895 research outputs found

    Biomechanical analysis of temporomandibular joint dynamics based on real-time magnetic resonance imaging

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    Aim: The traditional hinge axis theory of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dynamics is increasingly being replaced by the theory of instantaneous centers of rotation (ICR). Typically, ICR determinations are based on theoretical calculations or three-dimensional approximations of finite element models. Materials and methods: With the advent of real-time magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), natural physiologic movements of the TMJ may be visualized with 15 frames per second. The present study employs real-time MRI to analyze the TMJ biomechanics of healthy volunteers during mandibular movements, with a special emphasis on horizontal condylar inclination (HCI) and ICR pathways. The Wilcoxon rank sum test was used to comparatively analyze ICR pathways of mandibular opening and closure. Results: Mean HCI was 34.8 degrees (± 11.3 degrees) and mean mandibular rotation was 26.6 degrees (± 7.2 degrees). Within a mandibular motion of 10 to 30 degrees, the resulting x- and y-translation during opening and closure of the mandible differed significantly (10 to 20 degrees, x: P = 0.02 and y: P 30 degrees showed no significant differences in x- and y-translation. Near occlusion movements differed only for y-translation (P < 0.01). Conclusion: Real-time MRI facilitates the direct recording of TMJ structures during physiologic mandibular movements. The present findings support the theory of ICR. Statistics confirmed that opening and closure of the mandible follow different ICR pathways, which might be due to muscular activity discrepancies during different movement directions. ICR pathways were similar within maximum interincisal distance (MID) and near occlusion (NO), which might be explained by limited extensibility of tissue fibers (MID) and tooth contact (NO), respectively

    Climate-Based Suitability Assessment for Methane Mitigation by Water Saving Technology in Paddy Fields of the Central Plain of Thailand

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    The alternate wetting and drying (AWD) water management technique has been identified as one of the most promising options for mitigating methane (CH4_{4}) emissions from rice cultivation. By its nature, however, this option is limited only to paddy fields where farmers have sustained access to irrigation water. In addition, large amounts of rainfall often make it difficult to drain water from paddy fields. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the specific conditions and suitability of an area in which AWD is foreseen to be applied before its CH4_{4} mitigation potential can be assessed in view of planning regional and national mitigation actions. In this study, we applied a methodology developed for assessing the climatic suitability of AWD to paddy fields in the central plain of Thailand in order to determine the potential spatial and temporal boundaries given by climatic and soil parameters that could impact on the applicability of AWD. Related to this, we also assessed the CH4_{4} mitigation potential in the target provinces. Results showed that the entire area of the six target provinces was climatically suitable for AWD in both the major (wet) and second (dry) rice seasons. A sensitivity analysis accounting for uncertainties in soil percolation and suitability classification indicated that these settings did not affect the results of the suitability assessment, although they changed to some extent the distribution of moderate and high climatic suitability areas in the major rice season. Following the methodologies of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Guidelines, we estimated that the AWD scenario could reduce annual CH4_{4} emissions by 32% compared with the emissions in the baseline (continuously flooded) scenario. The potential of AWD for annual CH4_{4} emission reduction was estimated to be 57,600 t CH4_{4} year−1^{-1}, equivalent to 1.61 Mt CO2_{2}-eq year−1^{-1}, in the target provinces. However, we recognize the possibility that other parameters not included in our current approach may significantly influence the suitability of AWD and thus propose areas for further improvement derived from these limitations. All in all, our results will be instrumental in guiding practitioners at all levels involved in water management for rice cultivation

    Appearance of Flat Bands and Edge States in Boron-Carbon-Nitride Nanoribbons

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    Presence of flat bands and edge states at the Fermi level in graphene nanoribbons with zigzag edges is one of the most interesting and attracting properties of nanocarbon materials but it is believed that they are quite fragile states and disappear when B and N atoms are doped at around the edges. In this paper, we theoretically investigate electronic and magnetic properties of boron-carbon-nitride (BCN) nanoribbons with zigzag edges where the outermost C atoms on the edges are alternately replaced with B and N atoms using the first principles calculations. We show that BCN nanoribbons have the flat bands and edge states at the Fermi level in both H_2 rich and poor environments. The flat bands are similar to those at graphene nanoribbons with zigzag edges, but the distributions of charge and spin densities are different between them. A tight binding model and the Hubbard model analysis show that the difference in the distribution of charge and spin densities is caused by the different site energies of B and N atoms compared with C atoms.Comment: 5 pages; 3 figure

    Inhibition of Renin-Angiotensin System Reverses Endothelial Dysfunction and Oxidative Stress in Estrogen Deficient Rats

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    BACKGROUND: Estrogen deficiency increases the cardiovascular risks in postmenopausal women. Inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) and associated oxidative stress confers a cardiovascular protection, but the role of RAS in estrogen deficiency-related vascular dysfunction is unclear. The present study investigates whether the up-regulation of RAS and associated oxidative stress contributes to the development of endothelial dysfunction during estrogen deficiency in ovariectomized (OVX) rats. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Adult female rats were ovariectomized with and without chronic treatment with valsartan and enalapril. Isometric force measurement was performed in isolated aortae. The expression of RAS components was determined by immunohistochemistry and Western blotting method while ROS accumulation in the vascular wall was evaluated by dihydroethidium fluorescence. Ovariectomy increased the expression of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT(1)R), NAD(P)H oxidase, and nitrotyrosine in the rat aorta. An over-production of angiotensin II and ROS was accompanied by decreased phosphorylation of eNOS at Ser(1177) in OVX rat aortae. These pathophysiological changes were closely coupled with increased oxidative stress and decreased nitric oxide bioavailability, culminating in markedly impaired endothelium-dependent relaxations. Furthermore, endothelial dysfunction and increased oxidative stress in aortae of OVX rats were inhibited or reversed by chronic RAS inhibition with enalapril or valsartan. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The novel findings highlight a significant therapeutic benefit of RAS blockade in the treatment of endothelial dysfunction-related vascular complications in postmenopausal states

