168 research outputs found

    Ancient DNA from coral-hosted Symbiodinium reveal a static mutualism over the last 172 years.

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    Ancient DNA (aDNA) provides powerful evidence for detecting the genetic basis for adaptation to environmental change in many taxa. Among the greatest of changes in our biosphere within the last century is rapid anthropogenic ocean warming. This phenomenon threatens corals with extinction, evidenced by the increasing observation of widespread mortality following mass bleaching events. There is some evidence and conjecture that coral-dinoflagellate symbioses change partnerships in response to changing external conditions over ecological and evolutionary timescales. Until now, we have been unable to ascertain the genetic identity of Symbiodinium hosted by corals prior to the rapid global change of the last century. Here, we show that Symbiodinium cells recovered from dry, century old specimens of 6 host species of octocorals contain sufficient DNA for amplification of the ITS2 subregion of the nuclear ribosomal DNA, commonly used for genotyping within this genus. Through comparisons with modern specimens sampled from similar locales we show that symbiotic associations among several species have been static over the last century, thereby suggesting that adaptive shifts to novel symbiont types is not common among these gorgonians, and perhaps, symbiotic corals in general

    Inference algorithms for gene networks: a statistical mechanics analysis

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    The inference of gene regulatory networks from high throughput gene expression data is one of the major challenges in systems biology. This paper aims at analysing and comparing two different algorithmic approaches. The first approach uses pairwise correlations between regulated and regulating genes; the second one uses message-passing techniques for inferring activating and inhibiting regulatory interactions. The performance of these two algorithms can be analysed theoretically on well-defined test sets, using tools from the statistical physics of disordered systems like the replica method. We find that the second algorithm outperforms the first one since it takes into account collective effects of multiple regulators

    A new species of western Atlantic lizardfish (Teleostei: Synodontidae: Synodus) and resurrection of Synodus bondi Fowler, 1939, as a valid species from the Caribbean with redescriptions of S. bondi, S. foetens (Linnaeus, 1766), and S. intermedius (Agassiz, 1829)

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    Western Atlantic synodontid species were studied as part of an ongoing effort to reanalyze Caribbean shorefish diversity. A neighbor-joining tree constructed from cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) data revealed 2 highly divergent genetic lineages within both Synodus intermedius (Agassiz, 1829) (Sand Diver) and S. foetens (Linnaeus, 1766) (Inshore Lizardfish). A new species, Synodus macrostigmus, is described for one of the S. intermedius lineages. Synodus macrostigmus and S. intermedius differ in number of lateral-line scales, caudal pigmentation, size of the scapular blotch, and shape of the anterior-nostril flap. Synodus macrostigmus and S. intermedius have overlapping geographic and depth distributions, but S. macrostigmus generally inhabits deeper water (>28 m) than does S. intermedius and is known only from coastal waters of the southeastern United States and the Gulf of Mexico, in contrast to those areas and the Caribbean for S. intermedius. Synodus bondi Fowler, 1939, is resurrected from the synonymy of S. foetens for one of the S. foetens genetic lineages. The 2 species differ in length and shape of the snout, number of anal-fin rays, and shape of the anterior-nostril flap. Synodus bondi and S. foetens co-occur in the central Caribbean, but S. bondi otherwise has a more southerly distribution than does S. foetens. Redescriptions are provided for S. intermedius, S. foetens, and S. bondi. Neotypes are designated for S. intermedius and S. foetens. A revised key to Synodus species in the western Atlantic is presented

    An Unprecedented Aggregation of Whale Sharks, Rhincodon typus, in Mexican Coastal Waters of the Caribbean Sea

