2,229 research outputs found

    The impact of interventions to promote healthier ready-to-eat meals (to eat in, to take away or to be delivered) sold by specific food outlets open to the general public: a systematic review.

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    INTRODUCTION: Ready-to-eat meals sold by food outlets that are accessible to the general public are an important target for public health intervention. We conducted a systematic review to assess the impact of such interventions. METHODS: Studies of any design and duration that included any consumer-level or food-outlet-level before-and-after data were included. RESULTS: Thirty studies describing 34 interventions were categorized by type and coded against the Nuffield intervention ladder: restrict choice = trans fat law (n = 1), changing pre-packed children's meal content (n = 1) and food outlet award schemes (n = 2); guide choice = price increases for unhealthier choices (n = 1), incentive (contingent reward) (n = 1) and price decreases for healthier choices (n = 2); enable choice = signposting (highlighting healthier/unhealthier options) (n = 10) and telemarketing (offering support for the provision of healthier options to businesses via telephone) (n = 2); and provide information = calorie labelling law (n = 12), voluntary nutrient labelling (n = 1) and personalized receipts (n = 1). Most interventions were aimed at adults in US fast food chains and assessed customer-level outcomes. More 'intrusive' interventions that restricted or guided choice generally showed a positive impact on food-outlet-level and customer-level outcomes. However, interventions that simply provided information or enabled choice had a negligible impact. CONCLUSION: Interventions to promote healthier ready-to-eat meals sold by food outlets should restrict choice or guide choice through incentives/disincentives. Public health policies and practice that simply involve providing information are unlikely to be effective

    Variation of selfing rate and inbreeding depression among individuals and across generations within an admixed Cedrus population

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    [EN] We investigated the variation and short-term evolution of the selfing rate and inbreeding depression (ID) across three generations within a cedar forest that was established from admixture ca 1860. The mean selfing rate was 9.5%, ranging from 0 to 48% among 20 seed trees (estimated from paternally inherited chloroplast DNA). We computed the probability of selfing for each seed and we investigated ID by comparing selfed and outcrossed seeds within progenies, thus avoiding maternal effects. In all progenies, the germination rate was high (88-100%) and seedling mortality was low (0-12%). The germination dynamics differed significantly between selfed and outcrossed seeds within progenies in the founder gene pool but not in the following generations. This transient effect of selfing could be attributed to epistatic interactions in the original admixture. Regarding the seedling growth traits, the ID was low but significant: 8 and 6% for height and diameter growth, respectively. These rates did not vary among generations, suggesting minor gene effects. At this early stage, outcrossed seedlings outcompeted their selfed relatives, but not necessarily other selfed seedlings from other progenies. Thus, purging these slightly deleterious genes may only occur through within-family selection. Processes that maintain a high level of genetic diversity for fitness-related traits among progenies also reduce the efficiency of purging this part of the genetic load. © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved. Guardar / Salir Siguiente >This work has been partially supported by Grant PPI-00-04 from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain). We thank B Fady and E Klein as well as two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on a previous version of the paper. 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    Very Cold Gas and Dark Matter

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    We have recently proposed a new candidate for baryonic dark matter: very cold molecular gas, in near-isothermal equilibrium with the cosmic background radiation at 2.73 K. The cold gas, of quasi-primordial abundances, is condensed in a fractal structure, resembling the hierarchical structure of the detected interstellar medium. We present some perspectives of detecting this very cold gas, either directly or indirectly. The H2_2 molecule has an "ultrafine" structure, due to the interaction between the rotation-induced magnetic moment and the nuclear spins. But the lines fall in the km domain, and are very weak. The best opportunity might be the UV absorption of H2_2 in front of quasars. The unexpected cold dust component, revealed by the COBE/FIRAS submillimetric results, could also be due to this very cold H2_2 gas, through collision-induced radiation, or solid H2_2 grains or snowflakes. The γ\gamma-ray distribution, much more radially extended than the supernovae at the origin of cosmic rays acceleration, also points towards and extended gas distribution.Comment: 16 pages, Latex pages, crckapb macro, 3 postscript figures, uuencoded compressed tar file. To be published in the proceeedings of the "Dust-Morphology" conference, Johannesburg, 22-26 January, 1996, D. Block (ed.), (Kluwer Dordrecht

    Inhibitory effect on expression of angiogenic factors by antiangiogenic agents in renal cell carcinoma

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    Since it has been widely recognised that renal cell carcinoma is refractory to standard therapies such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, a new modality of treatment is needed. One of the potential alternative therapies for renal cell carcinoma may be inhibition of angiogenesis. In this study, we analysed the inhibitory effects of several potential agents on expression of angiogenic factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor and basic fibroblast growth factor, which are the main mediators in angiogenesis of renal cell carcinoma. We used medroxyprogesterone acetate, interferon-alpha, interferon-gamma, minocycline hydrochrolide and genistein, which are known to be antiangiogeneic. Northern blot analyses revealed that, among the five agents examined, genistein had a strong inhibitory effect on expression of vascular endothelial growth factor mRNA and basic fibroblast growth factor mRNA. Medroxyprogesterone acetate and interferon-alpha did not significantly decrease the level of either vascular endothelial growth factor mRNA or basic fibroblast growth factor mRNA. Interferon-gamma and minocycline had mild inhibitory effects on vascular endothelial growth factor mRNA and basic fibroblast growth factor mRNA expression. Genistein also inhibited both vascular endothelial growth factor mRNA and basic fibroblast growth factor mRNA expression after treatment with epidermal growth factor and hypoxia. These findings suggest that one of the mechanisms of the inhibition of angiogenesis by genistein is suppression of the expression of the angiogenic factors vascular endothelial growth factor and basic fibroblast growth factor in renal cell carcinoma

