48 research outputs found

    Risk and protective factors for sexual aggression across the ecosystem: An overview

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    Prevention of sexual aggression (which ranges from perpetration of unwanted sexual contact to attempted/completed rape) is a complex public health and safety issue that requires attention to multiple levels of social ecology (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2004). The social ecological model provides a framework for understanding how risk and protective factors for sexual aggression exist at multiple levels, with some factors being more proximal such as the individual attitudes, and other factors being more distal such as the broader culture (e.g., laws and policies) (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013). Indeed, research indicates a variety of risk factors (factors associated with increased risk for sexual aggression) and protective factors (factors associated with decreased risk for sexual aggression) that exist across the social ecology (Basile et al., 2016; Tharp et al., 2013). Understanding risk and protective factors across multiple levels of the ecology is key to preventing the complex behavior of sexual aggression. In the current chapter, we review risk and protective factors for sexual aggression among men and boys at multiple levels of the social ecology. Of note, although we earnestly reviewed the interdisciplinary research, this chapter is not meant to be a systematic review. Rather, the purpose of this chapter is to discuss various levels of the social ecology and provide examples of risk and protective factors for the perpetration of sexual assault within each of these levels. The foundational information provided in this chapter sets the stage for subsequent chapters in this edition that focuses on strategies for the primary prevention of sexual aggression

    College students’ perceptions of alcohol’s role in disclosures of sexual assault and intimate partner violence

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    Objective: Much is known about how alcohol increases the risk of sexual assault or intimate partner violence victimization during college. This research qualitatively explores perceptions about how alcohol influences disclosures about these events to informal supports. Participants: Participants included college students who received a disclosure wherein they or the survivor were drinking during the disclosure (n = 81). Methods: Responses were coded with regard to who was drinking and whether the effect of drinking during the disclosure was perceived as positive, negative, mixed, or neutral/none. Results: Participants perceived alcohol to have both positive (e.g., increasing the likelihood of discussing difficult topics) and negative (e.g., cognitive impairment increased negative emotions) effects on disclosures. Conclusion: Prevention and intervention efforts should identify targeted strategies (e.g., remembering one or two easy and helpful phrases; revisiting the topic again while sober) to help survivors and disclosure recipients have constructive conversations in the presence of alcohol

    Youth perceptions of prevention norms and peer violence perpetration and victimization: A prospective analysis

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    The purpose of the current study is to prospectively examine the extent to which social norms perceptions regarding commitment to ending sexual violence are associated with subsequent peer victimization and perpetration experiences. Two types of social norms perceptions were examined: 1) peer norms (perceptions of norms among other students in their city), and 2) adult norms (perceptions of norms among adults in their city). Participants were 1259 middle and high school youth from a single school district (three high schools and five middle schools) who completed online surveys at two‐time points, 6 months apart. Adolescents for whom perceptions of peer norms were one standard deviation or more above and below the mean of actual norms were “over‐perceivers” and “under‐perceivers,” respectively. Overperceivers overestimated their peers’ commitment to ending sexual violence, whereas underperceivers underestimated their peers’ commitment to ending sexual violence. Other adolescents were “accurate perceivers”; these adolescents were accurate in their estimation of their peers’ commitment to ending sexual violence. In general, underperceivers (22.2% of the sample) were more likely than accurate perceivers (77.8% of the sample) to subsequently experience peer‐to‐peer perpetration and victimization. Adolescents who perceived adults to have a higher commitment to ending sexual violence were less likely to report subsequent perpetration and victimization for some forms of peer-to‐peer violence. These findings highlight the potential promise of the social norms approaches to prevent peer‐to‐peer violence among youth which aligns with increasing calls in the field to integrate these approaches into comprehensive sexual violence prevention

    Preventing Teen Relationship Abuse and Sexual Assault through Bystander Training: Intervention Outcomes for School Personnel

