6,227 research outputs found

    Floor Mapping: A Novel Method of Integrating Anatomical Structure with Immunological Function

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    Session - Assessment (Abstract)This free journal suppl. entitled: Special Issue: Abstracts of the 13th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) ... 2016The Biomedical Common Year 1 occurs prior to admission to the medical programme. Students achieving a grade point average over 6.0 are eligible for an admissions interview. The research question of the study was, “If students have a definite interest in becoming a future doctor in their premedical course, does this relate to their levels of motivation, competitiveness, perceived stress, quality of life and grade attainment?” A total of 1369 students who completed a high stakes biosciences assessment were asked to disclose their grade (converted to a numerical value) and to complete the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire, a World Health Organisation Quality Of Life (QoL) questionnaire, Perceived Stress Scale, and Revised Competitiveness Index. To explore differences between those students who aimed to be doctors vs those who did not, a binary logistic regression was conducted. Twenty five percent of students participated in the research. Significant predictors of course intention (medicine; other) were academic attainment, perceived stress, and physical and environmental QoL. Post hoc analyses revealed that perceived stress and physical QoL were moderating variables. Students with an intention to become a doctor tend to attain higher grades and have better environmental quality of life scores. This may indicate that students who are admitted into medical school gain higher grades but also likely come from more affluent and well-resourced backgrounds. Physical health problems and perceived stress are likely to moderate the impact of grade achievement, environmental QoL, competition and motivation.link_to_OA_fulltex

    Changes in the metabolic potential of the sponge microbiome under ocean acidification.

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    Anthropogenic CO2 emissions are causing ocean acidification, which can affect the physiology of marine organisms. Here we assess the possible effects of ocean acidification on the metabolic potential of sponge symbionts, inferred by metagenomic analyses of the microbiomes of two sponge species sampled at a shallow volcanic CO2 seep and a nearby control reef. When comparing microbial functions between the seep and control sites, the microbiome of the sponge Stylissa flabelliformis (which is more abundant at the control site) exhibits at the seep reduced potential for uptake of exogenous carbohydrates and amino acids, and for degradation of host-derived creatine, creatinine and taurine. The microbiome of Coelocarteria singaporensis (which is more abundant at the seep) exhibits reduced potential for carbohydrate import at the seep, but greater capacity for archaeal carbon fixation via the 3-hydroxypropionate/4-hydroxybutyrate pathway, as well as archaeal and bacterial urea production and ammonia assimilation from arginine and creatine catabolism. Together these metabolic features might contribute to enhanced tolerance of the sponge symbionts, and possibly their host, to ocean acidification

    Ischaemic colitis: Practical challenges and evidence-based recommendations for management

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    Ischaemic colitis (IC) is a common condition with rising incidence, and in severe cases a high mortality rate. Its presentation, severity and disease behaviour can vary widely, and there exists significant heterogeneity in treatment strategies and resultant outcomes. In this article we explore practical challenges in the management of IC, and where available make evidence-based recommendations for its management based on a comprehensive review of available literature. An optimal approach to initial management requires early recognition of the diagnosis followed by prompt and appropriate investigation. Ideally, this should involve the input of both gastroenterology and surgery. CT with intravenous contrast is the imaging modality of choice. It can support clinical diagnosis, define the severity and distribution of ischaemia, and has prognostic value. In all but fulminant cases, this should be followed (within 48 hours) by lower gastrointestinal endoscopy to reach the distal-most extent of the disease, providing endoscopic (and histological) confirmation. The mainstay of medical management is conservative/supportive treatment, with bowel rest, fluid resuscitation and antibiotics. Specific laboratory, radiological and endoscopic features are recognised to correlate with more severe disease, higher rates of surgical intervention and ultimately worse outcomes. These factors should be carefully considered when deciding on the need for and timing of surgical intervention

    Oakleaf: an S locus-linked mutation of Primula vulgaris that affects leaf and flower development

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    •In Primula vulgaris outcrossing is promoted through reciprocal herkogamy with insect-mediated cross-pollination between pin and thrum form flowers. Development of heteromorphic flowers is coordinated by genes at the S locus. To underpin construction of a genetic map facilitating isolation of these S locus genes, we have characterised Oakleaf, a novel S locus-linked mutant phenotype. •We combine phenotypic observation of flower and leaf development, with classical genetic analysis and next-generation sequencing to address the molecular basis of Oakleaf. •Oakleaf is a dominant mutation that affects both leaf and flower development; plants produce distinctive lobed leaves, with occasional ectopic meristems on the veins. This phenotype is reminiscent of overexpression of Class I KNOX-homeodomain transcription factors. We describe the structure and expression of all eight P. vulgaris PvKNOX genes in both wild-type and Oakleaf plants, and present comparative transcriptome analysis of leaves and flowers from Oakleaf and wild-type plants. •Oakleaf provides a new phenotypic marker for genetic analysis of the Primula S locus. We show that none of the Class I PvKNOX genes are strongly upregulated in Oakleaf leaves and flowers, and identify cohorts of 507 upregulated and 314 downregulated genes in the Oakleaf mutant

    Effects of laser frequency chirp on modal noise in short-range radio over multimode fiber links

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    none5An important effect of the frequency chirp of the optical transmitter in radio over multimode fiber links is put into evidence experimentally and modeled theoretically for the first time, to our knowledge. This effect can have an important impact in short-range connections, where, although intermodal dispersion does not generally cause unacceptable limitations to the transmittable bandwidth, the presence of modal noise must be accurately kept under control, since it determines undesired real-time fluctuations of the link.Scopus Index: 2-s2.0-77649170191; ISI index: :000275389700013noneD. Visani; G. Tartarini; M. N. Petersen; P. Faccin; L. TarlazziD. Visani; G. Tartarini; M. N. Petersen; P. Faccin; L. Tarlazz

    Long-distance remote comparison of ultrastable optical frequencies with 1e-15 instability in fractions of a second

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    We demonstrate a fully optical, long-distance remote comparison of independent ultrastable optical frequencies reaching a short term stability that is superior to any reported remote comparison of optical frequencies. We use two ultrastable lasers, which are separated by a geographical distance of more than 50 km, and compare them via a 73 km long phase-stabilized fiber in a commercial telecommunication network. The remote characterization spans more than one optical octave and reaches a fractional frequency instability between the independent ultrastable laser systems of 3e-15 in 0.1 s. The achieved performance at 100 ms represents an improvement by one order of magnitude to any previously reported remote comparison of optical frequencies and enables future remote dissemination of the stability of 100 mHz linewidth lasers within seconds.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure
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