286 research outputs found

    Optimal MRI sequences for 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET/MRI in evaluation of biochemically recurrent prostate cancer.

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    BackgroundPET/MRI can be used for the detection of disease in biochemical recurrence (BCR) patients imaged with 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET. This study was designed to determine the optimal MRI sequences to localize positive findings on 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET of patients with BCR after definitive therapy. Fifty-five consecutive prostate cancer patients with BCR imaged with 68Ga-PSMA-11 3.0T PET/MRI were retrospectively analyzed. Mean PSA was 7.9 ± 12.9 ng/ml, and mean PSA doubling time was 7.1 ± 6.6 months. Detection rates of anatomic correlates for prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA)-positive foci were evaluated on small field of view (FOV) T2, T1 post-contrast, and diffusion-weighted images. For prostate bed recurrences, the detection rate of dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) imaging for PSMA-positive foci was evaluated. Finally, the detection sensitivity for PSMA-avid foci on 3- and 8-min PET acquisitions was compared.ResultsPSMA-positive foci were detected in 89.1% (49/55) of patients evaluated. Small FOV T2 performed best for lymph nodes and detected correlates for all PSMA-avid lymph nodes. DCE imaging performed the best for suspected prostate bed recurrence, detecting correlates for 87.5% (14/16) of PSMA-positive prostate bed foci. The 8-min PET acquisition performed better than the 3-min acquisition for lymph nodes smaller than 1 cm, detecting 100% (57/57) of lymph nodes less than 1 cm, compared to 78.9% (45/57) for the 3-min acquisition.ConclusionPSMA PET/MRI performed well for the detection of sites of suspected recurrent disease in patients with BCR. Of the MRI sequences obtained for localization, small FOV T2 images detected the greatest proportion of PSMA-positive abdominopelvic lymph nodes and DCE imaging detected the greatest proportion of PSMA-positive prostate bed foci. The 8-min PET acquisition was superior to the 3 min acquisition for detection of small lymph nodes

    The optimization problem of the shaped knife profiling

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    Проаналізовано переваги та недоліки процесу гарячого поділу безперервнолитої квадратної заготовки на ножицях з фасонними ножами. Відзначається доцільність проведення теоретичних досліджень розділових операцій на ножицях з використанням методу скінченних елементів (МСЕ). Метою даної роботи було визначення оптимальної форми профілювання фасонного ножа для поділу квадратної заготовки в гарячому стані шляхом математичного моделювання на базі МСЕ. Представлено методику проведення досліджень, що включали два етапи. На першому етапі використовували математичне моделювання відповідно до плану повного факторного експерименту 24 згідно виробничих умов реалізації процесу з ножами що мали значення кута розкриття ножів 90…98° та ухилу контактних поверхонь 3…11°. При обробці даних моделювання були отримані три відносних параметра, два з яких характеризують зминання (затяжка) і загин кінців розкату, і ще один – ромбічність торцевої поверхні. Для кожного з параметрів, отримані лінійні рівняння регресії як функція температури різання та розмірів заготовок, величини кута розкриття ножів та ухилу контактних поверхонь. На другому етапі дослідження вирішували оптимізаційну задачу пошуку мінімуму цільової функції – ромбічності. За результатами відзначено, що оптимальні значення профілювання ножів залежать від вимог, що висуваються до якості зрізу. Введено фактор граничного відхилення зминання і загину кінців, встановлений діапазон його значень та проаналізовано вплив на оптимальні параметри. Запропоновано величини кута розкриття ножів та ухилу контактних поверхонь, за умови мінімізації граничного відхилення зминання і загину кінців у досліджуваних діапазонах температур та розмірів заготовок. Отримано залежності параметрів профілювання ножів від граничного відхилення зминання і загину кінців заготовок після поділу. Результати роботи можуть бути рекомендовані для використання при прийнятті проектно-конструкторських і технологічних рішень в питаннях гарячого розділення безперервнолитої квадратної заготовки фасонними ножами на кут.The advantages and disadvantages of the process of separation in hot condition of billet with square shape by special profiled knives were analyzed. There is expediency of carrying out theoretical researches the separating operations by shears based on finite elements method (FEM) is noted. The purpose of the work was to determine the optimal shape for make form a profiled knife for separating a square billet in a hot state by simulating based on the FEM. A methodology of study realization consisting of two stages is presented. At the first stage, simulating was used in accordance with the plan of the full factorial experiment 24 according to the technological environment for the process implementation with knives having a knife opening angle of 90...98° and a contact surface inclination of 3...11°. At the processing the simulation results, three relative parameters were obtained. Two parameters characterize the crumpling (tightening) and bending of the billet ends, and one more – the rhomboidity of the end surface. For each of the parameters, the linear regression equations obtained as a function of cutting temperature and billet sizes, the knife opening angle and contact surface inclination. At the second stage of the study, the optimization problem of determining the minimum of the objective function – rhomboidity – was solved. According to the results, it was noted that the optimal values of the profiling of knives depend on the requirements for the quality of the cut. The factor of the maximum deviation of crumpling and bending of the ends is introduced. The range of its values is established and the influence on the optimal parameters is analyzed. The values of the knife opening angle and contact surface inclination are proposed, provided that the maximum deviation of the crumpling and bending of the ends, at the studied temperature ranges and sizes of the billets, is minimized. The dependences of the optimal parameters of the profiling of knives on the maximum deviation of the crumpling and bending of the ends of the billets after separation are obtained. Results of work can be recommended for use to get solutions in design and technology questions of hot separation square billet by profiled knife on the angle

