30,121 research outputs found

    Considerations for the design of an onboard air traffic situation display

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    The basic concept of remoting information to the cockpit is used to design and develop a computerized airborne traffic situation display device that automatically selects and presents segments of a controller's scope to the aircraft pilot via a narrow band digital data link. These data are integrated with aircraft heading and navigation information to provide a display useful in congested air space. The display can include alphanumerical symbols, air route maps, and controller instructions

    Characterization of solar cells for space applications. Volume 11: Electrical characteristics of 2 ohm-cm, 228 micron wraparound solar cells as a function of intensity, temperature, and irradiation

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    Parametric characterization data on Spectrolab 2 by 4 cm, 2 ohm/cm, 228 micron thick wraparound cell, a candidate for the Solar Electric Propulsion Mission, are presented. These data consist of the electrical characteristics of the solar cell under a wide range of temperature and illumination intensity combinations of the type encountered in space applications

    Magnetic buoyancy instabilities in the presence of magnetic flux pumping at the base of the solar convection zone

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    We perform idealized numerical simulations of magnetic buoyancy instabilities in three dimensions, solving the equations of compressible magnetohydrodynamics in a model of the solar tachocline. In particular, we study the effects of including a highly simplified model of magnetic flux pumping in an upper layer (‘the convection zone’) on magnetic buoyancy instabilities in a lower layer (‘the upper parts of the radiative interior – including the tachocline’), to study these competing flux transport mechanisms at the base of the convection zone. The results of the inclusion of this effect in numerical simulations of the buoyancy instability of both a preconceived magnetic slab and a shear-generated magnetic layer are presented. In the former, we find that if we are in the regime that the downward pumping velocity is comparable with the Alfvén speed of the magnetic layer, magnetic flux pumping is able to hold back the bulk of the magnetic field, with only small pockets of strong field able to rise into the upper layer. In simulations in which the magnetic layer is generated by shear, we find that the shear velocity is not necessarily required to exceed that of the pumping (therefore the kinetic energy of the shear is not required to exceed that of the overlying convection) for strong localized pockets of magnetic field to be produced which can rise into the upper layer. This is because magnetic flux pumping acts to store the field below the interface, allowing it to be amplified both by the shear and by vortical fluid motions, until pockets of field can achieve sufficient strength to rise into the upper layer. In addition, we find that the interface between the two layers is a natural location for the production of strong vertical gradients in the magnetic field. If these gradients are sufficiently strong to allow the development of magnetic buoyancy instabilities, strong shear is not necessarily required to drive them (cf. previous work by Vasil & Brummell). We find that the addition of magnetic flux pumping appears to be able to assist shear-driven magnetic buoyancy in producing strong flux concentrations that can rise up into the convection zone from the radiative interior

    Procjena povratka investicija za predloženo rabljenje solarnih sustava u Poljskoj

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    This paper focuses on the assessment of possibilities to subsidize the purchase and installation of solar collectors in Poland by government or local government grants and special funds designed for this purpose. It analysis of costs and profits resulting from the application of solar installations in the process of heat generation for household requirements, by calculating the payback time, with taking into account prices of other energy carriers and the above mentioned subsidies. Collectors at present are manufactured solely from metals (copper, aluminium, Al-Mg alloys). The use of these materials is tied to considerable energy demand and the production technology is complex. This affects the economy of running a solar device.Članak je usmjeren na procjenu mogućnosti novčane potpore nabavke instalacija solarnih kolektora u Poljskoj od vlade ili lokalnih pokrovitelja te posebni fondovi utemeljeni u tu svrhu. Analizirani su troškovi i dobit kao rezultat primjene solarnih instalacija u procesima zagrijavanja po zahtjevima, proračuna povratka investicije, uzimajući u obzir cijene računa ostalih, tj. više drugih usporednih energija. Sadašnji kolektori ustrojeni su od metala (bakra, aluminija, Al-Mg legure). Rabljenje ovih materijala je u svezi energetskim zahtjevima i proizvodnom tehnologijom. Utjecaji ekonomije ovisni su o solarnim uređajima

