2,291 research outputs found

    Integrins alpha v beta 3 and alpha v beta 5 contribute to cell attachment to vitronectin but differentially distribute on the cell surface.

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    We investigated the role of the integrins alpha v beta 3 and alpha v beta 5 in mediating vitronectin adhesion of three phenotypically distinct cell types. M21 human melanoma cells and H2981 lung carcinoma cells use both alpha v-containing integrins in adhering to vitronectin while UCLA-P3 lung carcinoma cells adhere exclusively with alpha v beta 5. Specifically, monoclonal antibodies directed to functional epitopes on both receptors were required to block adhesion of M21 or H2981 cells while adhesion of UCLA-P3 cells to vitronectin could be blocked with a monoclonal antibody to alpha v beta 5. Although both receptors are involved in M21 and H2981 cell adhesion to vitronectin, only alpha v beta 3 can be detected in focal contacts, colocalizing with vinculin, talin, and the ends of actin filaments, while alpha v beta 5 shows a distinct, nonfocal contact, distribution on the cell surface. These results provide the first evidence that two homologous integrins that recognize the same ligand distribute differentially on the cell surface

    The Affirmatively Hispanic Judge: Modern Opportunities for Increasing Hispanic Representation on the Federal Bench

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    There is an abundance of literature on how race shapes, or has the potential to shape, judicial decision-making. Rather than looking to what occurs once a Hispanic judge dons his or her robes, this Article examines the how and why of getting that judge appointed. Part I of this Article will review both the statistics of the general Hispanic population in the United States and examine how demographic changes warrant a renewed commitment to a diversified judiciary, and similarly review the current Hispanic composition serving on the federal bench. Part II will discuss why we should aim for representational parity between the percentage of Hispanics on the federal bench and the percentage of Hispanics residing in the United States. Part III will conclude that the Obama administration has the opportunity and mandate to aggressively promote Hispanic candidates to the federal judiciary, with the goal of continuing the upward trajectory that most recently occurred during the presidential administrations of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush

    JPEG steganography with particle swarm optimization accelerated by AVX

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    Digital steganography aims at hiding secret messages in digital data transmitted over insecure channels. The JPEG format is prevalent in digital communication, and images are often used as cover objects in digital steganography. Optimization methods can improve the properties of images with embedded secret but introduce additional computational complexity to their processing. AVX instructions available in modern CPUs are, in this work, used to accelerate data parallel operations that are part of image steganography with advanced optimizations.Web of Science328art. no. e544

    Desarrollo de una nueva metodología de transformación genética no tradicional, como estrategia potencial para incluir resistencia a infecciones fúngicas en vainilla (Vainilla Planifolia).

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    Proyecto de Investigación (Código: 5402-2160-2701) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Extensión (VIE). Escuela de Ciencias y Letras, 2012Este estudio consistió en la evaluación de las condiciones experimentales para laransformación genética de Vanilla planifolia por medio de un sistema de biobalística de baja presión. Los meristemos radicales de aproximadamente 0.5 cm, provenientes de microestacas desarrolladas en un medio líquido MS básico en agitación, se colocaron en un medio osmótico 16 hr antes y 24 hr después del bombardeo, posteriormente se subcultivaron en medio MS suplementado con 1 y 3 mg/L de benciladenina. Se incluyeron controles de bombardeo sin plásmido y controles de explantes, con y sin estrés osmótico. 48 hr después del bombardeo se realizó la prueba de expresión transitoria con el X-Gluc y se observó una tinción azulada en la epidermis de las terminales radicales bombardeadas con el plásmido así como también en los controles. A las 2 semanas también se presentó tinción en las regiones externa e interna de las estructuras iniciales que conducen a la formación de los PLBs en todos los tratamientos evaluados y los controles. La presencia de la tinción azul correspondiente a la degradación del sustrato X-Gluc en los controles, evidencia la expresión de enzimas endógenas en los tejidos de la planta que podrían interferir con la interpretación de los resultados de expresión transitoria. Este sería el primer reporte de actividad -glucoronidasa endógena en materiales in vitro de vainilla. De acuerdo a la evidencia obtenida, el estrés inducido por el choque osmótico en las terminales radicales de vainilla, puede provocar contaminación por un aumento en el crecimiento de potenciales microorganismos endógenos y por ende, la pérdida de material vegetal. Aunque es factible utilizar meristemos radicales de vainilla para la transformación genética de esta especie, se propone que una estructura más apropiada para este fin podría ser el estadio inicial observado cuando se forma el PLB a partir de los meristemos radicales. _______________________________________________________________________ Abstract: This study consisted in the evaluation of the experimental conditions for genetic transformation of Vanilla planifolia by a biolistic system under low pressure. Root tips of 0.5 cm of length, from seedlings developed in basic MS liquid medium under agitation, were placed in an osmotic medium, 16 hr before and 24 hr after bombarding, subsequently they were placed in MS culture medium supplemented with 1 and 3 mg/L benzyladenine. The assay included bombarding controls without plasmid and controls of explants with and without osmotic stress. After 48 hr of bombarding, root tips were exposed to X-Gluc and a blue staining was observed in the epidermis of the root tips, as well as in the controls. After 2 weeks, the blue staining was also present in the external and internal areas of the initial structures that become PLBs, in all the treatments evaluated and controls. The presence of the staining corresponding to X-Gluc substrate degradation in the controls evidences the expression of endogenous enzymes in plant tissue, which could interfere with interpretation of transient expression results. This would be the first report of endogenous -glucuronidase activity in in vitro vanilla materials. According to the obtained evidence, it is also important to take into consideration that stress induced by osmotic shock in the terminal tips of vanilla plants, could cause contamination by an increase in the growth of potential endogenous microorganisms and, consequently the loss of plant material. Although it is possible to utilize vanilla root meristems for genetic transformation of this species, it is postulated that a more appropriated structure for transformation could be the initial stage on the process of PLB formation from root meristems