    О необходимости прослеживания Балейско-Дарасунского разлома в пределах Борщевочного кряжа

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    In this paper we present the development of a compact, thermo-optically stable and vibration and mechanical shock resistant mounting technique by soldering of optical components. Based on this technique a new generation of laser sources for aerospace applications is designed. In these laser systems solder technique replaces the glued and bolted connections between optical component, mount and base plate. Alignment precision in the arc second range and realization of long term stability of every single part in the laser system is the main challenge. At the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT a soldering and mounting technique has been developed for high precision packaging. The specified environmental boundary conditions (e.g. a temperature range of -40 °C to +50 °C) and the required degrees of freedom for the alignment of the components have been taken into account for this technique. In general the advantage of soldering compared to gluing is that there is no outgassing. In addition no flux is needed in our special process. The joining process allows multiple alignments by remelting the solder. The alignment is done in the liquid phase of the solder by a 6 axis manipulator with a step width in the nm range and a tilt in the arc second range. In a next step the optical components have to pass the environmental tests. The total misalignment of the component to its adapter after the thermal cycle tests is less than 10 arc seconds. The mechanical stability tests regarding shear, vibration and shock behavior are well within the requirements

    Некоторые результаты применения метода геометрического анализа дизъюнктов для поисков смещенного крыла пласта в Прокопьевском районе Кузбасса

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    In this paper we present the development of a compact, thermo-optically stable and vibration and mechanical shock resistant mounting technique by soldering of optical components. Based on this technique, new generations of laser pump sources for aerospace applications are designed. In these laser systems the used soldering technique replaces the glued connection between the optical component and its join partner. The main challenges are the alignment accuracy in the arc second range and the realization of the long term stability of every single part in the laser system (e.g. resonator mirrors)

    Fabrication and Characterisation of Zinc Oxide Thin Films Singly doped With Trace amounts of Rare Earth Materials

