146 research outputs found

    Makna Desain Keris Dalam Budaya Jawa

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    Cultural objeds in Java besides owning high aesthetic value also have magical energy it is of course to which sure and trusting it. Arlistic to progressively form of the objed, hence will be valuable progressively high art and have deeper magical meaning. Keris as oneoi the cultural objed in Java owning very unique desain. Existence of keris cannot be discharged from a smith. Of hands of they keris created. Greatness of keris do not famous only just Java land. But have become heritage grand culture of world. Keris is cultural masterwork of parallel proper Indonesia with other masterpieces of whole world

    The Segmentation of Local Television Audiences in Central Java in the Digital Era

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    This theme of this article is the audiences segmentation by local television in Central Java. This study is motivated by the large amount of number of local television stations that have sprung up, as the digital era progresses. This study uses qualitative descriptive approach with the sample of five television stations, namely Banyumas TV, Semarang TV, TVKU Semarang, Simpang5 TV Pati, and also Ratih TV Kebumen. The target of the audiences segmentation demographically is the people aged 30 years and above, except TVKU Semarang, namely teenagers and students aged 15-25 years. The development in the digital era is now an opportunity to maintain the existence of local television by doing convergence of digital media. The concept of ā€˜Think Global Act Localā€™ is the opposite in the local television industry to become ā€˜Think Local Act Globalā€™, for the broadcasting world if they still want to exist in the digital media

    The Social Banditry in the Rural Areas of Rembang by the End of the 19th Century and at the Beginning of the 20th Century

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    The social banditry is the act of crime committed by the residents of a village or the people in the low economic and social stratum in order to fulfill their basic needs. Such an act is done due to the structural pressure which depresses the people in accessing the natural resources that support their lives. This structural pressure kept increasing in the rural areas of Rembang by the end of the 19th century, particularly after the issuance of the law on forestry in 1865 that enabled the forestry capitalism to be established. The limitation in the peopleā€™s access to the state forest as the manifestation of the domain concept and the exploitation of the teak forests done by the private businessmen became the trigger to the increasing acts of crime in the rural areas of Rembang. The scarcity of the local economic resources due to such natural factors as barren land and structural factors as the result of the penetration of the external power became the main trigger to the social banditry to take place in Rembang. There were many kinds of social banditry, such as illegal logging, robbery, ā€œkecuā€ (burglary), theft of possessions, etc. which were done against the assets owned by both the state and the individuals/groups. KEY WORDS: Social banditry, forest village, Rembang area, economic resources, and colonial exploitation

    Analisis Hasil Investasi Dana Asuransi Jiwa Syariah di Indonesia Periode 2014-2021

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    This paper aims to analysis the management of Islamic Life Insurance funds in Indonesia. From the OJK report, it was found that the investment returns of Sharia Life Insurance funds often experience losses, even though when viewed from the assets and investment value they have the highest interest compared to Sharia General Insurance and Sharia Reinsurance. The data in this study were obtained from OJK and the financial statements of Indonesian Sharia Insurance companies. This research uses quantitative method. The results of the study indicate that the main factor causing investment losses in Sharia Life Insurance funds is the placement of funds, which is dominated by the Capital Market sector, which accounts for 80% of the total investment. Total investment losses during the period 2014-2021 amounted to Rp.-42,713 billion. Total profit is Rp. 61,656 billion. So the total return on investment during this period is Rp. 18,943 billion of the total investment of Rp. 2.485 trillion or only 1%. The solution is that Sharia Life Insurance companies need to look for alternative financing sectors other than the Capital Market