    Oscillations and secondary bifurcations in nonlinear magnetoconvection

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    Complicated bifurcation structures that appear in nonlinear systems governed by partial differential equations (PDEs) can be explained by studying appropriate low-order amplitude equations. We demonstrate the power of this approach by considering compressible magnetoconvection. Numerical experiments reveal a transition from a regime with a subcritical Hopf bifurcation from the static solution, to one where finite-amplitude oscillations persist although there is no Hopf bifurcation from the static solution. This transition is associated with a codimension-two bifurcation with a pair of zero eigenvalues. We show that the bifurcation pattern found for the PDEs is indeed predicted by the second-order normal form equation (with cubic nonlinearities) for a Takens-Bogdanov bifurcation with Z2 symmetry. We then extend this equation by adding quintic nonlinearities and analyse the resulting system. Its predictions provide a qualitatively accurate description of solutions of the full PDEs over a wider range of parameter values. Replacing the reflecting (Z2) lateral boundary conditions with periodic [O(2)] boundaries allows stable travelling wave and modulated wave solutions to appear; they could be described by a third-order system

    Non-Markovian dynamics of double quantum dot charge qubits due to acoustic phonons

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    We investigate the dynamics of a double quantum dot charge qubit which is coupled to piezoelectric acoustic phonons, appropriate for GaAs heterostructures. At low temperatures, the phonon bath induces a non-Markovian dynamical behavior of the oscillations between the two charge states of the double quantum dot. Upon applying the numerically exact quasiadiabatic propagator path-integral scheme, the reduced density matrix of the charge qubit is calculated, thereby avoiding the Born-Markov approximation. This allows a systematic study of the dependence of the Q-factor on the lattice temperature, on the size of the quantum dots, as well as on the interdot coupling. We calculate the Q-factor for a recently realized experimental setup and find that it is two orders of magnitudes larger than the measured value, indicating that the decoherence due to phonons is a subordinate mechanism.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, replaced with the version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The extensive nature of group quality

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    We consider groups of interacting nodes engaged in an activity as many-body, complex systems and analyse their cooperative behaviour from a mean-field point of view. We show that inter-nodal interactions rather than accumulated individual node strengths dominate the quality of group activity, and give rise to phenomena akin to phase transitions, where the extensive relationship between group quality and quantity reduces. The theory is tested using empirical data on quantity and quality of scientific research groups, for which critical masses are determined.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures containing 13 plots. Very minor changes to coincide with published versio

    Unapređenje procesa u metalurškoj kompaniji

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    The field of quality is very important for a company under current conditions. It is necessary to continuously improve the quality of provided services. Even though metallurgy is focused on production, not on providing services, even in these companies great variety of services exists, which is important to improve all the time. One of these production supporting services are the repairs. This article analyses and solves the problem of insufficient promptness of the repairs in a metallurgy company.U suvremenim uvjetima poslovanja područje kvalitete vrlo je važno za kompaniju. Neophodno je kontinuirano poboljšanje kvalitete pružanih usluga. Iako su metalurške kompanije fokusirane na proizvodnju u njima postoje velik broj različitih usluga koje je potrebno unaprjeđivati cijelo vrijeme poslovanja. Jedna od tih usluga koje podupiru proizvodnju je održavanje. U članku se analizira i daje rješenje problema nedovoljno brze reakcije službe održavanja u metalurškim kompanijama

    Characterization of solar cells for space applications. Volume 8: Electrical characteristics of Spectrolab BSF, BSR, textured 290-micron solar cells (K7) as a function of intensity, temperature and irradiation

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    A set of parametric data is presented on the Spectrolab textured, back-surface-field, back-surface-reflector solar cell which is a commercially available product