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    Two sets of nanostructured Zinc Oxide (ZnO) thin films doped with varying nominal concentrations of rare earth (RE) ions were prepared by pulsed laser deposition (PLD). One set was doped with europium ions (ZnO:Eu³⁺) while the other was doped with erbium ions (ZnO:Er³⁺). The nominal concentration of RE ions ranged from 0.025 to 5 atomic %. The produced films were structurally, morphologically and optically characterised using different techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), photoluminescence (PL), combined excitation and emission spectroscopy (CEES) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). All films were found to possess a single-crystal hexagonal structure and were strongly oriented along the c-axis. However, the crystallinity of the investigated films seemed to deteriorate as the concentration of the rare earth ions increased. This deterioration is assumed to be due to the local distortion of the ZnO structure (host material) caused by the insertion of the relatively large RE ions, hence inducing structural stresses. Importantly, XRD measurements showed that no other crystalline phases related to europium or erbium, such as Eu₂O₃ or Er₂O₃, were observed. Surprisingly, the ZnO lattice constant (c) tended to become smaller as more RE³⁺ ions were added to the films. An explanation is offered whereby this observation can be taken as further evidence that Zn²⁺ ions were successfully substituted by RE³⁺ ions. Interestingly, doping ZnO films with RE³⁺ ions of a nominal concentration of ≥ 0.5 at.% or higher exhibited a drastic effect on the optical properties of the host matrix (ZnO) in which the near band edge luminescence characteristic of pure ZnO completely disappeared. According to SEM images, morphological changes also occur as dopant concentrations increase. Well-defined grains (crystallites) were clearly seen in films doped with ˂ 0.5 at.% of RE ions. However, these grains became hardly distinguishable at higher RE ion concentrations. Typical intra-4f shell transitions of RE³⁺ ions were observed when these ions were non-resonantly excited with UV radiation, indicating that energy had been efficiently transferred from ZnO to the rare earth ions. A plausible physical mechanism for this energy transfer is proposed. The radiative optical centres of rare earth ions were studied by CEES. In these experiments, both sets of films exhibited multiple optical sites. ZnO:Eu³⁺ thin films were found to have two distinct optical sites with differing site symmetries, whereas up to four optical sites were detected in the ZnO:Er³⁺ films

    Hyper-domains in exchange bias micro-stripe pattern

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    A combination of experimental techniques, e.g. vector-MOKE magnetometry, Kerr microscopy and polarized neutron reflectometry, was applied to study the field induced evolution of the magnetization distribution over a periodic pattern of alternating exchange bias (EB) stripes. The lateral structure is imprinted into a continuous ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic EB bilayer via laterally selective exposure to He-ion irradiation in an applied field. This creates an alternating frozen-in interfacial EB field competing with the external field in the course of the re-magnetization. It was found that in a magnetic field applied at an angle with respect to the EB axis parallel to the stripes the re-magnetization process proceeds via a variety of different stages. They include coherent rotation of magnetization towards the EB axis, precipitation of small random (ripple) domains, formation of a stripe-like alternation of the magnetization, and development of a state in which the magnetization forms large hyper-domains comprising a number of stripes. Each of those magnetic states is quantitatively characterized via the comprehensive analysis of data on specular and off-specular polarized neutron reflectivity. The results are discussed within a phenomenological model containing a few parameters, which can readily be controlled by designing systems with a desired configuration of magnetic moments of micro- and nano-elements

    Generalisation of the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) across transfer facilitated and non-facilitated settings.

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which PECS would generalise from the training setting to other familiar settings as a function of properties of the settings. It was predicted that PECS would generalise better to the setting where PECS use facilitated was by having the same communicative partners and items available. Three preschool children all with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) were trained to use the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) to a minimum proficiency level of Phase 3. The experiment employed an ABA single case design with multiple target measures, replicated across participants, acknowledging that observations in the first baseline would be zero. Transfer of PECS across settings varied for each participant. One participant generalised PECS to the facilitated environment more than the non-facilitated environment as predicted. Another participant transferred PECS better to the non-facilitated environment compared to the facilitated environment contrary to the research prediction. The final participant did not generalise PECS to either environment, switching to functional verbal communication instead