    Direct Imaging of Graphene Edges: Atomic Structure and Electronic Scattering

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    We report an atomically-resolved scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) investigation of the edges of graphene grains synthesized on Cu foils by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). Most of the edges are macroscopically parallel to the zigzag directions of graphene lattice. These edges have microscopic roughness that is found to also follow zigzag directions at atomic scale, displaying many ~120 degree turns. A prominent standing wave pattern with periodicity ~3a/4 (a being the graphene lattice constant) is observed near a rare-occurring armchair-oriented edge. Observed features of this wave pattern are consistent with the electronic intervalley backscattering predicted to occur at armchair edges but not at zigzag edges

    Gender Differences in Climate Change Perception and Adaptation Strategies: The Case of Three Provinces in Vietnam’s Mekong River Delta

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    The Policy Information and Response Platform on Climate Change and Rice in ASEAN and its Member Countries Project (PIRCCA) is one of the trial projects funded under Flagship 4. PIRCCA has an overarching goal to enable policymakers in ASEAN countries to make informed decisions on (1) food security policies focusing on the supply and availability of rice, (2) climate change adaptation policies, and (3) gender action plans

    Continuous daylight in the high-Arctic summer supports high plankton respiration rates compared to those supported in the dark

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    Plankton respiration rate is a major component of global CO2 production and is forecasted to increase rapidly in the Arctic with warming. Yet, existing assessments in the Arctic evaluated plankton respiration in the dark. Evidence that plankton respiration may be stimulated in the light is particularly relevant for the high Arctic where plankton communities experience continuous daylight in spring and summer. Here we demonstrate that plankton community respiration evaluated under the continuous daylight conditions present in situ, tends to be higher than that evaluated in the dark. The ratio between community respiration measured in the light (Rlight) and in the dark (Rdark) increased as the 2/3 power of Rlight so that the Rlight:Rdark ratio increased from an average value of 1.37 at the median Rlight measured here (3.62 ”mol O2 L-1 d-1) to an average value of 17.56 at the highest Rlight measured here (15.8 ”mol O2 L-1 d-1). The role of respiratory processes as a source of CO2 in the Arctic has, therefore, been underestimated and is far more important than previously believed, particularly in the late spring, with 24 h photoperiods, when community respiration rates are highest

    The Importance of Edge Effects on the Intrinsic Loss Mechanisms of Graphene Nanoresonators

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    We utilize classical molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the intrinsic loss mechanisms of monolayer graphene nanoresonators undergoing flexural oscillations. We find that spurious edge modes of vibration, which arise not due to externally applied stresses but intrinsically due to the different vibrational properties of edge atoms, are the dominant intrinsic loss mechanism that reduces the Q-factors. We additionally find that while hydrogen passivation of the free edges is ineffective in reducing the spurious edge modes, fixing the free edges is critical to removing the spurious edge-induced vibrational states. Our atomistic simulations also show that the Q-factor degrades inversely proportional to temperature; furthermore, we also demonstrate that the intrinsic losses can be reduced significantly across a range of operating temperatures through the application of tensile mechanical strain.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Nano Letter

    First case of successful allogeneic stem cell transplantation in an HIV-patient who acquired severe Aplastic Anemia

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    We report on the first successful allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT) in an HIV-infected patient with severe aplastic anemia (SAA) performed at a tertiary care institution. Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) was administered until transplantation and restarted 34 days later with sustained virological response. The patient did however develop a rapid rise in HIV load during the interruption of HAART associated with an acute febrile illness. Due to the extended period between the onset of SAA until SCT, the posttransplant course was complicated by bacterial infections. Stage two skin GvHD, but no AIDS-defining opportunistic diseases were experienced. Neutrophils recovered to >0.5/nL on day +18 and the CD4 count reached 250/ÎŒL on day +71 and >500/ÎŒL on day +182. The patient is in good condition with an ECOG score of 0 twelve months after transplantation. This report demonstrates the feasibility of allogeneic stem cell transplantation in the HIV setting

    The Eurotower Strikes Back

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    The 2008 global financial crisis came with fears—and, for some, hopes—that a new wave of public mobilization would emerge in industrialized countries. Especially throughout the European Union (EU), the epicenter of the crisis, large protests were expected. Yet, the energy with which social groups mobilized against the proposed austerity measures quickly fizzled. This article provides new evidence for why this was the case. In line with Neo-Keynesian theory, we argue that the interest rate adjustments and political announcements of the European Central Bank (ECB) limited the potential for mass unrest in the member states of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) affected by the crisis. We provide evidence for our argument with yearly panel data and a new original data set of monthly political protests between 2001 and 2013. Our analyses support the hypothesis that the ECB was able to successfully assuage dissatisfaction with the limited reform options of the Eurozone member states in the wake of the Eurocrisis