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    Whale sharks, Rhincodon typus, are often perceived as solitary behemoths that live and feed in the open ocean. To the contrary, evidence is accumulating that they are gregarious and form seasonal aggregations in some coastal waters. One such aggregation occurs annually north of Cabo Catoche, off Isla Holbox on the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico. Here we report a second, much denser aggregation of whale sharks (dubbed “the Afuera”) that occurs east of the tip of the Yucatán Peninsula in the Caribbean Sea. The 2009 Afuera event comprised the largest aggregation of whale sharks ever reported, with up to 420 whale sharks observed in a single aerial survey, all gathered in an elliptical patch of ocean approximately 18 km2. Plankton studies indicated that the sharks were feeding on dense homogenous patches of fish eggs, which DNA barcoding analysis identified as belonging to little tunny, Euthynnus alletteratus. This contrasts with the annual Cabo Catoche aggregation nearby, where prey consists mostly of copepods and sergestid shrimp. Increased sightings at the Afuera coincide with decreased sightings at Cabo Catoche, and both groups have the same sex ratio, implying that the same animals are likely involved in both aggregations; tagging data support this idea. With two whale shark aggregation areas, high coastal productivity and a previously-unknown scombrid spawning ground, the northeastern Yucatán marine region is a critical habitat that deserves more concerted conservation efforts

    Complete Genomic Sequence of Bacteriophage Felix O1†

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    Bacteriophage O1 is a Myoviridae A1 group member used historically for identifying Salmonella. Sequencing revealed a single, linear, 86,155-base-pair genome with 39% average G+C content, 131 open reading frames, and 22 tRNAs. Closest protein homologs occur in Erwinia amylovora phage φEa21-4 and Escherichia coli phage wV8. Proteomic analysis indentified structural proteins: Gp23, Gp36 (major tail protein), Gp49, Gp53, Gp54, Gp55, Gp57, Gp58 (major capsid protein), Gp59, Gp63, Gp64, Gp67, Gp68, Gp69, Gp73, Gp74 and Gp77 (tail fiber). Based on phage-host codon differences, 7 tRNAs could affect translation rate during infection. Introns, holin-lysin cassettes, bacterial toxin homologs and host RNA polymerase-modifying genes were absent

    Novel synthetic sulfoglycolipid IG20 facilitates exocytosis in chromaffin cells through the regulation of sodium channels

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Novel synthetic sulfoglycolipid IG20 facilitates exocytosis in chromaffin cells through the regulation of sodium channels: Journal of Neurochemistre, 135.5 (2015), which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jnc.13357In searching for druggable synthetic lipids as potential modulators of synaptic transmission and plasticity, we synthesized sulfoglycolipid IG20 that stimulates neuritic outgrowth. Here we have explored its effects on ion channels and exocytosis in bovine chromaffin cells (BCCs). IG20 augmented the rate of basal catecholamine release. Such effect did not depend on Ca2+ mobilization from intracellular stores; rather, IG20-elicited secretion entirely dependent on Ca2+ entry through Lsubtype voltage-activated Ca2+ channels. Those channels were recruited by cell depolarization mediated by IG20 likely through its ability to enhance the recruitment of Na+ channels at more hyperpolarizing potentials. Confocal imaging with fluorescent derivative IG20-NBD revealed its rapid incorporation and confinement into the plasmalemma, supporting the idea that IG20 effects are exerted through a plasmalemmal-delimited mechanism. Thus, synthetic IG20 seems to mimic several physiological effects of endogenous lipids such as regulation of ion channels, Ca2+ signaling, and exocytosis. Therefore, sulfoglycolipid IG20 may become a pharmacological tool to investigate the role of the lipid environment on neuronal excitability, ion channels, neurotransmitter release, synaptic efficacy, and neuronal plasticity. It may also inspire the synthesis of druggable sulfoglycolipids aimed at increasing synaptic plasticity and efficacy in neurodegenerative diseases and traumatic brain – spinal cord injuryThis work was supported by grants from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain (MINECO, SAF-2013-44108-P to AGG and LG; and FIS-PI11/01436 to AFM), Fundación Eugenio Rodríguez Pascual (to LG). We thank the continued support of Fundación Teófilo Hernando, Madrid, Spai

    Direct-coupling analysis of residue co-evolution captures native contacts across many protein families

