74 research outputs found

    Intra-European Trade of Manufacturing Goods : An extension of the Gravity Model

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    In this paper, we propose and test several extensions of the standard gravity model. This yields a specification that allows for (i) a more flexible income response; (ii) a competitiveness effect with a general and a specific component; and (iii) an alternative and consistent measure of remoteness. Those extensions were found to be significant factors to explain intra-EU trade. Next, we analyze the effect of EU harmonization of technical regulations on domestic and intra-EU trade. We find, at different levels of aggregation of the manufacturing sector, that harmonization of regulations has contributed to more intra-EU trade but, apparently, did not affect the so called border effect.

    Le prix du vin, qualité ou réputation ?

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    Dans ce numĂ©ro de Regards Ă©conomiques, nous montrons que les diffĂ©rences de prix observĂ©es entre 215 vins de Bordeaux cotĂ©s dans un guide rĂ©putĂ© dĂ©pendent davantage de l'appellation, de la rĂ©putation du producteur, du classement de 1855 que des diffĂ©rences en qualitĂ© ou en raretĂ©. MĂȘme en tenant compte de tous ces effets, certains vins sont offerts sur le marchĂ©, du moins temporairement, Ă  des prix anormalement Ă©levĂ©s ou trĂšs agrĂ©ablement bon marchĂ©.

    Intra-European Trade of Manufacturing Goods: An Extension of the Gravity model

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    In this paper, we propose and test several extensions of the standard gravity model. This yields a specification that allows for (i) a more flexible income response; (ii) a competitiveness effect with a general and a specific component; and (iii) an alternative and consistent measure of remoteness. Those extensions were found to be significant factors to explain intra-EU trade. Next, we analyze the effect of EU harmonization of technical regulations on domestic and intra-EU trade. We find, at different levels of aggregation of the manufacturing sector, that harmonization of regulations has contributed to more intra-EU trade but, apparently, did not affect the so called border effect

    Development of urban bird indicators using data from monitoring schemes in two large European cities

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    Bird monitoring projects have provided valuable data for developing biological indicators to evaluate the state of natural and agricultural habitats. However, fewer advances have been made in urban environments. In this study we used bird monitoring data from 2002 to 2012 in two cities with different climates (Brussels and Barcelona), to generate two multi–species urban indicators to evaluate temporal trends on abundance of urban avifauna. To do this we used two different conceptual approaches, one based on a list of widespread species in European cities (WSEC) and another based exclusively on species widespread at city level (WCS) regardless of the birds occurring in other cities. The two indicators gave a similar general pattern, although we found a 3% difference in the mean annual change in both cities, thus suggesting that the values provided by urban indicators may differ depending on the conceptual approach and, hence, by the species list used to generate them. However, both indicators may have their own value and could be treated as complementary indices

    Development of an urban bird indicator: using data from monitoring schemes in two large european cities

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    [eng] Development of urban bird indicators using data from monitoring schemes in two large European cities.— Bird monitoring projects have provided valuable data for developing biological indicators to evaluate the state of natural and agricultural habitats. However, fewer advances have been made in urban environments. In this study we used bird monitoring data from 2002 to 2012 in two cities with different climates (Brussels and Barcelona), to generate two multi–species urban indicators to evaluate temporal trends on abundance of urban avifauna. To do this we used two different conceptual approaches, one based on a list of widespread species in European cities (WSEC) and another based exclusively on species widespread at city level (WCS) regardless of the birds occurring in other cities. The two indicators gave a similar general pattern, although we found a 3% difference in the mean annual change in both cities, thus suggesting that the values provided by urban indicators may differ depending on the conceptual approach and, hence, by the species list used to generate them. However, both indicators may have their own value and could be treated as complementary indices.[cat] Desarrollo de indicadores de aves urbanas a partir de datos de sistemas de monitoreo en dos grandes ciudades europeas.— Los proyectos de monitoreo de aves han proporcionado datos valiosos para el desarrollo de indicadores biolĂłgicos que evalĂșan el estado de los hĂĄbitats naturales y agrĂ­colas; sin embargo, los avances han sido menores en los ambientes urbanos. En este estudio se utilizaron los datos del monitoreo de aves de dos ciudades climĂĄticamente diferentes (Bruselas y Barcelona; perĂ­odo 2002–2010) para generar dos indicadores urbanos multiespecĂ­ficos que valorasen las tendencias temporales en la abundancia del conjunto de las aves urbanas. Para hacer esto, utilizamos dos enfoques conceptuales distintos, uno basado en una lista de especies de amplia distribuciĂłn en las ciudades europeas (WSEC) y otro basado exclusivamente en especies de amplia distribuciĂłn a nivel de ciudad (WSC), independientemente de las aves de otras ciudades. Los dos indicadores dieron un patrĂłn general similar, aunque un 3% de diferencia entre ellos en cuanto a los valores de cambio promedio anual se encontrĂł en ambas ciudades. Esto sugiere que los valores producidos por los indicadores urbanos pueden diferir dependiendo de la aproximaciĂłn conceptual y, por tanto, por la lista de especies utilizada para generarlos. Ambos indicadores pueden tener su propio interĂ©s y pueden ser tratados como complementarios

