang sapi (A ), dan pupuk 1 2 limbah media jamur merang (A ) dengan dosis masing-masing 10 ton/ha. 3 Anak petak berupa dosis fosfat alam 0 (B ), 250 (B ), 350 (B ), dan 450 (B ) 0 1 2 3 kg/ha, sehingga terdapat 12 kombinasi perlakuan dan setiap perlakuan diulang 3 kali. Parameter yang diamati meliputi parameter pertumbuhan yaitu jumlah daun, luas daun, bobot kering, nisbah pupus akar dan parameter hasil yaitu bobot basah daun. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan uji F, apabila berbeda nyata dilanjutkan dengan uji DMRT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pupuk organik dan fosfat alam berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman caisin. Pupuk limbah media jamur merang dan fosfat alam dosis 450 kg/ha (A B ) merupakan kombinasi terbaik dalam 3 3 memacu pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman caisin

    Widespread promoter methylation of synaptic plasticity genes in long-term potentiation in the adult brain in vivo.

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    Background: DNA methylation is a key modulator of gene expression in mammalian development and cellular differentiation, including neurons. To date, the role of DNA modifications in long-term potentiation (LTP) has not been explored. Results: To investigate the occurrence of DNA methylation changes in LTP, we undertook the first detailed study to describe the methylation status of all known LTP-associated genes during LTP induction in the dentate gyrus of live rats. Using a methylated DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP)-array, together with previously published matched RNA-seq and public histone modification data, we discover widespread changes in methylation status of LTP-genes. We further show that the expression of many LTP-genes is correlated with their methylation status. We show that these correlated genes are enriched for RNA-processing, active histone marks, and specific transcription factors. These data reveal that the synaptic activity-evoked methylation changes correlates with pre-existing activation of the chromatin landscape. Finally, we show that methylation of Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (Bdnf) CpG-islands correlates with isoform switching from transcripts containing exon IV to exon I. Conclusions: Together, these data provide the first evidence of widespread regulation of methylation status in LTP-associated genes

    Dynamic expression of long noncoding RNAs and repeat elements in synaptic plasticity

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    Long-term potentiation (LIP) of synaptic transmission is recognized as a cellular mechanism for learning and memory storage. Although de novo gene transcription is known to be required in the formation of stable LIP, the molecular mechanisms underlying synaptic plasticity remain elusive. Noncoding RNAs have emerged as major regulatory molecules that are abundantly and specifically expressed in the mammalian brain. By combining RNA-seq analysis with LIP induction in the dentate gyrus of live rats, we provide the first global transcriptomic analysis of synaptic plasticity in the adult brain. Expression profiles of mRNAs and long noncoding RNAs (IncRNAs) were obtained at 30 min, 2 and 5h after high-frequency stimulation of the perforant pathway. The temporal analysis revealed dynamic expression profiles of IncRNAs with many positively, and highly, correlated to protein-coding genes with known roles in synaptic plasticity, suggesting their possible involvement in LIP. In light of observations suggesting a role for retrotransposons in brain function, we examined the expression of various classes of repeat elements. Our analysis identifies dynamic regulation of LINE1 and SINE retrotransposons, and extensive regulation of tRNA. These experiments reveal a hitherto unknown complexity of gene expression in long-term synaptic plasticity involving the dynamic regulation of IncRNAs and repeat elements. These findings provide a broader foundation for elucidating the transcriptional and epigenetic regulation of synaptic plasticity in both the healthy brain and in neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders