1,287 research outputs found

    Localized magnetoplasmon modes arising from broken translational symmetry in semiconductor superlattices

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    The electromagnetic propagator associated with the localized collective magnetoplasmon excitations in a semiconductor superlattice with broken translational symmetry, is calculated analytically within linear response theory. We discuss the properties of these collective excitations in both radiative and non-radiative regimes of the electromagnetic spectra. We find that low frequency retarded modes arise when the surface density of carriers at the symmetry breaking layer is lower than the density at the remaining layers. Otherwise a doublet of localized, high-frequency magnetoplasmon-like modes occurs.Comment: Revtex file + separate pdf figure

    Jahn-Teller stabilization of a "polar" metal oxide surface: Fe3O4(001)

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    Using ab initio thermodynamics we compile a phase diagram for the surface of Fe3O4(001) as a function of temperature and oxygen pressures. A hitherto ignored polar termination with octahedral iron and oxygen forming a wave-like structure along the [110]-direction is identified as the lowest energy configuration over a broad range of oxygen gas-phase conditions. This novel geometry is confirmed in a x-ray diffraction analysis. The stabilization of the Fe3O4(001)-surface goes together with dramatic changes in the electronic and magnetic properties, e.g., a halfmetal-to-metal transition.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Mean parameter model for the Pekar-Fr\"{o}hlich polaron in a multilayered heterostructure

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    The polaron energy and the effective mass are calculated for an electron confined in a finite quantum well constructed of GaAs/AlxGa1−xAsGaAs/Al_x Ga_{1-x} As layers. To simplify the study we suggest a model in which parameters of a medium are averaged over the ground-state wave function. The rectangular and the Rosen-Morse potential are used as examples. To describe the confined electron properties explicitly to the second order of perturbations in powers of the electron-phonon coupling constant we use the exact energy-dependent Green function for the Rosen-Morse confining potential. In the case of the rectangular potential, the sum over all intermediate virtual states is calculated. The comparison is made with the often used leading term approximation when only the ground-state is taken into account as a virtual state. It is shown that the results are quite different, so the incorporation of all virtual states and especially those of the continuous spectrum is essential. Our model reproduces the correct three-dimensional asymptotics at both small and large widths. We obtained a rather monotonous behavior of the polaron energy as a function of the confining potential width and found a peak of the effective mass. The comparison is made with theoretical results by other authors. We found that our model gives practically the same (or very close) results as the explicit calculations for potential widths L≥10A˚L \geq 10 \AA.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, including 5 PS-figures, subm. to Phys. Rev. B, new data are discusse

    Immune Modulation to Enhance Bone Healing -A New Concept to Induce Bone Using Prostacyclin to Locally Modulate Immunity

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    Within an aging population, fracture incidences will rise and with the augmented risks of impaired healing the overall risk of delayed bone regeneration will substantially increase in elderly patients. Thus, new strategies to rescue fracture healing in the elderly are highly warranted. Modulating the initial inflammatory phase toward a reduced pro-inflammation launches new treatment options for delayed or impaired healing specifically in the elderly. Here, we evaluated the capacity of the prostacyclin analog Iloprost to modulate the inflammatory phase toward a pro-regenerative milieu using in vitro as well as in vivo model systems. In vitro, Iloprost administration led to a downregulation of potential unfavorable CD8+ cytotoxic T cells as well as their pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion profile. Furthermore, Iloprost increased the mineralization capacity of osteogenic induced mesenchymal stromal cells through both direct as well as indirect cues. In an in vivo approach, Iloprost, embedded in a biphasic fibrin scaffold, decreased the pro-inflammatory and simultaneously enhanced the anti-inflammatory phase thereby improving bone healing outcome. Overall, our presented data confirms a possible strategy to modulate the early inflammatory phase in aged individuals toward a physiological healing by a downregulation of an excessive pro-inflammation that otherwise would impair healing. Further confirmation in phase I/II trials, however, is needed to validate the concept in a broader clinical evaluation