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    Wayang beber Pacitan is considered as one of the unique traditional heritage because it is not found in other places. The uniqueness of wayang beber Pacitan can be seen from its shape, function, and meaning. Wayang beber is considered sacred by its community, particularly the relatives of the dalang (puppeter) of wayang beber who lives in Dusun Karangtalun, Desa Gedompol, Donorojo. However, in its development the existence of the traditional arts is threathened because of the influence of modern cultural values. The efforts to revitalize wayang beber has been undertaken by the local government and other related stakeholders. However, the effort to revitalize wayang beber is not yet successful because there are still constraints, both internal and external. The former view of wayang beber as well as the pressure of modern culture has constrained the revitalization of wayang beber. Similarly, transforming wayang beber from community art to tourist art is another constraint. Key words: cultural identity, revitalization, tourism, wayang beber. Wayang beber Pacitan termasuk salah satu warisan seni tradisi yang langka dan unik karena tidak ditemukan di tempat lain. Kelangkaan dan keunikan wayang beber Pacitan dapat dilihat dari bentuk, fungsi, dan makna yang terkandung di dalamnya. Kesenian ini sangat disakralkan oleh pendukungnya khususnya keluarga dalang Wayang beber yang tinggal di Dusun Karangtalun, Desa Gedompol, Donorojo. Namun kesenian tradisi ini terancam punah karena terdesak oleh nilai-nilai budaya modern. Usaha revitalisasi wayang beber telah dilakukan walaupun belum optimal karena beberapa hambatan. Pandangan lama atas wayang beber dan desakan budaya modern menghambat revitalisasi wayang beber. Demikian pula mentransformasikan Wayang beber dari seni sakral (community art) menjadi seni hiburan (tourist art) menjadi hambatan lain yang belum sepenuhnya teratasi. Oleh karena itu, revitalisasi wayang beber harus dimulai dengan kebijakan yang tepat, komitmen pemimpin daerah, dukungan masyarakat dan swasta, serta dilakukan secara sinergis antarpara pihak yang peduli terhadap wayang beber. Kata Kunci: wayang beber, revitalisasi, identita

    Sertifikasi Halal dan Implikasinya Bagi Bisnis Produk Halal di Indonesia

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    This paper aims to determine the implications of halal certification for the halal product business in Indonesia. The issue of halal has become a global trend marked by the presence of halal certification institutions in various parts of the world. This paper uses descriptive qualitative methods through a review of relevant literature and observations of the practice of implementing halal guarantee systems in Indonesia. Data obtained through journals, books, magazines, newspapers, electronic media, such as the official website of LPPOM MUI and personal communication with competent sources. The results showed that the certification of halal products has positive implications in building a halal business climate in Indonesia. For consumers, halal certification provides protection, guarantees, product halal information and becomes an instrument of business ethics. For business people, halal certification provides benefits to increase consumer confidence and reach the global halal food market

    Peranan Bank Syariah Indonesia dalam Memajukan Sektor Industri Makanan Halal

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    This research aims to determine the role of Indonesian Sharia Banking in advancing the halal food industry in Indonesia and determine the types of financing products used. This research is descriptive qualitative in nature, the data sources the author uses are primary and secondary data. Data collection was carried out by means of observation, interviews, literature study and documentation. The results of this research show that Bank Syariah Indonesia plays a role in developing the halal food industry in Indonesia through; (a) KUR financing products, namely BSI KUR Micro and BSI KUR Small. This funding also supports the development of halal food businesses for micro-entrepreneurs in the Tangerang Balaraja area. (b) Human Resources Development. These two products play a crucial role in advancing the halal food industry in the area and contributing to improving the economy of their customers. However, BSI KCP Tangerang Balaraja needs to supervise the use of financing so that it is actually used for business capital needs and not for consumtive needs

    Volksraad (People Council): Radicale Concentratie Political Arena and National Fraction, 1918-1942