    The effect of the liquid-solid system properties on the interline heat transfer coefficient

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    A theoretical procedure to determine the heat transfer characteristics of the interline region of an evaporating meniscus using the macroscopic optical and thermophysical properties of the system is outlined. The analysis is based on the premise that the interline transport processes are controlled by the London-van der Waals forces between condensed phases (solid and liquid). The procedure is used to compare the relative size of the interline heat sink of various systems using a constant heat flux model. This solution demonstrates the importance of the interline heat flow number which is evaluated for various systems. The heat transfer characteristics of the decane-steel system are numerically compared with those of the carbon tetrachloride-quartz system

    Experiments and Modeling of Evaporating/Condensing Menisci

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    Discuss the Constrained Vapor Bubble (CVB) experiment and how it aims to achieve a better understanding of the physics of evaporation and condensation and how they affect cooling processes in microgravity using a remotely controlled microscope and a small cooling device

    The Relationship Between Sex and Injury Based on Running Mechanics of Collegiate Runners

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    Please enjoy Volume 7, Issue 1 of the JSMAHS. In this issue, you will find Professional, Graduate, and Undergraduate research abstracts, and case reports. Thank you for viewing this 7th Annual OATA Special Edition

    The Effects of a 6-Week Intrinsic Foot Morphology, Kinematics, and Kinetics in Individuals with Pes Planus

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    CONTEXTThe intrinsic foot muscles are vital in supporting the medial longitudinal arch of the foot. Individuals with pes planus have poor foot morphology, strength, and biomechanics, warranting an intervention. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES At pre-intervention, foot posture and arch height were assessed via the Foot Posture Index-6 and the Navicular Drop test, respectively. Cross-sectional area of the abductor hallucis was assessed using ultrasound as an indirect measure of strength. Biomechanical measures, including peak rearfoot eversion, peak tibial internal rotation, peak rearfoot eversion moment, and center of pressure excursion, were collected using 3D-motion capture and an instrumented treadmill. At post-intervention, these morphological and biomechanical measures were repeated. Descriptive statistics were calculated for each dependent variable by group and time. A repeated measures ANOVA was conducted for each dependent variable with the within subjects factor time and between subjects factor group

    Liberdade estética e compromissos de Mercado

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    Desarrollo de una metodología para el diagnóstico viral y la producción de plantas de camote libres de virus

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    Proyecto de Investigación (Código: 5402-2151-8701) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Extensión (VIE). Escuela de Ingeniería en Agronomía, 2013El objetivo general de este proyecto fue producir plantas de camote libre de virus. Para lograr este objetivo primero se identificaron los virus más comunes en los cantones de San Carlos y San Ramón (San Isidro de Peñas Blancas), utilizando la técnica NCM-ELISA, posteriormente se desarrolló un metodología para la limpieza viral, combinando la termoterapia con el cultivo de meristemos y se evaluó el crecimiento y la producción de esquejes provenientes de plantas libres de virus con esquejes provenientes de plantas de campo. Los resultados más importantes fueron, el principal virus detectado en la zona de estudio fue el SPFMV. El tratamiento de explantes a 40 ºC por 10 h y posterior extracción del meristemo produjo un 100% plantas libres de virus según el análisis NCM-Elisa. Por último, los esquejes procedentes de plantas in vitro libre de virus mostraron un mejor crecimiento y producción que aquellas provenientes de plantas de campo