    Gamow Shell Model Description of Neutron-Rich Nuclei

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    This work presents the first continuum shell-model study of weakly bound neutron-rich nuclei involving multiconfiguration mixing. For the single-particle basis, the complex-energy Berggren ensemble representing the bound single-particle states, narrow resonances, and the non-resonant continuum background is taken. Our shell-model Hamiltonian consists of a one-body finite potential and a zero-range residual two-body interaction. The systems with two valence neutrons are considered. The Gamow shell model, which is a straightforward extension of the traditional shell model, is shown to be an excellent tool for the microscopic description of weakly bound systems. It is demonstrated that the residual interaction coupling to the particle continuum is important; in some cases, it can give rise to the binding of a nucleus.Comment: 4 pages, More realistic s.p. energies used than in the precedent versio

    How molecular imaging will enable robotic precision surgery: the role of artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and navigation

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    Molecular imaging is one of the pillars of precision surgery. Its applications range from early diagnostics to therapy planning, execution, and the accurate assessment of outcomes. In particular, molecular imaging solutions are in high demand in minimally invasive surgical strategies, such as the substantially increasing field of robotic surgery. This review aims at connecting the molecular imaging and nuclear medicine community to the rapidly expanding armory of surgical medical devices. Such devices entail technologies ranging from artificial intelligence and computer-aided visualization technologies (software) to innovative molecular imaging modalities and surgical navigation (hardware). We discuss technologies based on their role at different steps of the surgical workflow, i.e., from surgical decision and planning, over to target localization and excision guidance, all the way to (back table) surgical verification. This provides a glimpse of how innovations from the technology fields can realize an exciting future for the molecular imaging and surgery communities.Imaging- and therapeutic targets in neoplastic and musculoskeletal inflammatory diseas

    Collective Excitations Spectrum in Density Modulated One-Dimensional Electron Gas in a Magnetic Field

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    We determine the collective excitations spectrum and discuss the numerical results for a parabolically confined density modulated quasi-one dimensional electron gas (1DEG) in the presence of an external magnetic field. We derive the inter-and intra-band magnetoplasmon spectrum within the Self Consistent Field (SCF) approach. In this work we focus on magnetoplasmon oscillations in this system and as such results are presented for the intra-Landau-band magnetoplasmon spectrum that exhibits oscillatory behavior, these oscillations are not with constant period in 1/B and are significantly effected at low B and corresponding high 1/B.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure


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    Excitation energy transfer in C-phycocyanin is modeled using the Forster inductive resonance mechanism. Detailed calculations are carried out using coordinates and orientations of the chromophores derived from X-ray crystallographic studies of C-phycocyanin from two different species (Schirmer et al, J. Mol. Biol. 184, 257–277 (1985) and ibid., 188, 651-677 (1986)). Spectral overlap integrals are estimated from absorption and fluorescence spectra of C-phycocyanin of Mastigocladus laminosus and its separated subunits. Calculations are carried out for the β-subunit, αβ-monomer, (αβ)3-trimer and (αβ)0-hexamer species with the following chromophore assignments: β155 = 's’(sensitizer), β84 =‘f (fluorescer) and α84 =‘m’(intermediate):]:. The calculations show that excitation transfer relaxation occurs to 3=98% within 200 ps in nearly every case; however, the rates increase as much as 10-fold for the higher aggregates. Comparison with experimental data on fluorescence decay and depolarization kinetics from the literature shows qualitative agreement with these calculations. We conclude that Forster transfer is sufficient to account for all of the observed fluorescence properties of C-phycocyanin in aggregation states up to the hexamer and in the absence of linker polypeptides

    Bipolaron Binding in Quantum Wires

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    A theory of bipolaron states in quantum wires with a parabolic potential well is developed applying the Feynman variational principle. The basic parameters of the bipolaron ground state (the binding energy, the number of phonons in the bipolaron cloud, the effective mass, and the bipolaron radius) are studied as a function of sizes of the potential well. Two cases are considered in detail: a cylindrical quantum wire and a planar quantum wire. Analytical expressions for the bipolaron parameters are obtained at large and small sizes of the quantum well. It is shown that at R≫1R\gg 1 [where RR means the radius (halfwidth) of a cylindrical (planar) quantum wire, expressed in Feynman units], the influence of confinement on the bipolaron binding energy is described by the function ∼1/R2\sim 1/R^{2} for both cases, while at small sizes this influence is different in each case. In quantum wires, the bipolaron binding energy W(R)W(R) increases logarithmically with decreasing radius. The shapes and the sizes of a nanostructure, which are favorable for observation of stable bipolaron states, are determined.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, E-mail addresses: [email protected]; [email protected]
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