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    This paper aims to explore the paradigm shift in the interpretation of the Qur'an in the classical and contemporary eras in the path of interpretation of Ibn Kathir and Fazlur Rahman. The focus in this study examines the causes of shifts in interpretation and contextualization of the interpretation model. The type of research is library research so that in this study using qualitative (descriptive-analytical) research, it is research that describes the object to be critically examined, and looks for the roots of the character's thoughts. The approach that I want to use in this study is historical-analytical, that is, according to historical roots analytically the shift in interpretation occurs. The results of this study indicate that, the interpretation of interpretation in the classical and contemporary era of interpretation is caused by the shifting paradigm, namely the birth of a new methodological concept to prove the suitability between text and social relaity. The argumentation of Ibn Katsir's interpretation of the "Classical Era" The main characteristic of his interpretation model is the textual pattern based on the interpretation of bil ma'tsur. Second, the interpretation of Ar-ra'yi. While Fazlur Rahman "Contemporary Era" can prove interpretation as an effort to solve problems in answering various challenges of the times. This is due to the emergence of a variety of interpretive approaches including: contextual orientation in interpretation, interpretation as social transformation, and gender analysis as an effort to seek justice


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis khususnya pengaruh harga produk, Customer Relationship, dan Information System terhadap kinerja pemasaran dengan intervening kepuasan pelanggan yang ada pada UMKM Kuliner di Kota Cirebon. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah non random sampling dengan jenis sensus. Pengukuran level yang digunakan adalah level interval. Penelitian ini diolah menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan bantuan software AMOS 22. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua hipotesis di terima


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    HADITHS SCEPTICISM AUTHENTICITY (Critique to Orientalist Gautier H.A. Juynbool in Common Link Theory)

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    This paper tries to discuss the thought of hadith in the eyes of the Orientalist one of them is Gautier H.A. Juynbool in theory is known as the common link which is the oldest narrator in the level of sanad after the best friend or tabiin who is responsible for spreading the hadith extensively either formally or informally to some students, then these students spread the hadith to several students as well . In other words, the common link is found in the Sanad bundle where the hadith was first spread. There are several terms in the analysis, including: First, Single Strand (Single Track). Second, Partial Common Link. Third, Invertedpartial Common Link. Fourth, Fulan, Fifth, Diving Strand. Sixth, Spider (spider). The approach used is the literature study approach is a search for related data through books, journals, articles and so on. The conclusion is that, the theory (common link) if applied in the hadith still the hadith does not come from the Prophet but the hadith comes from the tabi'in which is transmitted to the next generation.Tulisan ini mencoba untuk mendiskusikan pemikiran hadits di mata orientalis salah satunya adalah Gautier H.A. Juynbool dalam teorinya dikenal dengan istilah common link  yang  merupakan seorang perawi paling tua dalam tingkatan sanad setelah sahabat atau tabiin yang bertanggungjawab atas penyebaran hadits dengan meluas baik secara formal ataupun nonformal kepada beberapa murid, yang kemudian murid-murid tersebut menyebarkan hadits tersebut kepada beberapa murid pula. Dengan kata lain, common link ditemukan pada bundel sanad di mana hadits pertama kali menyebar. Ada beberapa Istilah dalam yang di analsisis, diantaranya: Pertama, Single Strand (Jalur Tunggal). Kedua, Partial Common Link. Ketiga, Invertedpartial Common Link. Keempat,Fulan, Kelima, Diving Strand (Jalur Menyelam). Keenam,Spider (laba-laba). Adapun pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan studi literature merupakan penelusuran data yang terkait melalui buku, jurnal, artikel dan sebagainya. Kesimpulanya bahwa, teori (common link) jika diaplikasikan dalam hadits tetap saja hadits bukan berasal dari Nabi melainkan hadits berasal dari tabi’in yang ditransmisikan ke genarsi berikutnya

    GERAKAN KOMUNITAS KEAGAMAAN ONLINE (Melacak Historis Dan Transformasi Dakwah Islam Di Indonesia)