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    The purpose of the current study was to examine the impact of exposure to Bringing in the Bystander—High School Curriculum (BITB-HSC) on school personnel, which included a seven session classroom curriculum for ninth through twelfth graders (student curriculum), a bystander training workshop for school personnel (school personnel workshop), and reading materials (handout). We examined how exposure to these various BITB-HSC intervention components was associated with school personnel’s knowledge and bystander efïŹcacy, intentions, and barriers speciïŹc to student relationship abuse (RA) and sexual assault (SA). Participants were 488 school personnel from 12 high schools in upper New England who completed the 4-month follow-up survey that assessed for intervention exposure (284 participants completed both the baseline and follow-up survey). Whereas 53% of participants were exposed to no intervention components, the other half of the sample were exposed to a combination of intervention components. Higher baseline knowledge and reactive bystander intentions were associated with subsequent exposure to both the student curriculum and the handout, and fewer barriers to bystander action predicted exposure to the school personnel workshop. Exposure to the school personnel workshop, student curriculum, and handout was associated with subsequent greater knowledge, exposure to the student curriculum predicted reactive bystander intentions, and exposure to the handout predicted higher reactive bystander intentions and bystander efïŹcacy. Findings suggest that despite challenges with engagement, exposure to the BITB-HSC components may be a useful tool in improving school personnel’s responses to RA and SA among high school students

    Using intergenerational photovoice to understand family strengths among Native American children and their caregivers

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    The purpose of the current study was to examine Native American children and caregivers\u27 perspectives of family and cultural strengths using photovoice and to identify lessons learned from the first‐ever implementation of intergenerational photovoice with Native Americans. Participants were Native American, low‐income caregivers (n = 6) and their children (n = 12) between the ages of 10 and 15 who participated in six photovoice sessions. The themes that emerged from photos and group discussion included myriad challenges faced by Native American families including exposure to community violence, substance abuse, and criminal offending and incarceration. Themes also emerged that highlighted the strengths of Native families that were used to overcome identified challenges, including religion/spirituality, engagement in traditional cultural practices (e.g., prayer, song, dance), healthy activities (e.g., running, meditation). These data provided foundational information that is currently being used, along with other data, to develop a culturally grounded, strengths-focused, family‐based program (Tiwahe Wicagwicayapi [Strengthening/Growing Families in Lakota]) to prevent adverse childhood experiences. We also discuss the challenges of intergenerational photovoice and lessons learned to inform future intergenerational photovoice projects

    Indigenous Cultural Identity Protects Against Intergenerational Transmission of ACEs Among Indigenous Caregivers and Their Children

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    A large body of empirical research has demonstrated that caregiver adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) predict ACEs in one’s child, a phenomenon known as the intergenerational transmission of ACEs. Little of this empirical research, however, has focused specifically on Indigenous peoples despite a growing body of theoretical literature and the wisdom of Elders and Traditional Knowledge Keepers that speaks to the presence of this phenomenon within Indigenous communities as well as the protective role of Indigenous cultural identity in preventing the intergenerational transmission of ACEs. The purpose of the current study was to conduct an empirical evaluation of this hypothesis, specifically that Indigenous cultural identity and social support protects against the intergenerational transmission of ACEs among Indigenous peoples and their children in the USA. Participants were 106 Indigenous women caregivers of children ages 10 to 14 in South Dakota who completed surveys. Results showed that Indigenous cultural identity moderated the association between caregiver ACEs and child ACEs. At high levels of cultural identity, there was no association between caregiver ACEs and child ACEs. At low levels of Indigenous cultural identity, however, there was a strong and positive relationship between caregiver ACEs and child ACEs. Social support did not moderate the association between caregiver ACEs and child ACEs. These findings underscore the need for initiatives that enhance Indigenous cultural identity and social support among Indigenous caregivers to prevent the intergenerational transmission of ACEs

    Developing and implementing a school-led motor intervention for children with handwriting difficulties

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    We describe the development of an evidence-based motor intervention and an implementation pilot study in ten primary schools, involving 515 children (4–11 years). ‘Helping Handwriting SHINE’ (HHS) is a novel, school-led, group-based handwriting intervention. Teaching staff delivered HHS and provided feedback through a questionnaire, reporting that: (i) the children found the tasks enjoyable; (ii) the background and booklet instructions were easy to understand, (iii) there was a need for more comprehensive staff training. The teaching staff made recommendations about session duration, group size, resource availability, and age differentiation of tasks. These suggestions are applicable to the development of any school-based group-led motor intervention, and we used this feedback to refine the HHS intervention. This study shows that implementing school-led motor interventions at scale is possible. Moreover, the work provides insights into the factors to consider when developing school-based motor interventions prior to conducting randomized controlled trials (RCT). The process outlined in this manuscript has led to an RCT to test the effectiveness of HHS within primary schools.</p