    Racial Differences in Exposure and Glucuronidation of the Tobacco-Specific Carcinogen 4-(Methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-Pyridyl)-1-Butanone (NNK)

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    BACKGROUND; In the United States, Blacks who smoke cigarettes have a higher mean blood concentration of the nicotine metabolite cotinine than White smokers. It has not been determined whether there are racial differences in the exposure to the cigarette smoke carcinogen 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) and in the detoxification of NNK metabolites. METHODS; A community-based cross-sectional survey of 69 Black and 93 White smokers was conducted in lower Westchester County, New York. Information on smoking and lifestyle habits was collected and urinary concentrations of several tobacco smoke biomarkers were compared, including the NNK metabolite 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanol (NNAL) and its glucuronide (NNAL-Gluc). A frequency histogram and probit plot of NNAL-Gluc:NNAL ratios were constructed to determine slow and rapid glucuronidation phenotypes. RESULTS; The mean concentrations of total NNAL, urinary cotinine, plasma cotinine, and thiocyanate were significantly higher in Black men than in White men for each cigarette smoked. In women, the only biomarker that was significantly elevated in Blacks was plasma cotinine. A higher proportion of White versus Black women was categorized as "rapid" glucuronidators (two-tailed exact test, P = 0.03). In men, there were no significant differences in NNAL-Gluc:NNAL phenotypes. CONCLUSIONS; The higher rates of lung carcinoma in black men may be due in part to a higher level of exposure to tobacco smoke carcinogens

    Assessing the assessments: evaluation of four impact assessment protocols for invasive alien species

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    Aim: Effective policy and management responses to the multiple threats posed by invasive alien species (IAS) rely on the ability to assess their impacts before conclusive empirical evidence is available. A plethora of different IAS risk and/or impact assessment protocols have been proposed, but it remains unclear whether, how and why the outcomes of such assessment protocols may differ. Location: Europe. Methods: Here, we present an in-depth evaluation and informed assessment of the consistency of four prominent protocols for assessing IAS impacts (EICAT, GISS, Harmonia and NNRA), using two non-native parrots in Europe: the widespread ring-necked parakeet (Psittacula krameri) and the rapidly spreading monk parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus). Results: Our findings show that the procedures used to assess impacts may influence assessment outcomes. We find that robust IAS prioritization can be obtained by assessing species based on their most severe documented impacts, as all protocols yield consistent outcomes across impact categories. Additive impact scoring offers complementary, more subtle information that may be especially relevant for guiding management decisions regarding already established invasive alien species. Such management decisions will also strongly benefit from consensus approaches that reduce disagreement between experts, fostering the uptake of scientific advice into policy-making decisions. Main conclusions: Invasive alien species assessments should take advantage of the capacity of consensus assessments to consolidate discussion and agreement between experts. Our results suggest that decision-makers could use the assessment protocol most fit for their purpose, on the condition they apply a precautionary approach by considering the most severe impacts only. We also recommend that screening for high-impact IAS should be performed on a more robust basis than current ad hoc practices, at least using the easiest assessment protocols and reporting confidence scores.This study is a joint effort from a workshop organized under COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology Actions Parrotnet (ES1304) and Alien Challenge (TD1209). We would also like to thank two anonymous referees for helpful comments on an earlier version of this manuscript. D.S is currently funded by a Marie SkƂodowska‐Curie Action under the Horizon 2020 call (H2020‐MSCA‐IF‐2015, grant number 706318) and acknowledges the Danish National Research Foundation for support to the Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate (grant number DNRF96). J.C.S. was supported by funds from the Ministry of Economy and Competitivity, Spanish Research Council (CGL‐2016‐79568‐C3‐3‐P)

    Contrasting population trends of Common Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) across Europe

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    The greatest loss of biodiversity in the EU has occurred on agricultural land. The Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) is one of the many numerous and widespread European farmland breeding bird species showing major population declines linked to European agricultural intensification. Here we present results based on monitoring data collected since 1975 in 24 countries to examine the influence of changing extent of grassland and cattle abundance (based on results of earlier studies showing the importance of lowland cattle grazed grassland for the species), wintering provenance and temperature on national breeding population trends of Starlings across Europe. Positive Starling population trends in Central-East Europe contrast with negative trends in North and West Europe. Based on this indicative approach, we found some support for the importance of cattle stock and no support for grassland, temperature or wintering provenance to explain Starling population trends in Europe. However, we acknowledge such a European-wide analysis may conceal regional differences in responses and suggest that currently accessible national land use datamight be insufficient to describe the detailed current changes in animal husbandry and grassland management that may be responsible for changes in food availability and hence breeding Starling abundance and their differences across Europe. Reviewing results from local studies relating Starling population trends to local agricultural change offer contradictory results, suggesting complex interacting processes at work. We recommend combining national datasets on demography, land-use/agricultural practices and from autecological research to better explain the reasons for contrasting Starling trends across Europe, to enable us to predict how changing agriculture will affect Starlings and potentially suggest mitigation measures to restore local populations where possible.Peer reviewe
