Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Islam
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    1075 research outputs found

    Do Ecotourism Responsibilities And Principles Influence Green Business Behavior? Gorontalo Regency Religious Tourism Study

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    This research examines the variables influencing the performance of religious tourism managers in Bongo Village, Gorontalo Province, on Green Business Behavior in ecotourism. The variables used to measure the performance of tourism managers are attitudes towards Ecotourism Responsibility and Ecotourism Principles observed in the tourism site conditions. The assessment is conducted by visitors or tourists. The study employs probability sampling, and there were 155 respondents involved in the research. The analytical technique used in this study is path analysis to determine the relationships/effects between variables. It is concluded that the variable of Ecotourism Responsibility does not have a significant influence on Green Business Behavior. Similarly, the variable of Ecotourism Principles also does not affect Green Business Behavio

    Will Indonesia Surpass Malaysia in SGIE?

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    Based on the 2023 State of the Global Islamic Economy (SGIE) report, Indonesia managed to enter the top three in the Global Islamic Economy Indicator (GIEI) released by DinarStandard in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Tuesday (26/12/2023). Indonesia, which will be in fourth place in 2022, is now in third place, below Malaysia, which has consistently been in first place for the last 10 years. As a Muslim-majority country with abundant resource potential, Indonesia should be ranked higher than Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in the SGIE ranking report. This shows that there is still a large gap between potential and expectations, so it is interesting to research considering that Indonesia is the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, surpassing Malaysia with the percentage of the Muslim population reaching 87.20% of the total population of 273.5 million people. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method by collecting several journals and annual reports regarding the Global Islamic Economy. This research discusses what strategies the Indonesian government can implement to develop the halal industrial sector so that Indonesia can surpass Malaysia in dominating the halal industry in the world

    Perancangan Kualitas Layanan Berdasarkan Perspektif Islam Di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD)

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    The problem in this study is the existence of complaints from patients who use hospital services against the management of the X Regional General Hospital (RSUD) in the city of Bandung, obtained from the results of a preliminary survey. This problem needs to be solved by designing Islamic service quality measurements so as to increase hospital patient satisfaction. The main objective of this study is to design service quality based on Islamic law at the X Regional General Hospital in the city of Bandung. The method used in this research is the Service Quality (SERVQUAL) method and Islamic law. From the research results obtained from the validity testing results of 27 statements declared valid because the value of R count is greater than the value of R table and the results of reliability testing obtained a value of 0.917, then the measuring instrument used is reliable. Based on the servqual model used, there are several indicators from each part of the SERVQUAL element that must be made critical improvements by the RSUD to improve the quality of their services. It is hoped that this research can improve patient satisfaction with the quality of hospital management service

    Pengaruh Disiplin Kerja, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3), dan Kompensasi Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Perspektif Ekonomi Islam (Studi Pada Pegawai Main Office PT Kanindo Makmur Jaya)

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    The aim of this research is to examine the influence of work discipline, occupational health and safety (K3), and compensation on the performance of PT Head Office employees. Kanindo Makmur Jaya, sampling from the population was determined using non-probability sampling and the sample size was 96 respondents. The method used to analyze the data is multiple linear regression analysis. The results obtained show that work discipline, occupational health and safety (K3), and compensation influence employee performance

    The Role Of Sharia Marketing In Indonesia: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Indonesia is a predominantly Muslim country, indicating a vast market potential for halal products and services. However, many businesses have yet to fully implement Sharia marketing. This article aims to examine the extent of the role of Sharia marketing in Indonesia. The research method used is a systematic literature review. The literature search was conducted using the Google Scholar database with the assistance of the Publish or Perish 8 application. The search for articles was conducted using the keywords 'Sharia Marketing', 'Sharia Marketing', and 'Islamic Marketing'. A systematic literature review of 27 articles spanning from 2018 to 2023 revealed that Islamic marketing plays an important role in Indonesia. Specifically, it assists in the development of Islamic financial institutions, helps in the development of micro, small, and medium enterprises, and improves the image of educational institutions in Indonesia. The research concludes that implementing Sharia marketing is important for business people

    Manajemen Risiko Pada Investasi Bisnis Properti Syariah

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    Risk management in sharia property business investment is a crucial element in ensuring the sustainability and success of long-term investments. The sharia property business, which includes unique aspects such as sharia provisions, market fluctuations and regulatory changes, faces risks that need to be carefully identified, evaluated and managed. The risk management process involves the steps of identifying risks, determining risk tolerance, and using mitigation strategies, including avoiding, reducing, sharing, or accepting risks. Alignment with sharia principles and a deep understanding of property law are key. Portfolio diversification, continuous monitoring, and collaboration with sharia experts are important factors in maintaining a balance between potential profits and risks. By implementing effective risk management, investors can maintain sharia integrity while protecting investment value and achieving financial goals in a sustainable manner

    Analysis of Productive Zakat Distribution and Management Practices at LAZ (Amil Zakat Institution) Sidogiri, Pasuruan, East Java