    Rates and Correlates of Intimate Partner Abuse Among Indigenous Women Caregivers

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    Intimate partner abuse (IPA) is a public health crisis that disproportionately impacts indigenous women. We know little about rates and correlates of IPA victimization (IPAV) and abuse directed at one’s partner (ADP) among indigenous women caregivers (people who take care of children). The purpose of the current study was to address this critical gap in the literature. Participants were 44 indigenous women caregivers in the United States in a current relationship who completed a survey. Most women reported IPAV and ADP experiences in the past 6 months, and IPAV and ADP abuse directed at partner were positively associated. Further, IPAV was positively associated with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), participants’ engagement in harsh parenting, and depressive symptoms. IPAV was negatively associated with age, income, indigenous cultural identity, and social support. ADP was positively associated with ACEs, harsh parenting, and depressive symptoms. ADP was negatively associated with age and income. ADP was not associated with indigenous cultural identity and social support. These data suggest the urgency with which efforts are needed to prevent and respond to IPA among indigenous women caregivers, especially those who are younger and of lower income, and that culturally grounded initiatives that seek to build social support may be especially impactful

    Your Path to Transplant: A randomized controlled trial of a tailored computer education intervention to increase living donor kidney transplant

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    Background: Because of the deceased donor organ shortage, more kidney patients are considering whether to receive kidneys from family and friends, a process called living donor kidney transplantation (LDKT). Although Blacks and Hispanics are 3.4 and 1.5 times more likely, respectively, to develop end stage renal disease (ESRD) than Whites, they are less likely to receive LDKTs. To address this disparity, a new randomized controlled trial (RCT) will assess whether Black, Hispanic, and White transplant patients’ knowledge, readiness to pursue LDKT, and receipt of LDKTs can be increased when they participate in the Your Path to Transplant (YPT) computer-tailored intervention. Methods/Design: Nine hundred Black, Hispanic, and White ESRD patients presenting for transplant evaluation at University of California, Los Angeles Kidney and Pancreas Transplant Program (UCLA-KPTP) will be randomly assigned to one of two education conditions, YPT or Usual Care Control Education (UC). As they undergo transplant evaluation, patients in the YPT condition will receive individually-tailored telephonic coaching sessions, feedback reports, video and print transplant education resources, and assistance with reducing any known socioeconomic barriers to LDKT. Patients receiving UC will only receive transplant education provided by UCLA-KPTP. Changes in transplant knowledge, readiness, pros and cons, and self-efficacy to pursue LDKT will be assessed prior to presenting at the transplant center (baseline), during transplant evaluation, and 4- and 8-months post-baseline, while completion of transplant evaluation and receipt of LDKTs will be assessed at 18-months post-baseline. The RCT will determine, compared to UC, whether Black, Hispanic, and White patients receiving YPT increase in their readiness to pursue LDKT and transplant knowledge, and become more likely to complete transplant medical evaluation and pursue LDKT. It will also examine how known patient, family, and healthcare system barriers to LDKT act alone and in combination with YPT to affect patients’ transplant decision-making and behavior. Statistical analyses will be performed under an intent-to-treat approach. Discussion: At the conclusion of the study, we will have assessed the effectiveness of an innovative and cost-effective YPT intervention that could be utilized to tailor LDKT discussion and education based on the needs of individual patients of different races in many healthcare settings. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT02181114

    Use of optical mapping to sort uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains into distinct subgroups

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    Optical maps were generated for 33 uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) isolates. For individual genomes, the NcoI restriction fragments aligned into a unique chromosome map for each individual isolate, which was then compared with the in silico restriction maps of all of the sequenced E. coli and Shigella strains. All of the UPEC isolates clustered separately from the Shigella strains as well as the laboratory and enterohaemorrhagic E. coli strains. Moreover, the individual strains appeared to cluster into distinct subgroups based on the dendrogram analyses. Phylogenetic grouping of these 33 strains showed that 32/33 were the B2 subgroup and 1/33 was subgroup A. To further characterize the similarities and differences among the 33 isolates, pathogenicity island (PAI), haemolysin and virulence gene comparisons were performed. A strong correlation was observed between individual subgroups and virulence factor genes as well as haemolysis activity. Furthermore, there was considerable conservation of sequenced-strain PAIs in the specific subgroups. Strains with different antibiotic-resistance patterns also appeared to sort into separate subgroups. Thus, the optical maps distinguished the UPEC strains from other E. coli strains and further subdivided the strains into distinct subgroups. This optical mapping procedure holds promise as an alternative way to subgroup all E. coli strains, including those involved in infections outside of the intestinal tract and epidemic strains with distinct patterns of antibiotic resistance