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    The similarity in the three-dimensional structures of homologous proteins imposes strong constraints on their sequence variability. It has long been suggested that the resulting correlations among amino acid compositions at different sequence positions can be exploited to infer spatial contacts within the tertiary protein structure. Crucial to this inference is the ability to disentangle direct and indirect correlations, as accomplished by the recently introduced Direct Coupling Analysis (DCA) (Weigt et al. (2009) Proc Natl Acad Sci 106:67). Here we develop a computationally efficient implementation of DCA, which allows us to evaluate the accuracy of contact prediction by DCA for a large number of protein domains, based purely on sequence information. DCA is shown to yield a large number of correctly predicted contacts, recapitulating the global structure of the contact map for the majority of the protein domains examined. Furthermore, our analysis captures clear signals beyond intra- domain residue contacts, arising, e.g., from alternative protein conformations, ligand- mediated residue couplings, and inter-domain interactions in protein oligomers. Our findings suggest that contacts predicted by DCA can be used as a reliable guide to facilitate computational predictions of alternative protein conformations, protein complex formation, and even the de novo prediction of protein domain structures, provided the existence of a large number of homologous sequences which are being rapidly made available due to advances in genome sequencing.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures, to appear in PNA

    Structural and Functional Characterization of Mature Forms of Metalloprotease E495 from Arctic Sea-Ice Bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp. SM495

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    E495 is the most abundant protease secreted by the Arctic sea-ice bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp. SM495. As a thermolysin family metalloprotease, E495 was found to have multiple active forms in the culture of strain SM495. E495-M (containing only the catalytic domain) and E495-M-C1 (containing the catalytic domain and one PPC domain) were two stable mature forms, and E495-M-C1-C2 (containing the catalytic domain and two PPC domains) might be an intermediate. Compared to E495-M, E495-M-C1 had similar affinity and catalytic efficiency to oligopeptides, but higher affinity and catalytic efficiency to proteins. The PPC domains from E495 were expressed as GST-fused proteins. Both of the recombinant PPC domains were shown to have binding ability to proteins C-phycocyanin and casein, and domain PPC1 had higher affinity to C-phycocyanin than domain PPC2. These results indicated that the domain PPC1 in E495-M-C1 could be helpful in binding protein substrate, and therefore, improving the catalytic efficiency. Site-directed mutagenesis on the PPC domains showed that the conserved polar and aromatic residues, D26, D28, Y30, Y/W65, in the PPC domains played key roles in protein binding. Our study may shed light on the mechanism of organic nitrogen degradation in the Arctic sea ice

    Helicobacter pylori infection and circulating ghrelin levels - A systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: The nature of the association between ghrelin, an orexigenic hormone produced mainly in the stomach, and Helicobacter pylori (H pylori), a bacterium that colonises the stomach, is still controversial. We examined available evidence to determine whether an association exists between the two; and if one exists, in what direction. METHODS: We reviewed original English language studies on humans reporting circulating ghrelin levels in H pylori infected and un-infected participants; and circulating ghrelin levels before and after H pylori eradication. Meta-analyses were conducted for eligible studies by combining study specific estimates using the inverse variance method with weighted average for continuous outcomes in a random effects model. RESULTS: Seventeen out of 27 papers that reported ghrelin levels in H pylori positive and negative subjects found lower circulating ghrelin levels in H pylori positive subjects; while 10 found no difference. A meta-analysis of 19 studies with a total of 1801 participants showed a significantly higher circulating ghrelin concentration in H pylori negative participants than in H pylori positive participants (Effect estimate (95%CI) = -0.48 (-0.60, -0.36)). However, eradicating H pylori did not have any significant effect on circulating ghrelin levels (Effect estimate (95% CI) = 0.08 (-0.33, 0.16); Test for overall effect: Z = 0.67 (P = 0.5)). CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that circulating ghrelin levels are lower in H pylori infected people compared to those not infected; but the relationship between circulating ghrelin and eradication of H pylori is more complex