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    The aim of this research is to describe the management of productive zakat at LAZ Sidogiri and to analyze how productive zakat distribution practices are carried out at LAZ Sidogiri. Design/methodology/approach The design of this research is qualitative. Qualitative research is research to describe and analyze phenomena, events, social activities, attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, thoughts individually and in groups with specific objectives. The result was that the implementation of Rasulullah's management at the Sidogiri Amil Zakat Institution (LAZ) was carried out according to the rules, generally after centralization. This is not surprising because the Sidogiri Islamic Boarding School (PPS) is an Islamic boarding school that has long been associated with the Islamic religion and contains the ideology of its founder, Muhammad SAW, who taught his followers about the correct interpretation and application of Islamic teachings as well as their own teachings. teachings . In this way, the use of management applications automatically does not deviate from the professional standards set by Allah Ta'ala. The management system described here is called SIFAT (Siddiq, Istiqomah, Fathanah, Amanah, and Tabligh)

    Analisis Kinerja Reksa Dana Saham Syariah Sebelum Dan Setelah Penerapan Roadmap Pasar Modal Syariah 2020-2024

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    The Islamic capital market in Indonesia has witnessed significant progress, particularly in the development of products such as Shariah equity mutual funds. In the period 2017-2022, the Net Asset Value (NAV) of Shariah equity mutual funds reached IDR 153,40 trillion. However, in terms of performance, Shariah equity mutual funds still recorded minor results. The Financial Services Authority (OJK) has endeavored to enhance the potential of the Islamic capital market through the launch of the Shariah Capital Market Roadmap 2020-2024. To evaluate the positive impact of this policy, this research examines the factors influencing the performance of Shariah equity mutual funds during the period 2017-2022. A quantitative descriptive approach is employed using non-probability judgement sampling. Panel data is analyzed using multiple linear regression, with dummy variables used to identify performance differences before and after the implementation of the Shariah Capital Market Roadmap 2020-2024. Research findings indicate that cashflow, IHSG (Indonesia Stock Exchange Composite Index), and the age of Shariah equity mutual funds significantly influence performance. However, the impact of NAV is observed but not statistically significant. The dummy variable shows a negative and significant value, indicating performance differences between the two observed period

    Pengaruh Harga Terhadap Keputusan Pembeliaan Online Melalui Minat Beli Sebagai Variable Intervening dalam Pandangan Ekonomi Islam Pada Pengguna Aplikasi Buka Lapak di Semarang

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    The era of the dynamic marketing revolution has helped make people more brand conscious in most of the products they buy. Before deciding to buy a product, customers associate it with many factors, making it difficult for marketers to predict how consumers will buy a particular product. The aim of this research is to find out whether price influences purchasing decisions, and to find out whether purchasing interest is able to mediate price on purchasing decisions. The population in this study were Bukalapak users in Semarang City. The number of samples in this research was 140 respondents using accidental sampling technique. Data collection techniques use questionnaires and observation methods. The data analysis method uses multiple linear regression with a path analysis approach and the SPSS program. The research results show that the price variable has an influence on purchasing decisions, then buying interest also has a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions. The results of the indirect influence test also show that purchasing interest is able to mediate the relationship between price and purchasing decisions. Implementing fair, reasonable and acceptable prices will influence Bukalapak users' purchasing decisions. Purchase interest also influences purchasing decisions and can mediate the relationship between price and purchasing decisions

    Kestabilan Dan Efisiensi Bank Syariah Indonesia Sebelum Dan Sesudah Di Merger

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    Pada tahun 2021, pemerintah menggabung ketiga bank syariah nasional yaitu BRI Syariah, BNI Syariah, Bank Mandiri Syariah. Hasil penggabungan tersebut melahirkan bank syariah baru yaitu Bank Syariah Indonesia. Dari perspektif teoritik, tujuan penggabungan tersebut diharapkan performa dan kesehatan bank menjadi lebih baik dan pelayanan kepada masyarakat dapat ditingkatkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kinerja keuangan Bank Syariah Indonesia sebelum dan setelah merger pada tahun 2021 serta mendeskripsikan stabilitas dan efisiensi bank hasil penggabungan tersebut. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan desai penelitian kuantitatif. Pengukuran kinerja ini didasarkan pada perhitungan rasio keuangan, sedangkan untuk pengukuran efisiensi dan stabilitas berdasarkan pada pendekatan data envelopment analysis (DEA). DEA merupakan program pendekatan matematis melalui pengukuran efisiensi dari decision making units (DMU) dengan model contant return to scale (CRS) dengan menganalisis DMU di tahun sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja keuangan dari ketiga bank sebelum merger, yang memiliki kinerja yang baik yakni PT Bank Mandiri Syariah , dan untuk bank setelah merger yakni Bank Syariah Indonesia memiliki kinerja yang rata-rata jauh lebih baik dari bank sebelum merger , namun sebaliknya untuk efisiensi dan kestabilan ketiga bank sebelum merger lebih baik dibandingkan setelah merger. Sehingga peneliti menyarankan peningkatan produktivitas BSI melalui perluasan sentralisasi berbasis inovasi dan menjauhi diversifikasi pendapatan yang merupakan salah satu penyebab kerawanan bank setelah merger


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