5 research outputs found

    Guidelines for the prevention, detection and management of the renal complications of COVID-19 in Africa

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    Africa trails the rest of the world in COVID-19 cases and deaths. However, as the pandemic spreads through the continent, we expect increases in community infection in the months ahead. Patients with kidney infection, especially those with end-stage kidney disease and those with kidney transplants, are at high risk for acquiring the disease and dying from it. While there is limited evidence for the benefit of interventions, we have the advantage of learning from the experiences of those in China, Europe and the Americas. This document sets forth guidance for dealing with our patients who have acute and chronic kidney disease, including those on renal replacement therapy and the staff involved in their care. Emphasis is placed on preparedness and prevention strategies. As evidence and experience accumulate, it is likely that updated guidance will be needed.L’Afrique suit le reste du monde en termes de nombre de cas et de décès dus à COVID-19. Cependant, alors que la pandémie se propage à travers le continent, nous prévoyons une augmentation de l’infection communautaire dans les mois à venir. Les patients atteints d’une maladie rénale, en particulier ceux atteints d’une maladie rénale chronique en phase terminale et ceux ayant subi une transplantation rénale, courent un risque élevé de contracter la maladie et d’en mourir. Bien que les preuves d’interventions soient limitées, nous avons l’avantage de tirer des enseignements des expériences de ceux qui se trouvent en Chine, en Europe et dans les Amériques. Ce document présente des conseils pour traiter nos patients atteints d’insuffisance rénale aiguë et chronique, y compris ceux sous thérapie de suppléance rénale et le personnel impliqué dans leurs soins. L’accent est mis sur les stratégies de préparation et de prévention. Au fur et à mesure que les preuves et l’expérience s’accumulent, il est probable que des directives actualisées seront nécessaires

    Correction: Guidelines for the prevention, detection and management of the renal complications of COVID-19 in Africa

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    The authors of the article ‘Guidelines for the prevention, detection and management of the renal complications of COVID-19 in Africa’ [1] wish to acknowledge the contribution of Professor Hussein El Fishawy. Our guidelines drew on various sources, including the Egyptian Ministry of Health guidelines, portions of which were adapted and reproduced with permission from the Egyptian Ministry of Health. Two of the authors of those guidelines, Professors Elsayed and Zaki, are also coauthors of our paper. Professor El Fishawy was the third author of the Egyptian guidelines and we would like to acknowledge his contribution to our review through this source, especially with respect to the treatment algorithms for patients with kidney transplants and those with acute kidney injury. Reference1. Elsayed HM, Wadee S, Zaki MS, Were AJO, Ashuntantang GE, Bamgboye EL, et al. Guidelines for the prevention, detection and management of the renal complications of COVID-19 in Africa. Afr J Nephrol. 2020; 23(1):109-126

    Increasing access to integrated ESKD care as part of Universal Health Coverage

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    The global nephrology community recognizes the need for a cohesive strategy to address the growing problem of end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). In March 2018, the International Society of Nephrology hosted a summit on integrated ESKD care, including 92 individuals from around the globe with diverse expertise and professional backgrounds. The attendees were from 41 countries, including 16 participants from 11 low- and lower-middle–income countries. The purpose was to develop a strategic plan to improve worldwide access to integrated ESKD care, by identifying and prioritizing key activities across 8 themes: (i) estimates of ESKD burden and treatment coverage, (ii) advocacy, (iii) education and training/workforce, (iv) financing/funding models, (v) ethics, (vi) dialysis, (vii) transplantation, and (viii) conservative care. Action plans with prioritized lists of goals, activities, and key deliverables, and an overarching performance framework were developed for each theme. Examples of these key deliverables include improved data availability, integration of core registry measures and analysis to inform development of health care policy; a framework for advocacy; improved and continued stakeholder engagement; improved workforce training; equitable, efficient, and cost-effective funding models; greater understanding and greater application of ethical principles in practice and policy; definition and application of standards for safe and sustainable dialysis treatment and a set of measurable quality parameters; and integration of dialysis, transplantation, and comprehensive conservative care as ESKD treatment options within the context of overall health priorities. Intended users of the action plans include clinicians, patients and their families, scientists, industry partners, government decision makers, and advocacy organizations. Implementation of this integrated and comprehensive plan is intended to improve quality and access to care and thereby reduce serious health-related suffering of adults and children affected by ESKD worldwide

    Increasing access to integrated ESKD care as part of universal health coverage

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