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    This article generally examines online religious communities, more specifically this article reviews religious communities in Indonesia with the object of study by the United Muslim community. Muslim United is one of the online religious communities in Indonesia, this community has various kinds of programs including conducting da'wah activities through social media and also a massive alms program at dawn which is carried out with the aim of providing assistance in the form of fruits to class communities. lewd. This article explains specifically about the united Muslim community that exists on social media. The method used in this article is netnography, a method that collects data through the Muslim United Instagram account and also searches for other data from the YouTube, Twitter accounts that are specific about activities in the Muslim United community. The results of this study indicate that the Muslim community is united in opening up hijrah spaces for young people, and carrying out religious social movements for the community without any politics

    Agama dan Media Baru (Kesadaran Teologis Manusia di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19)

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    Akhir-akhir ini, bencana yang melanda Dunia di berbagai Negara yaitu munculnya Virus corona atau wabah Covid-19 merupakan bencana yang mengancam sendi kehidupan manusia. Khususnya di Indonesia bahwa, Covid-19 telah mengikis kesadaran dan kepercayaan manusia dalam beragama dan meluasnya berbagai informasi di Media sosial. Fokus penelitian ini mengkaji bagaimana eksistensi kesadaran teologis ummat manusia di tengah pandemi? Dan bagaimana keberagaman informasi melalui media yang diakibatkan oleh penyebaran Covid-19 yang telah merubah siklus kehidupan manusia?. Adapun pendekatan penelitian yaitu Studi literatur yang membahas tentang agama dalam perspektif antropologi, diantaranya karya Annemary De Waal Malefijt, Religion and Culture: An Introduction to Anthtropology of Religion. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, eksistensi agama merupakan kesadaran teologis dalam menghadapi musibah wabah virus corona. Perwujudan dari agama sebagai kesadaran teologis ini diimplementasikan dengan antropologis membentuk spritualitas normatif yang disebabkan oleh ketenangan batin yang berlandas pada keyakinan dalam beragama. Dan juga keberagaman informasi yang di beritakan di media sosial, Publik kemudian dihadapkan dengan kesimpang siuran informasi terkait wabah ini yang begitu beredar pada publik. Recently, the disaster that has hit the world in various countries, namely the emergence of the corona virus or the Covid-19 outbreak, is a disaster that threatens the joints of human life. Especially in Indonesia, Covid-19 has eroded human awareness and trust in religion and the spread of various information on social media. The focus of this research is to examine how the existence of the theological consciousness of mankind in the midst of a pandemic? And how is the diversity of information through the media caused by the spread of Covid-19 which has changed the human life cycle? The research approach is the study of literature that discusses religion in anthropological perspectives, including the work of Annemary De Waal Malefijt, Religion and Culture: An Introduction to Anthropology of Religion. The results of this study indicate that the existence of religion is a theological awareness in the face of the corona virus epidemic. The embodiment of religion as a theological awareness is implemented anthropologically to form normative spirituality caused by inner calm which is based on belief in religion. And also the diversity of information that is reported on social media, the public is then faced with the confusion of information related to this epidemic that has circulated to the public

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    The study of living Qur'an is one of the studies in the form of scientific research on social events in the Muslim community by positioning the Qur'an as the main behavior and actions in daily life. From there, it will be seen how they react continuously and live up to the values ​​of the al-Qur'an in their community. The study of the Living Qur'an appears as a phenomenon of the Qur'an in everyday life, namely the function and meaning of the Qur'an is understood and practiced by the Muslim community in real terms in everyday life. Unlike the study of the Koran which only focuses on the al-Qur'an as an object of study that focuses on the textuality of the Qur'an it self, while the living Al-Qur'an is more focused on the way people position the Qur'an. In his daily life. One example of this living Qur'an practice is the tradition of Free Lunch after Friday prayers at the Jogokariyan Mosque. In this tradition, the Muslim community tries to live up to the value of sodaqoh contained in the Al-Qur'an surah al-Baqarah verse 261. This tradition emerged in the community as a form of social tradition with the aim of providing assistance in the form of free lunch (free lunch) to Friday congregation
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