    The Distribution of Dark Matter in Galaxies: the Core Radius Issue

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    I review the up-to-date status on the properties of the Dark Matter density distribution around Galaxies. The rotation curves of spirals all conform to a same Universal profile which can be uniquely decomposed as the sum of an exponential thin stellar disk and a dark halo with a flat density core. From dwarfs to giants galaxies, the halos embedding the stellar component feature a constant density region of size r0r_0 and value ρ0\rho_0, which are inversely correlated. The fine structure of dark halos in the region of the stellar disk has been derived for a number of low--luminosity disk galaxies: the halo circular velocity increases almost linearly with radius out to the edge of the stellar disk, implying, up there, an almost constant dark matter density. This sets a serious discrepancy between the cuspy density distribution predicted by N-body simulations of Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology, and those actually detected around galaxies. The small scatter around the Fundamental Plane (FP) of elliptical galaxies constraints the distribution of dark and luminous matter in these systems. The measured central velocity dispersion σ0\sigma_0 in the FP is linked to both photometric and dynamical properties of luminous and dark matter. As a consequence, the well-known features of the FP imply that, inside the effective radius ReR_e, the stellar spheroid must dominate over the dark matter, in contrast with Λ\LambdaCDM predictions.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, invited talk given at Beyond the Desert '03, Ringberg, 11-15 July 200

    Management of Lung Nodules and Lung Cancer Screening During the COVID-19 Pandemic: CHEST Expert Panel Report

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    Background: The risks from potential exposure to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and resource reallocation that has occurred to combat the pandemic, have altered the balance of benefits and harms that informed current (pre-COVID-19) guideline recommendations for lung cancer screening and lung nodule evaluation. Consensus statements were developed to guide clinicians managing lung cancer screening programs and patients with lung nodules during the COVID-19 pandemic. / Methods: An expert panel of 24 members, including pulmonologists (n = 17), thoracic radiologists (n = 5), and thoracic surgeons (n = 2), was formed. The panel was provided with an overview of current evidence, summarized by recent guidelines related to lung cancer screening and lung nodule evaluation. The panel was convened by video teleconference to discuss and then vote on statements related to 12 common clinical scenarios. A predefined threshold of 70% of panel members voting agree or strongly agree was used to determine if there was a consensus for each statement. Items that may influence decisions were listed as notes to be considered for each scenario. / Results: Twelve statements related to baseline and annual lung cancer screening (n = 2), surveillance of a previously detected lung nodule (n = 5), evaluation of intermediate and high-risk lung nodules (n = 4), and management of clinical stage I non–small-cell lung cancer (n = 1) were developed and modified. All 12 statements were confirmed as consensus statements according to the voting results. The consensus statements provide guidance about situations in which it was believed to be appropriate to delay screening, defer surveillance imaging of lung nodules, and minimize nonurgent interventions during the evaluation of lung nodules and stage I non–small-cell lung cancer. / Conclusions: There was consensus that during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is appropriate to defer enrollment in lung cancer screening and modify the evaluation of lung nodules due to the added risks from potential exposure and the need for resource reallocation. There are multiple local, regional, and patient-related factors that should be considered when applying these statements to individual patient care

    Horizontal Transmission of Candida albicans and Evidence of a Vaccine Response in Mice Colonized with the Fungus

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    Disseminated candidiasis is the third leading nosocomial blood stream infection in the United States and is often fatal. We previously showed that disseminated candidiasis was preventable in normal mice by immunization with either a glycopeptide or a peptide synthetic vaccine, both of which were Candida albicans cell wall derived. A weakness of these studies is that, unlike humans, mice do not have a C. albicans GI flora and they lack Candida serum antibodies. We examined the influence of C. albicans GI tract colonization and serum antibodies on mouse vaccination responses to the peptide, Fba, derived from fructose bisphosphate aldolase which has cytosolic and cell wall distributions in the fungus. We evaluated the effect of live C. albicans in drinking water and antimicrobial agents on establishment of Candida colonization of the mouse GI tract. Body mass, C. albicans in feces, and fungal-specific serum antibodies were monitored longitudinally. Unexpectedly, C. albicans colonization occurred in mice that received only antibiotics in their drinking water, provided that the mice were housed in the same room as intentionally colonized mice. The fungal strain in unintentionally colonized mice appeared identical to the strain used for intentional GI-tract colonization. This is the first report of horizontal transmission and spontaneous C. albicans colonization in mice. Importantly, many Candida-colonized mice developed serum fungal-specific antibodies. Despite the GI-tract colonization and presence of serum antibodies, the animals made antibodies in response to the Fba immunogen. This mouse model has potential for elucidating C. albicans horizontal transmission and for exploring factors that induce host defense against disseminated candidiasis. Furthermore, a combined protracted GI-tract colonization with Candida and the possibility of serum antibody responses to the presence of the fungus makes this an attractive mouse model for testing the efficacy of vaccines designed to prevent human disseminated candidiasis