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    This paper discusses the legislative institutions callled Volksraad established by the Dutch East Indies, which further used by the nationalist-moderate to achieve the nationalĀ  independence of Indonesia. Historical method was used in this research. The historical method is distinguished into several stages, namely heuristic, critic, analysis, and historiography. Indonesiaā€™s political figures established Radicale Concentratie to unite in order to achieve independence. Radicale Concentratie put a great pressure on the Dutch East Indies government. Radicale Concentratie no longer operated because of some conflicts that occurred among its members and the arrests done by the Dutch East Indies government. Radicale Concentratieā€™s struggle was continued by National Fraction which was established on 27 January 1930. The proposition of National Fraction that was fulfilled was the change in the nomenclatur of Indlander to Indonesisch. National Fraction often turned down the budget plan proposed by the Governor-General in preparing for the Second World War. This is because the Dutch East Indies fleet was funded by Indonesian taxes and the taxes were planned to be increased in order to win the war

    Boedi Oetomo: The Multi Ethnic and Pioneering Organization to the Spirit of Nationalism

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    The Dutch government had once launched the Ethical Policy in Indonesia, leading to the birth of the national movement. Indonesia implemented the national movement as an effort to build nationalism spirit of the people. The aim of this study is to analyze the nationalism spirit of Boedi Oetomo organization members during the movement period. This employed historical method, in addition to using literature study to analyze the data. Boedi Oetomo was the first organization established during the national movement in Indonesia. This organization is engaged in social and education, as a result of Dutch colonialism in Indonesia. This organization was run by scholars or students consisting of various ethnic backgrounds in Indonesia. From studies of literature, it is found an analysis of the nationalism spirit that appears on the members by joining Boedi Oetomo organization. The diversity of tribes, races and religions within the organization had never been a reason for dispersion, however, it is jsut a symbol to unite and realize the ideals of the Indonesian nation. Although Indonesia consists of many islands and the people of different ethnic and class backgrounds,Ā  but by the spirit of nationalism can unite them

    Tantangan Penulisan Sejarah Lokal

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    Abstrak: Sejarah lokal selalu menarik diperbincangan karena dua hal. Pertama, batasan ā€œlokalā€ cukup problematis karena selalu mengalami perubahan cakupan dan maknanya. Istilah lokal seringkali dihadapkan atau dipertentangkan dengan supra-lokal (regional, nasional, global). Makna lokalpun tidak statis dan tunggal tetapi selalu berubah sesuai konteks zaman. Oleh karena itu, penulisan sejarah lokal, seperti penulisan unit sejarah lainnya, dihadapkan bukan hanya persoalan kepastian historis yang menuntut tersedianya sumber yang lengkap dan valid, tetapi juga persoalan penjelasan sejarah yang menuntut pendekatan multidimensional dengan kerangka teoritik dan metodologi yang relevan. Di luar persoalan kepastian dan pemaknaan historis, penulisan sejarah lokal juga dihadapkan pada unsur kewajaran sejarah (fairness) yang bersifat non-akademik. Berbagai kepentingan, orientasi filosofis, prasangka ideologis, seringkali menyelinap dengan sengaja ke dalam proses penulisan sejarah lokal. Dengan mengesampingkan persoalan yang disebutkan terakhir ini, penulisan sejarah lokal ke depan harus tetap bertumpu pada prinsip-prinsip teori dan metodologi sejarah kritis agar dapat memberi kontribusi positif bagi pengembangan penulisan sejarah nasional yang bercorak indonesiasentrisme.Kata Kunci: sejarah, lokal, nasionalAbstract: local history is attracting to be discussed because of two reasons. Firstly, the limitation of local creates some problems. This is caused by the change of scope and meaning. The term of local is also faced with the antonym term of regional, national, or global. The meaning of local is flexible but changes based on the spirit of age. Therefore, the writing of local history faces not only the scarcity of historical sources but also the need of multidimentional approach and relevant theoretical framework and methodology. In addition, the matter of historical fairness contributes to the complexity of historical study. Some interests, philosophical orientation, and ideological prejudice are often to shape the local historiography. Local history writing should be directed into the base of theoretical principles and methodology in order to give positive contribution for develping the writing of national history based on Indonesiacentrism perspective.Keywords: history, local, nationalDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um020v11i12017p12
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